This article is not sufficiently broad
in its scope to include
the history of every settlement in Ohio
wherein the Welsh people
may have largely resided and must,
therefore, be confined to
those communities which were originally
settled by Welsh peo-
ple. Classified in this manner the
leading Welsh settlements in
Ohio are Paddy's Run, Butler County;
Radnor, Delaware Coun-
ty; Welsh Hills, Licking County; of
Gallia and Jackson Coun-
ties, and Gomer, Allen County. Other
communities in Ohio
were settled by the Welsh people, but
these were probably the
earliest in the history of the State,
and derived their pioneer
population from sources almost
altogether outside of Ohio.
Clannishness is a marked characteristic
of the Welsh people.
It is to be observed in their many
attempts at establishing colo-
nies or settlements for their people,
not necessarily to the ex-
clusion of other races, but for the
accommodation of those who
spoke the Welsh language. The Welsh
colonies under Penn
near Philadelphia, in New England,
Georgia, North Carolina,
Virginia, New York and other places bear
A second characteristic of the Welsh
people which has con-
siderable bearing upon their history as
American citizens was
their love of liberty, particularly
religious liberty, freedom of
conscience, the right to think. About
the close of the Revolu-
tionary War a very perceptible wave of
religious dissension and
reform spread throughout Europe, a
movement which afterwards
disclosed its most terrible aspect in
the French Revolution. At
that time the freethinkers of Wales came
athwart the wishes of
the government of Great Britain and were
compelled to leave
the country. America was the Land of
Promise and, consequent-
ly, between 1790 and 1820 many Welsh people
immigrated to
"I endeavored to prove, before I
left Britain, that all who dissented
from the established religion in that
country, were persecuted by the
Welsh Settlements in Ohio. 195
In fact the leaders in the reform
movement were compelled
to flee for their lives and in some
cases did not depart soon
enough to escape imprisonment.2
This very religious fervor identified
the race at an early
date with the movements to convert the
Indians and long before
the Revolutionary War the Welsh
missionary was pushing west-
ward through the forest to preach to the
Indian by his own
campfire. In his efforts to save the
Indian's soul, the good mis-
sionary was not unmindful of the beauty
and fertility of his
lands and hunting-grounds, and it was
not long until the Welsh
colonists were familiar with much of the
western country. Per-
haps the most distinguished Welsh
missionary was David Jones,
Higher Powers, and that it was their
duty, unless they could obtain
equal liberty with the rest of their
fellow citizens at home, to immigrate
to that country where they might enjoy
their natural birthright without
fear of molestation. I am still of the
same opinion: notwithstanding
the difficulties you have to encounter
in the way for the sake of liberty
you should surmount them all; and embark
for America where the per-
secuted Penn founded a city of refuge
for the oppressed of all nations;
here religion has to demonstrate its
efficacy from the 'force of argument
instead of the argument of force'."
Letter of Morgan J. Rhys, 1794.
The church of Rev. Thomas Griffiths in
Pembrokeshire, Wales, emi-
grated with him in a body in 1801 and
formed the "Welsh Tract Church"
in Delaware.
In 1776 Rev. Richard Price, of London, a
native of Glamorganshire,
Wales, published a pamphlet entitled
"Observations on Civil Liberty and
the Justice and Policy of the War with
America," which caused consid-
erable comment among the friends of the
Colonists and made him a
recognized leader among them in England.
J. Rhys, the founder of the Welsh colony at Beulah,
Penn., mentioned hereafter, was
compelled to escape at great hazard.
In his "Reasons for Coming to
America," he said: "We are not without
seeing their persecuting spirit already.
Many of our fellow countrymen
say that hanging or burning is too good
for us; that we should be tor-
tured and torn in pieces by wild
animals. But what for? For nothing
in the world but for desiring their
welfare, and for trying to open their
eyes to see their civil and religious
rights, but thus far they love dark-
ness rather than light."
