The Russian peasant's phrase "The
road that runs" would
have appealed to the primitive people
who in generations past
paddled upon the waters and occupied the
valley of the Sandusky
River. For some eighty miles it traces a
winding way through
northwestern Ohio, rising in the Palmer
Spring of Richland
county, flowing through Crawford,
Wyandot, Seneca and San-
dusky counties, its mouth directly north
of its source and its
general course forming a capital C. For
more than a quarter of
a century after the white man settled
upon its banks ancient earth
and stone works were traceable along
part of its shores, notably
about the marshes bordering Sandusky Bay
and the high east
banks in Sandusky and Seneca counties.
These works generally
took circular form, each enclosing
several acres of ground with
walls of earth or stone, and openings
opposite each other. As
late as 1838 some of these walls on the
banks of Honey Creek
were about five feet high, but crumbling
down.* The works at
the old Indian village of Muncietown,
three miles below the pres-
ent city of Fremont were nearly square.
Farther remains of
prehistoric fortifications were found on
the Croghansville hill at
Fremont and on the Blue Banks
overlooking the river at Ball-
ville.+ Where data are altogether
lacking fancy may lift a tenta-
tive head. One might imagine that the
old mound builders, pass-
ing southward from the Sandusky valley,
commemorated the de-
vious windings of its picturesque river,
their former abode, in
that wonderful serpent mound of Adams
Emerging from this twilight of
antiquity, the student comes
upon an age of tradition, when a later
race inhabited the San-
dusky region. Father Segard++ says that
when the French mis-
sionaries first reached the Upper Lakes
a neutral nation abode
* Lang's
Seneca County.
+ Everett's Sandusky County.
++Jesuit Relations. (191)
192 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
there. The Wyandot Indians of
Revolutionary times preserved
a tradition that in the 17th century a
tribe of Neutral Wyandots
built near the Lower Rapids of the
River, (Lower Sandusky,
now Fremont), two cities of refuge where
those who sought
safety never failed to find it. All of
the Indians west of this
point were at war with those east of it.
Bands from the west
might enter the western town and bands
from the east the east-
ern, but all alike recognized the
neutral character of the two
places.* Gen. Lewis Cass, whose
knowledge of Indian charac-
ter and tradition was exceptional,
affirmed: "Tradition represents
them as having separated from the parent
stock during the
bloody wars between their own tribe and
the Iroquois, and hav-
ing fled to the Sandusky River for
safety: that they here erected
two forts within a short distance of
each other and assigned one
to the Iroquois and the other to the
Wyandots, where their war
parties might find security and
hospitality."+ Probably one of
these ancient forts was at Muncietown,
and the Neutral Wyan-
dots adapted to their use the remains of
the square enclosure
left by a preceding race.
These whilom settlers of the Sandusky
valley have vanished
in dim obscurity. No historic trace of
them now remains. In
1701, the French
effected a settlement at Detroit, which became
the center of a valuable fur trade with
the Indians. The Wyan-
dots, a later race, returned to its
vicinity from their half century
wanderings to escape their rapacious
Iroquois kindred, drawing
to their camps the Ottawas from Upper
Canada; and the two
tribes extended themselves westward to
the uninhabited Sandusky
valley where they were firmly
established long before any Euro-
pean exploration of the country south of
Lake Erie. Meanwhile
French traders were pitching their
habitations along the south
shore of Lake Erie and up the valleys of
the Sandusky and the
Maumee Rivers. Homan's map of 1707 shows
the word San-
douski to the bay at the mouth of the
river.++ An anonymous
report in 1718 concerning the Indians of
Canada says:
* Major Stickney, Indian Agent. Lecture,
Toledo, February 28, 1845.
+ Lewis Cass. Address Michigan
Historical Society, September 18,
++ Western Reserve Historical Society.
Tract No. 3. Early Ohio
The Sandusky River. 193
"A hundred leagues from Niagara, on
the south side [Lake
Erie] is a river called Sandosquet,
which the Indians of Detroit
and Lake Huron take when going to war
with the Flatheads and
other nations toward Carolina. They
ascend this river Sandos-
quet two or three days, after which they
make a small portage
of about a quarter of a league. Some
make canoes of elm bark
and float down a small river [Scioto]
that empties into the Ohio.
Whoever would wish to reach the
Mississippi easily, would need
only to take this beautiful river or the
Sandosquet; he could
travel without any danger of fasting,
for all who have been there
have repeatedly assured me that there is
so vast a quantity of buf-
falo and of all other animals in the
woods along that beautiful
river, they were often obliged to
discharge their guns to clear a
passage for themselves. They say that
two thousand men could
easily live there."*
Long before a white man lived upon the
soil of Ohio
the Sandusky was a water route of travel
from Canada to the
Mississippi, of the early French traders
and Jesuit fathers. They
ascended the main stream to the mouth of
the Little Sandusky,
thence up that tributary four or five
miles to a portage; then
across the portage, "a fine road of
about a quarter of a league"
to the Little Scioto, thence down that
stream to the Scioto
proper, a tributary of the Ohio. Even
before the French had
any settlements in the valley of the St.
Lawrence or the Missis-
sippi; or before La Salle set foot on
any portion of Ohio soil,
the northern Indians made the Sandusky
and the Scioto their
route of travel in their predatory
warfare upon southern tribes.
The exact derivation of the name of
"the road that runs," is
uncertain. Three Wyandot terms are at
our service: Sah-un-
dus-kee, clear water; or Sandoostee, at
the cold water; or Sa-
undustee, water-within-water-pools. The
last name is applicable
to the extensive marshes along the
river, which are intersected
by open water; while the other two would
naturally describe
the clear, cold water of the Sandusky
basin springs, of which
Castalia is the best known example. The
early French traders
called the river Sandusquet. By 1784,
when Jefferson drew up
* King's Ohio.
Vol. XIII - 13.
Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society
his Ordinance for the division,
nomenclature and government of
the Western Territory, the orthography
was practically settled
and he wrote the word Sandusky,
suggesting that the district
which this river drained be called
Metropotamia! The Sandusky
is a rapid shallow stream, with two
marked rapids, or "falls,"
at Upper Sandusky and at Lower Sandusky.
Its principal trib-
utaries are the Broken Sword and the
Sycamore upon the east;
the Little Sandusky and the Tymochtee to
the west. Its mouth
forms Sandusky Bay, the "lake"
of the early travellers, and the
Lake Junandat of several early maps. In
Indian parlance the
whole system of rivers, creeks, valley
and villages was "the San-
dusky." "Kahama's curse on the
town baptizers of America,"
exclaimed an Englishman on a pedestrian
jaunt along this val-
ley early in the nineteenth century;
"there are five or six places
named alike, upper and lower, little and
big, great and small!"*
Moreover the Wyandots changed their
towns from time to time,
both in location and in name, though
always clinging to the banks
of this beloved river. To the west,
reaching beyond the Mau-
mee River, stretched the famous Black
Swamp. South of this,
and about the headwaters of the
Tymochtee, lay the Sandusky
"plains," Tymochtee itself
meaning "around the plains." These
natural meadows, forty by twenty miles
in their greatest length
and breadth afforded extraordinary
antithesis to the dense forest
through which the river cleared its way.
These undulating sa-
vannas were covered with a high coarse
grass. "Birds of strange
plumage flew over them; prairie hens
rose, sailed away and
dropped into the grass; sand-hill cranes
blew their shrill pipes,
and the noisy bittern was heard along
the streamlets. Wild geese
and an occasional bald eagle soared
overhead." These plains were
always favorite hunting grounds of the
Indians. Col. James
Smith, the captive, participated in a
ring hunt here in 1757.
"We waited until we expected rain
was near falling to extinguish
the fire, and then we kindled a large
circle in the prairie. At this
time . . . a great number of deer lay
concealed in the grass in the
day and moved about in the night; but as
the fire burned in to-
ward the center of the circle, the deer
fled before the fire, the
scattered Indians shooting them down.
When we came to divide
* Ferrell's Ramble of 6,000 miles.
London, 1832.
The Sandusky River. 195
the deer there were about ten to each
hunter, which were all
killed in a few hours. The rain
did not come on that night to
put out the outer circle of fire and . .
. it extended through the
whole prairie."*
Except where the "plains"
smiled to the sun in grass and
flowers the Sandusky country was densely
wooded. Great oaks,
elms, walnuts and hickories were
interspersed with beech, bass-
wood, maple and sycamore. Till almost
the close of the last
century a famous sycamore still stood
near the river at Upper
Sandusky, its trunk, a yard from the
base, measuring thirty-seven
feet. In 1875 a single black walnut log,
16 feet long and 62
inches thick, required seven horses to
pull it up Napoleon street,
Fremont, to the car tracks. Indeed,
river and inland combined to
form a country which the red man and the
white alike admired
and coveted. No wonder the savage died
to save it.
The Wyandots were Hurons, one of the
finest and ablest of
the Iroquois nation. "The Wyandots
are admitted by the others
to be the leading tribe," wrote
General Harrison to the Secretary
of War in 1814; "they hold the
Grand Calumet which unites
them and kindles the council fire."
In 1793, General Anthony
Wayne told a scout to go to Sandusky and
take a prisoner for
the purpose of obtaining information.
The scout replied that he
could take a prisoner but not from
Sandusky, for only Wyandots
lived there and a Wyandot would not be
taken alive. Other
Indians lived along the Sandusky: a band
of the warlike Mun-
cies settled about three miles below
Lower Sandusky; Mingoes,
to which tribe the great Logan
belonged,++ (and along the San-
dusky he spent his last years) ;
Delawares, Cayugas, Onondagas,
Tuscarawas. Several of these went by the
name of Senecas be-
cause of the old Indian villages of that
name, although early in
the nineteenth century Henry C. Brish,
the sub-agent of this
band could not find a full blooded
Seneca among them."+ We
may now return to the chronology of our
In 1733, Popple published a map in
London, using all the
charts at the disposal of the Lords of
Trade. This map reveals
*Narrative of Col. James Smith.
Published 1799.
+ Butterfield History of Seneca County.
++ Howe's Historical Collections of
196 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society
slight consciousness of the rivers
flowing north into Lake Erie
and I. [Lake] Sandoski. Charlevoix's map
of 1744 says of the
south short of Erie "Toute cette
partie du lac m'est inconnue."
As early as 1745, English traders had
penetrated to the San-
dusky or "St. Dusky" and
established a post on the north side of
the Bay near the portage. They were
driven away by the French
in 1748 or 1749;* though Mitchell makes
them say that the post
was "usurped" by the French in
1751.+ In 1749, La Jonquiere,
Governor of Canada, learned to his great
indignation, that sev-
eral English traders had reached
Sandusky and were exerting "a
bad influence upon the Indians of that
quarter."++ It was in 1749
also that Celeron de Bienville traversed
Ohio with three hundred
men, buried leaden plates with the
French arms at the mouth of
the Ohio and other rivers, claiming the
whole country for France.
He came north by way of our sister
river, the Maumee. He told
the Indians that the English traders
would ruin them and drive
them out of their country, and in this
respect he told the truth!
He was made commandant at Detroit and
immediately followed
up France's formal claim to the
territory between Lake Erie and
the Ohio, by taking a fort and trading
station erected near the
mouth of the Sandusky river. Fort
Sandusky, or Fort Junandat,
was then in 1750, the only post within
the present limits of Ohio,
and was doubtless merely an
establishment for trade, with per-
haps a stockade for defence against the
English and their Indian
allies. French garrisons probably
remained at "Ft. Dusky" for
a while after the occupation of Ft. Du
Quesne, 1758, by the
English; but as the contest in Canada
approached its crisis, the
troops were gradually withdrawn. When the English got posses-
sion of Lake Erie and its tributaries,
in 1760, a military post was
planted here. In May, 1763, Pontiac's
war began, and Fort San-
dusky was the first to fall. Ensign
Paully, its commandant, fur-
nished particulars of its loss to
General Amherst, commander-in-
chief of the British forces. Details as
compiled by Parkman and
Bancroft are as follows:
On the 16th of May, Fort Sandusky was
approached by a
*Western Reserve Historical Society.
Tract No. 6.
+ Western Reserve Historical Society.
Tract No. 13.
++ Parkman: Struggle for a Continent.
The Sandusky River. 197
party of Indians from the Wyandot village.
Ensign Paully was
told that seven Indians waited at the
gate to speak with him.
They were four Wyandots and three
Ottawas, and as several were
known to him he ordered them to be
admitted. Arrived at his
quarters, two of the treacherous
visitors seated themselves on
each side of the commandant, while the
rest were disposed about
the room. The pipes were lighted and
conversation begun, when
an Indian who stood in the doorway made
a signal. Upon this
the astonished officer was seized,
disarmed, and tied by those near
him, while at the same moment outside
the sentry and many of
his garrison were murdered. As Paully
was led out he saw their
corpses, and the body of his sergeant
who lay in the garden where
he was planting seed at the time of the
massacre. Some traders
within the fort were also killed and
their stores plundered. At
nightfall, Paully was taken to the lake,
and in the darkness the
party pushed off in canoes. At that
moment the fort burst into
flames. Paully was taken prisoner to
Detroit, bound hand and
foot, and solaced with the expectation
of being burned alive. On
landing near Pontiac's camp he was
surrounded by squaws and
children, and pelted with stones and
sticks and gravel and forced
to dance and sing. Happily, an old woman
whose husband had
lately died chose to adopt him in his
place. Paully was then
plunged in the lake that the white blood
might be washed from
his veins; he was conducted to the lodge
of the widow and thence-
forth was treated with all the
consideration due to an Ottawa
warrior. This forced match took place
May 20, and in July
came the divorce. One evening a man was
seen running toward
the fort at Detroit closely pursued by
Indians. On his arrival
within gunshot they gave over the chase
and the fugitive came
panting within the walls. It was the
commandant at Sandusky
who had seized the first opportunity to
escape from the embraces
of the Ottawa widow. The tragedy at
Sandusky did not remain
long unavenged. July 26, two hundred and
sixty men under
Captain Dalzell arrived at Sandusky on
their way to the relief
of Detroit. Thence they marched inland
to the Wyandot villages
which they burned to the ground,
destroying the adjacent fields
of corn.
The Wyandot village was probably in the
vicinity of Castalia
198 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
springs. The exact site of Fort Sandusky
is unknown. The
early maps vary greatly, within an area
of five or six miles. In
Evans's small map of the Middle British
Colonies, 1755, the San-
dusky River has Fort Sandusky on the
west side of the river,
"Wyandots" on the east, with a
round lake directly below it.
