An Outing on the Congo. 349
Many of your readers are, doubtless,
familiar with Stanley's
expeditions in Africa, tracing the
wendings of that hitherto
unknown river of her western deserts,
called the Congo. His first
exploration was in search of Livingston,
and the second of his
voyages was for the purpose of locating
that eminent and eccen-
tric traveler, Emin Pasha, and thus to
Stanley, as well as the
civilized world, the expeditions were a
revelation of a new ter-
restrial existence --rich in its
treasures of silver and gold -
its ivory and precious gems - its
fertility of soil, and its won-
derful variety of animal and vegetable
life. It has already ex-
cited the cupidity of modern Europe, and
eager nations are now
earnestly struggling for its dominion.
But it is not of this Congo we write.
There is another stream
of much less pretentiousness in the
volume of its waters, but far
more classic in its associations, and
richer, by far, in thrilling his-
torical incident. This Congo we now
sketch, does not aspire to
the dignity of a river, nor even a
creek; it is what would be called
in New England a brook, and in
the South a run. It does not
rush from precipitous heights dashing
its waves against rocks
and cliffs, but gently meanders along
low lying meadows, through
quiet landscapes, lazily floating onward
to the Scioto, and thence
to the ocean.
Few, indeed, of this generation have
known, or even heard
of this classic water; and yet, it is
but an hour's ride from the
historic city of Ohio - its "Ancient Metropolis,"
We pass over smoothly gravelled roads,
along cultivated fields
and ornamental gardens, by spacious
mansions of classic architec-
tural taste, until nearly approaching
the Pickaway Plains. The
350 Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.
stream stretches along the southern side
of this plateau, in what
might be termed the uplands, and is fed
by the numerous springs
along its course and the surface
drainage of the lands through
which it flows.
On a beautiful day in the month of May,
1894, the writer,
with a professional photographer, made
an outing to this historic
stream, the object being to secure
photographic views of some
of the more noted localities, rendered
famous from the events
which there transpired in the early
history of the country. Chief
among these is the famed Logan Elm, under
which, it is said,
Lord Dunmore, Governor of Virginia,
concluded a treaty of peace
with the confederated tribes of the
Shawnees, and other Indians,
on which occasion the classic speech of
the Mingo chief, Logan,
is said to have been delivered. This was
in the autumn of the
year 1774, immediately after the
battle of Point Pleasant, Vir-
ginia, at the mouth of the Great
Kanawha. It was, perhaps, the
longest continued and most hotly
contested conflict in the annals
of Indian warfare. The fatalities were
appalling on both sides.
More than one thousand of the allied
savages, under command
of the noted warrior, Cornstalk, were
opposed to about an equal
number of Virginians under General
Andrew Lewis. The battle
commenced at sunrise on the morning of
the tenth of October,
1774, and lasted till darkness closed
the scene. The losses by
the Virginians were two colonels, five
captains, three lieutenants,
and many subalterns, beside seventy-five
privates; while that of
the Indians was computed at two hundred
and thirty-three. Under
cover of darkness Cornstalk withdrew his
forces, recrossed the
Ohio in haste, and retreated to his
towns in the Pickaway Plains.
The engagement of the forces of General
Lewis was a sur-
prise - he was not anticipating an
attack, and had made no
preparations for defence. He was looking
to the Pickaway towns
as the scene of the intended conflict,
and rested in ignorant
security that his foe was alike
unsuspecting. But in this, as it
proved, he was fatally mistaken. The
vigilance of his scouts
had long since advised Cornstalk of
Lewis's advance and gave
him timely warning of the approach of
his enemies. He hurriedly
collected his forces and resolved to
meet the Virginians on their
THE LAST COLONIAL GOVERNOR OF VIRGINIA. From a very tine portrait in the State Library Gallery at Richmond, Va. [ From the address of Judge J. H. Anderson, of Columbus, before five or six thousand people on the banks of the Tymochtee, near Crawford's monument, in Crawford town- ship, Wyandot county, Ohio. Published by The Ohio Historical Society, by permission of the author.] (351) |
352 Ohio
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own soil. When Lewis had arrived at the
appointed rendezvous
with Dunmore, Cornstalk was already
there to meet him.
