Editorialana. 397
tive of the cereal native to the
American Continent. But one of the most
interesting of the displays brought here
by Mr. Mills clearly proves that
these mound builders, a race very
different from the Indian, grew this
corn before the Indian drove them South.
"It had been a question," said
the Ohio man, "whether the mound
builders were agriculturists. Now, see
these charred remains of grain.
They were dug from an old village site
adjacent to one of the principal
Ohio mounds.
"Exploration of this site
discovered that its original people lived as
clans, each family or clan residing in a
distinct portion of the village.
Each year they prepared a storehouse,
which was nothing more than a
hole in the ground, lined at the bottom
with stones and straw. Here
they placed their grain, their winter
food supply, in the fall. Evidently
fire must have gotten into the pit where
we found the burned grain. The
pit must then have been abandoned. The
grain then smoldered until the
blaze finally went out. The hole was
covered up and remained undis-
turbed until we came along with our
spades-goodness only knows how
many years after.
"They probably dug a new storehouse
or food pit every year, for
the indications are that in the spring
the hole was used for refuse. We
even find the bones of infants in them,
which would tend to prove that
these primitive parents did not attach
consequences enough to the dead
child to accord it a formal burial. With
these human remains are many
skeletons of the dogs I mentioned, and
of the bones of wild animals, which
probably had been killed and eaten
during the winter months.
"In that connection, the bones of
the Virginia deer are most numer-
ous, which shows that they had means of
killing the animal and had the
good taste which loves a venison
On April 19, date of the anniversary of
the battle of Lexington, the
Ohio Society of the Sons of the American
Revolution held its annual
meeting at the Great Southern Hotel,
Columbus. There was a goodly
representation of membership from
various parts of the state. At the
formal meeting in the afternoon, the
annual address was delivered by
the retiring President, Col. James
Kilbourne, and reports were heard from
the various officers. The report of Col.
W. L. Curry, Registrar of the
Society, showed a total membership in
the Ohio Society of 707, being an
increase of forty-two during the past
year, while the deaths in the Society
were twelve. The officers elected for
the ensuing year were as follow:
President, Isaac F. Mack, Sandusky,
Vice-President, Wm. H. Hunter,
Chillicothe. Secretary William A.
Taylor, Columbus. Registrar, Wil-
liam L. Curry, Columbus. Treasurer,
Stimpson G. Bar Toledo. His-