Rev. Thomas Evans, a Unitarian minister,
was imprisoned in 1776,
at Carmarthen, Wales, for two years for
advocating civil and religious
196 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
known as "Chaplain Jones," of
Great Valley, Pennsylvania, who
journeyed through Ohio in 1772 and 1773.3
Prior to 1800 the Welsh settlement
nearest to the North-
west Territory was that of Beulah, in
what is now Cambria
County, then a part of Somerset County,
in the western part of
Pennsylvania, about 80 miles east of
Pittsburgh. This settle-
ment, together with Ebensburg which grew
up beside it, was
a source of by far the greater part of
immigration of the Welsh
people to Ohio prior to 1825, and particularly of Paddy's Run
and the Welsh Hills. At that place a distinguished Welsh
preacher by the name of Morgan John Rhys
had purchased
20,000 acres of land for
the purpose of establishing a Welsh
colony and had founded a village for his
people as early as
When originally laid out Beulah gave
promise of becoming
a populous and prosperous settlement, and up until 1805 events
justified the promise, but about that
time important economic
changes were wrought whereby the Welsh
village was cut off
from the direct route of travel from
Philadelphia westward, and
was left without resources and hope,
began to decline, and finally
was completely abandoned.4
Jones was born May 12, 1736, near Newark, Delaware.
He was the son of Morgan and Eleanor
Evans Jones, who came from
Cardiganshire, South Wales. He was
baptized May 6, 1758, into the
Welsh Tract Church. He was educated at Hopewell
Academy and was
ordained December 12, 1766, at Freehold,
New Jersey. In 1775 he be-
came pastor of Great Valley,
Pennsylvania, Baptist Church, and April
27, 1776, enlisted in the Fourth
Pennsylvania Battallion, in which he
served until January 1, 1783, when he
was transferred to the Third Penn-
sylvania under General Wayne. In 1786 he
was pastor at Southampton
and in 1792 he returned to Great Valley.
In 1794-96 he was chaplain
of General Wayne's troops in the Indian
wars which terminated in the
treaty of Greenville in 1795. His name
is signed to the treaty. In
1812-1814 he was again chaplain in the
army and after the close of the
war returned to his charge where he died
February 5, 1820. His diary
kept by him in his journeys through Ohio
in 1772 and 1773 are published
in Cincinnati Miscellany, Vols. 1
and 2.
4 "In a valley on the headwaters of
the south fork of Black Lick
Creek, in the midst of the Alleghany
Mountains, about three miles west
of Ebensburg, Cambria County,
Pennsylvania, a few heaps of stones,
Welsh Settlements in Ohio. 197
To this settlement in the fall of 1795
and in the winter of
1796 came the families of the following
Welshmen: Thomas
Philipps, William Jenkins, Theophilus
Rees, Rev. Rees Lloyd,
William Griffith, James Nichols, Daniel
Griffith, John Jones,
David Thomas, Evans James, George
Roberts, Thomas W.
Jones, John Jenkins, Isaac Griffiths,
John Thomas, Rev. Morgan
J. Rees, John J. Evans, William Rees,
Simon James, William
Williams (South), Thomas Griffith, John
Thomas, John Robert
(Penbryn), John Roberts (shoemaker),
David Rees, Robert
Williams, George Turner, Thomas Griffith
(farmer), James
Evans, Griffith Rowland, David Edwards,
Thomas Lewis and
David Davies.5
This colony formed the nucleus of the
Welsh settlements in
Ohio. By far the greater portion of the
Welsh settlers North-
west of the Ohio River prior to 1825,
either came directly from
this colony or employed it as a
temporary stopping-place on their
way from Wales.
Our Welsh pioneers did not long remain
at Beulah, as indi-
cations pointed to a more fertile
country further west. The
Welsh settler was not satisfied with the
hilly and somewhat un-
fertile regions about Beulah. Besides,
about the year 1800 the
flood of emigration westward was at its
height. The spirit of
emigration is contagious and as the
Welshman saw the great
number of eager, enthusiastic travelers
pushing past his very
door and heard the many stories of the
bounteous lands beyond,
he concluded to go forward also. By the
year 1825 Beulah
was practically abandoned by its
original settlers.6
covered with moss, trees and ferns and
here and there an excavation,
nearly filled with debris and
vegetation, mark the site of the extinct
town of Beulah." J. F. Barnes History
of the City of Beulah.
5 Egle's History of Pennsylvania, p. 470. Day's Pennsylvania
torical Collections, p. 181. "They were, in religion, Dissenters, or
Independents, and were men of strong
religious conviction." Egle's Hist.
of Pennsylvania, p. 471.
