THE AVERY HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. A philosophical essayist on the study of history tritely remarks that a historian should be possessed of industry, conscience and imagination. |
Industry and patience to faithfully exhume the facts, conscience to truthfully and im- partially exploit them, and imagination to vividly portray the scenes and events in- volved that the reader in his mind's eye may perceive them realistically reproduced. Such is the ideal historian. Such an one to a rare degree is Mr. Elroy M. Avery, author of "A History of the United States and Its People," published by the Burrows Brothers Company, Cleveland, Ohio-to be completed in twelve octavo volumes. The first volume is before us. As the proof of the pudding is in the eating, the test of the book is in the reading. It has long been our notion that the history of the United States has not yet been written. To be sure, many so-called histories have been put |
forth, but in the main written by eastern authors-provincial scholars, whose pens have been cramped by local pride or prejudices-a narrow range of historical vision-a vision bright and clear often till it reached the Alleghany Mountains, but beyond that lost in the vista of the great and overwhelming West. The vast and vital part played in the Ohio and Mississippi Valleys and beyond, in the formative period of our country, has usually been slightingly treated or practically ignored. The true his- tory of the United States must be written by a Westerner; the entire sweep of the historian's realm can only be had from the center and not from one side of our vast domain. Mr. Avery was properly born, located and educated for this work. All hail to a recital of the origin and growth of the American Republic by a Westerner-an Ohioan. Mr. Avery is a typical American. Born in Erie, Monroe County, Michigan (1844), of the best New England stock and tradition, the best blood of our fore- fathers, and the best brawn and brain of our western self-made manhood. A descendant of Puritan ancestry, a son of the American Revolution, a (216) |
Editorialana. 217
country farm boy, ambitious,
industrious, indefatigable in his efforts for
the development of all that was best in
him, an improver of opportunities,
a student in the school of experience
and the academic course, a school
teacher, a printer and newspaper writer,
a brave soldier boy in the war
for our nation's unity and preservation,
college graduate (Michigan, '71),
professor, litterateur, scientist, lecturer,
principal of high-school, author
of many standard text-books in
scientific and literary subjects, a politi-
cian of the higher order and statesman
in the Ohio Senate (1894-1898).
Rare combination of natural and acquired
fitness for the work which has
engaged his attention for the past
twenty years.
This first volume covers the period of
the geologic formation of the
land, the first Americans, paleolithic
and neolithic Americans, the North-
men, voyages of the early navigators,
Columbus, Da Gama, the Cabots,
Vespucius, the Spanish, English and
French pioneers, the American
Indians, etc. The chapters on the first
Americans, the paleolithic the
neolithic man, are especially
interesting and satisfactory. They deal with
subjects fascinating because somewhat
nebulous-on the border between
myth and history. Mr. Avery has been
unusually happy in treating these
topics-concisely and comprehensively
giving what is known and what has
been guessed by the leading knowers and
chief guessers. After stating
the geologic hypothesis of the formation
of surface of our land, he says:
"In the earliest archean age
(Azoic), only dead matter
existed on earth. Then life appeared:
first the unconscious life
of the plant, then, the conscious and
intelligent life of the animal.
After almost countless ages, man
appeared. Upon matter, life
had been imposed; now, mind was to crown
the structure, stand-
ing upon matter and life and dominating
both. 'And the even-
ing and the morning were the sixth day.'
At what stage in this
scene of development did man first
appear in the world that
Columbus found, and what sort of a being
was he?"
He then discusses the earliest evidences
of man's appearance-the
glacial man-the original
"ice-man"-the paleolithic man, so-called because
of the "rudeness of the relics
found in the quaternary gravels." He was
followed by the neolithic gentleman (?),
also pre-historic, but of a higher
grade of intelligence and skill,
residing in the stone age, but whose imple-
ments were ground or polished in a
manner that set him above his paleo-
lithic predecessor in the scale of
civilization. The evidences of the neo-
lithic race are very abundant and widely
distributed. The third period
was called the ethnographic, lying
partly before and partly within historical
times. "It began with our first
knowledge of the red man, and is now
fading from the screen like a dissolving
view that has been held up for
study for four hundred years." Then
follow descriptions of prehistoric
monuments. The shell heaps, the bone
heaps, graves, village sites, and
the innumerable and interesting remains
of the cliff dwellers, mound
builders, and peoples who left their
indelible and often vast and wonderful
218 Ohio
Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
works but no written records or
continuing traditions. Fort Ancient,
Serpent Mound and the incomparable and
inscrutable earth structures
near Newark and Chillicothe are
described and faithfully diagramed. The
researches and conclusions of the
archaeologist and ethnologist are admir-
ably summarized. The testimony of the
prehistoric remains as to the art,
mode of life and warfare of the strange
and lost race is set forth, briefly
of course, but with skillful marshalling
of facts and fancies.
