FORT STEPHENSON CELEBRATON. August 2d, 1906, was the ninety-third anniversary of the gallant defense of Fort Stephenson, the site of which is now the center of the attractive and enterprising city of Fremont. The heroic and unparalleled "holding" of the little stockade fort by Major George Croghan on August 2d, 1813, against some two thousand British troops under General Proc- tor and an equal number of Indian braves under Chief Tecumseh is one of the most memorable events not only in Ohio history but in the history of our country. For many years post Colonel Webb. C. Hayes, resident of the historic Hayes homestead, Spiegal Grove, Fremont, has been in search of the remains of the gallant George Croghan. He finally found them in an old buryingplace near Louisville, Ky., whence they were secured and removed to Fremont and on the day in question were re-interred at the base of the monument marking the spot of the old stockade enclosure. Over his grave will be planted a spray of myrtle which was brought from his former burial place. "Fort Stephenson Park" thus has an added interest and has become a sacred spot to which the citizens of Fremont and Ohio can point with pride and say: "On that spot was fought one of the decisive battles of the War of 1812 and within its borders, enthroned with glory, lies the man who said: 'We have decided to defend the Fort, and by Heaven we can.'" The day of the celebration was a beautiful one and thousands of Ohio's citizens gathered at Fremont to witness the elaborate and imposing ceremonies. The Sixth Regiment of the Ohio National Guard was pre- sent and gave fitting military character to the occasion. The nation was represented by Vice-President Fairbanks and the state by Governor Harris and his staff. Addresses were delivered by many distinguished speakers. The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society was represented on the program by its secretary. The proceedings will be set forth in detail in the forthcoming January (1907) QUARTERLY of the Society.
UNVEILING GREENVILLE TABLET. Greenville has witnessed many historic gatherings commemorative of the signing of the Greenville Treaty on August 3d, 1795. The formal signing of this treaty by General Anthony Wayne and other (499) |