6 Morgan
J. Rhys, the founder of Beulah, was born December 8,
1760, in Glamorganshire, South Wales,
and died in Somerset, Pennsyl-
vania, December 7, 1804. He was well
born and well educated. His
parents were John and Elizabeth Rhys
(English, Rees). He united with
the Baptist Church at Hengoed while very
young. He entered Bristol
College in August, 1786, but remained
there but one year. In 1787 he
198 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
Paddy's Run is located about twenty-two
miles northwest
of Cincinnati, on a small stream by that
name. The present
name of the village is Shandon. It is
situated in a level valley
bordered by hills of some considerable
height, and is noted for
its productive farms and well-to-do
people and general home-
like prosperity.8
The valley of Paddy's run varies in
breadth from half a mile
to one or two miles, and in length from
four to six miles, ter-
minating in the valley of the Great
Miami. It is one of the
most fertile localities in the Miami
country. It is noted for its
production of cereals and its stock
was ordained pastor of Penygarn Baptist
Church, Pontypool. In 1792
he went to France but remained only a
short time. About 1793 he
published several pamphlets and also a
"Guide and Encouragement to
Establish Sunday Schools, etc." In
1794 he fell under the ban of the
English Government and fled to America.
After landing at New York
he journeyed through the Southern States
and Northwest Territory seek-
ing a suitable place for a Welsh colony.
In 1796 he married the daughter
of Colonel Benjamin Loxley. In 1798 he
purchased the land where
Beulah was located. He then took charge
of his colony, became pastor
of the church, Associate Judge, Recorder
of Deeds and Register of Wills,
etc. He was buried in the cemetery of
the First Baptist Church of
Rev. John T. Griffiths, of Edwardsdale,
Penn., a prominent
divine and recognized as the most useful
writer of Welsh history living
in America today, has compiled and
published the facts to be obtained
concerning Morgan J. Rhys, including his
letters, diary, and several ser-
mons and speeches. From this publication
all the foregoing facts con-
cerning Morgan J. Rhys and Beulah,
Penn., have been obtained.
7This article is based on the writings
of B. W. Chidlaw, Hon.
Ed H. Jones, of Hamilton, and Miss
Hannah Morris, of Shandon,
have furnished valuable additions.
8"The level valley, bordered by
hills that gradually rise to quite
a pretentious height, little streams
like silver threads winding their way
on toward large rivers, fine gravel
roads, well tilled and highly productive
farms, large and inviting looking homes,
commodious barns, lawns and
pastures of Kentucky blue grass and in
summer and autumn fields of
abundant harvests and orchards of all
kinds of fruits,- all these go to
make up a landscape worthy a place on
the canvass of the painter."
Rev. C. A. Gleason, Hist. Paddy's Run
Cong. Church.
Welsh Settlements in Ohio. 199
Its settlement dates from 1796, when a Welshman by the
name of Ezekiel Hughes arrived at
Cincinnati from Wales, and
together with Edward Bebb and William
Gwilym squatted on
the east bank of the Miami river near
the mouth of Blue Rock
creek until the government should survey
the west bank of the
river and open the country for
In 1801
the land on the west side of the Miami was
on the market, and Ezekiel Hughes
purchased sections 15 and 16
in what is now Whitewater township,
Hamilton county, while
Edward Bebb purchased a half section in
Morgan township, But-
ler county.10
The settlers for the most part occupied
the lands in the
community in the following order: 1802, William Gwilym, An-
drew Scott, John Vaughn, David Francis;
1803, James Nicholas,
the Parkison family consisting of three
brothers, Jacob Phyllis,
John and Samuel Hardin, Bryson
Blackburn, George Drybread,
John Howard and Thomas Millholland; 1804
James Shields,
John Halstead, Abel and Thomas Appleton;
from 1804 to
1812, William Evans, William Jenkins,
King and Alexander De-
Ezekiel Hughes was the first Welsh
settler in Ohio. He was born
in Llanbrynmair Montgomeryshire, North
Wales, August 22, 1767. He
sailed for Philadelphia in April, 1795.
He remained there until the
Spring of 1796 when he visited
Washington, D. C. In the early summer
of 1796, accompanied by Edward Bebb he
started on foot for the North-
west Territory. They remained a few
weeks at Beulah and then took
passage on a flatboat down the Ohio,
bound for Cincinnati. In 1803
Hughes visited Wales, married Margaret
Bebb, and returned to the
banks of the Miami in 1804. In 1805 his
wife died. In 1808 he married
Mary Ewing, a native of Pennsylvania. In
1806 he became Justice of
the Peace. In 1819 he was instrumental
in incorporating "The Berea
Union Society." He was one of the
charter members of the Paddy's
Run Congregational Church, and a
faithful attendant though residing
13 miles away. In 1828 a Presbyterian
Church was organized at his
house and he united with it. He died
September 2, 1849.