"There are two widely held and
antagonistic opinions con-
cerning the builders of these mounds.
One school of archaeol-
ogists insists that the mound builders
were far more cultured
than any known North American Indians,
that their earthworks
were more complicated and better
finished, that their arts of fash-
ioning and polishing stone and of
fabricating pottery, their agri-
culture and their architecture, were
more advanced, and that their
social and religious systems were of a
higher order than were
those of their successors. This theory
leads up to the concept of
an extinct civilization and a vanished
race. The more modern
school confidently insists that 'there
is nothing found in the mode
of construction of these mounds nor in
the vestages of art they
contain to indicate that their builders
had reached a higher cul-
ture-status than that attained by some
of the Indian tribes found
occupying the country at the time of the
arrival of the first
"At no time in the history of any
of the older nations of the
world has the whole population been
removed to give place to
another altogether different. Continuity
is the law of history,
and it is difficult to believe that that
law has been violated here.
It is hardly conceivable that a race
should come upon the stage,
act its part, and go away to give place
to another company of
players with whom the first had naught
to do."
The chapter on the Indians of North
America deals with the "red
man" of our earliest historic
knowledge. His origin, extent of his habi-
tations at time of Columbian
discoveries, his racial separation into tribes
and groups of tribes.
"At the end of the nineteenth
century, there were about one
hundred and fifty officially recognized
tribes in the United States,
exclusive of Alaska, gathered upon more
than fifty reservations,
besides others that occupied state
reservations or were scattered
among the whites. We have no sufficient
data for ascertaining
the aboriginal population at the time of
the discovery, but, after
making all allowances for exaggeration
in the early estimate,
there can be no question that it has
greatly diminished. The
popular impression that the eastern
tribes have simply been re-
moved to the west is true in but a few
cases. In most instances
Editorialana. 219
they have been exterminated by war,
disease, and failure of
accustomed food supply, consequented
upon the advent of the
The simple and primitive existence and
the peculiar characteristics
of these children of the forest are
entertainingly depicted. This chapter
is followed by a valuable and full
appendix of statistics concerning the
Indians-treaties of the United States
with the tribes, the cost to the
government in the case of these aboriginal
wards, the reservations, their
area, number of Indians in each, etc.
Mr. Avery's style is most felicitous. We
know of no historian more
readable in manner or more elegant in
rich but simple English. One
could easily be persuaded to read these
pages for entertainment, no less
than for information. Mr. Avery has the
true historic temperament as
well as the scholarly intellect; there
is nothing mechanical, dull or com-
mon place in the pages of this recital;
once entered upon the opening of
this volume, the reader is borne along
with an interest as unflagging as
that imparted by the shifting scenes of
some play.
The author has selected the material for
his readers from an almost
limitless store-house, with exact
discrimination. The work is popular in
form, it is, as the author declares, for
the reader of general culture, rather
than the professional student. The
latter, however, is partially provided
for by having placed at his disposal a
bibliographical appendix, in which
are given for this volume alone a list
of over five hundred authorities
arranged alphabetically and under
topical heads, so that sources of infor-
mation on any given subject may be
readily found. The work is profusely
illuminated with maps and illustrations.
The mechanical execution of the
work surpasses that of any history we
have seen. The publishers have
given the production of Mr. Avery's
graphic and fascinating pen a setting
worthy the theme and treatment. The
volumes are most perfect and
attractive specimens of the modern
"art of arts." No history of the
United States has been honored with such
royal encasement. It is worthy
the shelves of a sovereign.
The twentieth annual meeting of the
American Historical Associa-
tion was held in Chicago, Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday, December
28, 29 and 30, 1904. Members were
present from nearly every State in
the Union, representing nearly all the
leading historical societies and the
historical departments of the leading
colleges and universities. The Ohio
State Archaeological and Historical
Society was officially represented by
the secretary, E. O. Randall, Columbus,
and Mr. A. J. Baughman, Mans-
field, life member of the society and
also secretary of the Richland County
Historical Society. There were also
present Miss Martha J. Maltby,
Columbus, Mr. Nelson W. Evans,
Portsmouth, and Dr. C. E. Slocum,
220 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
Defiance, all life members of the Ohio
State Archaeological and Historical
The meetings of the association were
held in the Mandel Assembly
Hall and the Reynolds Club Rooms of the
University of Chicago. The
first session of the association was
held Wednesday afternoon, and was
opened with a felicitous address of
welcome by President William A.
