BIG BOTTOM MASSACRE DEDICATION. It is one hundred and fifteen years since the little band of pioneers were massacred in their fort at Big Bottom on the Muskingum. This settlement was an off-shoot of the one at Marietta. It was the remotest outpost of the Ohio Company. Scarcely had Mari- |
etta been settled when there pushed out from the protecting walls of Fort Harmar small bands of settlers , to build homes and clear the fields in other favorable locations. Belpre on the Ohio and Water- ford on the Muskingum were soon begun. In the fall of 1790 thirty-six men departed from Marietta and built a blockhouse on the east side of the Mus- kingum along the line of the Monongahela trail, about a mile and a half below the present village of Stockport, Morgan county. The winter that fol- lowed was a very cold one. Since the Indians were not so apt to go on their predatory raids in winter as at other times, the usual severity of the season disarmed the vigilance of the inmates of the block- |
house. In fact the fort had hardly been completed. Already cabins had been erected and preparations for the spring planting were being made. In this apparent security the work of clearing and building continued. On the second of January, 1791, along the high ridge on the oppo- site side of the river, unnoticed by the inhabitants of the fort, a band of Indians saw the settlement. During the day they continued their watch. They noted the unprotected condition of the blockhouse and the prob- able number of occupants. Early in the evening they crossed the river on the ice and fell upon the unguarded frontiersmen. The deadly work was soon accomplished. Several pioneers escaped and ran through the woods to the settlement at Wolf's Creek. No memorial of any kind had heretofore been erected to show the passer-by that the place was historic. But now, thanks to Mr. Obadiah Brokaw, who owns the land upon which the blockhouse stood, there is a suitable and imposing monument that tells the story of that winter day's massacre. The monument consists of a marble shaft whose apex is Vol. XIV.- 30. (465) |
466 Ohio.
Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
twelve feet above the ground. The shaft
is an octagon, seven and a half
feet high. On one of the faces are
inscribed these words: "Erected by
Obadiah Brokaw, 1905." The shaft stands on a limestone base, which
in turn rests on another base of
concrete. On the front of the lime-
stone base is carved, "Site of Big
Bottom Massacre, Winter of 1790."
On the two sides are to be found the
names of those killed, as follows:
"James Couch, Wm. Jones, Joseph
Clark, Isaac Meeks, his wife and two
children, John Stacey, Zebulon Troop,
Ezra Putnam, John Camp and
Jonathan Farewell." On the rear of the base are the names of
who escaped, "Asa Bullard, Eleazer
Bullard and Philip Stacey." The
monument displays excellent
workmanship. It stands in a beautiful
meadow near the public road, and only a
few rods from the bank of
the river. It is plainly visible to the
passengers on the passing boats.
Mr. Brokaw, the patriotic possessor of
the historic site upon which
this monument was erected, desired to
make sure that it would be perma-
nently cared for and preserved.
This matter having been brought by Mr.
Brokaw to the attention
of Trustee C. L. Martzolff, the latter
visited Mr. Brokaw at Stockport
and broached the subject of the transfer
of the monument property to
the society. Subsequently, on August 17th, Professor Martzolff and
Secretary Randall, accompanied by Mr. C.
L. Bozman of McConnelsville,
who designed and executed the monument,
visited Mr. Brokaw who
finally consented to transfer by deed
the monument and two acres of
surrounding land to the Ohio State
Archaeological and Historical So-
ciety, upon the condition that the
society elect Mr. Brokaw a Life mem-
ber, and further that the society
provide for the proper care of the
monument and land transferred as an
historic park and monument, keep-
ing said property properly enclosed and
protected from destruction and
injury by the public and maintain the
same as a free public park. The
negotiations by Messrs. Martzolff and
Randall with Mr. Brokaw were
approved and accepted by the Executive
Committee at its meeting on
August 28th, 1905.
On Saturday, September 30th, the Society
held dedicatory exercises
commemorative of the historic event
which the monument marks and
celebrated the donation of the property
by Mr. Brokaw. The Executive
Committee of the Trustees of the Society
had appointed a Committee on
Arrangements, of which Prof. Martzolff
was chairman. This committee
arranged for a most interesting program,
which was successfully car-
ried out. The day proved to be one of
almost perfect weather condi-
tions and an audience of some four
thousand people from the surround-
ing country gathered to participate in
the ceremonies. Secretary Randall
acted as chairman and addresses were
delivered by President Brinker-
hoff, Trustees Martzolff, Ryan, Andrews,
and Hunter, Hon. William B.