10Edward Bebb, who was the first actual
settler at Paddy's Run,
after locating his land, walked back to
Ebensburg, Pennsylvania, took
unto himself a wife, Margaret Owens, and
returned to take possession
of his new home. Their son, William
Bebb, afterwards Governor of
Ohio, was born December 8, 1802, and was
the first white child born
in Morgan Township, Butler County.
William Bebb died June 18, 1840,
and Mrs. Bebb, December 3, 1851.
200 Ohio Arch. and Hist.
Society Publications.
Armond, Rev. Michael Battenberg, John
Merring, Robert Ma-
haffy, Rev. Hezekiah Shaw, William D.
Jones, Peter Youmans,
Ephraim Carmack; 1817, Rev. Rees Lloyd
and family.
In 1818 emigration directly from Wales
was revived,
and the following families came from
that place: John C.
Jones, Evan Morris, John Breese, Richard
Jones, John and
William Davis, George Williams, Evan
Humphreys, Griffith
Breese, Humphrey Evans, Francis Jones,
John Evans, David
Jones, John Swancott, David Davies, Evan
Evans and Tubal
Between 1820 and 1830 the
following families settled:
Deacon Hugh Williams, Joseph Griffiths,
Henry Davis, Thomas
Watkins, David Roberts, Rowland Jones
and John Jones.11
The early settlers passed through
experiences similar to
those of other pioneers of their times.
The opening of the public
road from Cincinnati to the Miami
furnished a market for their
produce at Cincinnati, and the fact that
that city was located
along a great artery of traffic made the
market a good one. The
twenty-two miles to market had no
terrors for the Welshman.
As a result, the earliest settlers
became landowners, their lands
became more and more valuable with the
increase of facilities and
the descendants of the pioneers are for
the most part well-to-
do, if not wealthy.
It is to be observed that the first
settlers came from the
vicinity of Llanbrynmair, North Wales,
which is said to have
been one of the most moral and religious
places in Wales. When
they came to America they did not leave
behind their Bibles or
religious tenets, and with the ring of
the ax they mingled the
11 William and Morgan Gwilym who came
from Cevmaman, South
Wales, and reached this colony in 1802,
resided for some time at Red
Stone, Pennsylvania, where they assisted
in the manufacture of the first
iron made west of the Alleghanies.
Rachel, the daughter of William
Gwilym, and Ann Rowlands, born May 28,
1800, was the first white
child born in Colerain Township,
Hamilton County, Ohio. Morgan
Gwilym brought the first two-horse wagon
and iron castings into the
neighborhood. William Gwilym died in
1838, aged 74 years. Morgan
Gwilym died in 1845, aged 76 years.
James Shields, who arrived in 1804, was
a native of Ireland, educated
at Glascow University. He was a member
of the Ohio Legislature for
nineteen years. In 1828 he was elected
to Congress. He died in 1831.
Welsh Settlements in Ohio. 201 sound of thanksgiving and praise. The cabin preceded but a short interval the house of worship; indeed, from the beginning it served as a habitation and a house of worship as well. The most important item in the history of this community is the story of the Congregational church, which was organ- ized September 3, 1803. Among the earliest settlers was one J. W. Brown, an itinerant preacher. He traveled from settle- ment to settlement in Hamilton county, and in 1802 preached the |
first sermon in Paddy's Run. The first meetings for the most part were held in the open. In July, 1803, a committee was appointed to draft a constitution and articles of faith. Sep- tember 3, 1803, the committee reported at a meeting held at the home of John Vaughn. The first members were Benjamin McCarthy, Asa Kitchel, John Comstock, Andrew Scott, Mar- garet Bebb, Ezekiel Hughes, William and Ann Gwilym, David and Mary Francis. |
Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
In 1804 Rev. Brown was ordained. He filled the position
of pastor until 1812. Since 1817
the pastors have been: 1817-
1820, Rev. Rees Lloyd; 1820-1829, Rev.
Thomas Thomas; 1828-
1831, Rev. Thomas G. Roberts; 1831-1834,
Rev. Evan Roberts;
1836-1843, Rev. B. W. Chidlaw;
1843-- , Rev. Ellis Howell.
These were followed by Rev. Jos. H.
Jones, Rev. James M.
Pryse, Rev. D. W. Wilson, Rev. J. M.