"Calm as the breeze, but terrible
as the storm." The plan
of the campaign, previously agreed upon
between General Lewis
and Lord Dunmore, was, that Lewis was to
descend the Kanawha
to its junction with the Ohio, and if
not already there, then await
the arrival of Dunmore. The Earl was to
march his forces of one
thousand men up the Potomac to
Cumberland, cross the Alle-
ghenies, until he struck the
Monongahela, thence, following that
stream downward, reach Fort Pitt, and
thence descend the Ohio
to Point Pleasant and form a junction
with Lewis. This was
the original plan of operation.
On the first of October, 1774, Lewis
reached the mouth of
the Kanawha, but Dunmore had not
arrived. He dispatched two
messengers to Dunmore to enquire the
cause of his delay, and
awaited a reply. On the ninth of
October, three messengers from
the Earl arrived at Lewis's camp and
informed him that the Gov-
ernor had changed his plans, that he
would not meet Lewis at
the Point, but would descend the Ohio to
the mouth of the
Hockhocking river, ascend that stream to
the Falls, and thence
strike off to the Pickaway towns along
the Scioto, whither he
ordered Lewis to repair and meet him as
soon as possible, there
to end the campaign.
This information as to the change of the
plan reached Lewis
on the ninth of the month. It is evident
that Cornstalk had
received like intelligence of such
change, for, on the morning
of the tenth, he struck his unsuspecting
foe with a staggering
blow hitherto unprecedented in savage
"For several days after the battle
Lewis was busy burying
the dead, caring for the wounded,
collecting the scattered cattle,
and building a storehouse and a small
stockade fort. Early on
the morning of the thirteenth of October
messengers who had
been sent on to Dunmore advising him of
the battle returned with
orders to Lewis to march at once with
all of his available forces
against the Shawnee towns, and when
within twenty-five miles
of Chillicothe to write to his lordship.
The next day the last rear
guard, with the remaining beeves,
arrived from the mouth of the
Elk, and while work on the defences at
the Point was hurried,
An Outing on the Congo. 353
preparations were made for the march. By
evening of the seven-
teenth Lewis, with fifteen hundred men
in good condition, had
crossed the Ohio and gone into camp on
the north side. Each
man had ten days' supply of flour, a
half pound of powder, and
a pound and a half of bullets; while to
each company was assigned
a pack-horse for the tents. Point
Pleasant was left in command
of Colonel Fleming, who had been
severely wounded in the battle,
and with whom three other officers and
one hundred and fifty
disabled men remained. On the eighteenth
Lewis, with Captain
Arbuckle as guide, advanced towards the
Shawnee towns, eighty
miles distant in a straight line, and
probably one hundred and
fifty miles by the circuitous Indian
trails. The army marched about
eleven miles a day, frequently seeing
hostile parties, but engaging
none. Reaching the salt licks near the
head of the south branch
of Salt Creek in what is now Jackson
County, they descended
that valley to the Scioto, and thence to
a prairie on Kinnikinnick
Creek, where was the freshly deserted
village of one of the tribes.
This was thirteen miles south of
Chillicothe (now Westfall). Here
they were met, early on the
twenty-fourth, by a messenger from
Dunmore, ordering them to halt, as a
treaty was nearly concluded
at Camp Charlotte. But Lewis's army had
been fired on that
morning and the place was untenable for
a camp in a hostile
country, so he concluded to seek a more
desirable situation. A
few hours later another messenger came,
again promptly ordering
a halt, as the Shawnees had practically
come to terms. Lewis
now determined to join the northern
division in force at Camp
Charlotte, not liking to have the two
armies separated in the
face of a treacherous enemy; but his
guide mistook the trail
and took one leading directly to the
Grandier Squaw's Town.
Lewis encamped that night on the west
side of Congo Creek,
two miles above its mouth, and five and
a quarter miles from old
Chillicothe, with the Indian town half
way between. The Shaw-
nees were now greatly alarmed and
angered, and Dunmore him-
self, accompanied by the Delaware chief,
White Eyes, a trader,
John Gibson, and fifty volunteers, rode
over in hot haste that
evening to stop Lewis and reprimand him.