Harper, of the University of Chicago.
During the several sessions that
followed, various phases of historical
work, both American and foreign,
were presented and discussed. Among the
topics considered were meth-
ods of collection of materials, the best
means of organizing historical
societies, mutual calendaring of
manuscript collections, and the possibility
of co-operation among societies in the
matter of publications. Also the
relation of state historical societies
to the state government, the work of
American historical societies, the
historical congress at St. Louis, the
material of American history in the
English archives, and the teaching of
history in the elementary schools and
other kindred topics.
The names of some fifty professors of
history in the colleges of the
country were on the published program.
Three foreign universities were
also represented. Ettore Pais, professor
in the University of Naples, gave
an address on Roman History; Paul
Milyoukov, professor of the Univer-
sity of Sofia, spoke on the subject of
"Russian Historiography," and
Friedrich Keutgen, professor in the
University of Jena, gave a very useful
and interesting talk on the necessity in
America of the study of the early
history of modern European nations.
Especially interesting was the
"Round Table" conference, held by the
representatives of the various state and
local historical societies, at which
Mr. Reuben G. Thwaites, Secretary of the
State Historical Society of Wis-
consin, presided. At this conference
formal papers were read on the
following subjects: "Forms of
Organization, and Relation to the State
Government," Thomas M. Owen,
director of the department of archives
and history, Alabama; Warren Upham,
secretary of the Minnesota His-
torical Society. "The Possibilities
of Mutual Co-operation Between the
Societies, State and Local," C. M.
Burton, president of the Michigan Pio-
neer and Historical Society; Benjamin H.
Shambaugh, State Historical
Society of Iowa. Director McLaughlin, of
the Bureau of Historical
Research, Carnegie Institute, gave an
account of the indexing of manu-
scripts. W. C. Ford, chief of the
division of Manuscripts, Library of Con-
gress, read a paper on "Government
Archives in Our New Possessions."
Many topics and phases of historical
research, collection and collation
were presented and considered. Reports
show that there is a growing
interest in the history of the country,
and the consensus of opinion was
that more work upon the lines indicated
should be taken up by the colleges
and other institutions of learning, and
to this the two hundred professors
and teachers present enthusiastically
Among the social features of the meeting
were a luncheon in Hutch-
inson Hall, Wednesday at 1 P. M.: a
reception by the Chicago Historical
Editorialana. 221
Society Wednesday evening, and a
reception Thursday afternoon by Presi-
dent and Mrs. Harper, at their
residence, corner of Fifty-ninth street and
Lexington avenue. President Harper is an
Ohio man, and was formerly
connected with Muskingum College, at New
Concord. His wife is also
a Buckeye, and when a girl lived in
Mansfield. She is the daughter of the
Rev. David Paul, who was the pastor of
the Mansfield United Presbyterian
Church from 1858 until 1864, when he
resigned to accept the presidency of
the Muskingum college.
The American Political Science
Association and the American Eco-
nomic Association held their annual
meetings at the same time, in the
halls of the Chicago University
Apropos of the need for a building for
the Ohio State Archaeological
and Historical Society, we note with
much interest and not a little envy
the announcement that the New York
Historical Society is erecting a
building for its future home on
Seventy-sixth Street, opposite Central
Park, New York. The site of the building
was bought in June, 1891, at a
cost of $300,000. Some difficulty was
experienced in raising the additional
money necessary to begin the work of the
construction. Dean Hoffman,
father of the present president of the
society, was the leader and director
of this undertaking. He induced several
prominent New Yorkers-among
them Archer M. Huntington, Miss Matilda
Wolf Bruce, J. P. Morgan,
F. Robert Schell, the late John Alsop
King, Cornelius and George W.
Vanderbilt-to contribute large amounts.
The building committee was appointed in
June, 1901, to receive and
report upon plans for the proposed
building. This committee decided to
erect the central portion, 135 x 115
feet, on the lines of American colonial
architecture, from the plans of Messrs.
York & Sawyer, at an estimated
cost of $400,000. The cornerstone was
laid by ex-Mayor Seth Low,
November 17, 1903. The work has been
going on with more or less inter-
ruption, but it is expected that the
building will be completed as far as the
first story this spring. The building
when completed will be the finest
of its kind in the country. It will be
of pink Milford granite, three stories
high, affording ample shelf space for
nearly 500,000 volumes and several
special rooms for exhibits of various
sorts, and will contain an auditorium
on the main floor, capable of seating
400 persons, a lecture room, reception,
lounging and committee rooms. On the
second floor will be a large
museum, two large lecture galleries and
a reading room. The plan of this
central portion of the building is so
drawn that at some future time exten-
sive wings of the same general style of
architecture may be added.