Thompson, Rev. George
Candee and others. In ninety-five years
the pastors numbered
eighteen. Beginning with a membership of
thirteen in 1803, at
the end of the first quarter of a
century, it numbered about ninety.
By 1850 the membership was over four
From the organization of the church until
1825 the meet-
ings were held at the cabin of the
members, or in the wagon
shop of David Jones or in the open air.
In 1823 a church
building was begun, but it was not ready
for occupancy until
1825. In 1855 a new and more commodious
church was erected
and occupied.
As John W. Brown, the first minister,
was English and not
Welsh, and as several of the first
members of the church were
not Welsh, the services were carried on
for the most part in
the English language, yet services and
communion were had
alternately in English and Welsh for a
considerable period. In
1820 Thomas Thomas and Rees Lloyd were joint pastors, the
former preaching in English, the latter
in Welsh. Preaching in
both languages was continued for many
years. The last Welsh
pastor was Rev. Pryse, and the last
Welsh sermon was preached
in 1886 by Rev. Rhys Lloyd, of Oakland,
Cal. The Welsh people
clung to their language and traditions
for many years and among
the old folk they are often tenderly
referred to.
Miss Hannah Morris, a descendant of the
first family of
that name, writes: "There is only a
very little of the Welsh
or the Welsh influence here now. I think
there is but one
person that can read Welsh, about a
dozen that can talk it, and
about as many who can understand it."
A Sunday-school was organized in 1819
and has always been
an important factor in the religious
life of the community.12
12"The members knew but little of
Sunday-school work, and in
order to obtain some knowledge of
method, Thomas Lloyd and William
Welsh Settlements in Ohio. 203
It is recorded that the first school in
the township was con-
ducted in a log schoolhouse erected in
1808. The teacher, Polly
Willey, had twenty pupils and drew a
salary of seventy-five cents
a week and boarded around. She was
succeeded by Mr. Jenkins
in 1808, who taught not only from the
textbooks, but also from
a code of "morals and manners"
of his own. In 1821 a board-
ing school was established for advanced
scholars by Rev. Thomas
Thomas. The following are some of the
more prominent persons
who received their early education at
the Paddy's Run schools.
Charles Selden, Rev. T. E. Thomas,
William Dennison, Gov-
ernor of Ohio in 1861; G. M. Shaw, of
Indiana, and Hon. Daniel
Shaw, of Louisiana; Murat Halstead, Dr.
Albert Shaw, editor
Review of Reviews; William Bebb,
Governor of Ohio 1846-
1848; Dr. Knowles Shaw, evangelist; Rev.
Mark Williams, mis-
Indeed, the most remarkable fact in
connection with the
history of this settlement is the great
interest taken in the proper
education and religious instruction and
training of the young.
This is true of all Welsh settlements,
but it is truly remarkable
in the case of Paddy's Run. Scores of
men have gone out from
this Welsh settlement to gain prominence
in their chosen pro-
fession. It is estimated that the church
alone has given to the
world ten ministers, five foreign
missionaries, five teachers in the
American Missionary Work, two eminent
journalists, one hun-
dred and five teachers, a score of
physicians and several attorneys-
The pioneers of this settlement were
Theophilus Rees and
Thomas Philipps, who have been mentioned
elsewhere as members
of the Welsh colony which settled
Beulah, Cambria county, Penn-
sylvania, in 1795-6. Rees was probably
among the earliest of
his race to leave the parent settlement
in Pennsylvania with a
view to settling elsewhere. As early as
he began to inquire
Bebb were appointed to visit Hamilton,
the county seat, and then a town
of seven hundred people, and learn how
other schools were conducted.
* * Reaching Hamilton they learned to
their surprise that there was
not a school in any of the three of four
churches." Gleason's Hist. Pad-
dy's Run Cong. Church.
204 Ohio Arch. and Hist.
Society Publications.
into the advantages of the country
beyond the Ohio, and in
August, 1801, commissioned his son, John
Rees, "Chaplain"
Jones, mentioned elsewhere, and Simon
James, to explore a tract
of land in what is now Granville
Township, Licking county,
Upon their favorable report, on
September 4, 1801, Theo-
philus Rees purchased approximately one
thousand acres in the
Southwest corner of the Northwest
quarter of Granville town-
ship, Licking county, Ohio, and Thomas
Philipps purchased eight
hundred acres immediately north of the
Rees purchase in the
same quarter. In the same quarter at the
same time, the fol-
lowing purchases were made: Elizabeth
Conroy, 200 acres;
Henry Jenkins, 100 acres; David Roberts,
400 acres; Walter
Griffith, 100 acres.
