Editorialana. 111
gave the name of Marietta to the new
town in honor of Mary
Antoinette and France. Generals St.
Clair of Pennsylvania,
and Putnam of Massachusetts, Samuel Holden Parsons of
Connecticut, and James M. Varnum of
Rhode Island were the
leaders in the work of establishing the
settlement, aided by
Winthrop Sargent, secretary of the
Territory, and by the
noble Manasseh Cutler, who was a
frequent visitor and a power-
ful advocate in the East. Parsons,
Varnum, and John Cleve
Symmes, Chief Justice of New Jersey,
were elected Judges
of the Territory."
Over against the safe and sane
settlement at Marietta, followed
in 1796 the erratic and almost
ridiculous settlement of the deluded
Parisians at Gallipolis. That incident
is the vaudeville act in the his-
tory of Ohio, it is the comedy amid many
tragic surroundings. Another
theatrical scene on the Ohio was the
journey of the conspirator Aaron
Burr from Pittsburgh to Blennerhassett
Island and his inveiglement of
the stupid but doubtless well-meaning
Herman Blennerhassett. That
was another tragico-comedy on the Ohio
which Mr. Hulbert gracefully
depicts. But we must refer the reader to
The Ohio River for a proper
appreciation of its extent and value. It
will be read with equal in-
terest by teacher and pupil, young and
old. Mr. Hulbert has a clear,
vigorous, easy-moving style. If anyone thinks history is stupid, let
him read this book and learn otherwise;
if one imagines the Ohio river
is a commonplace "shallow babbling
run" let him read this book and
learn of its mighty influence in the
western advance of civilization and
its fascinating career through the
history of American progress.
Mr. Hulbert's Ohio River is not only the
most complete and satis-
factory contribution to the literature
of the subject which it treats but we
know of no American waterway having so
accomplished and accurate a
In the early autumn of 1906 the New York
Academy of Science
through Dr. Wissler, Chairman of the
Committee on Archaeology and
Ethnology, invited the Ohio State
Archaeological and Historical Society
to make an exhibit of the progress
accomplished by the Society in archae-
ological science in Ohio during the past
year. The Executive Committee
of the Society authorized Prof. W. C.
Mills, Curator, to make such ex-
hibit. Prof. Mills prepared a miniature
model, on the scale of one foot
to forty feet, in plaster and wood of
the Harness Mound, which was
exhumed by the professor in the summer
of 1906. The model represented
three fourths of the mound completed
with the exact position of the
burials and fire places. The burials
represented were two kinds, cre-
mated and uncremated. Of the latter but
few were found in the mound,