Ohio History Journal

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386 Ohio Arch

386        Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.


who with two sons now grown to manhood, Philip C. and Wm. J., sur-

vive the decease of husband and father. His demise was universally and

sincerely mourned by his fellow-citizens for he had done much for the

commercial and intellectual advancement of Chillicothe, Ohio's honored

first capital.

His funeral was attended by all classes of citizens and he was

buried on Friday morning, June 22, in the beautiful little cemetery upon

the hill where lie the remains of so many of Ohio's historic characters.

Vice President George F. Bareis and Trustees James H. Anderson,

D. J. Ryan, W. C. Mills and E. O. Randall represented the Society and

were present to participate in the last sad rites accorded to one who

had done much to promote the progress of the Ohio State Archaeological

and Historical Society.





On Saturday, June 30, 1906, the Executive Committee of the Society

met at the office of the Treasurer, Outlook Building. There were present

Messrs. Bareis, King, Martzolff, Mills, Prince, Randall, Ryan and Wood.

The usual routine business was transacted, the most important of which

was that concerning the exhibit which the Society will arrange to make

at the Jamestown Exposition, to be held at Jamestown, Virginia, in the

summer of 1907. Negotiations have been in progress between the Execu-

tive Committee of the Society and the Ohio Jamestown Exposition Com-

mission, consisting of Mr. C. Clive Handy, Wauseon; Mr. Ernest Root,

Medina; Mr. John P. Given, Circleville; Mr. B. W. Campbell, Cincin-

nati, and Prof. Geo. W. Knight, Columbus, acting secretary. The com-

mission, after due consideration, formally offered from the fund at is

disposal the amount of $2,500 to the Society to defray the expenses of

the latter in making an exhibit of Ohio archeology and history. This

proposition was formally accepted at this meeting of the Executive Com-

mittee and a standing committee for the Ohio Society on the James-

town Exposition was selected as hereafter named.

Formal recognition was taken at this meeting of the sudden death

of Trustee William H. Hunter, who died at his home at Chillicothe,

June 19. An extended notice of Mr. Hunter and his services to the

Society are to be found elsewhere in this Quarterly. The Executive

Committee, being the controlling power of the Society in the interim,

in behalf of the Trustees proceeded to the election of a trustee to serve

in the vacancy above noted until the next annual meeting of the Society,

according to the provisions of the constitution. There was chosen to

fill the vacancy in the trusteeship Hon. James H. Beal, a resident of

Scio, Harrison County. Mr. Beal will bring to the trusteeship not