About one year after the above purchases
were made, Theo-
philus Rees and family, his two
sons-in-law, David Lewis and
David Thomas, with their families and
Simon James started
from Cambria county, Pennsylvania, to
take possession of their
lands. At Wheeling they were joined by
James Johnson, an
Indian scout, and his family.14
Before the party reached its
destination, Lewis and Thomas,
had stopped at Zanesville and Newark to
work. Cabins were
erected for Rees and Johnson, the former
about one mile north-
east of Granville, the latter about a
mile further over the hills
to the north.
13 The facts leading up to the
immigration of Rees and Philipps to
America are as follows: In 1787, a
pamphlet containing a bold criticism
of the attitude of the British
Government toward religious reform was
published in Wales. Its authorship was
attributed to John Philipps, son
of Thomas Philipps, who was then a
student in a college near the border
line between England and Wales. To avoid
arrest Philipps escaped to
America, and repaired to Philadelphia.
From there he appealed to his
father to come to America. His father
prevailed upon his friend and
neighbor, Theophilus Rees, to come also.
A colony of their neighbors
was made up and they arrived in New York
May 14, 1795.
incident is peculiar. It introduced into a Welsh settlement
a strain of Virginia blood which refused
to mix with the Welsh for
generations. The second wife of James
Johnson was Martha Bazil Lee,
or Bazileel. Her first husband was Isaac
Reily, an Irish minister of
considerable note at Philadelphia during
the Revolutionary War.
Welsh Settlements in Ohio. 205
It was not until 1806 that Thomas Philipps, accompanied by his son, John, and family came to Ohio. They settled on their purchase a short distance north of the Rees settlement. In 1809 Samuel Joseph Philipps, another son of Thomas Philipps, came to the Hills, accompanied by his family, consisting of his wife and five children.15 The following list shows the date of the arrival of the princi- pal settlers in the Welsh Hills: 1802, Theophilus Rees, James Johnson, Simon James; 1803, David Lewis, David Thomas; 1804, |
Thomas Cramer, Peter Cramer; 1805, John Price, Benjamin Jones, Thomas Powell ;16 1806, Thomas and John Philipps, James 15They traveled in the manner characteristic of the times. They had two horses and no wagon. One horse was used as a pack horse, while the wife rode the other with a child in each saddlebag and a babe in her arms. The father walked and led the way. The two boys aged seven and nine drove the cows. In this manner they made the journey of over three hundred miles. 16Born in Radnorshire, South Wales, January 12, 1760, settled at Beulah, Pennsylvania, 1801, ordained to the ministry and supplied the |
206 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
Evans; 1807, Jacob Riley;17 1809,
Samuel J. Phillips, David
Jones; 1810, David Thomas, Samuel White,
Sr., Daniel Griffith;
1811, Thomas Owens; 1815, Nicodemus Griffith;
1816, David
Pittsford; 1821, Edward Price, Edward
Glynn; 1822, Thomas
Hughes, Evan Davis, John Davis, etc.
It has been said that the first thing a
Frenchman does in a
new country is to build a trading post;
an Englishman builds a
blockhouse, but a Welshman builds a church.
It will be observed
that a number of the Welsh families who
settled in Welsh Hills
were also the pioneers of Beulah and Ebensburg,
Penna. The
year following their settlement at Ebensburg
they organized a
church which became the parent church of
the Welsh Hills Bap-
tist Church. The Beulah Church was a Union
Church for the
accommodation of all worshippers regardless
of their denomin-
ation. The prevailing spirit in the church,
however, was their
pastor and promoter of the colony, Morgan
J. Rhys, who was
a Baptist minister. Accordingly the tone
of the church soon be-
came Baptist and the church transplanted
to Welsh Hills was
Baptist. Nearly all the charter members of the Welsh Hills
Baptist Church were members of the Beulah
Church, and from
the letters issued by the latter to members
of the former, we find
that not less than thirty transplanted
their religious as well as
their material possessions from Beulah
to Welsh Hills.
memory and is said to have committed to
memory great portions of the
Scriptures. Was very eccentric and because
of a grievance on the build-
ing of the Welsh Hills Church, declared
he would never enter it again.