South of the lake, which represents
Sandusky Bay, is Junandat,
"built in 1754," and another
Wyandot village. As Junandat is
probably a corruption of Wyandot this
repetition of places is con-
fusing. It is probable that this house,
post or fort, of Fort San-
dusky, the first European settlement in
Ohio, was the more ac-
curately represented by the northern
fort, at the spot where the
trail came out on the bay across the
neck of land from the Port-
age, or Carrying, river. This was the
beaten route from Detroit
into the Ohio country and commanded the
mouth of the San-
dusky river. Bradstreet's camp was here,
and probably Paully's
blockhouse. The present village of
Venice, three miles west of
the present city of Sandusky, is
doubtless not far from the site
of this ancient Fort Sandusky. The
botanist Mitchell made an
elaborate map in 1755. In it Sandusky
Bay, unnamed, is at the
bottom of Lake Erie; the river is named
Blanc; Junandat appears
as a town named Ayonanton, on a lake
called Otsanderket! Not
until the Universal Atlas, London, 1796,
do the Sandusky Bay
and River both appear with tolerable
accuracy. Two other early
maps should be mentioned here. One of
British possessions,
1763, shows Sandoski as the only
settlement between Detroit and
Niagara. It stands on a bay, but without
any sign of a river.
In Hutchin's excellent map of 1764, more
accurate than any of
its predecessors, Sandusky Bay [called
lake] is for the first time
in proper shape. Fort Sandusky is on the
south side, and a
Wyandot town, called Junandat in the
text, is just south of it.
Junqueindundeh [later Lower Sandusky,
now Fremont,] twenty
miles inland upon the river, appears
mapped for the first time.
It, and its sister villages up the
stream, henceforth gradually grow
in importance while Fort Sandusky,
burned in 1763, as hereto-
fore stated, was never rebuilt. With the
exception of brief men-
tion of Bradstreet, later, Fort Sandusky
now passes from this
sketch. An appendix to Hutchin's map
notes a route leading
from Fort Pitt through Fort Sandusky,
and through Junquein-
The Sandusky River. 199
dundeh. Heckewelder's MS. map of 1796,
shows a trail west
from Cuyahoga, old town, to Lower
Sandusky. The old mission-
ary had reason to remember Lower
Sandusky where he first saw
the peculiar Indian custom of
"running the gantlet."
Before the abandonment of Fort Sandusky,
however, our
chronology invites attention to the
diary of Col. James Smith,
who, as a prisoner and then adopted
brave, tramped the forest
from the lakes to Sandusky river. In
1757 he visited one of the
Wyandot villages near Fort Sandusky
"on the little lake [San-
dusky Bay] named Sunyendeand where we
diverted ourselves
several days catching rock fish in a
small creek, the name of
which is also Sunyendeand which signifies
'Rockfish'." They
paddled up the river, and "when we
came to the Falls of San-
dusky [the rapids at Upper Sandusky] we
buried our birchbark
canoes, as usual, at a large burying
place for that purpose, a
little below the falls. [This was to
keep the canoes from warp-
ing.] At this place the river falls
about eight feet over a rock,
but not perpendicularly. With much
difficulty we pushed up our
wooden canoes; some of us went up the
river, and the rest by
land with the horses until we came to
the great meadows that
lie between the Sandusky and
Scioto." Here follows the nar-
rative of the ring hunt given earlier in
this sketch. "From the
mouth of Sandusky to the Falls is
chiefly first rate land, lying
level, intermixed with large bodies of
clear meadows where the
grass is exceeding rank and four feet
high. From the Falls to
the prairies [up-stream] the land lies
well to the sun, it is neither
too flat nor too hilly and is chiefly
first rate." The summer
after this, young Smith and his old
Indian brother returned
down the river, killing in the passage
"four bears and a number
of turkeys."*
The game of this region was notoriously
fine. George
Croghan I. records seeing bison near
Lake Erie in 1772; and in
1678 M. de Vandreuil wrote "buffalo
abound on the south shore
of Lake Erie."+ An early settler++
at Lower Sandusky used
frequently to see wild pigeons in a
continuous flight, passing so
* Narrative
of Col. James Smith.
+ Western Reserve Historical Socity. Tract
No. 36.
++ I. M. Keeler, Fremont.
Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
low that men stood with long clubs and
killed thirty or forty
within a few minutes. They would darken
the whole air about
their roosting places.
The next noteworthy date after the
captive Smith, is 1764,
when Bouquet and Bradstreet, of the
British army, were sent
on an expedition against the turbulent
western Indians, and to
wrest from them the many prisoners whom
they had carried
away in their incursions upon the
frontier settlements. George
Croghan, the deputy superintendent of
Sir William Johnson,
computed that in four months two
thousand men, women and
children on the borders of Pennsylvania,
Virginia and Maryland
had been murdered or carried across the
Ohio into captivity.+
Beyond results, this paper has nothing
to do with Bouquet's wise
and effective work south of the Sandusky
country. Bradstreet,
however, whose course lay to the north,
spared the Sandusky
villages on a pledge that their Wyandot
chiefs would follow him
to Detroit to complete a treaty there.
This was in August. In
September he returned and encamped near
Sandusky Bay, prob-
ably the site of the old Fort Sandusky.
The Newport Mercury
of November 8, 1764, contains this item:
"Colonel Bradstreet
was at St. Dusky on the 28th September,
waiting for the Indians
to come in according to terms. The
faithless and malicious
creatures are seeking pretexts for
delay." This spelling of the
place is also used in the abstract of an
order book, now in the
Western Reserve Historical Rooms at
Cleveland, of Captain
Degarimo, beginning at "the Camp of
St. Dusky Lake, Oct. 3,
1764." A letter in the public
records of Great Britain, from
General Gage to Lord Halifax, December
13, 1764, reads:
"Colonel Bradstreet not finding the
troops under his command in
a condition to march to the plains of
the Scioto, kept the enemy
in awe by remaining at Sandusky as long
as the season would
permit, and spiriting up the Indians
with whom he had lately
made peace to declare war and send out
parties against them
[i. e. against the tribes who would not
make peace]. He had
regulated affairs at Detroit, got a
vessel into Lake Huron and re-
established the post at Missilimackinak.
He broke up his camp
at Sandusky on the 18th October and had
the misfortune to lose
+ King's Ohio.
The Sandusky River. 201
twenty-five of his boats from the
violence of the surf at Lake
Erie. This accident obliged part of the
troops to march along
the shore who were for a time relieved
by others from the boats."*
This catastrophe occurred while the army
was encamped for
the night at the mouth of Rocky River,
near Cleveland, a sort
of tidal wave wrecking twenty-five of
the boats and most of the
lading. Bradstreet himself reported to
Bouquet, whom he was
expected to support by keeping the
northern Indians quiet while
Bouquet attacked them in the heart of
their settlements, that he
had passed a month about Sandusky lake,
and had gone up the
river as far as navigable to Indian
canoes, but that he "found it
impossible to stay longer in these
parts." + Bradstreet was ap-
parently only half hearted, but at that
season the river was low,
the Black Swamp malaria had got hold of
his troops and the
stormy season on Lake Erie was near.
In 1765 we find representatives of our
Sandusky tribes join-
ing a council of western Indians in the
interior of New York
State, summoned thither by Sir William
Johnson. What Brad-
street and Bouquet had inaugurated on
the waters of the San-
dusky and the Muskingum, this great
Indian agent consummated
by his sagacity. Through him the Indians
now delivered up
large numbers of captives and agreed to
grant to the traders,
who had suffered in 1763, a tract of
land in compensation for
injuries done them. When the Indians
returned to their homes,
George Croghan, [Johnson's deputy,
noteworthy in himself but
mentioned here chiefly because he was
great-uncle of that second
George Croghan, the hero of Fort
Stephenson in 1813.] accom-
panied them. His object was to conclude
a treaty with Pontiac
and so prevent a recurrence of the
Indian war. On the Ohio
River he was captured and taken to
Vincennes; but released, and
followed the now submissive Pontiac to
northern Ohio. At De-
troit, our Sandusky Indians again
conferred with him. It is as
coincidence that the first Croghan was
pitted against Pontiac,
much as the second Croghan was against
Tecumseh. In June,
1766, Pontiac told Sir William Johnson
that he had taken Col.
* Copy of letter in Western Reserve
Historical Rooms. See W. R.
H. So. Tract No. 13.
+ Butterfield: Bouquet's Expedition.
202 Ohio Arch. and Hist.
Society Publications.
George Croghan by the hand and had never
let go his hold, be-
cause he saw that the Great Spirit would
have him a friend of
the English.
The first Croghan was a trader as well
as Indian Agent,
and the value of the Indian trade may be
computed from the fact
that in one trip he distributed goods to
the value of one thousand
pistoles [$3.920] among Indians on the
Ohio and Miami rivers.*
Traders on the Sandusky river came from
Detroit where they
obtained a license to traffic with the
Indians from the command-
ant, who required them to give bond to
report at his post at
stated times. These traders sold large
quantities of powder,
lead, flint, firearms, trinkets,
blankets; taking in exchange the
precious furs which were packed on
horses to Lower Sandusky,
and thence taken in boats down the river
and along the lake shore
to Detroit.
By 1782,
two English traders, Arundel and Robbins,
seemingly settled + at the Wyandot
village at the foot of the lower
rapids of the river, Lower Sandusky,
which was recorded in
Hutchin's map of 1764 as Junqueindundeh.
Our next knowledge
of the place comes from Samuel Brady,
the scout, whom Wash-
ington had sent out for information upon
the Indian movements.
He approached the village under cover of
night, forded the river,
and hid himself on the island just below
the present State street
bridge. The next morning he was an
unsuspected witness at a
horserace. A war party had just arrived
from Kentucky with
some fine horses. They were lined up
along the west bank of
the river north of State street. A white
mare won race after
race. Wearying of the monotony, the
Indians put two riders
upon her. Still she came in victorious.
A third man was added,
which load sufficed to defeat her, and
seemed to delight the spec-
tators. Brady escaped that night and
doubtless reported to
Washington that the Indians were
engrossed with other matters
than war. On a subsequent scouting trip
into the Sandusky
country, Brady was taken prisoner. The
notable captive was
taken to Upper Sandusky where a throng
of Indians had gath-
ered to see him tortured-among them the
white renegade,
*Taylor's Ohio.
+ Heckwelder.
The Sandusky River. 203
Girty, who had been Brady's child
playmate in Pennsylvania.
The captive seized an opportunity to
push a favorite squaw into
the fire prepared for himself, and in
the resultant excitement
ran off, was pursued one hundred miles
and made his traditional
leap over the Cuyahoga river.* A year earlier, in 1778, Daniel
Boone was led captive through Lower
Sandusky; as was also
his friend, Simon Kenton, on his way to
Upper Sandusky where
Kenton was condemned to be burned. Both,
however, escaped.
Upper Sandusky was at that time the
place for the payment of
British gifts and favors. The old
neutrality theory of that earlier
race of Wyandots who lived at Lower
Sandusky, at least a cen-
tury before, was indeed antiquated.
Preceding and following
the Revolutionary war more Indian
captives were brought to
Lower Sandusky than to any other place
in Ohio. Heckewelder
himself was a prisoner here in 1782, and
his name brings us to
the two darkest deeds in Ohio
history,-"twin horrors which
marked the last year of the Revolution
in the Northwest,"-both
of which are intimately associated with
the Sandusky River.
Fort Sandusky was, as has been said, the
first European settle-
ment in Ohio. The first permanent
settlements, however, were
made in 1772 by the Moravians on the
Upper Muskingum river,
where they established three villages,
built the first church in
Ohio, befriended the Delaware Indians
among whom they set-
tled and made many converts from among
them. The Revolu-
tionary War, violating their principles
of peace, was their un-
doing. The Wyandots of the Sandusky,
having definitely de-
cided for the British, made every effort
to turn the Christian
Delawares from their neutrality. When
the Delawares returned
the war belt, the Wyandots were angered,
and instigated by the
renegades McKee, Girty and Elliott, a
band of three hundred
Indians from Upper and Lower Sandusky
and Detroit marched
into the Moravian villages. This was in
1781. Under the ex-
cuse that the British must needs watch
these neutrals in the con-
flict, all the able-bodied Moravians and
their Indian converts
were driven off to the Sandusky river,
about two miles south of
the present Upper Sandusky. Sorrowfully
they left their beau-
*Traditions of Brady, Western Res. Hist.
Society. Tract No. 29.
204 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
tiful villages, their cattle and hogs
and ripening harvests, esti-
mated at over $12,000. What gave them
most pain was the loss
of all books and writing for the
instruction of their young.*
These were all burned by the savages. On
the back of one of
the Indian women of the party was the
infant daughter of the
missionary Heckewelder, long believed to
be the first white child
born north of the Ohio river. The march
to the Sandusky
river, one hundred and twenty-five
miles, occupied a month.
Here the travellers "pitched upon
the best spot they could find in
the dreary waste and built small huts of
bark to screen them
from the cold. The savages had by
degrees stolen everything
from the missionaries and the Indians on
the journey."* In Oc-
tober, De Peyster, the commandant at
Detroit ordered the Mo-
ravian leaders, Zeisberger and
Heckewelder and others, to ap-
pear before him. Their route lay through
Lower Sandusky,
where they were lodged in the houses of
the British traders
Arundel and Robbins. Late in that winter
of intense suffering
for the poor Indians, a party of one
hundred was sent back to the
Muskingum to gather a portion of the
corn left standing in their
fields. Early in March, when they were
about to return, a merci-
less crew of border Americans appeared
upon the scene, took
them captive and shut them up in two
houses. Details of the
hideous massacre of these ninety-six
Christian Indians and of
the utter destruction of the smiling
villages of Salem, Gnaden-
hutten and Schoenbrunn, fall outside the
limits of this sketch.
The survivors upon the banks of the
Sandusky were at once or-
dered to Detroit. They walked from Upper
to Lower Sandusky
where two government vessels met them
and transported them
comfortably to Detroit. The white
savage, Girty, was furious
at this consideration shown them in his
absence. He had in-
tended them to trudge all the way. There
is no blacker deed in
Ohio's history than this Moravian
chapter; although Crawford's
appalling fate follows hard upon and is,
in part, its sequel.
The Americans had hoped much from the
peace following
Pontiac's uprising; but just as the
Indians were supposed to be
subjugated, they suddenly fell upon the
frontier settlements of
*Taylor's Ohio-quoted from Bishop
Loskiel's History of the
The Sandusky River. 205
Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia,
with savage fury and
unanimity of design. In these incursions
the Ohio tribes from
the Sandusky river took the lead,
receiving surreptitious aid from
the British commandant at Detroit. As
stated before, Bouquet
and Bradstreet's expedition was to stop
such depredations and
for a short time was effective.