His lordship was
mollified by Lewis's explanations, but
the latter's men, and indeed
Dunmore's, were furious over being
stopped when within sight
Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.
of their hated quarry; and tradition has
it that it was necessary
to treble the guards during the night to
prevent Dunmore and
White Eyes from being killed. The
following morning (the
twenty-fifth) his lordship met and
courteously thanked Lewis's
men for their valiant service; but said,
that now the Shawnees
had acceded to his wishes, the further
presence of the southern
division might engender bad blood. Thus
dismissed, Lewis led
his army back to Point Pleasant."*
On his arrival at the Indian villages,
as security against an
attack of the enemy, Dunmore caused a
square of about two
acres, near Sippo, and in close
proximity to Congo, to be enclosed
with a palisade, in the center of which
was erected a block-house
to be used for headquarters. The whole
formed a temporary
barrier against any hostile force which
might oppose him. This
he named Camp Charlotte, in honor of the
young reigning Queen
of England, whose husband's commission,
as Governor of Vir-
ginia, he bore. About two and a half
miles west of Camp Char-
lotte Lewis encamped his forces, which
locality has since been
known as Camp Lewis. The latter
encampment was on the
lands since entered and settled by Major
John Boggs in 1798,
embracing or near the famous Logan
Elm on the banks of the
Congo. It has since passed out of the
possession of Major Boggs'
descendants, and is now owned by Mrs.
Mary A. Wallace, widow
of the late Samuel S. Wallace, an
attorney of Chillicothe.
The former is situated on the lands
originally entered and
settled upon by the late George Wolfe,
and is yet in the possession
of his grandson, Benjamin F. Wolfe.
These encampments have
been often confounded with each other.
History is rich in incidents which
occurred on the banks
of the Sippo and the Congo. They are
both small streams sit-
uate but a short distance apart, the
former entering the latter
about two miles from its confluence with
the Scioto.
The troops of Dunmore and Lewis united
numbered two
thousand five hundred officers and men.
Their formidable pres-
ence, planted at the very gates of their
hunting grounds, and
at the doors of their villages, spread
consternation and alarm
* R. G. Thwaite's Note in Border Warfare 176-7.
(355) |
356 Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.
among these savage inhabitants. Their
voices were now for
peace - peace on almost any terms.
Cornstalk was a noble war-
rior - full of courage, and at the same
time full of soul. At
the battle of Point Pleasant he
commanded his Indian forces
with consummate skill, and at any time
his warriors were be-
lieved to waver his voice could be heard
above the din of battle
exclaiming in his native tongue:
"Be brave! Be brave!" - "Be
strong! Be strong!" When he
returned to the Pickaway towns
he called a council of the nation to
consult as to what should
now be done and upbraided them for not
permitting him to
make peace, as he had desired on the
night of the battle. "What,"
said he, "will you do now? The big
knife is coming on us, and
we shall all be killed. Now you must
fight, or we are done."
But no one answering, he said:
"Then let us kill all our women
and children and go and fight until we
die." No answer still hav-
ing been made, he indignantly arose,
struck his tomahawk in a
post of the council house and exclaimed:
"I'll go and make
peace," to which all warriors
grunted "Ough!" "'Ough!" and
runners were instantly dispatched to
Dunmore to solicit peace.
Dunmore was met, even before he reached
the Indian vil-
lages, by a messenger (a white man) from
Cornstalk, anxious for
an accommodation. The messenger was
returned, accompanied
by John Gibson and Simon Girty - the
latter was then a scout
for Dunmore and had not then commenced
his notorious ren-
egade career. The two soon brought back
an answer from the
Shawnees expressing a desire for peace.
A council of the prin-
cipal chiefs were then assembled under
the wide-spreading
branches of the famed Elm Tree.
Messengers were dispatched
for the famous Mingo chief Logan, whose
residence, we have
mentioned, was at Old Chillicothe, about
two miles distant on
the west side of the Scioto. But Logan,
like Achilles, sulked
in his tent - he refused to attend.
"Two or three days before
the signing of the treaty," says an
eye witness, "when I was on
the out guard, Simon Girty, who was
passing by, stopped me
and conversed; he said he 'was going
after Logan, but he did
not like his business, for he was a
surly fellow.' He, however,
proceeded on, and I saw him return on
the day of the treaty,
and Logan was not with him. At this time
a circle was formed
Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.
and the treaty begun. I saw John Gibson,
on Girty's arrival,
get up and go out of the circle and talk
with Girty, after which
he, Gibson, went into a tent, and soon
after, returning into the
circle, drew out of his pocket a piece
of clean paper, on which
was written, in his own hand writing, a
speech for, and in the
name of Logan. Girty from recollection
translated the speech
to Gibson, and the latter put it into
excellent English, as he was
abundantly capable of doing."
