Ohio, the Site of the Garden of
Eden. 225
[The following article is not exactly
archaeology nor history though
it contains something of each. It is,
however, so unique and entertain-
ing that we reproduce it as it has been
given to the public in the daily
Here is food for the "higher
critics," the Egyptologists, arch-
aeologists and the Biblical students of
all classes. The Garden
of Eden, it seems, is now definitely
located. The site is in Ohio,
"Adams" county, to be more
precise. The discoverer is the Rev.
Mr. Landon West of Pleasant Hill, also
in Ohio.
The famous Serpent Mound of Ohio is the
key to the whole
discovery, according to the New York
Herald. No object that
has ever been discovered possesses for
archaeologists such intense
and varied interest as this curious
earthwork. Since 1849, when
it was first accurately surveyed by
Messrs. Squire and Davis, it
has been a Mecca for archaeologists from
all parts of the world.
Volumes have been written about it, and
every theory conceivable
by the mind of man has been advanced as
to the purpose of the
vast work. Now, it has a new and vivid interest.
It has been called a shrine and an
alter, a cemetery and a place
for worship, it has been shown to be an
idol and a place where
human beings were sacrificed-all to the
perfect satisfaction of
the learned persons making the various
The character of this mound is so unique
and totally different
from any of the other remains of
earthworks left by the so-called
Mound Builders that every utterance made
in relation to it in-
stantly attracts the notice of the
scholars. Professor Putnam of
Harvard university prepared an
exhaustive account of the mound
and gave his theory as to its
significance. It was through his ef-
forts that the mound was saved from
total destruction. In 1887
he visited it for the first time and was
powerfully impressed with
Vol. X.-15.
226 Ohio Arch. and His. Society
its tremendous significance. He
impressed the college authorities
with the value of the mound, and later
it passed into the posses-
sion of the college. Later in 1889, it
was formally presented by
Harvard college to the State
Archaelogical and Historical society
of Ohio.
Professor Putnam conducted extensive
explorations in the
hope of learning the true character and
significance of the work
and made examinations which revealed
something of the great
age of the mound. It is held by some
that undoubtedly it was
old before the Chinese wall was built
and that it was finished and
disintegrating when the children of
Israel slaved in Egypt. It
is also probable, judging from the
condition of the soil that covers
the figure, that it was part of the
"things universal" that were
overwhelmed by the flood.
The Rev. Landon West of Pleasant Hill,
O., a prominent
and widely known minister of the Baptist
church, has just out-
lined a theory concerning the creation
and significance of the
mound widely different from all those of
the scientists. He be-
lieves that the mound itself was created
by the hand of the
Creator of the world, and that it marks
the site of the Garden
of Eden. He believes that the mound is
purely symbolical and
has no significance relative to the
religion or worship of any race
of men, but is intended to teach by
object lesson the fall of man
and the consequences of sin in the
Garden of Eden.
The Rev. Mr. West was born and lived to
manhood near the
mound. Early in life he conceived the
idea that the mound was
not an object of worship nor a place of
sacrifice, nor for inter-
ment, nor yet a spot where the tribes of
the earth came together
to discuss the affairs of the primitive
nations. He conceived it
to be a mighty object lesson to give
expression to some great
event that had occurred in the history
of mankind. If intended
for an object lesson, its meaning was
too plain and palpable for
discussion or argument. Plainly it was
meant to illustrate the
"first sad event" in the
Garden of Eden, the deception of the
woman by the serpent, and man's
subsequent expulsion from the
Garden and all the attendant ills of
sin, pain and death. All of
these, he maintains, are adequately
expressed by this Serpent
Ohio, the Site of the Garden of Eden. 227
The jaws of the serpent are wide open,
as if in the act of
swallowing the oval-shaped fruit there
situated. The Rev. Mr.
West declares that it represents the
fruit with which Satan be-
guiled and tempted Eve. It is a very
good representation of a
gigantic plum or lemon or some such
fruit as grows upon a tree.
The Bible refers to the fruit of the
tree with which Satan, that
old serpent, did tempt Eve by telling
her it was good to eat.
How could this very idea and
circumstance of deception be better
represented on the part of a serpent,
inquires this scholar, than to
show it in the act of itself eating
fruit, when it is well known that
serpents do not eat fruit? The Rev. Mr.
West maintains that
the situation of this oval object, which
scientists term an altar,
at the wide open jaws of the serpent
would appear to deny their
claim that it is an altar. Reason
indicates a contrary theory;
that the open jaws were meant to betray
the purpose of the ser-
pent to swallow the fruit. Else why
should the jaws be open?
The only meaning of the open jaws, he
asserts, is to show the in-
tention of the serpent to swallow the
fruit. This portion of the
mound represents the deception; the
writhings and twisting of the
body indicate the pangs of death and
physical suffering.
It would seem that this perplexing and
mysterious image was
created to express an idea, and is,
therefore, purely symbolical.