Washington was so exercised
that he wrote: "It is much to be
regretted that the state of
the regular troops will not admit of a
detachment sufficient to
undertake anything offensive against the
hostile tribes."* A
voluntary force, however, of about five
hundred horsemen was
recruited on the border. Col. William
Crawford, who though
ten years the senior had learned
surveying under Washington
and had recently, in his humble cabin on
the banks of the
Youghiogheny, been visited by the
commander-in-chief, was
chosen leader. The object of this
expedition was to punish the
Wyandots into quietude, and not, as
Heckewelder imagined and
as many later historians have been led
to believe, to destroy the
remnant of the Christian Indians
encamped on the Sandusky
River. In the words of General Irvine,
commander at Fort Pitt,
Crawford's expedition set forth "to
destroy the Indian settle-
ments at Sandusky, by which we hope to
give ease and safety
to the inhabitants of this
country." + The date is May, 1782.
A word concerning the site of the
approaching action. The
Upper Sandusky of 1782 was on the west
side of the river, on
its immediate bank, five miles below the
site of the present Upper
Sandusky which did not become a Wyandot
village till many
years later. When the war upon the
frontier became serious,
the chief sachem of the Wyandots,
Pomoacan, the Half King,
moved from his village on the Detroit
River, to a place on the
Sandusky eight miles below the upper
village, the place known to
Crawford's army. The Indians immediately
gathered about him
there, leaving the upper village
deserted. Meanwhile upon the
Tymochtee creek, the principal western
tributary of the San-
dusky, the hostile Delawares had a
village near the present Craw-
fordsville. This was nearly eleven miles
from the old Sandusky
of the Wyandots; and here lived The
Pipe, chief of the hostile
* Washington-Irvine Correspondence.
+ Crawford's Expedition by Butterfield.
Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
Delawares. His village and that of the
Half King were the only
Indian towns upon the waters of the
Sandusky above Lower
Sandusky. The present Upper Sandusky is
a later village.
News of Crawford's Expedition had
speedily reached the In-
dians on the Sandusky. The villages were
soon in a wild state
of excitement and runners started to
Detroit to get aid from their
British allies. The commandant, De
Peyster, immediately dis-
patched Butler's Rangers to support the
Indians. They were all
mounted and took two cannon and a
mortar. Their horses were
sent around the lake by land, while the
Rangers with their arms
and cannon went by boat to Lower
Sandusky, where their horses
met them. Meanwhile the traders at Upper Sandusky were
packing their goods and fleeing to the
Lower Town.
Through the dense Ohio forests,
Crawford's troopers took
their march, growing terrified as they
neared their destination,
and insubordinate. They passed the
deserted Moravian camp -
the inhabitants it will be remembered
had been sent to Detroit -
and the springs of the present Upper
Sandusky; and then struck
out into the Sandusky plains. Here they
were surprised by the
waiting enemy at what is still called
Battle Island, three and a
half miles from the courthouse in Upper
Sandusky. A brisk en-
counter ensued, and the torrid June day
closed in favor of the
invaders. The following day Butler's
Rangers appeared, and
with this apparition of a civilized foe,
dismay filled the hearts of
the assailants. Retreat was decided upon
and all the wounded
brought off. The inevitable confusion
was heightened by at-
tacks from the Indians; the four lines
of the force were divided
and Crawford with his surgeon, Dr.
Knight, and a few others,
were captured next day on the banks of
the river. Among the
spoil gathered by the Indians was a broken
sword, picked up on
the banks of the creek which has ever
since borne that name.
Meanwhile the British troops having
accomplished their object
returned at once to Detroit, by way of
river and lake, and "the
big captain" of the invading army
was left to the mercy of the
Indians. Crawford, Knight and the five
others were marched
up the river to Sandusky Old Town, where
the Delaware chief,
Pipe, painted their faces black -
ominous import - with his own
hand. As the march was continued to the
Delaware village on
The Sandusky River. 207
the Tymochtee, the five unimportant
prisoners were summarily
tomahawked, and their reeking scalps
flung in the faces of the
officers reserved for a worse fate. At
the place of rendezvous, a
short distance north of the present
Crawfordsville, a crowd of
eager warriors, squaws and children,
with the infamous Girty
and Elliott were waiting the victims.
Doctor Knight was also
an unwilling and horrified witness. The
mind shrinks from the
details which followed. Crawford was
stripped of his clothes
and secured to the fire-encircled stake.
His ears were cut off.
At least seventy loads of powder were
shot into his body and
then faggots applied as the spectators
chased him about the post,
over the fire and hot ashes.* He begged
Girty to shoot him.
The monster laughed. Cut the tale short;
and remember that
the hostile Delawares were inflamed
beyond the ordinary by the
treatment of their Christian kindred at
the hands of the whites.
It is cheering to record that Doctor
Knight effected an es-
cape, as did the main part of the army.
The retreat was led by
Williamson and a Colonel Rose, a
foreigner, who had come into
General Irvine's favor. After the close of the Revolution, Rose
confided to Irvine that he was really a
Russian nobleman, Baron
Gustavus Rosenthal of Livonia. Because
of having killed a man
in a duel he was obliged to flee from
his own country, and had
sought safety in America. He entered the
army as hospital
steward; but General Irvine noticed his
ability and advanced him
to be his aide. He served with fidelity
until the close of the
war, without having revealed his
identity; and then by permis-
sion he returned to Europe, was regarded
with favor by Emperor
Alexander, and became Grand Marshal of
the province of Li-
With Crawford's Expedition, "rashly
undertaken, injudi-
ciously prosecuted and terminating in
almost unparalleled calam-
ity," closed the drama of the
American Revolution upon the
wilderness of Ohio. The appetite of the
Indians for vengeance
and plunder was, however, only whetted,
and their private fury
was unchecked until the victorious Wayne
dictated terms of
* The narrative is condensed from
Butterfield's authoritative mono-
graph on Crawford's Expedition.
+ Crawford's Expedition.
208 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
peace. In 1785, the masterful Brandt,
feted the following year
in London, assembled a council fire at
Lower Sandusky, and
there formed the league which in 1791
defeated the army under
St. Clair.
A second expedition against the Sandusky
villages was
planned, though never prosecuted. It is
noteworthy here because
of a letter on the subject from General
Irvine to Washington:
"We may lay out our accounts to
have to fight the Shawa-
nese, Delawares, Wyandots, Mingoes, in
all five hundred. They
are all settled in a line from Lower
Sandusky to the heads of the
Miami, not over seventy-five miles.
Upper Sandusky lies near
the center. If all these could be beat
at once, it would nearly,
if not entirely, put an end to the
Indian war in that quarter."*
The final contest over the right to
occupy the northwest
took place in 1794 with General Wayne's
triumph at Fallen Tim-
bers on the banks of the Maumee, sister
river of the Sandusky.
The following summer eleven of the most
powerful tribes of the
northwest were represented at the
council fire at Greenville, when
Wayne dictated terms of the treaty. The Indians solemnly
promised never again to make certain
Ohio lands a cause of war
or injury, and were themselves received
under the protection of
the United States. The effect of this
treaty upon settlement was
immense. No single or combination of
tribes again lifted the
tomahawk against the United States until
just before the war of
By the treaty of Fort McIntosh, 1785,
the Wyandot and as-
sociated tribes relinquished all claim
to the Ohio valley; and the
United States reserved, of the
northwestern hunting grounds,
certain sites for trading-posts. One of
these was the two-mile
square tract at the lower rapids of the
Sandusky. This clause
doubtless emphasized to the author of
the Greenville treaty, ten
years later, the importance of this
spot. In the Greenville
treaty, August 3, 1795, the Indians
ceded to the United States
forever, the two-mile square tract at
Lower Sandusky which the
United States, in the McIntosh treaty
had rather peremptorily
"reserved" to itself. At the
close of the War of 1812, the Gov-
Washington-Irvine Correspondence.
The Sandusky River. 209
ernment surveyed and sold this tract,
but did not survey the
surrounding land to which the Indian
title was not yet extin-
guished. So here was this little dot of
tentative civilization
scooped out of the wilderness. With
commendable sentiment the
city of Fremont, formerly Lower
Sandusky, has never altered its
official boundaries, although its
population generously overflows
the two-mile square tract. The situation
is at the head of navi-
gation, a beautiful inland harbor for
large boats, and admitting
navigation for small boats farther south
than any other stream
within the lake system. Lower Sandusky
was both the military
and the commercial center of two races
of men. A copy of a
petition to the government of Ohio,
signed by the white inhabi-
tants of Lower Sandusky, December 21,
1813, has sixteen signa-
tures. Indian cabins dotted the
beautiful hill west of the river
and council fires lighted the evening
sky. Half King, the great
chief, lived at Upper Sandusky; but
Tarhe, the Crane, the prin-
cipal war chief, lived at Lower
Sandusky. After the treaty of
Greenville, Crane led his warriors from
this place against Wayne,
he himself carrying the Grand Calumet.
He was later made
custodian of the treaty of Greenville,*
Harrison declaring him
"venerable, intelligent and
upright."+ After the treaty of
Greenville, the office of Half King was
abolished, Crane became
head of the Wyandot nation and took up
residence four miles
north of the present Upper Sandusky, the
old Indian town of
Sandusky. On his death, the Indians
transferred their council
house to the present Upper Sandusky,
calling the other place
Crane Town.++ At the new village in 1818
an immense company
gathered to pay respect to the memory of
this illustrious chief.
The general council of all the tribes of
Ohio, the Delawares of
Indiana and the Senecas of New York were
present. Red Jacket
was there from Buffalo to make the
monody. The treaty of Mc-
Intosh had the effect of congregating at
Lower Sandusky rep-
resentatives of all the Ohio tribes. The
Delawares came in large
numbers, and the war-like Muncies
established a village three
*History of Fort Wayne.
+ Letter of Harrison to Secretary of
War, March 22, 1814.
++ Howe's Historical Collection of Ohio.
Vol. XIII-14.
210 Ohio Arch. and Hist.
Society Publications.
miles below at a place where a creek
enters the river. The trad-
ers dubbed the settlement Muncieville.
It was destroyed in the
war of 1812.*
A different sort of settlement was
effected about 1780 when
the Indians brought from Virginia a
group of captive negroes
whom they placed in charge of the little
peninsula ever since
known as Negro Point, or in enduring
parlance, Nigger Bend.+
The first permanent white settlers on
the Sandusky, antedating
Wayne's Victory, were the Whittakers
whose name still lingers
upon Whittaker sand-bar three miles
below Fremont.
Their story is most romantic. About the
year 1780, two
Whittaker brothers and a third young man
left Fort Pitt to
hunt game for the garrison. They were
attacked by Indians,
one was killed, one escaped, and James
Whittaker was captured.
He was taken to Ohio and compelled to
run the gantlet, escap-
ing unhurt from that ordeal. Not pleased
with his success, the
Indians decided that he should run it
again, when an old squaw
came forward, threw her blanket over him
and claimed him as
her son. He was thenceforth counted as
one of their own people.
About two years afterward, a girl of
eleven, Elizabeth Fulks,
was captured by the Indians during a
raid into Pennsylvania,
and carried into the wilds of the
northwest. Whittaker became
acquainted with her and the two were
married at Detroit. The
friendly Wyandots gave them twelve
hundred acres of choice
farming land on the Sandusky River, the
tract since known as
the Whittaker farm, three miles below
Fremont. He established
a trading store there, another at Upper
Sandusky and a third not
far distant on the Tymochtee. He was a
successful merchant
and grew rich. One day after drinking a
glass of wine with his
partner in Upper Sandusky he fell down
dead. He was buried
on his own farm and his tombstone was
for many years moved
about, saved from entire destruction by
superstitious hands. It
was at last taken from a corner of a
rail fence and deposited in
Birchard Library, Fremont. It records
his death, "in the 48th
year of his age, December 17, 1804"
and affords strong evidence
that Whittaker was the first white
settler in Ohio.
* Abbott's Ohio.
+Everett's Sandusky County.
The Sandusky River. 211
This James Whittaker may be regarded as
the first educator
of this region. About 1800 at a large
expense, he hired a teacher
from the east to instruct his older
children. He then sent his
eldest daughter to Pittsburgh where she
was well educated and
coming home was qualified to teach her
many younger brothers
and sisters. Whittaker's thorough
adoption into the Wyandot
tribe is shown by the fact that he
joined their war parties. He
was present at St. Clair's defeat and at
the battle of Fallen
Hon. Isaac Knapp, a prominent merchant
and a former
mayor of Lower Sandusky, knew in
Kentucky early in the nine-
teenth century, three brothers and two
sisters named Davidson
who in childhood had been captured by
the Indians and brought
to Lower Sandusky. They described to Mr.
Knapp minutely
the lay of the land here, the bends of
the river, the high banks on
the east, so that there was no doubt of
the locality they recalled.
The oldest brother was made to run the
gantlet and his success
so enraged a squaw that she
incontinently tomahawked him.
According to their story the gantlet
ground extended south from
the present Wheeling station along the
river bank. This was
somewhere prior to 1794.
Frequent mention has been made of the
Indians forcing their
captives to run the gantlet. Our first
authoritative description
of it is from Heckewelder, who observed
it in Lower Sandusky
in 1782.
"As soon as the prisoners had crossed
the river they
were told to run as hard as they could
to a painted post which
was shown them. The youngest of the
three immediately started
without a moment's hesitation and
reached the post without a
single blow. The second hesitated for a
moment, but recollect-
ing himself he also ran as fast as he
could and reached the post
unhurt; but the third, frightened at
seeing so many men, women
and children with weapons in their hands
ready to strike him,
kept begging the captain to spare his
life, saying he was a mason
and would build a large stone house for
him or do any other
work he should choose. 'Run for your
life,' cried the chief 'and
don't talk now of building houses!' Our
mason now began to
run, but received many a hard blow one
of which nearly brought
*McClung's Sketches of Western
212 Ohio Arch. and Hist.
Society Publications.
him to the ground and which, if he had
fallen, would have de-
cided his fate. He however reached the
goal sadly bruised and
besides he was bitterly scoffed at and
reproached as a vile coward,
while the others were hailed as brave
men and received tokens of
universal approbation."
