Ohio History Journal

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Asa S. Bushnell was born in Rome, New York, September

16, 1834, and died in Columbus, Ohio, January 15, 1904.

He came of a family long

and honorably identified with the

history and life of New England,

which included in its membership

Horace Bushnell of Hartford, one

of the most forceful and original

thinkers that America has pro-

duced, its greatest theologian with

the exception of Jonathan Ed-

wards, a great citizen and a pro-

found scholar.

The family settled in Con-

necticut and Governor Bushnell's

grandfather, Jason Bushnell, was

a soldier in the war for American

Independence. His father emigrated first to Rome in New York

State where his son Asa was born, and when the boy was only

eleven years old, following the "Star of Empire" westward

in its course," the family moved once more, this time to Cin-

cinnati, and a little later to Oberlin, where Daniel Bushnell died.

At the early age of sixteen Asa Bushnell came to Spring-

*Governor Asa Bushnell became a life member of the Ohio State

Archaeological and Historical Society some years before he was elected

Governor. He always took great interest in the purposes and work of the

Society and especially during his four years of governorship did he

render the Society enthusiastic aid. He visited many of the points of his-

toric and archaeological interest in the state and frequently in his ad-

dresses paid fitting tribute to the memorable events that occurred in Ohio's