Crew of the Ohio Supreme Court, and Hon.
Tod B. Galloway, Secretary
to the Governor. The program was most properly closed by an original
poem written and read by Dr. James Ball
Naylor, the poet and historical
Editorialana. 467
novelist. The Stockport Brass Band interspersed the
program with
musical selections.
It was a unique and
interesting event in the history of the society
as this is the first
time that the society has come into the possession
of a purely historic
site. The proceedings with the speeches in detail will
be published in the
January Quarterly of the society.
The society will
proceed without delay to protect the site with a
fitting enclosure,
making it an attractive place of resort for all who may
care to visit this
memorable spot.
Mr. Brokaw has
certainly earned the gratitude of all lovers of early
pioneer history by the
timely erection of this stone. It will stand as a
constant memorial to
one of the gruesome chapters of the early history
of Ohio. It will be a
reminder to the coming generations of what it
meant to plant
settlements in the forests of the west. It will not only
be a tribute to those who perished on that January day
over a century
ago, but it will be an
ever present testimonial of the opportune thought-
fulness and the
generosity of the man who has erected it.
We have been
frequently asked the question whether it be true, as
often reported in the
public press, that the American troops were the
first to enter the
city of Peking at the time of the invasion by the allied
nations, and that Ohio
soldiers were the first within the gates of the
Tartar City. In response to our inquiry, we received the
from Colonel Webb. C.
Hayes, who at the time was upon the staff of
General Chaffee:
1, 1905.
MR. E. O. RANDALL, Columbus,
DEAR SIR:- The allied
troops who marched to the relief
of Peking from Tien
Tsin in 1900 consisted approximately
of 2,000 Americans,
2,000 British, 4,000 Russians and 8,000
Japanese. There were
no German nor Italians in this column.
The Japanese headed
the column all the way and did more
of the fighting than
any other one of the allies. Peking con-
sists really of two
cities side by side, enclosed by high walls -
The Tartar City and
the Chinese City.
468 Ohio. Arch. and Hist. Society Publications. Under the plan of attack, the Japanese were to take gate No. 1, the Russians gate No. 2, the Americans gate No. 3, and the British gate No. 4. The Americans reached the walls some time before the Brit- ish, but through a mistake attacked and captured gate No. 4, and then sent word to the British troops who marched in un- opposed and then marched through the sluice-way (5) to the legation, being the first to reach the legation. In the mean- |
time the Americans, after opening up with artillery the gate No. 4 for the British, then made their attack on gate No. 3. the 14th U. S. Infantry scaled the walls and hoisted their regimental flag on them - the first flag on the wall,- and at the same time the Americans forced their way through gate No. 3, being the first troops to get inside the walls of the Chinese City, and then fought their way to the sluice-way (5) through which they followed the British, a close second, to the legation. The Japanese and Russians entered through gates 1 and 2 the next day. The Commander, Major General Chaffee, his Ad- jutants General Captain Grote Hutcheson and Col. H. O. S. Heistand, his Chief of Staff Capt. J. T. Dickman and myself, all of General Chaffee's staff, besides many other officers are Buckeyes. Respectfully, WEBB C. HAYES. |
Editorialana. 469
"Did the Mound Builders Have
Horses" is the subject of an editorial
in the last issue of the American
Sportsman, March 2. The discovery
of the skeleton of a horse, dug up in the state of Nebraska, started a
discussion to which a number of the most
eminent archeologists of the
country have contributed their opinions.
Dr. Phyle treated the subject
at length in an essay some time ago. The
editorial is as follows:
A horseman is curious to know, after
reading Dr. Phyle's essay on
the evolution of the horse, whether the
"Mound Builders" had horses.
We are not expected to answer this
question, as all matters in the pre-
historic age are exclusively in the
domain of speculation. A similar
question was asked during a race on the
half-mile ring at Newark, Ohio,
the location of several notable memorial
It is supposed that the Mound Builders
preceded the North Ameri-
can Indian, but it is not clear that the
Indian is the lineal descendant
of the Mound Builders. When the white
man invaded the Western Con-
tinent the Indians had no horses, but it
does not follow that the race
that built the memorial mounds had no
horses. The Mound Builders
are an extinct race, and their horses
may have perished from off the
earth at about the same time.