He kept his word, but seated on a stump
outside he listened to the ser-
mons and joined in the services. He died
July 6, 1848, and is buried in
17 Riley was the husband of
Sallie Tilton, who was born in 1782 at
old Fort Tilton, afterwards Tiltonville,
in what is now Warren town-
ship, Jefferson county, Ohio. Her father, Joseph Tilton, was a member
of the settlement at Fort Tilton in 1774. Joseph Tilton's wife was Su-
sannah Jones said to have been a niece of Captain Paul Jones of Revolu-
tionary fame. She is buried at Indian Mound Cemetery at Tiltonville,
Welsh Settlements in Ohio. 207
No sooner had the settlement reached any considerable num- ber than the church was organized. This event took place Sep- tember 4, 1808. The following were the constituent members: Theophilus Rees, David Thomas, Nathyn Allen, David Lobdell, Joshua Lobdell, Thomas Powell, Elizabeth Rees, Elizabeth Thomas, and Mary Thomas. The church worshipped at private houses until 1809, when a log church was erected. It was suc- ceeded by various structures until the present church was built in 1840. |
The Welsh Hills Church has done a great deal toward keep- ing the people together in the faith of their fathers and has furn- ished a means by which the traditions of the race have to some extent been preserved. A very large per cent. of the population of the settlement have been church members and church goers, and the church has never failed of the active assistance of the best people of the community. Regarding education as the handmaid of religion the pioneer Welshman soon took steps to establish a school as early if not |
208 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications. earlier than the organization of the church. John H. Philipps had been a school teacher in Pennsylvania and immediately upon his arrival in 1806 began to instruct the youth of the neighborhood at his cabin. He was the first teacher in the log school house erected in 1806. In 1825 "The Old Stone School House" was erected. This building is still standing, and is located about a mile and a half northeast of Granville. "The Old Stone School House" is as dear to the hearts of the people of Welsh Hills as Liberty Hall is to the American |
people. The school conducted here was large for a country school, sometimes numbering as high as sixty in winter and forty in summer. The building was abandoned in 1858, when a mod- ern school house was built in another part of the settlement. Before leaving Wales nearly every adult who settled on Welsh Hills had learned a trade and few, if any, were farmers before settling on the Hills. As a result the Welsh pioneer was an awkward but ambitious farmer. His success is due not to his adaptability to farming, but to his economy and thrift. He |
Welsh Settlements in Ohio. 209
was a small farmer and few undertook to cultivate so much as 200 acres. He believed in reclaiming a small tract of ground and gradually extending his operations. Every grain was harvested and every garnered grain was saved. They were supporters of the temperance cause, and early in their denunciation of slavery.18 Welsh Hills school contributed twenty-nine soldiers for the Union Army. Six soldiers of the War of 1812 and five for the Mexican War went from the settlement. The Welsh Hills settlement comprises about 5,000 acres of land for the most part in the northeast quarter of Granville |
Township, Licking County, Ohio, while a few hundred acres lie in McKean Township, in Newton Township, and still more in Newark Township. The land is very hilly, but not what could be called a rough country. The land is fertile for hilly land, and
18A letter from the church to the Association in 1836 contains the following: "Resolved that this Association utterly abhors the vile system of slavery as practiced in the Southern States and recommends to all Christians to use every lawful and consistent means for the immediate and total abolition thereof." Vol. XVI.-14. |
210 Ohio Arch. and Hist.
Society Publications.
is well adapted to stock raising,
particularly sheep. Grain raised
on the Welsh Hills is not so productive
to the acre, but is of
superior quality.
The population has preserved its
character as a distinctively
Welsh settlement until very recent
years, but in later years it
has been gradually losing its
distinguishing traits. The Welsh
language was used generally throughout
the community during
the first generations, and in the church
until about 1830, and after
that but little. It is seldom heard
The fact that the Welsh Hills was but a
few miles from
Granville and Denison University gave
the Welsh boys an oppor-
tunity to satisfy their pronounced
ambitions to secure an educa-
tion. The great majority of the youth
from the Hills have at-
tended Denison University and a large
number are graduates of
that institution.
This Welsh settlement is situated in
Radnor Township, Dela-
19 This article is based very largely
upon "The History of Radnor,"
by B. W. Chidlaw.