So faithfully did the Indians keep their
promises made at
Greenville that for the next ten or
twelve years peace obtained
upon the Sandusky. After the Revolution,
the British upon a
pretext of obligations toward the
loyalists not being observed
by the Americans, withheld the posts at
Detroit and at Ft. Miami
on the Maumee; and from these vantage
points kept control of
the Indian federation and of all the
lake shore from Mackinac
to Niagara. The final surrender of these
posts in July 1795
marked the last important event of the
eighteenth century in the
Sandusky valley. Thus for the first
time, northwestern Ohio
came under the American flag. The county
of Wayne was estab-
lished, embracing Michigan and all
northwestern Ohio, including
the Sandusky country. In 1803, Ohio
became a State; and on
St. Valentine's Day, 1812, the capital
was voted to be moved
farther up the Scioto river, to
Columbus. Thus the Sandusky
river acquired a fresh significance as a
strategic point, the por-
tage between the two rivers being short,
easy and universally
Meanwhile the war-inciting voice of the
Prophet was heard
in the land, and his twin brother
Tecumseh was travelling from
Florida to upper Canada to unite the
Indian tribes. One after-
noon Mrs. George Williams, who lived on
the Williams Reser-
vation on Negro Point, walked through
Muncieville. By a
light in a wigwam she saw Tecumseh in
consultation with an
Ottawa chief and overheard part of the
conversation. Being her-
self an Ottawa she understood Tecumseh
to say that "next year
when the corn was knee high a war would
begin by killing all
white people on Indian territory, and
the British would join
them."* "In 1812, Jacob B.
Varnum, jr., Indian Agent at Lower
Sandusky came to my father's house+ in
Bloomingville, Erie
* Homer Everett in conversation with the
Williams family.
+ Recollections of Judge Israel
Harrington, Lower Sandusky Whig,
April, 1840.
The Sandusky River. 213
County, to be sworn in as postmaster at
Lower Sandusky,-
my father being the nearest officer
authorized to administer such
oaths. Mr. Varnum's father, then a
senator from Connecticut,
had written his son that war would
certainly be declared against
Great Britain very soon, and that a
fortification would be built
at Lower Sandusky. My father concluded
to remove to that
point for safety."* In June 1812, the United States declared
war against Great Britain and the west
became the theatre of
conflict. July 1 of this year, John
Campbell and a company of
regulars were ordered to Lower Sandusky
where stores were
being collected for General Hull, head
of the western army. The
company embarked from Cleveland in two
large batteaux, with
decks, and arrived at Lower Sandusky on
the 14th. These were
doubtless the largest craft hitherto
seen on the river. Campbell's
men now fell to work to erect a
stockade. On the 21st, they
were ordered to Detroit and went off in
their batteaux, leaving
their sick. The order to Campbell as
given by Governor Meigs,
signifies that there was already a
government post at Lower San-
dusky. It reads: "you will purchase
provisions and ammunition
for twenty days. You will take with you
the necessary tools for
building two blockhouses and piquet them
so as to protect the
United States trading-house and store at
that place. You will
treat all friendly Indians well. Tell
the Crane you come from
me. "+
Early in December, 1812, a detachment of
Perkin's Brigade
arrived at Lower Sandusky and repaired
Campbell's stockade,
"to protect an Indian store
formerly established at that place by
the Government.":++ Soon after, the
whole of the brigade ar-
rived. By the 20th, Gen. William Henry
Harrison, who had suc-
ceeded the incompetent Hull as
commander-in-chief, reached
Upper Sandusky, and there made his
headquarters. He had an
effective force of about 1,500 men,
artillery and large supplies,
* The Sandusky County Pioneer and
Historical Society was in 1874
presented with a letter from Postmaster
General Meigs, appointing Mor-
ris A. Newman first postmaster at Lower
Sandusky. It is dated July
2d, 1814. Varnum's prior holding of the
place was rather by exigency
than by governmental recognition.
tWest. Res. Hist. So, Tract No. 51.
++ McAfee History of the Late War.
Published 1816.
214 Ohio Arch. and Hist.
Society Publications.
and the appearance of the camp showed
that active preparations
were near. A hint of his energy comes in
report of a ride he
made from Upper to Lower Sandusky about
this time, doing the
forty miles in seven and a half hours.
Information had come
too late, however, and though he
gathered up all the Lower San-
dusky force and started westward, he
could not prevent the aw-
ful massacre of Americans on the River
Raisin in Michigan.
In February, 1813, a company arrived at
Lower Sandusky, to
help build the fort. One of the members
who was in the August
engagement and lived to a great age,
said that their oxen be-
came so poor from want of sufficient and
proper food that it was
almost impossible to get them to pull
the pickets from the woods
[near Stony Prairie] to the Fort. Many
of the oxen died. Large
packs of wolves were almost constantly
howling on their tracks,
waiting for the opportunity to devour
the starved carcasses.*
"In May, 1813," continues this
narrator, "farmers to the
number of three hundred came from
southern Ohio, after corn
planting, to see if the American flag
still floated on the fort.
They picketed their horses on the bottom
lands between the fort
and Ballville which was then a beautiful
meadow. At the foot of
the hill between the fort and State
Street was a French town of
log cabins. The French burying ground
was at the foot of the
hill between what are now Birchard
Avenue and Ewing street."
In May, 1813, a general order from Lower
Sandusky shows that
Colonel Stephenson was in command and
the fort and site has
ever since borne his name. The first
known instance of its au-
thentic use on a letter head is May 22, 1813, in an
letter to Governor Meigs.+ This same
month reinforcements
marched to the relief of Fort Meigs on
the Maumee, Return Jon-
athan Meigs, Governor of Ohio, at their
head. News that the
British had retreated reached him May 12, at Lower
where Harrison joined him on his return
from Fort Meigs. The
volunteer troops were therefore
disbanded at Lower Sandusky,
"receiving the thanks of the
commander-in-chief, and were justly
applauded for the alacrity and ardor
with which they had repaired
to the standard of their
* Mr. Figley of Defiance County, in
conversation with J. P. Moore.
+ Everett's Sandusky County.
++ McAfee's History of the Late War.
The Sandusky River. 215
On the 3d of July a mounted regiment
under Col. Richard
M. Johnson of Kentucky, "the man
who killed Tecumseh" and
the future Vice President, marched from
Fort Meigs to Lower
Sandusky, to recruit their horses there.
"The Fourth was cele-
brated by the garrison and mounted men
together, in great har-
mony and enthusiasm. Colonel Johnson
delivered an appropri-
ate address; and a number of toasts,
breathing sentiments of the
republican soldier were drunk, cheered
by the shouts of the men
and the firing of small arms and the
discharge of a six-pounder
from the fort." This is the first
mention of the cannon "Old
Betsy," and it also records the
first public celebration of the
Fourth of July in Lower Sandusky.
McAfee's narrative contin-
ues: "Considerable exertion was now
making to finish the works
of Fort Stephenson which had been
planned and commenced in
April by Colonel Wood. They were soon
afterward completed
so as to contain a larger garrison and
make some formidable
resistance. On the 6th Colonel Johnson's regiment left for
Huron." Prior to the 16th of July,
Major George Croghan ar-
rived with part of the 17th regiment and
took command of the
fort. Here Harrison, on his way from
Cleveland stopped, and
with Croghan and several other officers
examined the heights
which surround Fort Stephenson. It was
concluded that as the
fort held nothing but two hundred
barrels of flour and could
not be defended against heavy artillery,
that if the British should
approach by water, causing the
presumption that they had
brought heavy artillery, Fort Stephenson
should be burned, pro-
vided a retreat could be effected with
Harrison then proceeded to Seneca town,
nine miles up the
river, where he constructed a fortified
camp, henceforth known
as Fort Seneca. Here he was reinforced
by Colonel Ball's squad-
ron of a hundred and fifty dragoons, and
Generals Cass and Mc-
Arthur, making his force about six
hundred. The site was ad-
mirably chosen, on the west bluff about
forty feet above the river
just where it makes a sharp turn, and
close to the old army road.
Here he erected a stockade with a
blockhouse at the southwest
corner. The pickets enclosed a fine
spring of water. The place
was accessible either to Upper Sandusky,
where the stores were
concentrated; or to Fort Meigs on the
Maumee, if the safety of
216 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
that place required the commander's
presence. These two camps
were the objects to be defended. Fort
Stephenson at Lower
Sandusky was comparatively unimportant.
The same month,
Colonel Ball with a detachment of men
moved farther up the
river, where Rocky River enters the
Sandusky on the left, and
there built a stockade near the old army
road, opposite the pres-
ent city of Tiffin, with which the
subsequent village was after-
ward merged. It was called Fort Ball,
and was built as a place
of security in case of disaster at the
north and as a magazine for
supplies. After the battle of
Tippecanoe, Harrison, then at Fort
Seneca, sent a detachment up the river
to strengthen this camp.
It was occasionally occupied during the
remainder of the war.*
Still further south, at Upper Sandusky,
Harrison built Fort
Ferree, on the high bluff of the river.
A mile below Fort Ferree
was "the grand encampment"
where Governor Meigs rested in
August, 1813, with several thousand Ohio
militia on his way to
the relief of Fort Meigs.+
Throughout the spring and early summer
of 1813, Harrison
passed back and forth along the line of
his camps, Upper and
Lower Sandusky, Fort Seneca, Fort Meigs
on the Maumee, to
Cleveland where the fleet was building,
and into the interior to
consult with Governor Meigs. Meanwhile
scouts were watching
Lake Erie for the approach of the enemy,
at either Cleveland
or Lower Sandusky. On the evening of
July 31st, the enemy's
fleet was discovered ascending the
Sandusky river, - it had suf-
fered delay through mistaking the mouth
of Mud Creek for the
main channel;-and only a few hours after
the news was reported
to Croghan at Fort Stephenson, the
assailants appeared. Five
hundred British regulars, veteran troops
from the War of the
Peninsula in Spain, landed on the west
bank of the river, oppo-
site the head of Brady Island, and the
Indians numbering from
one to two or even three thousand and
led by Tecumseh himself,
swarmed in the woods between Fort Meigs
and Fort Stephenson.
It was quite too late to retreat in
safety, and Major Croghan, a
handsome, well-born, spirited Kentucky
lad, made rapid prepara-
tions for battle. His force consisted of
but one hundred and
* Butterfield's Seneca County.
+ Howe's Historical Collections of Ohio.
The Sandusky River. 217
sixty men. On the first of August the
British opened fire upon
Fort Stephenson in earnest, from a point
of woods two hundred
and fifty yards to the northwest.
Croghan replied with his one
gun, "Old Betsy," a six
pounder, shifted from place to place to
convey the impression that he had
several pieces. Late in the
afternoon of the 2d, the enemy made a
united assault. Colonel
Short at the head of the principal
column, followed by his men,
leaped into the ditch surrounding the
fort. At that moment, the
masked porthole in Croghan's blockhouse
was opened and "Old
Betsy" at a distance of thiry feet
poured forth such destruction
that few who had entered the ditch
escaped. Meanwhile the
other assaulting columns had been
routed, and a precipitous re-
treat began into the woods. Colonel
Short and one hundred and
fifty British regulars and Indians were
left dead, and twenty-six
captured. Croghan had one killed and
seven slightly wounded.
In the night the whole British and
Indian force retreated. So
great was their haste that they left a
sailboat containing clothing
and military stores. Wellington medals
of the War of the Pen-
insula were long afterward ploughed up
near the river bank.
"It will not be the least of
General Proctor's mortifications,"
wrote General Harrison, in his official
report of the affair, "that
he has been baffled by a youth who has
just passed his twenty-
first year. He is, however, a hero
worthy of his gallant uncle,
Gen. George R. Clarke."
The battle of Fort Stephenson, though
not in itself a great
battle was the first really brilliant
effort of the war of 1812.
The youth of the hero, the disparity in
numbers on the opposing
sides, and the decisive triumph, aroused
a burst of enthusiasm
throughout the country. This famous
repulse of August 2, 1813,
marks the last invasion of Ohio soil by
the British and Indians.*
It was the turning point in the war that
ended in sweeping the
haughty British navy from our seas and
hurling his army from
our borders.+
On August 9, "a British boat was
discovered coming up the
river with a flag. When it landed below
Fort Stephenson, Cap-
tain Hunter was sent to meet the
commander, who proved to be
* King's Ohio.
+ Gen. Wm. H. Gibson, speech at
Fort Stephenson, Aug. 2, 1886.
218 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
Lieut. Le Breton, accompanied by Doctor
Banner, with a letter
from General Proctor to the commandant
at Lower Sandusky,
their object being to ascertain the
situation of the British
wounded and afford them surgical aid.
Captain Hunter invited
them to the fort. Le Breton seemed to
hesitate as if he expected
first to be blindfolded, as usual in
such cases; but Hunter told
him to come on, that there was nothing
in the fort to conceal;
and when he introduced him to Major
Croghan as the comman-
dant of the fort he appeared to be
astonished at the youthful
appearance of the hero who had defeated
the combined forces of
his master.
"As the letter of General Proctor
also contained a proposi-
tion for the paroling of those prisoners
who might be in a condi-
tion to be removed, the flag was sent by
Major Croghan to head-
quarters at Seneca. General Harrison
replied to the letter of
Proctor that Major Croghan, conformably
to those principles
which are held sacred in the American
army, had caused all pos-
sible care to be taken of the wounded
prisoners that his situation
would admit - that every aid which
surgical skill could give was
afforded; and that he had already
referred the disposal of his
prisoners to his government and must
await their determination.
Doctor Banner in the meantime had
examined the situation of
the wounded and was highly gratified
with the humane treatment
they had received."*
Two days before Croghan's victory at
Fort Stephenson a
little encounter took place along the
river a half mile south of
what is now Ballville, two miles above
Fremont. Lieut. Col.
James V. Ball, with his squadron of
Kentucky troopers was car-
dispatches from Harrison to Croghan when they were sud-
denly fired upon by Indians in ambush.
Ball had instructed his
men always to charge with sharpened
sabres directly at the smoke
or sound of a discharged musket in order
to close the enemy
before they could reload the old flint
lock muskets which required
priming. The Colonel himself struck the
first blow, and a hand
to hand skirmish ensued. Within the
memory of many still liv-
ing, an oak stood on the site of this
action with seventeen hacks
* McAfee's History of the Late War.
The Sandusky River. 219
in it, to indicate the number of Indians
killed.* Colonel Ball
lost not a man. Among his troopers was a
young private, James
Webb, grandfather of Lucy Webb Hayes,
and his old flint lock
rifle and hunting horn are among the
treasures of Spiegel Grove
at Fremont. This week, also, Harrison
narrowly escaped assas-
sination by a Shawanese Indian at
Seneca. The chief of this
tribe so repudiated the attempted murder
that he himself kept
guard at the General's door every night
thereafter until the
troops left. The morning after the
battle of Fort Stephenson,
Harrison arrived from Fort Seneca, to
congratulate and consult
with Croghan, but returned almost
immediately. All the military
energies of the State had been roused by
this victory, troops from
all quarters hurried to the Sandusky
river, and both sides made
vigorous preparation for the inevitable
naval battle which should
decide the command of Lake Erie and its
shores. Ship carpenters
were busily at work, and nine American
vessels were ready for
service, carrying fifty-four guns and
six hundred marines. The
fleet anchored just off Sandusky Bay, on
Lake Erie, and the re-
sultant battle falls slightly without
the territory of this sketch.