Scientists and antiquarians who have
examined the memorial mounds,
especially the famous ones at Newark and
in Adams county, Ohio, as-
sert that they have full proof that the
builders enjoyed a high degree of
civilization. The mound at the Newark
Fair Grounds forms a perfect
circle, a mile in circumference and some
twenty feet high. Upon it
stand very large maple, beech and
hickory trees, showing, it is believed,
that the erection of this mound far
ante-dated the arrival of Columbus,
over four hundred years ago.
It is thought that the Aztecs, found in
Mexico by Cortez, and the
ancient Peruvians, whose empire was
destroyed by Pizzaro, may have
been of the same race as the Mound
Whether the Mound Builders had horses we
can only guess, but that
a race preceding the North American
Indians had horses we know to
a certainty. The evidence of the
skeleton horses recently discovered is
Prof. Starr, of the Chicago University
holds, with many others of
the more advanced scientists, that the
Mound Builders were Indians
and coarse barbarians. Prof. Starr also
holds that some of these mounds
were built by Indian tribes not yet
extinct. The French scientists. Lucien
Biart (who has written a very elaborate
book on the ancient Aztecs of
Mexico), holds that they were a true
type of Indians. Prof. John D.
Baldwin, author of the "Prehistoric
Nations," in his notes on American
archaeology, holds that the Mound
Builders were American aborigines
of the Indian type and not immigrants from another continent. Prof.
470 Ohio. Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
Baldwin holds that more than two
thousand years have elapsed since the
Mound Builders lived in the Ohio Valley.
In conclusion we are not in a position
to state whether the Mound
Builders were the race that exploited
the pre-historic horse on this con-
tinent or whether they degenerated into
Indians. All we know for a
certainty is that the pre-historic man
had a pre-historic horse, and that
he both rode and ate him, and that the
horse in improved form still sur-
vives, while the Mound Builders are
extinct, and the Red Man is where
he can see his finish-Akron Democrat.
Under the editorship of Mr. Howard D.
Manington, a tasty little
volume, amply illustrated, has been
issued, giving a detailed account of
the Centennial Celebration of Champaign
County, held at Urbana on
the days of July 4th, 5th, and 6th.
Under the energetic and patriotic
management of the good people of Urbana,
the Centennial proved to be
an event of great interest, and well
worthy the conclusion of one hun-
dred years of the historic county. The
inauguarting day of the cen-
tennial being also the anniversary day
of the nation's natal day, drew
an immense crowd of citizens
representing all parts of the state to the
handsome little county seat. Vice
President Fairbanks was the orator
of the day and made a patriotic address
appropriate to the occasion.
One of the features of the day was a
grand parade and "a more mag-
nificent spectacle was never witnessed
in this state." The procession
consisted of platoons of soldiers from
the United States Regular Army,
State Militia and a great number of
novel features as "floats," decorated
vehicles, masqueraders in fantastic
costume, etc. The day was closed
in the evening by a splendid pyrotechnic
display in the City Park and
followed by a "smoker" under
the auspices of the local press committee,
in honor of Vice President Fairbanks.
This was presided over by Hon.
Howard D. Manington, and speeches were
made by the Hon. Ralph D.
Cole and Messrs. John H. James, Henry C.
McCracken, J. A. Howells
and L. D. Johnson.
July fifth was celebrated as
"Pioneer and Home-coming Day," the
exercises being held in the county fair
grounds, where several thousand
people, bringing their lunch-baskets,
gathered from all sections of the
county and renewed their early memories
of Champaign county life and
greeted long absent friends. The formal
exercises of the day consisted
of an address by Secretary Randall of
the Ohio State Archaeological and
Historical Society, the rendering of
musical selections by the Urbana
Band and a mixed chorus of some two
hundred voices. Judge E. P.
Middleton presided.
Editorialana. 471
July sixth was known as "Military
Day." A large section of the
state militia under the command of
Brigadier General William V. Mc-
Maken paraded the streets of the city,
headed by the Eighth Regiment
Band and the Marietta Guards. Governor
Herrick and his military staff
reviewed the movements of the troops.
