Ohio History Journal

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256 Ohio Arch

256      Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.








Ladies and Gentlemen:

I come to you from the adjoining State to join with you in

this celebration. We have a common interest in this historic

event with you. I will detain you but a few minutes. We have

been together and associated together in four of the great im-

portant events that have touched the Northwest. When Wolfe

met the French at Quebec this territory was transferred from

France to Great Britain. When General George Rodgers Clark

found the British holding the forts in the Northwest, and

throughout this territory, he was enabled to capture Kaskaskia

and Vincennes, and this country was turned over to the United

States, all that rich domain northwest of the Ohio being secured

to the Republic in consequence of his prowess. Again, Indiana

was associated with you when the Ordinance of 1787 was

adopted, - the grandest ordinance for the government of ter-

ritory that has ever been conceived by man. Its influence has

been radiating from that day to this. Again, we were interested

and associated with you when the splendid victories were made

after a series of defeats that culminated in the Treaty in your

city, which you are honoring to-day.

The respect that you are showing here is appreciated not

only by Ohio, but by every State in the Northwest. The paper

presented gave us a fine historical account of how we have trav-

eled together, how we have been associated together. Yours

was the first State formed under the Ordinance of 1787; my

good State, Indiana, was the second; but from the days of that

Ordinance and from the days of this Treaty, we have moved a

pace that has incited the admiration of the world. The Indians,

up to the time that Wayne passed through with his army held

this country in their grasp. The Revolutionary War had been

closed for a number of years, and there was a large portion of

the population that wanted to come westward. But the Indian