This speech was first brought into
public notoriety by Pres-
ident Jefferson in his Notes on
Virginia. Its publication, by him,
produced an embittered controversy as to
the genuineness of the
production - principally on the part of
the family and friends of
Major Michael Cresap, whose name had
been assailed, in that
Major Cresap was therein charged with
having, in cold blood,
murdered Logan's family. Mr. Jefferson
having been accused
of the sole authorship of the speech,
was compelled, in vindica-
tion, to furnish a statement of the
facts occasioning its publica-
tion. In this he says:
"The notes on Virginia were written
in the year 1781 and
1788, in answer to certain queries
proposed to me by Mons. De
Marbois, then Secretary of the French
Legation in the United
States; and a manuscript copy was
delivered to him. A few
copies, with some additions, were
afterwards, in 1784, printed
in Paris, and given to particular
friends. In speaking of the
animals of America, the theory of M. de
Buffon, Abbe Raynal,
and others presented itself to
consideration. They have supposed
there is something in the soil, climate
and other circumstances
of America which occasions animal nature
to degenerate, not
excepting even the man, native, or
adoptive, physical or moral.
This theory, so unfounded and degrading
to one-third of the
globe, was called to the bar of fact and
reason. Among other
proofs adduced in contradiction of this
hypothesis, the speech of
Logan, an Indian chief, delivered to
Lord Dunmore in 1774, was
produced as a specimen of the talents of
the aboriginals of this
country, and particularly of their
eloquence; and it was believed
that Europe had never produced anything
superior to this morsel
of eloquence. In order to make it
intelligible to the reader, the
transaction on which it was founded was
stated as it had been
An Outing on the
Congo. 359
generally related in America at the time
and as I had heard it
myself in the circle of Lord Dunmore and
the officers who
accompanied him; and the speech itself
was given as it had,
ten years before the printing of that
book, circulated in the news-
papers through all the then colonies -
through the magazines
of Great Britain, and the periodical
publications of Europe. For
three and twenty years it passed
uncontradicted; nor was it ever
suspected that it even admitted
contradiction. In 1797, however,
for the first time, not only the whole
transaction respecting Logan
was affirmed in public papers to be
false, but the speech itself sug-
gested to be a forgery, and even a
forgery of mine, to aid me
in proving that the man of America was
equal in body and mind
to the man of Europe. But wherefore the
forgery? Whether
Logan's or mine, it still would have
been American. I should,
indeed, consult my own fame, if the
suggestion that this speech
is mine were suffered to be believed. He
would have a just right
to be proud who could, with truth, claim
that composition. But
it is none of mine, and I yield it to
whom it is due.
"On seeing then, that this
transaction was brought into
question, I thought it my duty to make
particular enquiry into
its foundation. It was more my duty, as
it was alleged that, by
ascribing to an individual therein named
a participation in the
murder of Logan's family, I had done an
injury to his character
which it had not deserved."
Mr. Jefferson, after a voluminous
correspondence with, and
numerous affidavits of, officers and men
of Lord Dunmore's
forces, very clearly established the
genuineness of Logan's speech,
but has left in some doubt the question
as to whether Logan's
family were murdered by Major Michael
Cresap or Greathouse,
a subaltern under his command.
Nevertheless, Logan confidently
believed Cresap to have been the author.
Among the numerous
affidavits procured by Mr. Jefferson was
one of Captain John
Gibson himself, who interpreted the
speech; and as his account
of the transaction differs from that of
"An Eye Witness," we
give his version of it. He relates that,
having delivered to
Logan the message of Dunmore at Old
Chillicothe, Logan re-
fused to attend the council. But, at the
chief's request, they went
into an adjoining wood and sat down.
Here, after shedding
Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.
abundance of tears, the honored chief
told his pathetic story.
Gibson repeated it to the council on the
Congo and it was caused
to be published in the Virginia
Gazette of that year. We tran-
scribe it as it then appeared.
"I appeal to any white man to say
if ever he entered Logan's
cabin hungry, and I gave him not meat;
if ever he came cold
or naked, and I gave him not clothing.
"During the course of the last long
and bloody war, Logan
remained in his tent, an advocate for
peace. Nay, such was
my love for the whites, that those of my
country pointed at me
as they passed and said, 'Logan is the
friend of the white man.'
I had even thought to have lived among
you, but for the injuries
of one man. Colonel Cresap, the last
spring, in cold blood and
unprovoked, cut off all the relations of
Logan, not sparing even
my women and children. There runs not a
drop of my blood
in the veins of any human creature. This
called on me for
revenge. I have sought it. I have killed
many. I have fully
glutted my vengeance. For my country I
rejoice at the beams
of peace. Yet, do not harbor the thought
that mine is the joy
of fear. Logan never felt fear. He will
not turn on his heel
to save his life. Who is there to mourn
for Logan? Not one."