What it symbolizes can be surmised only
from the image itself
and any supporting history that may be
found. If it be con-
ceded that the serpent mound is
symbolical of man's fall in the
Garden of Eden, and the Rev. Mr. West,
after years of study, is
confident that it expresses no other
lesson, then the question
arises, how did this prehistoric race
obtain knowledge of that
The Rev. Mr. West arrives at the
conclusion that this great
work was created either by God himself
or by man inspired by
Him to make an everlasting object lesson
of man's disobedience,
Satan's perfidy and the results of sin
and death. In support of
this startling claim the Rev. Mr. West
quotes Scripture and re-
fers to Job 16:13: "By His
spirit He hath garnished the heavens;
His hand hath formed the crooked
He also applies the discoveries of
Professor Putnam to es-
tablish his theory. Professor Putnam
learned that the depth of
228 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society
soil on the image was equal to that
covering the surrounding
country and was of similar properties
and composition. This
important discovery justified the
statement that the work itself
had been created prior to the formation
of the soil which now
covers the earth. This discovery,
however, by no means fixes the
time of the serpent's creation. It
merely establishes the fact that
the soil covering the image had never
been disturbed by the hand
of man. The tremendous ridge which
constitutes the super-
structure, if it may be so called, must
have been formed long be-
fore the beginning of the slow process
of the soil formation by
nature in her never ending task of
That the mound is co-existent with the
hills and valleys
that surround it and make the vicinity a
veritable paradise of
beauty is not claimed by the Rev. Mr.
West. But the scientists
have shown that it is older than the
soil that gives life to the
trees and verdure, and therefore,
according to general belief, it
must have been washed by the waves of
the flood, since the agent
removed the antediluvian soil from its
resting place. The Rev.
Mr. West does not claim that the image
was created in the day
when the world was made, but
subsequently, when the Creator de-
sired to place before the eyes of
mankind an object lesson ex-
pressive of the power and wiles of Satan
as manifested in the
Garden of Eden, and at the same time and
in the same image to
portray the pains and penalties of sin
and the enduring pangs of
The noble dimensions and perfect
proportions of this ma-
jestic figure suggest to his mind the
hand and intelligence of a
divine Creator with limitless resources.
It is on a high ridge or
rocky cliff that thrusts itself into the
peaceful and lovely valley
like the prow of some mighty ship into a
calm sea. The ridge
points to the north and extends back
into a smiling land sugges-
tive of peace, happiness and security.
The head of the serpent
lies upon the point of rock and the
winding coils of the body
reach back a thousand feet to the south,
where the tail terminates
in coils thrice repeated. The oval
object, representative of the
forbidden fruit, is a hundred feet long
and has a depression in the
center. The size of the jaws is
proportionate to the size of the
figure, exact as in nature, which has
been ascertained by measure-
Ohio, the Site of the Garden of Eden. 229
ments of living serpents. The
surrounding country is beautiful
beyond description. Rich valleys stretch
away beside three shin-
ing streams, which converge near the
great serpent. These three
streams are interpreted as typical of
the Holy Trinity - Father,
Son and Holy Spirit.
The image portrays the desception in the
attitude of the ser-
pent in the act of eating fruit; pain
and death are shown by the
convolutions of the serpent, just as the
living animal would betray
pain and death's agony. The third
chapter of Genesis is the only
written history the world has of the
fall of man and the cause that
brought about his ruin. There are other
references to it in the
prophecies and revelations and all of
these accounts agree and
compare in a singularly close way, this
student says, with the
lesson imparted by the great serpent.
That this remarkable con-
formity could have been effected by
beings ignorant of the great
lesson actually symbolized, Mr. West
holds, is ridiculous. That
the image antedates the arrival on this
continent of any European
discoverer who could have brought the
story of the creation and
of man's fall is likewise an assured
fact, he declares.
After many years he learned that the
Bible nowhere says that
the Garden of Eden was located in Asia,
and that its statements
will not conflict with the theory that
the Garden was actually in
the Western hemisphere. The events of
Eden occurred at a very
early time in the history of the world,
long before the time de-
scribed by any historian. Moses is the
only writer of history who
describes the Garden of Eden and the
events that occurred
therein. The time when he wrote was 2500
years after the cre-
ation. He received this information from
no written word, but
from the inspiration of the Lord. No man
was alive who knew it
before Moses. The Rev. Mr. West affirms
it to be his belief that
the figure of the serpent was drawn by
the hand of the Creator,
and that America is, in fact, the land
in which Eden was located.
Note Genesis 2:8; II Kings 19:12;
Ezekiel 27:23; 28:13; 31:8,
and 29:18.
A curious and not unimportant
consideration in connection
with the mound is the fact that a crook
was made in the northern
line of the county containing the figure
in order that the entire
230 Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.
work might be contained within the
county, which was established
in 1790.