This was followed by a gather-
ing at the fair grounds, where speeches
were made by Col. W. R. War-
nock, Governor Myron T. Herrick and
Senator C. W. Dick. In the
evening there was held a fitting closing
feature which was really the
literary event of the week. The
exercises were held in Clifford's Theatre,
which was filled to its utmost capacity
by an interested audience who
listened to addresss by Governor
Herrick, Senator Dick, Secretary of
State Laylin, Lieutenant Governor
Harding and Mr. Howard D. Man-
ington, who presided.
The volume mentioned at the beginning of
this item contains the
proceedings of these various days in
full, with reports of the speeches
and much additional matter pertaining to
the history of Urbana and
Champaign county. Particularly valuable is the historical
matter by
Mr. John W. Ogden, Rev. Charles S. Wood,
Mr. J. T. Woodward and
Mr. I. N. Keyser, Superintendent of the
Public Schools of Urbana.
The Richland County Historical Society
has just issued a neat little
pamphlet containing the proceedings of
the society, beginning with its
first annual meeting, Saturday, June 10,
1899, and closing with the pro-
ceedings of its last annual meeting held
in the G. A. R. rooms of the
Memorial Building, Mansfield, June 7th,
1905. At this latter meeting
a most interesting program was carried
out. An address was delivered
by the Rev. Joshua Crawford on the
ill-fated and memorable "Expedition
of Col. William Crawford" in the
summer of 1782 against the Sandusky
Indians. Rev. Crawford is a collateral
descendant of the famous subject
of his address. We regret that space
does not permit of our publishing
this address, but the subject has been
treated in a scholarly manner by
Judge J. H. Anderson in a previous
number of the Quarterly. Other
addresses were delivered by the Hon. W.
G. Geer, representing the Rich-
land County delegation; Mrs. James R.
Hopley, Bucyrus, by special request
delivered the address given by her at
the Ohio Centennial Celebration at
Chillicothe on "The Part Taken by
Women in the History and Develop-
ment of Ohio;" Prof. Sample, of
Perrysville, Mr. Hiram R. Smith and
Mr. Peter Bissman, of Mansfield,
rendered short talks. Prof. Sample
has one of the largest collections of
archaeological and historical relics in
Ohio. Mr. Hiram Smith has reached the
honorable age of ninety-three
years, and when called for remarks
responded by reciting,
472 Ohio.
Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
"You may scarce expect one of my
To speak in public upon the stage."
Mr. Peter Bissman made a most
interesting off-hand speech which
held the undivided attention of the
audience. Prof. C. W. Williamson
of Wapakoneta read a very carefully
prepared paper on "The Allied
Indian Tribes of Western
Ohio." Prof. Williamson's address
dealt in
detail with the early invasion of Ohio
by the English traders and the
war for extermination which was waged
against them by the French
from Quebec, who by the aid of the
Indians were able to drive back
the first of the traders. He also
graphically pictured the conspiracy of
Pontiac and the plan and efforts of that
distinguished Indian chief
to regain the Ohio valley from the
encroachments of the white men. The
Secretary of the Ohio State
Archaeological and Historical Society de-
livered an address entilted "Some
Phases of Early Ohio History." Hu-
morous recitations were rendered by Miss
Lenora R. Shaw of Ashland
College and Mr. M. A. Ricksecker of
This meeting of the Richland County
Historical Society, both in
interest and attendance, proved to be
the most successful of any in its
history. The society under the
administration of Gen. R. Brinkerhoff,
President, and Mr. A. J. Baughman,
Secretary, is doing splendid work
and gathering much historical material
concerning the county and the
state which would otherwise be lost to
future readers.
* * *
On August 3, 1905, by invitation from
Mr. A. J. Baughman, Secre-
tary Randall paid a visit to the
far-famed watershed barn, situated near
Five Corners, in Springfield township,
seven miles west of Mansfield,
Richland county, on what is known as the
Leesville road. The party
from Mansfield consisted of Gen.
Brinkerhoff, Mr. A. J. Baughman, Mr.
