Ohio History Journal

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Exercises of a unique and interesting character were held

at Mansfield, Ohio, on the afternoon of November 8, 1900. It

was the dedication in the Sherman-Heineman Park of the mon-

ument to the memory of John Chapman, otherwise and more

popularly known as "Johnny Apple-

seed," one of the historic characters

of early Ohio, and particularly of the

pioneer days of Richland county.

The weather was not propitious for

a numerous gathering of spectators,

but those who were present will ever

remember the occasion with peculiar

interest. The monument was a gift

to the city by Hon. M. B. Bushnell,*

one of the Park Commissioners.

The lower part of the monument is

a buff stone, and bears the inscrip-

tion "In memory of John Chapman,

best known as 'Johnny Appleseed,'

pioneer nurseryman of Richland county from 181O to 1830.",

On the opposite side are the names of the Park Commissioners.

"Martin B. Bushnell, Henry M. Weaver and Roeliff Brinker-

hoff, Sr., 1900." The dedicatory ceremonies were by invitation

of the Park Commissioners conducted under the auspices of the

Historical Society of Richland county, the members of which,

in addition to the city officials, were specially invited to be

present. The invocation was pronounced by the Rev. Dr. H. L.

Wiles, of the First Lutheran Church. General Roeliff Brinker-

hoff, one of the Park Commissioners, and President of the Ohio

State Archaeological Society, then made the following address:

*The gentleman who erected the monument to the memory of

"Johnny Appleseed" in the Sherman-Heineman Park at Mansfield, O.