"I may challenge," says Mr.
Jefferson, "the whole orations
of Demosthenes and Cicero, and of any
more eminent orator, if
Europe has furnished more eminent, to
produce a single passage
superior to the speech of Logan, a Mingo
chief, to Lord Dunmore.
The famed Logan Elm, given in the
view, is also known as
the Treaty Tree. The speech of
Logan is erroneously supposed
to have been extemporized in person to
the council assembled
beneath its branches. But such was not
the fact. It was com-
municated to Gibson in his Indian
vernacular, and by Gibson
interpreted to Dunmore at the meeting of
the council. The tree
is still standing and in the same
vigorous condition it was when
it sheltered the combined
representatives of the hostile forces.
The storms of an hundred and twenty
years have failed to leave
their impress upon it, and it yet stands
as monarch of the woods
and a lasting memorial of the event
which it commemorates.
(361) |
362 Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.
In one of the views presented, Congo's
placid stream is
faintly seen flowing in the foreground,
while at some two hundred
feet from the body of the elm may be
observed the remains of
the once famous Boggs Cabin. In the
second view is shown,
from an opposite standpoint, the
imposing Boggs monument,
now occupying the spot where the cabin
once stood. It is an
elegant and costly memorial,
commemorative of the family and
the events which there transpired,
affording a brief but vivid
history of those who were reared under
the wide-spreading
branches, and disported their youthful
exuberance beneath the
famed Elm.
Its dimensions, by actual measurements,
are seventy feet
in hight; the spread of its branches, in
diameter, one hundred
and twenty feet, and the girth of its
body twenty feet.
The monument seen in the rising ground,
measured by esti-
mation only, is, at its base, ten feet
square; hight of base, six
feet; hight of shaft, fifteen feet; and
square of shaft, at base,
five feet, tapering to three at the top.
It bears the following inscriptions and
memorials on its sev-
eral sides as follows:
Under the spreading branches of a
magnificent elm tree
near by, is where Logan, the Mingo
chief, made his celebrated
speech, and where Lord Dunmore concluded
his treaty with the
Indians, in 1774, and thereby opened
this country for the settle-
ment of our forefathers.
Erected by John Boggs to the memory of
his grandfather,
and father- soldier, scout and pioneer.
Major John Boggs, born near Wheeling,
Virginia, 1775.
Moved to Ohio with his father, 1789.
Married Sarah McMechan,
1800. Raised eight children, all born in a cabin that stood
this spot. His wife, Sarah, died 1851.
He died 1863.
(363) |
364 Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.
Captain John Boggs, born in Western
Pennsylvania, 1738.
Married Jane Irwin and raised a large
family on the frontier,
near Wheeling, W. Va.
"One son, William, was taken
prisoner by the Indians in
view of his father's cabin, which is
here represented. Another,
James, was killed by them near
Cambridge, Ohio. Immigrated
to Ohio, and built his cabin on this
spot 1789 and died 1820."
The representation of the capture of
William by the Indians,
mentioned in the inscription, is one of
the most exquisite speci-
mens of mural art anywhere to be found
on any private monu-
ment. It is a bronzed tablet, two feet
six, by fourteen inches, in-
serted in the granite base. The picture
of the capture is executed
in bas relief, and of high relief, the
figures one-half to one inch
high. It represents a beautiful
landscape intended to be, and is,
almost an exact representation of the
cabin and its surroundings.
In the left-hand corner is the log
cabin, at the corner of which
stands the figure of a white man with
his gun at his shoulder
and his eye peering along the barrel.
The wife and children stand
secreted behind the cabin. Obliquely to
the left, and fronting
the door, stands an Indian in anxious
expectancy. At the right
of the man is a waving field of grain
surrounded by a rail fence -
commonly designated a Virginia worm
fence. Several panels
have been thrown down, and a herd of
cattle are feeding on the
growing grain. Near the fence is seen a
boy in flight up a
slight ascent, making his way to a
palisade on the crest of the ridge.
