Ohio History Journal

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398 Ohio Arch

398         Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


torian, George H. Twiss, Columbus. Chaplain, Julius W. Atwood, Co-

lumbus. Vice-Presidents ex-officio: Orlando J. Hodge, President West-

ern Reserve Chapter, Cleveland; Dr. E. D. Gardner, President Anthony

Wayne Chapter, Toledo; E. P. Whallon, President Cincinnati Chapter,

Cincinnati; Wm. A. Taylor, President Benjamin Franklin Chapter, Co-

lumbus; Chas. C. Shearer, President Nathaniel Greene Chapter Xenia;

Robert M. Davidson, President George Washington Chapter, Newark;

Disney Rogers, President Nathan Hale Chapter, Youngstown.    Board

of Management: O. W. Aldrich, Columbus; James H. Anderson, Colum-

bus; Charles O. Probst, Columbus; Thomas M. Anderson, Sandusky;

John W. Harper, Cincinnati; Moulton Houk, Toledo; James H. Hayward,

Columbus; and the officers of the Society ex-officio.

Delegates to the National meeting to be held in St. Louis were

elected as follows: Emilius O. Randall, delegate at large, Columbus;

James H. Anderson, Columbus; Charles M. Beer, Ashland; Allen Briggs

Clemens, Columbus; Mozart Gallup, Sandusky; William H. Hunter, Chil-

licothe; John W. Harper, Cincinnati; Moulton Houk, Toledo; James

Kilbourne, Columbus; Isaac F. Mack, Sandusky; Daniel S. Miller, Upper

Sandusky; Disney Rogers, Youngstown; William A. Taylor, Columbus. Al-

ternates: Julius W. Atwood, Columbus; John J. Chester, Columbus;

Samuel Craig, Wapakoneta; Robert M. Davidson, Newark; Joseph B.

Foraker, Jr., Cincinnati; Dr. E. D. Gardner, Toledo; Orlando J. Hodge,

Cleveland; Rev. Clement C. Martin, Fostoria; Wm. Rombo, Brownsville,

Pa.; Charles C. Shearer, Xenia; Geo. A. Thayer, Cincinnati; Rev. E. P.

Whallon, Cincinnati.

Following the business meeting of the afternoon there was held

in the evening at the Columbus Club, an elaborate banquet, at which Col.

W. A. Taylor presided as toastmaster. The following toasts were re-

sponded to:

"Welcome," Col. James Kilbourne, retiring President.

"Response," by Hon. Isaac F. Mack, incoming President.

"The Flag Undesecrated," Col. James W. Harper.

"Our Country's Past," Col. Moulton Houk.

"Our Country's Future," Judge M. A. Norris.

Perhaps the most enjoyable feature of the program was the reading

of an original poem entitled "My Ohio Home," by Colonel James Piatt,

of Cincinnati. Appropriate music was rendered by the Columbus Apollo





The "Old Northwest" Genealogical Quarterly for July is an unusu-

ally interesting number, the leading article being the biography and gene-

alogy of the ancestry and life of ex-Governor Asa Smith Bushnell,

by George Wells Knight, Historian of The Old Northwest Genealogical