Editorialana. 399
Society. The article is most complete
and satisfactory, written with the
customary scholarly accuracy
characteristic of Professor Knight. Judge
James H. Anderson, the President of The
Old Northwest Genealogical
Society, has an interesting, and, of
course, sympathetic article upon his
son, James Thomas Anderson, Lieutenant
U. S. A., who died in Colorado
Springs, March 13, 1904, and was buried
on the 17th of March, at Marion,
Ohio. There is also an article by the late
William Trimble McClintick,
of Chillicothe, Ohio, upon Hugh
Williamson; also Reminiscences of
early Green Bay, Wisconsin, contributed
by Stephen B. Feet, the historian
and archaeologist of Chicago.
The Old Northwest Genealogical Society
is to be congratulated upon
the results it is accomplishing under
the guidance of its President, Judge
James H. Anderson, and its Secretary,
Frank T. Cole. It is doing a
valuable and permanent work and merits
the unqualifying success which
is rewarding its efforts.
The annual National Convention of the
Sons of the American Rev-
olution was held in St. Louis June 15
and 16. The attendance was large,
nearly every state of the Union being
represented, the total number of
delegates being in the neighborhood of
four hundred. Ohio was unusually
well represented by thirteen delegates
as follows: E. O. Randall, delegate
at large, Columbus; Isaac F. Mack,
Sandusky; William A. Tay-
lor, Columbus; Daniel S. Miller, Upper
Sandusky; James H.
Anderson, Columbus; Mozart Gallup,
Sandusky; Allen Briggs Clem-
ens, Columbus; Moulton Houk, Toledo;
Charles M. Beer, Ashland; Clem-
ent C. Martin, Fostoria; George A.
Thayer, Cincinnati; E. P. Whallon,
Cincinnati; and William Rombo,
Brownsville, Pa.
The interest and success of the
convention, however, was somewhat
marred by the attempt to hold the
meetings on the grounds of the Louisi-
ana Purchase Exposition. Headquarters
were established at the Inside
Inn, which proved totally unable to
accommodate either the meeting of the
convention or the individual delegates.
As a result the several sessions
were held in different quarters-the
Pennsylvania Building, Music Hall,
and elsewhere, making it exceedingly
inconvenient for the delegates,
indeed, quite difficult for them to keep
posted as to where the meetings
were to be held. The attendance at the
meetings was thereby much de-
pleted. Another destructor in the
equation was the counter attraction
of the Exposition and its show features.
The cold fact was that the enter-
tainments of the Pike were too alluring
for many of the degenerate scions
of noble sires who fought, bled and died
in the American Revolution.
Three sessions of the Convention were held,
at the last of which the fol-
lowing officers were elected for the
ensuing year: President General,
James Denton Hancock, Franklin, Pa.
Vice-Presidents General: George