The New York Historical Society was
founded on November 20,
1804, on which date Egbert Benson, De
Witt Clinton, Rev. Dr. William
Linn, Rev. Dr. John N. Abeel, Rev. Dr.
John M. Mason, Dr. David Hoo--
222 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
sack, Anthony Bleecker, Samuel Bayard,
Peter G. Stuyvesant and John
Pintard met in the picture room of the
old city hall, in Wall Street, to
organize this society, whose principal
object should be to collect and pro-
tect materials relating to the natural,
civil and ecclesiastical history of the
United States in general and the State
of New York in particular. The
society was incorporated by an act of
the legislature of February 9, 1809.
It is now one of the richest historical
societies of the country in its accu-
mulation of books, pictures, manuscripts
and objects of art. Its library
comprises over 100,000 books, pamphlets
and manuscripts. At present the
society is housed in its own property, a
small, unpretentious building,
which it has occupied for a century,
which is literally packed with the
invaluable collections which the society
has purchased or from time to
time have been bequeathed to it by
distinguished donors.
The securing by the New York Historical
Society of such worthy
quarters as it will soon possess is an
object lesson which it is hoped the
Ohio State Archaeological and Historical
Society may be able to follow at
no distant date. With a home such as the
life and work of our society
deserves it, too, would be the beneficiary
of innumerable collections
of books, manuscripts and archaeological
relics and endowment funds.
Provided with proper permanent quarters
the Ohio State Society would
soon occupy the same relation to Ohio
archaeology and history that the
New York Society now bears to the Empire
The Maumee Valley Pioneer and Historical
Association held its
annual meeting at the court house, in
Toledo, on February 22. The asso-
ciation is comprised of earnest pioneers
and other loyal, patriotic citizens,
living along the historic Maumee. They
are endeavoring to keep alive
the fires of patriotism and preserve the
historic landmarks of the eventful
locality in question. There was a good
attendance of gentlemen and lady
members. Mr. D. K. Hollenbeck, of
Perrysburg, the president, called
the meeting to order, and the Rev. N. B.
C. Love, trustee of the Ohio
State Archaeological and Historical
Society, delivered the invocation. The
report of the treasurer showed a balance
of $38.96 on hand. The follow-
ing members were elected as trustees for
thee years: D. K. Hollenbeck,
J. L. Pray and C. O. Bringham. A
committee of three, consisting of
Julius Lamson, David Robinson, Jr., and
J. Kent Hamilton, was appointed
to confer with the electric roads, with
a view of their contributing toward
the fund for buying the unpurchased
portion of Fort Meigs, which the
association hopes to obtain entire, and,
without destroying its historic
character, transform into some sort of a
public park. The association
already owns nine acres, which is about
one-fourth of the entire fort tract.
The committee on Fort Miami reported
that the association should no
Editorialana. 223
longer contemplate buying that property,
as it had been purchased by Mr.
A. M. Woolson, who they were glad to
learn proposed to preserve the
landmark, and, it was understood, would
set off a portion to the Daugh-
ters of the American Revolution. There
was also some discussion con-
cerning the proposition that the
association acquire possession of the old
court house at Maumee, which building is
located on the spot of the
famous Dudley massacre. The court house
would be a most fitting build-
ing for a museum of the relics of the
pioneer days.
Rev. N. B. C. Love pronounced a fitting
eulogy upon Mr. J. R. Tracy,
a deceased member of the association.
Upon adjournment of the associa-
tion, the board of directors held a meeting
and re-elected the old officers,
as follows: President, D. K. Hollenbeck;
Vice-President, William Cor-
lett; Secretary, J. L. Pray, and
Treasurer, A. F. Mitchell.
The Cleveland Plain Dealer, of
late date, in announcing that a move-
ment is in contemplation of raising the
Niagara from its watery grave,
in Lake Erie, says:
"Whatever may be the objections to
raising the hull of the battleship
Maine from the mud of Havana harbor,
none of them can hold in the case
of Commodore Perry's flagship, the
Niagara, which it is now proposed to
raise from the bottom of Misery Bay, in
Erie harbor, where she has
reposed for three-quarters of a century.
The ship was built in Erie, and
when her day of usefulness was over was
sunk out of sight, and for a
long time almost out of memory. The
house committee on naval affairs
has ordered a favorable report on the
bill, providing money for raising
the Niagara and turning her over to the
state home for disabled soldiers
and sailors.