The exhilarating news of Perry's Victory
set Fort Stephen-
son and Fort Seneca in an uproar of
tumultuous joy. Governor
Shelby of Kentucky, with fifteen hundred
Kentucky volunteers
marching to Harrison's camp, received
the news at Fort Ball
[Tiffin],+ and hastened joyfully on by
river and the old army
road along part of its banks. Harrison
immediately proceeded
to Lower Sandusky and issued orders for
the movements of the
collected troops and the transportation
of provisions and military
stores to the margin of the lake,
preparatory to embarkation.
From Lower Sandusky these went
principally by river to the
portage near the Bay which leads across
the isthmus to the
Portage River at its junction with the
lake. The pleasant penin-
sula between the mouths of the two
rivers was speedily filled
with the army, and the horses turned
loose to graze on the fine
grass. The army was now bound for Canada
and the decisive
Battle of the Thames.
A final mention of Fort Stephenson from
the military stand-
* Butterfield's Seneca County.
+ Harper's Magazine, Aug., 1863. B. J.
220 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
point occurs in the spring of 1814 when
Croghan, then command-
ant at Detroit, "ordered on from
Lower Sandusky, a point with-
out my limits, two commands," for
the expedition against Macki-
nac and the upper lakes. Croghan
bitterly opposed this expedi-
tion, "because if Mackinac be taken
we are not at all benefitted."
The expedition is chiefly interesting to
us now from a letter
Croghan wrote to Harrison complaining of
the action of the
Secretary of War in passing orders to
Major Holmes over
Croghan's head. "Major Holmes has
been notified by the War
Department that he is chosen to command
the land troops which
are intended to co-operate with the
fleet against the enemy's
forces on the upper lakes. So soon as I
may be directed by you
to order Major Holmes on that command
and to furnish him
with the necessary troops, I shall do
so; but not till then shall
he or any other part of my force leave
the sod." * The reader
smiles at the young officer's righteous
heat, and surmises that
Croghan's famous dispatch of July 30 to
his chief, "We have
determined to maintain this place [Fort
Stephenson] and by
heaven we can," was not entirely to
delude the British into whose
hands it might fall; but was inherently
characteristic of this fiery
Philander Rexford arrived with his
father's family in Lower
Sandusky in 1815, he being a boy of six
years. He soon visited
the fort and found guards still
stationed within and sentinels
without. A mascot in the shape of a live
bear was chained to a
stake near the center of the
fort**. Thomas L. Hawkins was
in 1815 put in charge of the government
property at Fort Steph-
enson. After the battle of the Thames in
Canada, the spoils
of the victory were brought by Harrison
to Fort Stephenson.
Among them was General Proctor's
carriage. Hawkins used to
hitch oxen to it and take carriage
rides. Scraping away the paint
with his jack knife, he concluded that
there had been at least a
dozen coats. One was a peach-blow color.
The carriage was
probably very old.+ Other old settlers
have recorded seeing this
carriage in the possession of Mr.
* McAfee, History of the Late War.
** Letter from P. Rexford, Fremont
Journal, March 28, 1879.
+ J. P. Moore in conversation with T. L.
++ Reports Pioneer Meeting, October 23,
1885. Journal.
The Sandusky River. 221
Frequent mention has been made of the
old army road and
trail between Upper Sandusky and Lower
Sandusky. It ran
along the western bank of the river,
being the principal thorough-
fare for troops and supplies during the
war, and was laid out
by General Bell, of Wooster, in 1812.
For several years after the
close of the war, large quantities of
provisions for the settle-
ments around Lower Sandusky passed along
this road; and
many immigrants from Europe who had
previously landed in
Canada took this course on their way
south, making it a main-
traveled road before there were white
settlers in the country.*
This Harrison military trail has been
preserved as the main road
of Spiegel Grove, the residence of
President Hayes in Fremont,
and is distinctly marked out not only by
the depression but by
the elms and oaks which line it, and
which have since been
named after celebrated visitors. In the
celebration of 1877
President Hayes served refreshments to
members of his old
regiment under five of these great oaks,
which were then named
after Rosecrans, Seammon, Comly and
Stanley Matthews and
their old commander, General Sheridan.
Subsequently a mag-
nificent elm was named after General
Sherman; while three
presidential visitors are remembered by
the Garfield maple, the
Cleveland hickory and the McKinley oaks.
The Harrison trail
did not follow the river its whole
course and was never actually
surveyed. The present west side river
road from Fremont to
Upper Sandusky, was surveyed by David
Risdon and made a
State road in 1821. It ran as
straight as possible, and scarcely
ever touched the old army road.+ A road along the east side of
the river led from Lower Sandusky to
Delaware, and was used
first for military purposes and then for
emigrants. In 1820 it
was supplanted by the Morrison State
road surveyed by Isaac
Harrington in 1820. Morrison for whom it
was named was a
commissioner who located the road. The
surveyor Risdon,
named above, was the first appointed
postmaster at the office
located at Fort Ball (Tiffin). It is
said that he used occasionally
to go fishing and carry the mail matter
with him in his hat.
People who were anxious to get their
mail and could not wait
* Butterfield: Seneca County.
+ Lang's Seneca County.
222 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
for his return, would follow him up
along the river. Mr. Risdon
would then take the postoffice from his
head and look for letters
and papers.* Roads and mail routes were of incalculable im-
portance in these early days. In March,
1813, Calvin Pease
wrote from Lower Sandusky to Major Tod:
"I am ordered by the
postmaster-general to run the express
mail twice a week from Pittsburgh to the
headquarters of the
northwestern army. For that purpose I
have brought on a good
supply of horses. I wished to have seen
General Harrison [who
had gone on to Cincinnati]-to get a
route from this place to
headquarters that he would approve of.
Whenever General Har-
rison moves his headquarters I should be
glad to receive the
earliest intelligence of it, that I may
send on more horses if
necessary that the mail may always go to
his headquarters." +
During the war of 1812 there was attached as chaplain to
Harrison's command, the Rev. Joseph
Badger, the first mission-
ary in northern Ohio. In 1801 he began
work on the Western
Reserve and in the Sandusky Valley. He
received a formal ap-
pointment from an eastern missionary
society to Lower San-
dusky.++ Associated with him was Quintus
F. Atkins, a manu-
script copy of whose diary is in the
Western Reserve Historical
Rooms. There we read that in 1806 these
two men "sailed up
the Sandusky River to Mrs. Whittaker's,
where they unloaded
and had family prayers, having with them
an Indian convert
named Barnett. This was three miles
below the rapids." A
little later in returning from a
successful fishing at the Rapids,
Atkins heard Crane, the Wyandot chief
"expressing his pleasure
in granting permission to work their
land and to get food, and
hoping they would dwell together in
peace." February 10, 1807,
Atkins assisted Mr. Waterman copy a bill
of articles for the
factory, buying some powder of
Whittaker."§ Mr. Waterman
was evidently the U. S. factor, and the
factory seems to have
been in the vicinity of the Whittaker
Badger crossed the Sandusky river, June
14, 1805, "swim-
* Lang's Seneca County.
+ West. Res. Hist. So. Tract No. 2.
++ MS. of Cornelius Feather -Ashtabula
Historical Society.
§ West. Res. Hist. So. Tract No. 50.
Diary of Q. F. Atkins.
The Sandusky River. 223
ming his horse by the side of a
canoe." In the fall of 1809 when
war rumors were afloat, Mr. Badger made
an appointment for
the Indians to meet him at Lower
Sandusky and his address to
them was so convincing, and his
influence for four or five years
had been so powerful for good among
them,-that they re-
solved to take no part in the war if it
came.* This was doubt-
less the principal reason why the
Indians of this especial locality
kept faith with the Americans during the
War of 1812, not join-
ing with the other Sandusky Wyandots in
behalf of the British.
In 1816 John Stewart, a mulatto, began
missionary work
among the Wyandots of Upper Sandusky,
and was so successful
that the M. E. Church sent out Rev.
James Finley who has left
his own record of the work. We read that
at one time on his
way to Quarterly Meeting at Detroit:
"I left my horse at Fort
Ball and hired two young Indians to take
me to Portland [the
present Sandusky on the bay] in a bark
canoe. We started about
noon and the Sandusky River being very
full, our bark canoe
went over the rapids almost with the
swiftness of a bird. But
when we got to eddy water which we
reached a short distance
below Lower Sandusky, we met schools of
fish called sheep-head;
and they much annoyed us by sticking
fast to the bottom of our
canoe. Once in a while one of the
Indians who steered for us
would take his butcher knife out of his
belt and slip down his
arm into the water and stab one of them
and it would almost
jump on board. But they not being good
to eat, we cared not
to take any of them. We had no
provisions with us and de-
pended on killing deer. My comrades
fired several times but
were not so fortunate as to kill any.
Night came on and we had
no place to stop till we got down into
the marshes at the mouth
of the river. There was an old Frenchman
that lived in this
marsh and caught muskrats. We arrived at
his poor wigwam
that night and found nothing to eat but
muskrats." Next even-
ing Finley boarded Walk-in-the-Water for
It is extremely interesting to see that
the most approved and
so-supposed modern method of dealing
with the Indian on his
reservation- industrial training and
lands in severalty- was in
* Rev. E. Bushnell, D. D., History of
Sandusky County.
++ Finley's Life Among the
224 Ohio Arch. and Hist.
Society Publications.
use by Finley almost a century ago. In 1824, Bishop Soule of
the M. E. Church visited the mission.
"The location [on the
west side of the river one mile below
Upper Sandusky] is de-
lightful and convenient. The mission has
sixty acres of corn
growing; has reaped wheat and oats and a
crop of flax, and
keeps a great variety of vegetables. It
owns ten cows. Indus-
trial training is popular. Adult Indians
visit the school and
imitate its methods in agriculture,
building and butter-making."
Finley wrote General Cass, praying for
individual allotment
of Indian lands: "Heretofore the
land belonged to the Wyan-
dot nation. Its equitable division so
that each Indian might
have ownership in the soil would
contribute to make each fam-
ily stationary and also beget an
ambition to improve their prop-
erty. Thus a new stimulus to the
development of civilized life
would be secured." In this General
Cass heartily concurred. In
the summer of 1825 "a surveyor was
employed to lay off a cer-
tain portion into half sections, and the
chiefs request you to finish
their work." General Cass
formulated a plan to which the In-
dians assented, and "houses went up
in all directions."
Finley visited Washington and had an
interview with Pres-
ident Monroe, described the mission work
to him and through
his influence and that of John C.
Calhoun, Secretary of War, got
a Government appropriation of $1,333. Monroe desired
that he
should build a church for the mission
"of durable materials, so
that it might remain a house of worship
when both of us are no
more." This work was performed and
in Finley's words, "the
house was built out of lime stone, 30 x
40 feet and plainly fin-
ished. So these people have a
comfortable house to worship God
in ever since. It will stand if not torn
down, for a century to
come." The building gradually fell
into decay, but in 1888, the
M. E. Church appropriated $2,000 to restore it. In
the grave-
yard are buried John Stewart, the
mulatto missionary, and the
great and good chiefs Between-the-Logs,
and Summendewat.
In 1817, Generals Cass and McArthur
succeeded, at the
Rapids of the Maumee, in purchasing an
immense tract of ter-
ritory from the Indians -all
northwestern Ohio, in fact, except
a few parcels reserved by some of the
tribes. One of these was
the Seneca Reservation of forty thousand
acres in Seneca and
The Sandusky River. 225
Sandusky counties. In 1831, the Senecas
sold these lands to the
United States at three cents, eight
mills per acre, and were re-
moved to the far west. To consummate
this purchase, Gen.
Brish, Indian agent, took the Seneca
chiefs on to Washington.*
Some years earlier, leaders of the tribe
journeyed from the San-
dusky to the Missouri river, seeking a
favorable spot for their
future home. On their return, they found
the chief Comstock
dead, and his youngest brother, John,
ruling in his place. The
second and third brothers at once
accused Seneca John of hav-
ing caused Comstock's death by
witchcraft. "Said he, in a strain
of eloquence rarely equalled, 'I loved
my brother Comstock more
than I love the green earth I stand
upon. I would give myself,
limb by limb, piece meal by piece meal:
I would shed my blood
drop by drop to restore him.' But all
his protestations of inno-
cence and affection for Comstock were of
no avail."+ His two
brothers pronounced him guilty and
murdered him at sunrise.
Before this time white settlements were
increasing up and
down the valley. The present city of
Sandusky, at the mouth of
the bay, was up to 1816 known as
Ogontz's Place after the wise
chief of that name who had been baptized
and educated at Que-
bec by the Jesuits. He was assigned by
their ecclesiastical au-
thorities to the Ottawas. Jay Cooke,
born near the site of
Ogontz's cabin commemorated the name in
his magnificent es-
tate near Philadelphia. Reuben Rice, who as a pioneer lad
passed through the place in the fall of
1811, remembered that
but one white family lived there-that of
an Indian trader
named Harrison. The ground now occupied
by the city was a
thicket of wild plum trees.++
In 1816 William Wildman laid out the
town and called it
Portland. In 1818, Wildman and Mills
platted it and renamed it
Sandusky City, the city being dropped by
the Ohio act to incor-
porate cities years afterward. It is an
irony of fate that the
Sandusky city best known to the outside
world, was never
* Judge Lang, Tiffin, Fremont Journal
Sept. 16, 1887.
+Henry C. Brish, Indian Sub-Agent at
Seneca. Howe's Hist. Cols.
of Ohio.
++ Reuben Rice, of Elmore, Address
before San. Co. Pion. Assn.
Journal, Sept. 10, 1875.
Vol. XIII.-15.
226 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
known by that name to the Indians who
loved and haunted the
Sandusky valley.