After him is a band of several Indians
in hot pursuit. The whole
scene is a thrilling and vivid
representation of the scene that
on that spot once actually occurred. It
needs no interpreter;
it conveys, at once, to the
understanding what is then and there
being enacted. The stealthy savages,
under cover of darkness,
have laid down the fence and turned the
cattle upon the growing
grain; secreted in ambush they patiently
await approaching day,
anticipating the events to occur in the
morning. The results
showed their strategy complete, their
decoy successful. The boy,
awakening at sunrise, views the
desolating scene, and, unsuspect-
ing the authors of the mischief,
impulsively rushes after the de-
An Outing on the Congo. 365
stroying herd. Suddenly his course is
interrupted by the terrible
apparition of a hostile foe that rises
before him. He turns and
retreats towards the cabin, but there
too appears another of the
band to intercept his entrance. No hope
of escape now presents
itself save that of reaching the
palisade on the ridge in the dis-
He turns and with accelerated speed vainly endeavors
to reach the goal. His course is beset
with increasing pursuers
on all sides, and at length, exhausted
by the effort, he is over-
taken and made captive to Indian
strategy and Indian cunning.
Meanwhile his anxious father stands
sentinel at the cabin's corner,
guarding the family from the intruding
savage in the front, while
the receding form of his son, pursued by
a hostile force, appalls
his agonized soul.
Such is here depicted the memorable
scenes of our fore-
fathers, preserved in imperishable
bronze and granite, where future
generations may pause and read the story
of their sacrifices and
their sufferings while marking out the
path of Empire.
As we stand before this consecrated
record, sublime reveries
and holy reflections crowd upon our mind
and extort the sigh
of sadness which a scene like this
inspires. In the cycles of
the centuries three generations have
played their parts on this
tragic stage of human life. Men and
women, savage and civilized,
have been in succession gathered to the
shades of their fathers.
Our feet, even now, press the sward
above their graves, where
now, in silence, side by side, and
crumbling to decay, lie the
bones of the red warrior, who once
roamed these forests, and
his ancient foe, the white man.
How apt to this place - this hour -
this scene recur the
words of the immortal bard Bryant.
"Then came the hunter's tribes, and
thou didst look,
For ages, on their deeds in the hard
And well fought wars; green sod and
silver brook
Took the first stain of blood: before
thy face
The warrior generations came and passed,
And glory was laid up for many an age to
366 Ohio
Arch. and His. Society Publications.
"Now they are gone, gone as thy
setting blaze
Goes down the west, while night is
pressing on
And with them, the old tale of better
And trophies of remembered power, are
Yon field that gives the harvest, where
the plough
Strikes the white bone, is all that
tells their story now.
"I stand upon their ashes, in thy
The offspring of another race, I stand
Beside a stream they loved, this valley
And where the night-fire of the quivered
Showed the gray elm by fits and war-song
I teach the quiet shades the strains of
this new tongue.
"Farewell! but thou shalt come
again-thy light
Must shine on other changes, and behold
The place of the thronged city, still as
States fallen-new empires built upon the
But never shalt thou see these realms
Darkened by boundless groves, and roamed
by savage men.'
An Outing on the Congo. 349
Many of your readers are, doubtless,
familiar with Stanley's
expeditions in Africa, tracing the
wendings of that hitherto
unknown river of her western deserts,
called the Congo. His first
exploration was in search of Livingston,
and the second of his
voyages was for the purpose of locating
that eminent and eccen-
tric traveler, Emin Pasha, and thus to
Stanley, as well as the
civilized world, the expeditions were a
revelation of a new ter-
restrial existence --rich in its
treasures of silver and gold -
its ivory and precious gems - its
fertility of soil, and its won-
derful variety of animal and vegetable
life. It has already ex-
cited the cupidity of modern Europe, and
eager nations are now
earnestly struggling for its dominion.
But it is not of this Congo we write.
There is another stream
of much less pretentiousness in the
volume of its waters, but far
more classic in its associations, and
richer, by far, in thrilling his-
torical incident. This Congo we now
sketch, does not aspire to
the dignity of a river, nor even a
creek; it is what would be called
in New England a brook, and in
the South a run. It does not
rush from precipitous heights dashing
its waves against rocks
and cliffs, but gently meanders along
low lying meadows, through
quiet landscapes, lazily floating onward
to the Scioto, and thence
to the ocean.
Few, indeed, of this generation have
known, or even heard
of this classic water; and yet, it is
but an hour's ride from the
historic city of Ohio - its "Ancient Metropolis,"
We pass over smoothly gravelled roads,
along cultivated fields
and ornamental gardens, by spacious
mansions of classic architec-
tural taste, until nearly approaching
the Pickaway Plains. The