Ohio History Journal

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Although this number of our Quarterly, namely No. 2, Vol. XI,

is only the second number of its publication year, we decide to have it

conclude the eleventh volume thus making a volume complete from

the July and October (1902) Quarterlies. This volume, however, will

also include a complete index of the previous ten volumes and the

eleventh volume herewith issued. Volume eleven therefore will have,

if not the usual amount of reading matter, an adequate value in the

complete index of the volumes thus far published, which has been

greatly needed, and for which there has been a demand from our society

members, general readers, libraries, students and professors. We thus

make up the eleventh volume for the further reason that we desire to

have the Quarterly begin its year with the beginning of the calendar year.

Volume twelve will therefore commence with the January number for

1903. We feel confident that this arrangement will meet the entire ap-

proval of the members of our Society and the other recipients of the

Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly.




Through the kindness of Martin B. Bushnell, one of the members

of our Society we were permitted to examine, with much interest, a

leather wallet of antique style, which was once the property of John

Chapman, popularly and historically known as "Johnny Appleseed."

An extended account of this eccentric and philanthropic individual is

given in the ninth volume (page 303) of our Society's publications.

Any item of information concerning, or article of property belonging to,

this peculiar character is of the greatest interest. The discovery that

Johnny Appleseed had a pocket book must be to most students of his

career a revelation, if not a positive contradiction, for Johnny according

to the general record eschewed the luxuries of this world, and not only

had no use for money, but positively refused to accept it, much less did

he indulge to any extent in its use. As will be recalled he was a bachelor

and lived a nomadic life, usually camping out with nothing but the

canopy of heaven for his covering, or if he should stop at some hospitable

cabin or house, it was his custom to lie upon the floor with his kit for a