A group of French families, escaping
from revolution and
despotism in their native land, arrived
in this country early in the
nineteenth century and settled at
Monroe, Mich., moving there-
after to the Maumee valley. In January,
1813, the U. S. Gov-
ernment, fearing their disturbance
during the British and Indian
hostilities, directed the removal of the
French colony to the San-
dusky valley, and twenty families
started. The procession con-
sisted of one horse sleighs, the runners
made of boards. The snow
was very deep and the order of the train
was frequently changed
that the horses might take turns in
breaking a path. At the
mouth of the Muscalonge creek fresh
teams were in waiting, and
the travellers reached Lower Sandusky
and were lodged for the
winter in the government barracks. In
the spring cabins were
arranged for them near the fort, but the
hostile Indians threat-
ened their safety and again the
government moved them, this
time to Upper Sandusky. On the way they
heard the British
cannon storming Fort Stephenson, August
2d. After the war,
these wards of the nation came back to
Lower Sandusky in gov-
ernment wagons and gradually dispersed
to make individual
homes and take up their own support.*
Some continued to re-
side at Lower Sandusky; De Mars and La
Point made squatter
improvements down the river their names
being combined in that
of the De Mars Point club house thereabouts.
A group of fam-
ilies settled in Rice township on Mud
Creek. The land sales of
1821 caused serious confusion among
these squatters.
Up the river, Tiffin in 1821 had six
cabins, while Fort Ball,
just across the stream had developed
into quite a settlement.
Josiah Hedges was proprietor of the
former place, Jesse Spencer
of the latter, each striving to secure
the location of the county
It was awarded to Hedges who thereupon purchased
Spencer's tract and named the whole
Tiffin, after Ohio's first
Governor. Many funny stories are extant
about the rivalries of
the proprietors before the merger.
Spencer had built a brush
dam, the first dam erected by man
-beavers were at home here
- across the river. The water raised by
it ran the first saw
* Everett's Sandusky County.
The Sandusky River. 227
mill on the river. This dam caused
numerous fist fights, and its
destruction became the cause of the
first law suit in the newly es-
tablished county. *
Farther up the river, Upper Sandusky new
town, was not
formally laid out until 1843. One year
earlier Charles Dick-
ens and his wife passed through the
place spending the night
in great discomfort at a log tavern and
deriving material there-
from for "American Notes."
The last important town on the Sandusky,
there but a small
stream, is Bucyrus, laid out in February
1822 by Samuel Norton
and Col. James Kilbourne, proprietors.
Kilbourne's favorite his-
torical character was Cyrus the Great,
and with a portion of the
prefix "beautiful," he
concocted a name. Furthermore the colonel
celebrated his town in ryhme:
"I'll tell you how Bucyrus now
Just rising like the star of morn,
Surrounded stands by fertile lands
On clear Sandusky's rural bourne."
In the first years of cellar digging,
the bones of mastodon
were occasionally found at Bucyrus, one
perfect skeleton being
purchased by Barnum. An extensive
cranberry marsh of some
two thousand acres was a feature of this
locality, and was long
a source of profit; but in 1855 the marsh
was drained and largely
redeemed to agriculture.
Richland county, in the western part of
which the Sandusky
has its source, was a favorite resort of
Johnny Appleseed, famous
throughout Ohio as early as 1811, and it
is scarcely to be doubted
that some of the old apple orchards
along the river were of his
planting. Going from place to place, he
carried a bag of apple-
seeds on his back, cleared a little
patch of land along a stream,
surrounded it with a rude enclosure and
planted his seeds. He
had such little nurseries all through
Ohio, Indiana and Pennsyl-
vania. This odd character regarded dog
fennel as a medicinal
herb, valuable to civilization, and so
of that too he carried quan-
tities of seed which he scattered along
his way. We could have
spared it.
* Lang's Seneca County.
228 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
Pioneer life in these upper villages was
rich in incident, but
since Lower Sandusky was the head of
navigation, the tale of
the river after the war of 1812 centers largely about that place.
In 1680 La Salle in his Griffin, sailed
the length of Lake Erie.
It is easy to believe that he put into
Sandusky Bay, the finest
harbor on the Lakes, but we have no
record to verify the sup-
position. The first steamer that we know
entered the mouth of
our river and landed at Lower Sandusky
was the Walk-in-the-
Water, happily named after the great Wyandot chief of that
who, the day after Perry's victory left
the British and came with
his warriors to Harrison. Harrison
flatly told him that if he
wanted peace, he must abandon Tecumseh
and get out of the
way of the American army; and with these
terms he hastened to
comply.* The steamer Walk-in-the-Water was built for the
Maumee river trade, a city -
Orleans-of-the-North - having been
laid out just below Perrysburg. The Walk
stuck on the sand-
bars, however, and that place is now
Toledo harbor, the boat
thus unwittingly denoting the precise
spot of the future city of
the Maumee.+ The same year saw a far more extraordinary
craft with a no less speaking name, the Pegasus,
working its
way up and down the Sandusky river, from
Portland, as San-
dusky was still called, to Lower
Sandusky. The boat, constructed
by Elisha W. Howland and Thomas L.
Hawkins, consisted of two
large canoes, side by side, separated by
a platform large enough
to carry a superstructure of machinery,
a large amount of freight
and several passengers. The machinery
was operated by four
horses which, moving tread mill fashion,
worked paddles at each
side of the boat. On one occasion a
refractory horse broke his
halter, plunged head first over the rail
and hung in that precari-
ous situation until cut loose. He then
swam triumphantly ashore
"to the great delight of the whole
crew." ++ The Pegasus aimed
to make three trips a week. The passage
of forty miles consti-
tuted a good day's work under the most
favorable circumstances.
She continued to run until June 29,
1824, when in a severe storm
* McAfee History of the late War.
+ Address Hon. Clark Waggoner before
Sandusky County Pioneer
Association. Fremont Journal, Sept. 26,
++ From MMS. of Dr. Brainard and Clark
The Sandusky River. 229
she was beached on the bay shore and
damaged beyond repair.
Her cargoes consisted of furs, pork and
whisky on the down trip;
and on the return salt and limited
amounts of merchandise
for traders in the interior. The Pegasus
was not the only boat
that testified to the inventive genius
of Thomas L. Hawkins. Be-
fore a bridge had been provided at Lower
Sandusky, he con-
structed a ferry which was propelled by
paddle wheels, driven by
dog power, after the style of the dog
churn. Persons living in
1879 had used both the horse-boat and
the dog ferry.
The "horse-boat," however, was
not the first advance upon
the light canoe. So propitious did the
heavily timbered district
appear for boat building, that just
after the battle of Fort Ste-
phenson the national government reserved
a strip of land along
the east side of the river for a
government navy yard. This res-
ervation extended from State Street a
mile down stream, and
east to the present Sandusky Avenue. It
was never used as a
navy yard, and soon after the civil war
Congress passed a bill
turning this government land over to the
city of Fremont. The
city council, before offering it for
sale, reserved a charming plot
along the bank for a city park. A
succeeding council, less mind-
ful of future needs of a thriving city,
fatuously gave away this
reservation to a manufacturer who
thought he would like to build
a saw mill there!
In 1816, according to Dr. Brainard's
manuscript, a small
sloop was built nearly opposite the
upper end of Brady island, on
the west bank. She was of twenty tons
burden and was called
the Nautilus. Succeeding the
"horse-boat" the schooner Cin-
cinnati and the Ohio were built, in 1828, where the sash
now stands; and the Wyandot, at
the mouth of Muscalonge
What the people along the river most
wanted in those early
days was salt, more especially as the
river teemed with fish.
"Every spring," says Dr. Brainard's
manuscript, "the pickerel
and white bass were found in such
multitudes all along the
rapids, that it was often quite
impossible to ride a horse across
the ford till much exertion was made to
drive them away and
make room for his feet. Fish had in the
meantime become a
230 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
good article for traffic with southern
teamsters, who occasionally
came in with six horse wagons loaded
with flour to exchange.
Hence in addition to the much-needed
flour, at times a good deal
of cash was paid for our choice fish,
and our town became noted
not only for its romantic situation, its
productive soil, the history
of its inhabitants, but for its
extensive fisheries."
The Fremont Freeman of May 24,
1851, has this item: "This
has been one of the most prolific
seasons for fishing for years.
On one ground there were about 100,000
white bass caught in
one week, about three hundred barrels.
There have not been
far from a thousand barrels caught
within the past two weeks."
I. M. Keeler, who came to Lower Sandusky
in 1840, says
that it was difficult to cross the river
in a boat, in the spring
season when the fish were going up. They
filled the whole chan-
nel of water. He frequently saw three or
four wagon loads of
white bass taken out with one draw of
the seine. The barrels of
packed fish branded Dickinson, Birchard
and Grant were to be
found all through the east. Sturgeon
weighing from seventy
to a hundred pounds were common; cat
fish and muscalonge
from twenty to fifty pounds. The
fishermen would haul a stur-
geon up on the banks and cut his throat
like sticking a pig.
The carcasses would lie there till dry
and then be piled up and set
afire. They burned like a pitch-pine
Before the year 1800, James Whittaker had
traded with the
Indians along the river, and his whilom
partner Hugh Patterson
kept a store at Muncietown. The first
real stock of goods, how-
ever, brought to Lower Sandusky was by
J. S. and G. G. Olm-
stead, in 1817. It came from Albany to
Buffalo by land, thence
by lake, bay and river. It consisted of
merchandise, groceries,
hardware and liquor to the amount of
$27,000. The brothers
brought with them carpenters to build a
store, coopers to make
fish barrels; with glass, nails and pine
lumber. The first season
the firm shipped 20,000 muskrat worth 25 cents each; 8,000 coon
worth 50 cents each; 2,000 deer, 50
cents; 150 otter, $5 each;
and 200
bear skins at $5 each.* In 1830 the first
wheat was
shipped east. Later, loads of wheat were
brought in from forty
*Everett's Sandusky County.
The Sandusky River. 231
to fifty miles around for shipment down
the Sandusky. In the
early forties, Mr. Keeler remembers
seeing loads of wheat "reach
from the present Wheeling station to the
wharves, so thick that
you could step from one to another, four
or five hundred of them
unloading from ten to fourteen thousand
bushels in a day. There
was a whole row of warehouses near the
present wharf." That
this traffic had periods of depression,
an article in the Lower
Sandusky Freeman, July 7, I849,
would seem to show. The ed-
itor wrote:
"Lower Sandusky for the last four
or six years has remained
dormant hardly doing enough business to
supply the demands of
the inhabitants and the surrounding
country. This was owing
in part to the negligence of its
antediluvian citizens to the
facilities which nature had placed
within their reach. Always
boasting and priding themselves upon the
fact that they enjoyed
one of the best localities for business
in the western country and
flattering themselves with the belief
that the place would be
built up in a few years from the fact
that the Sandusky river was
navigable up to their doors, they looked
with astonishment and
dismay when they saw their neighboring
villages spring up into
large towns and outstrip them in all
kinds of business. They had
more men of capital than either of their
neighbors. They had
not learned that $Io,ooo laid out in
making good roads would do
more toward building up a town than ten
times that amount
locked up in their drawers. They had not
learned the charm of
the nimble six-pence. The improvement of
the river has at last
excited their attention and now dredging
has made it navigable
for vessels drawing seven or eight feet
of water. During the
present season there have been more
vessels in our port than for
two years combined."
Lower Sandusky was made a port of entry,
with a customs
collector, in the early thirties.
Sailboats could tack their way
up the winding channel. When winds were
contrary, the
captains sometimes sent out men in
canoes with windlasses to
put around the trees and so wind the
boat around the bends. The
first published list of boats which I
can find is in the Freeman
of May 4, I850, headed
"Port of Fremont. Arrivals:
232 Ohio Arch. and Hist.
Society Publications.
April I. Brig Castalia from Sandusky City.
April 2. Schooner Butts from Cleveland.
April 2. S. S. Islander from Sandusky
April 2. Sloop Louisa from
April Io. Schooner London.
April io. Schooner Hero.
April 22. Schooner Virago from Buffalo.
Local newspapers of the next few years
contain these items:
"March, 185I The steamboat Islander has begun her regular
trips between Sandusky and this place.
She left Wednesday last
with three thousand bushels of
wheat." Wheat was then selling
at a dollar a bushel. June, 1851: A
propeller, the Fremont, is
building here to run between this port
and Sandusky City.
In July, 1851, the Freeman records
that the schooner Hamer
ran between this port and Buffalo in
seventy-eight hours, the
quickest trip ever made by a sailboat
over that route. The same
month Captain Orr "gallantly gave
the Ladies and Gentlemen
of Fremont a free ride on his fast
sailing upper cabin steamboat
Islander. The day was beautiful and at an early hour one hun-
dred persons were on board and were soon
gliding down the
smooth waters of the Sandusky, leaving
the marts of shipping
far behind. The scene on the boat was of
unusual animation.
Sweet smiles of the fair ladies, kind
attentions of the nice young
men, little chit-chats, flirtations,
songs, polkas and promenades."
In December of this same 1851, the
deputy collector makes
his report of the port of Fremont for
the season. Its value of
exports is $337,279.58; its imports $201,026. There were
eight boat arrivals and departures. The
list of exports included
163,871 bushels of wheat; 43,241 of corn;
265,086 staves; I,009
kegs of butter; 20o barrels eggs; 28,580 pounds of bacon and
hams; 2,613 deer skins; 250 black walnut
crotches; 14,942
pounds of leather. The principal import
is salt of which there
were 2,990 barrels.
The Journal, May 19, 1854: "But few cities in northern
Ohio have better facilities for the
speedy and direct shipment of
produce than Fremont. With her river and
railroads she has
four direct connections with the lake.
The river, however, is the
natural outlet and will do the freight
business. That it is com-
The Sandusky River. 233
petent to handle any amount of it is
seen from the following
statement: The schooner Rush has
just taken on the following
cargo: 5,680 bushels oats; 2,500 bushels
corn; 320 barrels pork;
58 casks ashes; 93 casks hams; 18 rolls
of leather; 30 kegs of
butter, 19 barrels of lard. With this
ponderous cargo she passed
down the river without lighters and in
thirty-six hours was safe
in Buffalo harbor. But few vessels on
the lakes venture out with
a heavier cargo in proportion to their
capacity than this; and
yet she was towed down the river by the
Islander with perfect
ease. The Alwilda, the next day,
took on 3,500 bushels of corn
and other freight. A quantity of black
walnut timber and staves
has also been shipped and there is yet
in the neighborhood of
300,000 feet of black walnut timber and
800,000 staves, and pro-
duce of every description waiting to go
forward. The Sandusky
river as it regards the business of
Fremont is of vast importance.
And as the depth of the channel across
the bars is affected by
south winds it will be necessary that
the channel there be deep-
ened and widened. In consequence of its
serpentine course it will
always be necessary to have boats towed
back and forth. In
view of this fact we should either
procure a tug boat or build
propellers with sufficient capacity and
of sufficient number to do
the business. Our opinion is that both
are needed."
