128 Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.
the citizens of all the states and the
republics to the south of us may
spend many pleasant hours and may find
rest and comfort. It is my
duty to turn our building over to the
Pan-American, and in doing so I
express the sincere hope that your
exposition may have the great success
which always should accompany efforts so
earnest, so able and so mag-
nificent and wonderful in results as are
those made by the officials of
the exposition and the citizens of
Buffalo. I thank you for your attention
and I again wish you great
Gov. Nash's brief speech was applauded
President John G. Milburn then accepted
the Ohio Building
in behalf of the Exposition. He referred
earnestly to the very
cordial encouragement and effective
co-operation which had been
given to the Pan-American by the State
of Ohio from the incep-
tion of the exposition project. He
assured the Ohioans that their
assistance and their presence on their
day was greatly appreci-
ated. It was only through such sympathy
and co-operation as
had been extended by Ohio that the great
purpose of the Pan-
American, the making better known to the
people of South and
Central America of our people, and the
making of them better
known to the people of this country, the
bringing together of the
Americas, could be accomplished.
"Those of us engaged in this
work," said Mr. Milburn, in
conclusion, "are sincerely grateful
and the day will never come
when we will forget how Ohio stood by us
and helped us to ac-
complish what we have done."
The Hon. Charles W. Baker of Cincinnati
followed with an
eloquent address upon the topic,
"Ohio, the First Child of the
Northwest." He said:
"The fair fame of Ohio, as you may
have observed, does not rest
merely upon the natural productions of
her soil or the very many and
versatile results of her skill and
"Ohio produces men--men of action.
Men who can work and
plan. Men who can talk and think and
fight; and it would hardly be
a full and fair description did I not
add, men who can and do hold office