The accompanying cut represents a large
granitic boulder,
believed to be the largest in Sandusky
County, and which pos-
sesses local historic associations
worthy to be published for pres-
ervation with other interesting facts
connected with the early his-
tory of the Sandusky river region.
It is located in the north and south
road on the line dividing
Sections 14 and 15 between the farms of
W. J. Havens and Hugh
Havens in Jackson township, 7 miles
south-west from the City of
There is a general, and what seems to be
an undisputed,
tradition, that during his campaigns in
the Sandusky and Mau-
mee river valleys, in the War of 1812, Gen. William
Henry Har-
rison, with his military staff, at one
time dined upon this boulder
as a table.
There was an Indian trail leading
from Lower Sandusky
(Fremont), through what is now Spiegel
Grove, the grounds of
the late President R. B. Hayes, passing
thence west of the San-
dusky river, in a southwesterly
direction and intersecting at a
point not far east of this rock a
similar one from the site of Fort
Seneca, and thus becoming united into
one trail, which passed
near the rock in a northwesterly
direction to Fort Meigs, on the
Maumee river.
This trail became known as the "
Harrison trail," because in
his military movements between Lower
Sandusky and Fort Sen-
eca on the Sandusky river, and Fort
Meigs on the Maumee, Gen.
Harrison made use of it as a military
road. While passing along
the same, according to tradition, he and
his military family
partook of the repast mentioned upon
this substantial table in the
then wilderness.
The Messrs. Havens who have owned these
farms for fifty
years, well remember traces of this
trail and pointed out to the
writer the ground along which it ran.
They remember and speak
of it as the " Harrison