September 22, 1854. The Journal: "Our
port presented a
lively appearance Monday morning, there
being eight vessels at
the wharves receiving and discharging
Journal, July 13, I855: Captain Orr with his new steamer
the Island Queen was in port
Saturday. Now that he has a
brand new craft and a fast sailer he
cannot help being a greater
favorite than ever before. The Island
Queen will make regular
trips to this port; may she always have
a full cargo and fat
freight bills."
Journal, July ii, I856: "A hundred of our citizens left on
the Island Queen, July 4, for
Kelley's Island. The Fremont band
enlivened all with their music. On the
return trip at six o'clock
the company assembled on deck under the
folds of the flag now
radiant with thirty-one stars, and were
called to order by B. J.
Bartlett. On motion, the Declaration of
Independence was then
234 Ohio Arch. and Hist.
Society Publications.
read by I. M. Keeler. Lewis Pike made a
short and pretty ad-
dress, followed by Mr. Oscar Ball."
The Journal, September 12, I856: "On the Ioth, about one
hundred and fifty Republicans of Fremont
took passage on the
Island Queen for Sandusky to join in the mass gathering of Free-
men. We were accompanied by Old Betsy.
It talked some, and
had many admirers and with the Fremont
delegation was received
by the thousands with three tremendous
cheers. The day was a
glorious one for the cause of
freedom." This, of course fore-
shadows the Civil War.
The Journal, January 23, I857.
"Who used Old Betsy last?
It has been standing in the street for
several weeks now. Capt.
Parrish should see to this old
This cherished cannon which lifted her
voice in the first
public celebration of Independence Day
in Lower Sandusky, 1813,
and which the following month did such
valorous work in the de-
fense of Fort Stephenson, was removed
after the war to the Pitts-
burgh arsenal. Some years afterward Congress ordered its
return to the scene of its early
triumphs. Owing to the dupli-
cation of village names it was missent
to Sandusky City where
the authorities naturally wished to keep
it, and for better con-
cealment buried it. Mayor Brice J.
Bartlett of Lower Sandusky
put detectives on its track, traced it
and sent men and wagon to
bring it home. It was the ingenious
Thomas L. Hawkins who
identified the gun in Pittsburgh,
recognizing it by the scar on its
breech which he believed was made by a
cannon ball while in
action.- He said it was an old French
cannon captured from the
French in the French and Indian wars of
April I6, 1859. "The launch of
Capt. Totten's new vessel
came off Wednesday. It slid into the
water without the slightest
mishap. Her dimensions are deck I45
feet, beam 30, depth o1
feet 8 inches. She is capable of
carrying 20,000 bushels of
In a long article on the celebration of
August 2d, I860, the
Journal says: "At six o'clock Captain Parrish brought out
Betsy and fired a salute of thirteen
rounds. Soon after the people
* Hawkins in conversation with J. P.
Moore. Journal, Sept. 9, 1892.
The Sandusky River. 235
of the county began to pour in. The
Cleveland and Toledo rail-
way [L. S. & M. S. R. R.], brought a
large delegation from the
west, and at nine the Norwalk Light
Guards and Bugle Band
with delegations from all the towns on
the line. A little later
the steamers Bonnie Boat, Swan and
Island Queen arrived from
Sandusky and Plaster Bed, bringing
hundreds more." Cassius
M. Clay was the orator of the day.
Journal, March 25, 1859. Several vessels are now in port--
the Bonnie Boat, the new steamer
from the Plaster-Bed (Marble-
head), to take the place of the Fremont
burned last summer, was
in port Monday. She is a beautiful boat
designed for the river
and bay trade and will make tri-weekly
trips to this port..
February 6, I86I. G. W. Dwelley shipped
the past two
months I00,000 pounds of fresh fish from
his fish house in this
village. June 21, the schooner Ben
Flint of this place sunk
in the Cleveland harbor, loaded with 14,000 bushels wheat;
first serious accident to the Fremont
August I, i862 occurred a band excursion
to Kelley's Island
on the Island Qucen. "We
slowed it by 'secessia,' the band play-
ing Yankee Doodle and Hail Columbia, and
the prisoners waving
a black and a red flag. On August 22, the government
tised in the Journal for 2,000 cords of wood for
the rebel pris-
oners on Johnson's Island. November 28,
over one thousand
rebel prisoners exchanged and put on
cars for Dixie, "just in
time to save the Government a huge wood
Total clearings for the month of July,
1864, at the Fremont
port were valued at $151,975. In March,
i866, the new propeller,
City of Fremolnt, to take the place of the old Fremont which had.
burned, began making weekly trips to
Buffalo. She was owned
by the Fremont Transportation Company;
capital $Io,ooo.
Charles Foster was president of the
company. Her sister boat,
the Saginaw also left weekly, the
Saginaw being owned by the
New York Central R. Ry. line. "The
Propellor Fremont is an
honor to the Lakes, fast, substantial,
and convenient; with her 155
foot passenger cabin, twenty
state-rooms, kitchen, etc., and all
built by Fremont money."*
* Journal, August 11, 1865.
286 Ohio
Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
In 1877, the Young Reindeer was
still making tri-weekly
trips from Fremont to Sandusky, carrying
freight and passengers.
These items read oddly enough to
residents of Fremont at
the beginning of the twentieth century,
who seldom see a large
boat upon the Sandusky River. The
magnificent fleets of all our
western rivers melted like snow before
the fatal rivalry of the
railways. Travel deserted them and
traffic sought the swifter
transportation of the shore. The Ohio
Railway must here have
brief mention. This famous structure,
built on stilts, was one
result of the wild financial craze and
bad state legislation of 1836
and '37, by which Ohio's credit was
generously lent to railways,
turnpike and canal companies. The Ohio
railroad was to extend
from Ashtabula to the Maumee and beyond,
and it crossed the
Sandusky river at Lower Sandusky. Its
novel construction is
the only part that intimately concerns
this sketch. The founda-
tion was to be on piles driven into the
ground by a traction ma-
chine. The whole thing was "a
unique travelling railroad con-
struction circus." The pile-driver locomotive worked also a
horizontal buzz-saw which cut off the
pile when thoroughly set.
Behind the pile driver and saw mill was
a peripatetic boarding-
house for the work hands, and the whole
train was trundled along
over the rails laid on top of the
finished piles. The cross-ties
were laid from pile to pile and upon
this superstructure extended
the iron track. Meanwhile a supurb
trestle of solid oak timber
was erected across the river from hill
top to hill top and huge
piers rose out of the water to receive
the woodwork of the bridge
which was located about fifty rods below
the present State Street
bridge. The pile-drivers went merrily on
for about two years,
booming, screaming, pounding their way
through our magnificent
forests; Ohio railroad money was the
general circulating me-
dium; when the bubble burst, the
machines stopped, and the
people had the worthless Ohio railroad
money in their pockets.*
It was nearly a half century before the
last vestiges of the double
row of piles finally disappeared from
the marsh lands of Lower
The first bridge across the Sandusky
river, anywhere on the
stream, was constructed about 1828,
under the direction of the
* Condensed from Homer Everett and
King's Ohio.
The Sandusky River. 237
Hon. John Bell, superintendent of the
Maumee and Western Re-
serve Road. This bridge was where the
present Fremont bridge
crosses State street. It was all of
timber, without cover, and
rested on bents. It stood till February,
1833, when the extra-
ordinary freshet of that year moved it
bodily and bore it on a
mass of ice and driftwood to the upper
point of the island where
it lodged and lay stretched almost from
bank to bank. By the
help of a few timbers and planks it was
used some time as a
footbridge. It remained in this position
till the river had frozen
over, about April first of that year.
During the next summer
another bridge was built upon a similar
plan by Judge Howland.
In the spring freshet of 1843,
Presbyterian services, which were
held on the east side of the river, were
dismissed early, because
word came that the bridge could not long
stand. Many of the
people refused to trust themselves to it
and crossed on the ice,
dangerous as that was. Among the crowd
of the more daring
was Judge Howland. "I built this
bridge," he said, "and the
Lord and the flood can't budge it."
Soon afterward it broke
away. "The Lord's beat me this
time," was his remark when he
came ashore. Many persons were carried
down and some thor-
oughly drenched, though none were hurt.
Soon after, the more
permanent bridge designed by Cyrus
Williams was erected, the
timbers taken from the abandoned trestle
work of the Ohio
Railroad bridge. This bridge stood over
thirty-five years, until
the present iron bridge supplanted it,
in I877, at a cost of $20,357.
A long communication on Sandusky river
signed by James Justice, John R. Pease,
R. P. Buckland and A.
J. Dickinson, appeared in the Freeman
October, I850, in which
these eminent citizens say that as
commissioners of the river im-
provements they had received over
$7,600, and expended $6,400.
The unexpended money was loaned to La Q.
Rawson and Sardis
Birchard at six per cent. "The
committee called to its aid the
late Hon. Rudolphus Dickinson who had
long been connected
with the public works of the State and
was supposed to know
more about such matters than any of the
commissioners. He
assisted in making an examination of the
bars in the river and
fixing upon the points where the work
was done. The money
was expended with all possible economy,
and the commissioners
2.38 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
have received no compensation for their
time and trouble save
the abuse of those who make it a point
to find fault with every-
thing in which they have not a hand.
Every one who will look
at the matter with unprejudiced eyes
must see that this improve-
ment had already been of great benefit
to the county. The im-
provement of the Whittaker bar is
completed so that all the
larger class of vessels pass without
difficulty. This alone is
worth all the money which has been
expended. The lower bar
is not completed, but has been greatly
improved. But for these
improvements vessels could hardly get
over the bar empty, in the
present low stage of water in the lake
and bay, it being lower
than for many years. The full extent of
the benefits will not be
perceived until warehouses and vessels
are built to facilitate the
forwarding of produce. These will come
but not in a day or
year, at least by the few individuals
who are undertaking them
against the opposition of those who
ought to aid instead of op-
posing these improvements."
Ten years later, December, I860, an
editorial in the Journal
says: "With the exception of two
bars the average depth of
water is from twelve to fifteen feet.
The Whittaker bar is 800
feet across and is principally sand. The
average depth on the bar
this summer is seven feet. Eighteen miles below is the second bar,
a clay barrier, 1200 feet across
with an average depth of six feet
of water." In August 1865, a
committee was appointed by cit-
izens for river improvement. Before
October, $I7,000 had been
raised, the contract let and dredging
machines were at work,
"with a result that farmers get
about two cents more a bushel
for wheat than before." In October,
I866, through the perse-
verance of R. P. Buckland,
Representative, the Government
made a survey of the Sandusky river and
the following March
appropriated $20,000 for dredging and improving the channel.
By 1849, the confusion attending the
repetition of the name
Sandusky up and down the river had
become so serious that the
business prosperity of Lower Sandusky
seemed to require a
change of name. Croghansville, the name
of the settlement on
the beautiful high land east of the
river, was the natural choice;
but the local hero had pronounced his
name as though it were
spelled Krawn, and the discrepancy
between its pronunciation
The Sandusky River. 239
and its spelling would work havoc with
frontier orthography.
The name of the "Pathfinder"
was at that time in everybody's
mouth, and by Fremont's name the place
was henceforth known.
The -matter was presented before the
local courts by a young
lawyer, Rutherford B. Hayes.
Three miles north of Sandusky, in her
land-locked harbor,
lies Johnson's Island, nearly a mile
long, originally covered with
timber. It was a favorite resort of the
Indians from up-river
who came here in fishing season, and
also when they had pris-
oners to torture. In I86I, the property
was leased by the na-
tional government as a depot for
Confederate prisoners, the
necessary buildings erected and the
first prisoners installed in
April, I862. The number constantly
changed, three thousand
being the most detained there at any one
time, but the records
show a total of over I5,000. Owing to the
supposed security of
the place, the prisoners were largely
officers. So considerate was
their treatment that their wants were
said to have been better
filled than those of the Union soldiers
guarding them.* The
Michigan, the only U. S. vessel on the lakes, was stationed at
Johnson's Island as guard. In September,
I864, the Confeder-
ates took advantage of the prevailing
gloom among the Union-
ists to set on foot a gigantic scheme
for the release of the Con-
federate prisoners in the northwest.
Camp Douglas, near Chi-
cago, with 8,000 prisoners; Camp Chase,
near Columbus, with a
like number; Camp Morton, near
Indianapolis, with 4,000; and
Johnson's Island with nearly 3,000
officers, were the points of
conspiracy. The time chosen was when the
Democratic national
convention had just declared the war a
failure. The plan was
for this great body of soldiers,
officered from Johnson's Island,
to seize horses and hurry south, raiding
the country, and join
the rebels in Virginia. At the same time
the steamer Michigan
was to be captured and co-operate with
the released prisoners on
land. A Confederate Captain, Cole by
name, who had been
posing as a rich oil man from
Titusville, and figuring largely in
social circles in Sandusky, was
entrusted with this task.
On the I9th of September, the steamer Parsons,
plying be-
tween Detroit and the island was boarded
on the Canadian shore
* Howe's Historical Collections of Ohio.
240 Ohio Arch. and Hist.
Society Publications.
by a number of men bringing an old
trunk. Off Kelley's Island,
the officer in command of the boat was
confronted by men with
revolvers, the old trunk opened, the
whole party armed there-
from, and the boat taken over. At Middle
Bass Island the
Island Queen, a boat plying between the islands and up the river,
mentioned frequently heretofore, came
alongside to exchange
passengers. She was boarded by the
conspirators and captured,
the Island Queen being then sunk,
while the Parsons cruised
about the Bay awaiting the signal from
accomplices on the
Michigan. That part of the plot, however, had failed. Cole de-
layed the signal a few moments too long
and through some in-
discreet movement was arrested by the
captain of the Michigan,
whose guest he was. The Parsons soon
suspected the situation,
and fled to the Canadian shore. There
the boat was scuttled and
the conspirators escaped. Cole was
confined in Fort Lafayette
but escaped to Canada and afterward
joined Maximillian in
Mexico. He was eventually pardoned.
Beall, "the pirate of
Lake Erie," the prime mover in the
conspiracy, who with his
forces waited in the Parsons outside
the Bay, was hung as a spy,
on Governor's Island, February 1865.*
No history of the Sandusky river can
ignore its varying
volume of water. Usually water stood in
the Black Swamp all
summer, keeping the river up, while the
heavy forests equalized
and conserved the moisture. In the high
water of springtime,
there was but half a mile of portage
between the Sandusky and
the Scioto rivers, and that very level
and clear of rocks. In 1838
occurred the greatest drought in the
history of Ohio. The wet
prairies of even the redoubtable Black
Swamp, from the San-
dusky to the Maumee were evaporated; the
bottoms cracked open
from the shrinkage; the tall grass died
by the acre, and trees
growing in the swamps were killed.+
In April 1860, the Fremont Journal says: "For three
nights and two days the fall of rain has
been unprecedented.