Martin B. Bushnell, Mr. Peter Bissman
and Mr. M. D. Frazier, Editor
of the Daily Shield and the writer. The
party proceeded by trolley from
Mansfield to the farm, upon which the
barn is located, said farm now
being the property of Mr. C. Craig. The
barn, a large structure, stands
upon the roadside, facing the east and
west, and not, as is generally sup-
posed, north and south. The barn rests
upon a slight elevation, midway
between what are known respectively as
the Palmer Spring and Little
Lake. Each of these water sources is
about a quarter of a mile from
the barn. Palmer Spring is the head
source of the Sandusky River,
which empties into Lake Erie, and the
Little Lake is the head source of
Clear Creek, which finds its way to the
Mohican, thence into the Tus-
carawas, the Muskingum, the Ohio and
then into the Mississippi. The
geographical location at this point is,
of course, upon the "divide," hav-
ing an elevation of 832 feet above Lake
Erie, 965 feet above the Ohio
River, and 1,265 feet above sea level.
Photographs were taken of the
barn and the two river sources. The
visit proved to be one of special in-
Editorialana. 473
terest, which was greatly heightened by
the information gained of the
geological and historical features of
the section as related by Mr. A. J.
Baughman, than whom few in the state are
better qualified to speak
upon matters pertaining to its geology
and history.
The following communication is self
explanatory. It is from the
pen of Prof. R. W. McFarland, Oxford, Ohio, who has contributed many
articles of value to the Ohio State
Archaeological and Historical Society
Mr. E. O. Randall:
In reading your highly commendatory
notice of Dr. Slocum's Histori-
cal work, I was pleased to see your
remark about his use of the word
Aborigine instead of Indian. Allow me to say that the term
has never
been recognized by Webster, or
Worcester, by their co-adjutors, or their
successors, as belonging to the English
language. It is found in the
Century and the Standard, -and we are
entitled to suppose that its
presence there is because some writer
had used it. The plural, Aborigines,
is applied to the first inhabitants
of a country; it does not apply to
subsequent races. Unless the Dr. can
show that the Indians were the
first inhabitants of America, the term
cannot be applied to them at all.
Further; four hundred years ago when
this continent was discov-
ered, it was supposed to be what is now
called the East Indies; in dis-
covering the error, the term West Indies
was given to the islands be-
tween North and South America, and they
have borne the name ever
since. The inhabitants of these islands
were naturally and properly
called Indians, the name
subsequently being applied to all the race,
whether on continent or island. And from
that day to this, the word
has been used alike by writers of
fiction as well as of history, -by
Cooper, Irving, Bancroft, Prescott,
McMaster, Wilson, - indeed, by all
standard authors. It has been used by
the authorities of the country,
both state and national, in regard to
civil cases as well as to military;
and such has been the practice ever
since the English occupied this
country. The Spaniard, the Portugese,
the French also used the like
word. This term has been too long in
vogue, and has covered too wide
a territory to be called in question at
this late day.
It seems to me that the careful and
judicious reader of the work
in question may be led to suspect that
such a lapse may not be an iso-
lated one, but may be accompanied by
others no less bad. The tendency
474 Ohio. Arch. and Hist.
Society Publications.
would be to detract from the estimate in
which the work might be held.
The Ohio Archaeological and Historical
Society cannot, of course, agree
to sanction such vagaries.
On August 18th, Secretary Randall made a
trip to Chillicothe and
procuring conveyance drove out some
seven miles to the location of
the "Harness Mounds," where
Prof. W. C. Mills, Curator of the So-
ciety's Museum, was conducting his
explorations. The Secretary spent
the day at the mounds, and while there
was fortunate to see the discov-
ery of a grave and its opening by the
explorers under the direction of
Prof. Mills and his assistant, Mr. A. B.
Coover. Portions of a human
skeleton were exhumed and some fine
copper ear-rings and other orna-
ments were taken from the gave. Prof.
Mills was unusually successful
in his finds during the summer
explorations. He explored completely
the largest of the Harness Mounds which
had been opened at previous
periods, respectively, by Squier and
Davis, Prof. F. W. Putnam and
Prof. Warren K. Moorehead. Prof. Mills
had under his direction an
excellent force of eight or ten men.
Prof. Mills will prepare and publish
in due time in the Quarterly a detailed
statement of his explorations for
the past summer.