"This figure," says Rev. Mr.
West, "is the most ancient
record of history known to exist. It
shows first sin and its im-
mediate results as Moses also records
them, and up to the time
of the flood, which occurred in the year
of the world 1655, it gave
an actual object lesson and record of
Eden and its events. But
after the flood and until Moses, in the
year 2500, the record of the
creation, of the fall of man, of death,
and of the flood, as well
as of all other events retained till now
of the history of the world,
was taught and obtained only by
tradition. Yet during all that
time this perfect illustration of
thought and of history was in ex-
istence, created beyond doubt to portray
the one sad event and to
mark the spot where God's Word and that
form of teaching were
first given to the human family. All
that Job says of the event
he learned by tradition, and no less
than 2500 years after its oc-
"All that education, science,
history, revelation and art can
do to illustrate the thoughts of
intelligent beings either on earth
or in heaven has not been found to excel
in clearness this ser-
pent image in setting forth the one
event in Eden's garden.
"This serpent figure was made long
before the first copy of
God's book was printed, yet it supports
the written or inspired
history of the human race. Will any one
say that those who de-
signed the serpent mound did not have in
mind the event of sin
and death as it occurred in the Garden
of Eden? "
The serpent mound is prehistoric. We do
not know just
how old it is, but we may judge that it
is not more than 1000
years old, nor less than 350 years. It
was built, presumably, by
the Indians who occupied that region at
the time when it was first
discovered by the whites. The white
pioneers found the pre-
sumptive descendants of the builders of
the serpent mound still in
possession of the territory on which
this mighty monument to
their ancestors' religious faith had
been erected.
Of the important place which religion
held in the lives of
these people we may judge rom the mighty
monuments they left
Ohio, the Site of the Garden of
Eden. 231
behind them as memorials of their faith.
Much of their time
was occupied by a series of elaborate
ceremonials, celebrated an-
nually, in the course of which they
danced, feasted and busied
themselves with the building of mounds.
Quite frequently these
mounds were gigantic effigies of
animals, and in this fashion
were represented the bear, wolf, otter,
eagle, crow and other
animal "totems" or tutelaries
of the class and tribes; the largest
of all is the serpent mound of Adams
county, Ohio, which is
about 1OOO feet long.
These effigy mounds do not seem to have
been built for
burial purposes. In the serpent mound
nothing worth mention-
ing has ever been found. The mounds are
purely symbolic.
The snake was sacred, an object of
veneration or worship; so,
likewise, were the other animals
represented. Savages commonly
attribute to wild beasts special
potencies, associating them with
the supernatural, and extend toward them
a kind of worship.
It is probable that the building of the
serpent mound ex-
tended over a number of years, and that
the work was taken up
annually, on the occasion of a certain
festival. Thus it underwent
a progressive enlargement and extension
through a considerable
period, the plan growing as the
structure developed. Judging
from the observed habits of Indians, the
method of construction
was simple, women bringing the earth in
baskets on their backs,
and the men managing and superintending
the task. Incident-
ally there were feasting and dancing; it
was all part of a cere-
monial corresponding in character to the
"Green Corn Dance" of
the modern Iroquois or the "Dog
Feast" of various Algonquin
Ohio, the Site of the Garden of
Eden. 225
[The following article is not exactly
archaeology nor history though
it contains something of each. It is,
however, so unique and entertain-
ing that we reproduce it as it has been
given to the public in the daily
Here is food for the "higher
critics," the Egyptologists, arch-
aeologists and the Biblical students of
all classes. The Garden
of Eden, it seems, is now definitely
located. The site is in Ohio,
"Adams" county, to be more
precise. The discoverer is the Rev.
Mr. Landon West of Pleasant Hill, also
in Ohio.
The famous Serpent Mound of Ohio is the
key to the whole
discovery, according to the New York
Herald. No object that
has ever been discovered possesses for
archaeologists such intense
and varied interest as this curious
earthwork. Since 1849, when
it was first accurately surveyed by
Messrs. Squire and Davis, it
has been a Mecca for archaeologists from
all parts of the world.
Volumes have been written about it, and
every theory conceivable
by the mind of man has been advanced as
to the purpose of the
vast work. Now, it has a new and vivid interest.
It has been called a shrine and an
alter, a cemetery and a place
for worship, it has been shown to be an
idol and a place where
human beings were sacrificed-all to the
perfect satisfaction of
the learned persons making the various
The character of this mound is so unique
and totally different
from any of the other remains of
earthworks left by the so-called
Mound Builders that every utterance made
in relation to it in-
stantly attracts the notice of the
scholars. Professor Putnam of
Harvard university prepared an
exhaustive account of the mound
and gave his theory as to its
significance. It was through his ef-
forts that the mound was saved from
total destruction. In 1887
he visited it for the first time and was
powerfully impressed with
Vol. X.-15.