The Sandusky contains more water than
for twelve years - two
feet above the high water mark of 1854.
The highest ever re-
membered was in 1847, when the river was
at least two feet
* Condensed from Lake Shore Magazine,
and Cole's Narrative in
Philadelphia Press, February, 1882.
+ Crawford's Expedition.
The Sandusky River. 241
higher than this morning.
There was also notably high water in
1821, and in 1904.
Before dawn on the Sunday morning of
February 4, 1883,
the Fremont fire bell aroused the
citizens who found hundreds
of their dwellings surrounded or already
inundated by water.
Heavy rains of two days, falling upon a
frozen ground, with ice
gorges formed below town, had caused a
sudden rise of water in
the river four or five feet above any
previous high water mark.
The water flowed through Front street,
the principal business
street of the city, with a mighty
current which no boats could
stem. The whole third ward between the
river banks and the
foot of the hills was several feet under
water; huge ice blocks
floated in, packed and froze solid. Two
thousand persons were
driven from their homes. There were many
narrow escapes and
several deaths from drowning and
exposure. Several bridges
along the river were carried away, and
that of the L. S. & M. S.
Railway collapsed under a freight train,
thirty-seven cars being
precipitated into the river. The damage
to property in Fremont
alone amounted to about $100,000.* Loss in the upper towns of
Tiffin, Bucyrus and Upper Sandusky was
also large.
While the river was the recognized
thoroughfare for pio-
neers travelling north and south, the
only land route between the
east and west was the Maumee and Western
Reserve Road which
crosses the river at Fremont, at right
angles. In 1822 the gov-
ernment authorized the State to
construct the turnpike road from
the Western Reserve to the Maumee river,
deeding it, in consid-
eration, certain adjoining lands.+ In
May, 1830, the State of-
fered these lands for sale-about 40,000
acres, "handsomely sit-
uated on said turnpike and in a section
of the country which is
rapidly improving."++
In the winter of 1832-3, Judge Jeremiah
Everett, being in
the Legislature, obtained an
appropriation of $20,000 to macad-
amize this thoroughfare through the
Black Swamp. The im-
provement was needed. Water stood from
ankle to knee deep
*Fremont Journals, February 9 and 16,
+ Journal, August 20, 1875.
++ Sandusky Gazette, May 18, 1830.
Vol. XIII-16.
242 Ohio Arch. and Hist.
Society Publications.
from Fort Stephenson to Fort Meigs, and
the road was a terror
to travellers. For several years a
leading business of the set-
tlers on its line was tavern-keeping,
and at one time within its
thirty-one miles there were thirty-two
taverns - all primitive and
limited in accommodations.*
In 1823, three families travelling to
the Portage river, "were
the first teams to go through on the
line of the present road. It
took us five days, camping in the wood
every night.++
Rights to mud holes were recognized. A
young man
started in a wagon with a team of mules
for Michigan, to buy
land. He had one hundred dollars. He got
stuck so often and
had to pay one dollar so often to people
who lived near the mud
holes to help pull him out, that long
before he completed his
journey his money was exhausted. He was
not discouraged,
however, and said the place to find what
you have lost is where
you lost it. He accordingly located
himself beside a mud hole
and stayed there till he had earned his
hundred dollars back !++
So effective was the improvement of the
road, that in 1835
it was nothing unusual to count ninety
pioneer teams passing
in one day. The Four Mile house was
habitually full of people
from floor to garret. Those that the
landlord could not accom-
modate, would camp on the road side.
In the Harrison campaign of 1840,
enthusiasts of Bellevue
had a log cabin on which hung out the
sign 'Cider and Cold-
water: do your duty and drink hearty.'
"We had a procession a
mile and a half long when we started on
our travels, and it
lengthened till it reached from Bellevue
nearly to Clyde. Thirty
ladies rode in a long canoe on a wagon,
drawn by a yoke of
cattle, with a team of horses in front.
We went clear through to
Maumee, and stayed there a week. The mud
was almost knee
deep, but we had a wonderfully good time
I often saw men
going through mirey roads with teams and
horses where the mud
and water would rush together after
them, leaving the road as
level as the floor."§
*Clark Waggoner's Speech. Sandusky
County Pioneer Meeting.
+ Reuben Rice, Elmore, speech
Pioneer Meeting. Journal, September
10, 1875.
++ Judge Wm. Caldwell, Speech Pioneer
Meeting. Journal September
17, 1876.
§ Alvin Anderson, Bellevue, speech
Sandusky Co. Pioneer Meeting.
The Sandusky River. 243
Even in the fifties, J. B. G. Downs kept
a bed-room fitted up
in his Fremont mill to accommodate the
Black Swamp customers
who in certain seasons required ten or
twelve hours of good day-
light to pick their way through deep and
mirey paths back to
their homes. They said the mud was so
deep that bottom could
be found only by using a ten-foot
Reference to the picturesque
presidential campaign of 1840,
recalls the part played therein by Col.
Richard M. Johnson, then
vice-president of the United States, and
everywhere known as
"the man who killed Tecumseh."
It was he who made the
speech to the garrison at Fort
Stephenson on the Fourth of July
1813, and he stopped again at Lower
Sandusky, October 5, 1813.
on his way back to Kentucky after the
Battle of the Thames.
On this second occasion he stopped at
the tavern of Israel Har-
rington on Front street, adjoining the
present site of the First
National Bank. In the campaign of 1840, both parties
had great
meetings at Lower Sandusky. The Whigs
held theirs August
22d, when Governors, Ewing and Corwin
addressed large num-
bers. October 4th following,
the Democratic meeting took place
in the yard of Capt. Samuel Thompson's
hotel east of the river.
This occasion was marked by special
demonstrations, including
the firing of cannon, the premature
discharge of which cost John
Jacobs an arm [Was old Betsy the
offender?] Speakers were U.
S. Senators William Allen and Benjamin
Tappan, and Vice-
President Johnson was present. His part
was to be ready when
Senator Allen referred to him, to strip
his arm and show the scar
of a wound received in the war, as proof
that he was a greater
hero than Harrison. The Whig papers
always spoke of this
part of the regular programme as Allen's
menagerie, and of Col-
onel Johnson as the lion of the show.*
It is interesting to know
that in this campaign, Sandusky county,
otherwise invariably
Democratic-went for Harrison by a
majority of one vote.
The old General was not repudiated in
the Sandusky valley to
the salvation of which in his younger
manhood, he had given such
arduous care.
In April 1823, subscriptions of money,
produce, labor and
material aggregating about $1,800 were secured
for the erection
*Hon. Clarke Waggoner, Fremont Journal,
August 10, 1888.
244 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
of the first court house in Sandusky
county. In July the com-
missioners contracted with Thomas L.
Hawkins to erect the
building. Work was commenced in the fall
of 1823, the frame
was raised and the chimney partly built.
The location, [the
Pease place, on Hayes and Park Avenues,]
proved unsatisfactory
to the subscribers; and the Sandusky
Gazette, of May 18, 1830,
contains an advertisement for bids to
move the frame to another
site. The result was that twenty-five
yoke of oxen were har-
nessed to rollers and the unfinished
building moved bodily out of
the woods to the brow of the hill
northwest of the present city
hall. This old first court house is
still standing with all its tim-
bers sound and strong, and is the
parsonage of St. John's Luth-
eran Church. Everett's Sandusky County
history is in error in
saying that the first jail was erected
about 1832 and the court
house earlier. The advertisement for the
bids of moving shows
that the jail had been erected prior to
1830 and
the court house
was not completed until after that date.
The county jail stood a few feet south
of the court house.
Here Sperry, of Green Spring, who had
been sentenced to be
hung, committed suicide. Sardis Birchard
once asked Rev.
Henry Lang, who, as pastor of St.
John's, later occupied the
house, if he were not afraid of spooks,
coming home late and
putting away his horse in the old jail.
Lang replied that he did
not allow himself to be scared by evil
spirits, when Birchard said:
"What! not afraid of spooks in the
old jail where Sperry
killed himself? It is a capital place
for spooks, Sir, a capital
place." This old jail was taken
down in 1865, a prison having
been prepared under the court house, and
eight men worked long
and industriously to level it with the
ground. It was built of
logs two feet square. The foundation
remained up to a late day,
as the border of the parsonage flower
During the first quarter of the
nineteenth century, jails and
even courts of justice had been regarded
as rather superfluous
appendages to the settlement. An old
record says that a man by
the name of Avery stole an axe about the
year 1820. He was
arrested and there being no jail in
which to confine him till he
could be tried, the citizens decided to
give him a sound thrash-
ing. He was tied to a tree down by the
river and a hundred
lashes "well laid on." After
being released, he swam the river
The Sandusky River. 245
"and never came back." It was a border life and justice
strangely executed. "An honest
man," said one of the early res-
idents "could hardly live here. I
heard of a Frenchman, La
Cost, who coming into these parts to buy
land and supposed to
have considerable money, was taken
suddenly ill in a tavern and
died there. His portmanteau was cut open
and the money ex-
tracted. His wife and son came on to
settle his affairs. The
wife was taken sick and she died, and
the son thinking to bring
things to light instituted a lawsuit. He
found the law 'dead and
insufficient in Sandusky, however, and
hastily departed lest he
too decease.' "*
An old record tells how one Anderson by
cunning manage-
ment, was appointed collector of the
customs here, but the ap-
pointment was not liked. Judge Howland,
a famous character,
especially disliked Anderson, and got
John R. Pease appointed
in his place. Whereupon Howland would
say to his friends,
"It's a fine sight to see a wicked
man repent and do penance for
his sins. Anderson is going about with a
face as long as your
arm and has Peas in his shoes !"
The first mill along the Sandusky river
for grinding corn
was built at Lower Sandusky by Thomas L.
Hawkins and
Thomas E. Boswell in 1818, where June
and French's mill now
stands. It was a rude structure, and
John W. Tyler used to say,
"it cracked three grains of corn
into one."
The first carding mill in this vicinity
was bought by Judge
John Bell, who commenced carding wool in
the year 1827 "on
the river at what was then called
Chamber's Hill a few rods
above the first plank road gate."
Can some reader identify the
Thomas L. Hawkins is a name familiar to
all who have the
least knowledge of the early annals of
Fremont. He was the
town rhymster and the fact that his
father was associated with
him in building a mill dam near the site
of the old June dam;
in digging a mill race and constructing
the first grist mill;-
not to mention the horse-boat and the
dog-ferry - makes some
mention of these two eccentric
characters a legitimate part of
river annals. The elder Hawkins spent a
season or two here
about 1817 and 18. His dress, according
to Mr. Homer Everett,
* Reuben Rice, Elmore. Journal,
September 10, 1875.
246 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
was of the fashion of 1776. One year he
made the whole jour-
ney from Kentucky, where he resided, to
Lower Sandusky, on a
short-horned ox, using a side saddle
tightly girthed on. After
the grist mill was built and the spring
freshet came the old gen-
tleman watched the ice and water with
great anxiety. At last
his dam began to move steadily down
stream. The old man
lifted his hat from his head and
exclaimed: "The Lord giveth
and the Lord taketh away, blessed be the
name of the Lord; but
the Devil take my precious soul if I do
not built it up again."
This elder Hawkins kept a canoe in his
mill pond. One
day a Frenchman took it to hunt ducks
and after landing on the
opposite side left his gun in it and
went off to gather plums.
The old man waded the river and got his
canoe; fired off the
Frenchman's gun, and paddled back.
Fastening the canoe he
hastened to Judge Harrington and had the
Frenchman fined fif-
teen dollars for taking one canoe. But
the Frenchman was his
equal. He laid a counter claim for the
same sum for shooting
off his gun one time for nothing.
Unfortunately early annals
failed to relate the outcome of this
The old man missed slabs and fancied
they were appropri-
ated for firewood. He bored some long
ones and filled them
with powder. The next morning a
tremendous explosion in a
neighboring log cabin took out the whole
gable end. The towns-
people naturally concluded this was
dangerous and though the
culprit owned up to stealing the slabs,
Hawkins was arrested and
arraigned. His plea was that his slabs
were green and wouldn't
burn without some powder to help them,
and he claimed the right
to treat his own slabs just as he
Such were some of the eccentric
characters who walked our
streets and plied our river nearly a
century ago. Trivial, indeed,
are many of these annals, and yet, if by
their presence, the reader
sniffs up something of the essence of
local history, no apology is
required for their insertion. The scrawl
and the blot are inher-
ent parts of the original autograph
which the past has written all
over our Sandusky Valley; who would wish
them copied out in
fair chirography? Frontier life has passed far on:
"We may build more splendid
Fill our rooms with paintings and with
But we cannot buy with gold the old
The Russian peasant's phrase "The
road that runs" would
have appealed to the primitive people
who in generations past
paddled upon the waters and occupied the
valley of the Sandusky
River. For some eighty miles it traces a
winding way through
northwestern Ohio, rising in the Palmer
Spring of Richland
county, flowing through Crawford,
Wyandot, Seneca and San-
dusky counties, its mouth directly north
of its source and its
general course forming a capital C. For
more than a quarter of
a century after the white man settled
upon its banks ancient earth
and stone works were traceable along
part of its shores, notably
about the marshes bordering Sandusky Bay
and the high east
banks in Sandusky and Seneca counties.
These works generally
took circular form, each enclosing
several acres of ground with
walls of earth or stone, and openings
opposite each other. As
late as 1838 some of these walls on the
banks of Honey Creek
were about five feet high, but crumbling
down.* The works at
the old Indian village of Muncietown,
three miles below the pres-
ent city of Fremont were nearly square.
Farther remains of
prehistoric fortifications were found on
the Croghansville hill at
Fremont and on the Blue Banks
overlooking the river at Ball-
ville.+ Where data are altogether
lacking fancy may lift a tenta-
tive head. One might imagine that the
old mound builders, pass-
ing southward from the Sandusky valley,
commemorated the de-
vious windings of its picturesque river,
their former abode, in
that wonderful serpent mound of Adams
Emerging from this twilight of
antiquity, the student comes
upon an age of tradition, when a later
race inhabited the San-
dusky region. Father Segard++ says that
when the French mis-
sionaries first reached the Upper Lakes
a neutral nation abode
* Lang's
Seneca County.
+ Everett's Sandusky County.
++Jesuit Relations. (191)