* * *
On Friday, August 25th, the Secretary
journeyed to Piqua, where
he was met by Judge E. L. Hoskins of the
Probate Court of Shelby county,
Mr. H. R. McVey, Superintendent of the
Shelby schools, and Mr. A. J.
Hess, President of the Sidney Board of
Education. In company with
these gentlemen a trolly car was taken
to the historic residence of John
Johnson, who for many years was the
government agent for the Ohio
Indians during their residence on the
Ohio Reservation. Near this John-
son residence was the old stockade fort
known as "Pickawillany," pic-
turesquely located on the banks of the
Great Miami River. The party
also visited the monument close by,
erected by the Daughters of the
American Revolution, to commemorate the
spot of the last battle of
"The French and Indian War."
It is a splendid granite rock, upon which
is this inscription:
"Erected 1898 by the Piqua Chapter
of the Daughters of
the American Revolution in Memory of the
Last Battle of the
French and Indian War, Fought near This
Spot 1763."
Editorialana. 475
From this point the party took the
trolley to Sidney and thence by
carriage conveyance drove to the site of
old Fort Laramie on the banks
or Loramie Creek. This town is now named
"Loramie." The site of
the old fort is on the farm of Mr. F. C.
Arkenberg. While at the site of
the old fort the party met Mr. F. J.
Uhrich, Superintendent of Schools
of Loramie, who imparted to the party
much information of historical
* *
Col. John W. Harper of Cincinnati
represented the Ohio State Ar-
chaeological and Historical Society at
the "White Water Valley Associa-
tion" meeting, held September 9th,
at White Water, Hamilton county,
on which occasion he delivered an
address setting forth the history and
purposes of the society.
* *
Mr. W. H. Hunter, Trustee of the Ohio
State Archaeological and
Historical Society, delivered an address
to the students of Marietta Col-
lege and the members of the "Ohio
Valley Historical Association" upon
the evening of Friday, September 29th,
in the college chapel at Marietta,
his subject being "General Arthur
St. Clair, Territorial Governor of
* *
On Saturday, September 9th, Trustee B.
F. Prince made a visit of
inspection to Fort Ancient, and on
Saturday of the following week, Sep-
tember 16th, Secretary Randall was the
guest of Mr. Warren Cowen,
Custodian of the Fort. The Secretary
remained several days, during
which time he made extended examination
of the archaeological con-
struction of the Fort and noted also the
result of the custodianship of
Mr. Cowen. The Fort never was in such
excellent condition, and in its
state of transition from summer to
winter-in its all coloring-pre-
sented a most attractive and picturesque
BIG BOTTOM MASSACRE DEDICATION. It is one hundred and fifteen years since the little band of pioneers were massacred in their fort at Big Bottom on the Muskingum. This settlement was an off-shoot of the one at Marietta. It was the remotest outpost of the Ohio Company. Scarcely had Mari- |
etta been settled when there pushed out from the protecting walls of Fort Harmar small bands of settlers , to build homes and clear the fields in other favorable locations. Belpre on the Ohio and Water- ford on the Muskingum were soon begun. In the fall of 1790 thirty-six men departed from Marietta and built a blockhouse on the east side of the Mus- kingum along the line of the Monongahela trail, about a mile and a half below the present village of Stockport, Morgan county. The winter that fol- lowed was a very cold one. Since the Indians were not so apt to go on their predatory raids in winter as at other times, the usual severity of the season disarmed the vigilance of the inmates of the block- |
house. In fact the fort had hardly been completed. Already cabins had been erected and preparations for the spring planting were being made. In this apparent security the work of clearing and building continued. On the second of January, 1791, along the high ridge on the oppo- site side of the river, unnoticed by the inhabitants of the fort, a band of Indians saw the settlement. During the day they continued their watch. They noted the unprotected condition of the blockhouse and the prob- able number of occupants. Early in the evening they crossed the river on the ice and fell upon the unguarded frontiersmen. The deadly work was soon accomplished. Several pioneers escaped and ran through the woods to the settlement at Wolf's Creek. No memorial of any kind had heretofore been erected to show the passer-by that the place was historic. But now, thanks to Mr. Obadiah Brokaw, who owns the land upon which the blockhouse stood, there is a suitable and imposing monument that tells the story of that winter day's massacre. The monument consists of a marble shaft whose apex is Vol. XIV.- 30. (465) |