Ohio History Journal

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If all the men who have been so fortunate as to have come

under the benign influence of Professor McFarland were each to

pay the tribute of laying one stone

in his honor, no towering modern

structure would overlook the pile.

Such would be a fitting memorial;

for, while indulgent toward many

duller minds, patiently helping to

mould the characters of boys and

men, much of his incessant work

has been among the stars.

Reluctantly I comply with the

request to present a brief sketch

of his busy life; not from unwil-

lingness, but from a sincere feel-

ing of inability to do justice to a

polymathist so eminent. In an

article brief as this must be, due

measure cannot be given to a man

so broad, a life so untiringly de-

voted to scientific inquiry and to the temporal and eternal wel-

fare of others.

Astronomer and mathematician, an undisputed authority in

scientific investigation, he has nevertheless ever been modest in

his bearing, and at all times ready to guide and help the young.

No student ever found him impatient or tyrannical. A prominent

trait, for which many a man is better, has distinguished his career

as instructor; a judicious confidence, amply sustained by common

sense, that developed in his pupils Honor and self-respect. Rarely

was this trust abused. When abused, the case was hopeless.
