390 Ohio Arch. and His. Society
a fondness for history itself. Dr.
Naylor's book is having the large
sale it well deserves. It is published
by the Saalfield Publishing Com-.
pany, Akron, Ohio.
In the July (1901) number of the QUARTERLY we made
extended allusion to the then current
(July) Century article, by Therese
Blennerhassett-Adams, entitled "The
True Story of Harman Blenner-
hassett." In the same number we
noticed briefly Prof. W. H. Venable's
historical novel "A Dream of
Empire," which deals with the scenes and
personages involved in the career of the
American Blennerhassett. We
hardly closed Prof. Venable's delightful
volume before broadcast adver-
tisements called our attention to the
story, just published by Charles
Felton Pidgin, U. S. A., bearing the
title "Blennerhassett - A Romance."
Mr. Pidgin's book is a highly spiced
account of the same epoch and
events treated by Prof. Venable. With
the Blennerhassetts as the central
figures, the Colonel reproduces in rich,
and at times, extravagant imagin-
ation, the romantic story of the
unscrupulous Burr and his ill fated and
unsuspecting victim, Harman
Blennerhassett. There are the well known
characters of Wilkinson, Hamilton,
Jefferson, Aaron and Theodosia Burr,
the Blennerhassetts, Harman and
Margaret, and the minor figures in
immediate attendance upon the principals
in the so-called "Burr Con-
spiracy" and subsequent tragic
ending of Theodosia. Prof. Venable
crowded a volume of history into a
light, pleasing story--it had
the charm of romance without sacrifice
to the reality or truth of
history. He gave us the personages in their actual characters. It
is a model in conception and execution
of the best type of the his-
torical novel. Mr. Pidgin avowedly sets
out to pervert history and dis-
tort characters. His book is an attempt
to "whitewash" Aaron Burr and
blacken Alexander Hamilton. He would
remove all odium thus far
resting undisturbed upon the loyalty and
integrity of Burr. In this
heroizing process Mr. Pidgin naturally,
under the circumstances, has to
resort to powerful stimulants and
appointments in the shape of highly
wrought scenes; theatrical climaxes;
"blood and thunder and blue lights";
that would do credit to the prize
numbers of yellow backed literature.
Like the magician on the stage in the
dazzling glare of electric effects,
and red velvet and gold tinsel
trappings, Mr. Pidgin hopes to bewilder
the reader while he "presto,
change," transforms some evil spirits into
white winged fairies and vice versa. And
Mr. Pidgin is very clever;
he is no mean necromancer. He is a
consummate expert of his craft. He
is a gifted artist in style. He wields a
poignant pen. The reader is
whirled along spell bound; lays down the
fascinating book and rubs his
eyes as if coming out of a maze. In
short, this story as related by Mr.
Pidgin is a strong "show" - it
is a spectacular production, it is realistic,
but it is very far from being historic.
Mr. Pidgin in his preface speak-