Ohio History Journal

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Editorialana.                       289


Second Vice-president, Judge Simeon Eben Baldwin, New Haven, Con-

necticut; Secretary, A. Howard Clark, Esq., Smithsonian Institute,

Washington; Corresponding Secretary, Professor Charles H. Haskins, 15

Prescott Hall, Cambridge, Massachusetts; Treasurer, Clarence Winthrop

Bowen, Esq., 130 Fulton St., New York. Chicago was chosen as the next

place of meeting, December, 1904.

The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society was repre-

sented at the American Historical Association meeting by Secretary

E. O. Randall, who was elected a member of the Association in the year

1894. Prof. A. B. Hart, of Harvard University, and Mr. Randall de-

livered addresses before the students of Leland University, one of the

leading colored colleges of Louisiana, located at New Orleans.






On February 29, 1904, in the Columbus Public Library, there was

held a meeting of the executive committee. The members present were,

George F. Bareis, Canal Winchester; G. Frederick Wright, Oberlin;

John W. Harper, Cincinnati; B. F. Prince, Springfield; D. J. Ryan,

E. O. Randall and E. F. Wood, Columbus. The meeting was mainly

occupied with consideration of the requests which the Society had made

to the legislature for appropriations for the continuation of the work of

the Society. The propriety of asking the legislature for an appropria-

tion for a building to be located upon the university grounds was also

considered, and after a careful discussion and survey of the situation it

was decided that it would not be wise, at this time, to press this mat-

ter before the members of the legislature, but defer it until a later

and more promising date. It was decided to hold the annual meeting

of the Society in latter part of May or the early part of June, and

to have at that time, if possible, an excursion to Fort Ancient. After

the disposal of the usual routine business brought before the committee,

adjournment was made to the office of the Governor, where the members

of the committee were presented to him. The Governor received the

trustees most cordially and spoke of the interest he took in the work

they were doing in behalf of the Society and the history and archaeology

of the state; he particularly complimented the character of the publi-

cations which the Society was issuing, and stated it would be his

pleasure to co-operate in the furtherance of the purposes of the Society

so far as might lie in his power. He particularly desired to visit Fort

Ancient and Serpent Mound and inspect the interesting and famous

property of which the Society is the custodian.

19 Vol. XIII.