"The Niagara was the flagship of
the man who performed off Put-
in-Bay in September, 1813, the
unprecedented feat of compelling the sur-
render of an entire British squadron,
and as such she should fairly share
that affection and veneration which the
American people have long lav-
ished on the Constitution and one or two
other historic ships, none of
which really performed such a glorious
part in naval war as fell to the
share of Perry's flagship.
"This national neglect can be
attributed in great part to the fact that
no gifted lyrist like the author of
"Old Ironsides" has embalmed the
Niagara's achievement in deathless verse
and in part, perhaps, to the
American tendency to forget the day of
small things. The Niagara was
little if any larger than one of the
boats which a modern 16,000-ton battle-
ship carries on her deck. In these days
a 2,500-ton war vessel is not con-
sidered worthy of a place in a line of
battle, and is used chiefly for sea
police duty, yet the combined tonnage of
Perry's squadron did not exceed
2,500 tons. An ordinary lake freighter
is larger."
224 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
It is a most interesting but generally
unknown fact (which we have
verified by a letter from Mr. William
Loeb, secretary to the President)
that the brother of the grandfather of
President Roosevelt was the first
man to navigate a steamboat on the Ohio
and Mississippi Rivers, says
Mr. Charles C. Allen. Captain Roosevelt
was a warm personal friend of
Robert Fulton, the inventor of steam
craft, and soon after Fulton's suc-
cessful voyage on the Hudson conceived
the idea of launching such a
vessel on the Western rivers. A good
deal of doubt was expressed as to
the practicability of the undertaking,
but Captain Roosevelt was enthusi-
astic, and along about 1810 made a
personal survey of the Ohio and Lower
Mississippi to determine its feasibility
beyond all peradventure. The
result of his survey was entirely to his
satisfaction and, returning to Pitts-
burg, he began the construction of a
steamboat from plans furnished him
by Fulton and Livingston. In the spring
of 1811 the vessel was launched,
and, accompanied by his wife, who had
the true pioneer spirit and refused
to be left behind, the President's
grandfather began his voyage down the
He entered the Mississippi during the throes of the earthquake
which devastated so much of southeastern
Missouri, but weathered the
tumult successfully and continued his
trip to New Orleans, where he
arrived a short time after, the first
man to build a steamboat west of the
Alleghanies and the first to navigate
one on western waters.
Since the issue of the January Quarterly
the following have qualified
as life members of the Ohio State
Archaeological and Historical Society:
Mr. Frank S. Brooks, Columbus, Ohio.
Hon. Ross J. Alexander, Bridgeport,
Mr. George W. Vanhorn, Findlay, Ohio.
On February 23, 1905, Governor Myron T.
Herrick re-appointed
Professor B. F. Prince, Springfield, and
Mr. E. O. Randall, Columbus, as
trustees of the Ohio State
Archaeological and Historical Society for the
term of three years ending February,
THE AVERY HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. A philosophical essayist on the study of history tritely remarks that a historian should be possessed of industry, conscience and imagination. |
Industry and patience to faithfully exhume the facts, conscience to truthfully and im- partially exploit them, and imagination to vividly portray the scenes and events in- volved that the reader in his mind's eye may perceive them realistically reproduced. Such is the ideal historian. Such an one to a rare degree is Mr. Elroy M. Avery, author of "A History of the United States and Its People," published by the Burrows Brothers Company, Cleveland, Ohio-to be completed in twelve octavo volumes. The first volume is before us. As the proof of the pudding is in the eating, the test of the book is in the reading. It has long been our notion that the history of the United States has not yet been written. To be sure, many so-called histories have been put |
forth, but in the main written by eastern authors-provincial scholars, whose pens have been cramped by local pride or prejudices-a narrow range of historical vision-a vision bright and clear often till it reached the Alleghany Mountains, but beyond that lost in the vista of the great and overwhelming West. The vast and vital part played in the Ohio and Mississippi Valleys and beyond, in the formative period of our country, has usually been slightingly treated or practically ignored. The true his- tory of the United States must be written by a Westerner; the entire sweep of the historian's realm can only be had from the center and not from one side of our vast domain. Mr. Avery was properly born, located and educated for this work. All hail to a recital of the origin and growth of the American Republic by a Westerner-an Ohioan. Mr. Avery is a typical American. Born in Erie, Monroe County, Michigan (1844), of the best New England stock and tradition, the best blood of our fore- fathers, and the best brawn and brain of our western self-made manhood. A descendant of Puritan ancestry, a son of the American Revolution, a (216) |