WILLIAM HENRY HUNTER. William H. Hunter, Trustee and member of the Executive Com- mittee of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society, died |
suddenly at his residence, Chillicothe, Ohio, in the early morning of Wednesday, June 19, 1906, after an illness of only five days' duration. Mr. Hunter closed his earthly career as he had often expressed a desire to do, in the very midst of his daily activities. Never was he more energetic or enthusiastic in his life work. On the previous Wednesday, June 13, Mr. Hunter attended the commencement at Marietta College, where he re- ceived from the college authorities the honorary degree of Master of Arts, conferred upon him be- cause of his literary attainments and numerous and valuable contributions to the History of Ohio. On the evening of the day in question, at a ban- |
quet of the alumni of the college, Mr. Hunter delivered a most eloquent and scholarly address upon the racial "Birthright of Governor Arthur St. Clair." Governor St. Clair was a favorite historical character with Mr. Hunter. To the city of Chillicothe and also to Marietta College, Mr. Hunter presented oil portraits of Governor St. Clair, excellent like- nesses and admirable works of art by Charles P. Filson of Steubenville. Mr. Hunter was a man of superior talent and unusually endowed with the indomitable perseverance of the Scotch and no minimum of the fearless pugnacity of the Irish. These mixed elements of heredity made him a courageous fighter and won for him marked success in the struggle of life. Mr. Hunter was born at Cadiz, Harrison County, Ohio, May 26, 1852. He was the son of Joseph R. and Letitia McFadden Hunter His grandfathers, James Hunter and John Sloan were Scotch Presbyter- ians in Pennsylvania and soldiers in the American Revolution; a great- grandfather (Thomas Hunter) equipped and led a company in the French- English War; his father, Joseph R. Hunter, emigrated from Pennsyl- vania to Cadiz in 1830 and studied law in the office with the distinguished (383) |