Benjamin W. Chidlaw was born at the
Village of Bala, in North
Wales, July 14, 1811, and was the son of
Benjamin and Mary (Williams)
Chidlaw. In 1821 his parents immigrated
to America and arrived at Dela-
ware, Ohio, the same year, where his
father died a few weeks after their
arrival. His mother purchased a small
farm a few miles north of
Radnor, where B. W. spent his boyhood
days. In 1827 he attended an
academy kept by Bishop Chase at
Worthington. In 1828 he attended
Kenyon College at Gambier. In 1829 he
studied Latin and Greek under
Rev. Jacob Little at Granville,
preparatory to entering Ohio University
at Athens. In November of that year he
enrolled at that school and
spent two years there, completing his
junior year. In 1832 he entered
Miami University at Oxford, where he
graduated in 1833. He preached
for some time and then took charge of
the missionary work of the
American Sunday School Union in Ohio and
Indiana at which work he
was engaged for over forty years. He was
chaplain during the Civil
War. After the war he continued his
labor with the American Sunday
School Union and traveled throughout the
country. He made several
visits to Wales. He wrote "The
History of the Welsh Settlement at
Paddy's Run," "The History of
the Welsh Settlement at Radnor," "The
Story of My Life," and contributed
very largely to current periodicals.
He has made many valuable contributions
to Welsh History in Ohio.
He died on the 14th day of July, 1892,
in Wales, at Dolgelly, a few miles
from Bala, his birthplace.
Welsh Settlements in Ohio. 211
ware County, Ohio, and lies just east of the Scioto River, near the northwest corner of Delaware County, about five miles north of the city of Delaware. The pioneer of this settlement was a young Welshman by the name of David Pugh, who purchased land warrants for 4,000 acres of land, being the southwest quar- ter of Township 6, Range 20, of the United States Survey, from Dr. Samuel Jones, of Philadelphia, in 1802.20 |
In 1802 Pugh rode from Philadelphia on horseback to visit his purchase. Upon his return to Philadelphia he arranged with Henry Perry, of Angelsea, South Wales, to make a settlement upon the tract. In the fall of 1803 Perry and his two sons, aged fifteen and thirteen, built a cabin on the land and occupied it dur- ing the following winter. In the early summer of 1804 Perry left
20 David Pugh was from Radnorshire, South Wales, and landed at Baltimore in 1801. He is the ancestor of the numerous Pugh family of Columbus and vicinity. |
212 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications. the boys in possession of the cabin and returned to Baltimore after his wife and other children. In 1804 David Pugh again visited the tract and divided his land into lots of one hundred acres each and sold them to the following: Richard Tibbett, John Watkins, John Jones (from Wales), and Hugh Kyle and David Marks, from Pennsylvania. In 1805 the following families arrived from Wales: Evan Jenk- ins, David Davids, Richard Hoskins and David Davies. John |
Muller also came from Pennsylvania. In 1807 came David Penry and John Philips, brothers-in-law of David Pugh, Elenor Lodwig and children, Thomas, John and Lititia. In 1808 came Benjamin Kepler, Elijah Adams, Thomas Warren and John Foos. During the war of 1812, Radnor was a frontier settlement, and immigration was suspended. After the close of the war it was renewed again briskly and the following families arrived: Joseph Dunlap, Samuel Cooper, Robert and John McKinney, Obed Taylor, James and Matthew Fleming from Pennsylvania |
Welsh Settlements in Ohio. 213 and Maryland; Thomas Jones, Ellis Jones, David E. Jones, Ed- ward Evans, John Owens, Roger Watkins, Watkin Watkins, William Watkins, John Humphreys, Humphrey Humphreys, Benjamin Herbert, Morgan D. Morgans, J. R. Jones, J. Jones, John Cadwallader, David Cadwallader, David Lloyd, John Da- vies, Mary Chidlaw, Robert and Stephen Thomas, from Wales. By the year 1821, nearly all the land in Radnor Township was taken up. Elijah Adams was the first Justice of the Peace in Radnor and held the office for many years. Thomas Warren opened the first tavern in 1811, in a log building 20 x 32 feet and two stories high. The first child born in the settlement was David Penry, Jr., and the second Mary Jones (Warren) in the spring of 1807. |
As in all Welsh settlements, the history of the settlements is the story of their religious and educational growth. The history of the family is one with that of the school and church. So it is in Radnor. Nothing in the story of this settlement attains the promi- nence of the story of the school-house and the church. From the earliest schools were conducted and the youth in- |
structed in the means available. In 1821 there were three log school-houses within the township, on the farms of John Philips, Ralph Dildine and Benjamin Kepler. In later years the number grew to fourteen, while the number of children enrolled became approximately three hundred. The first church organized in the township was of Baptist denomination. It was constituted May 4, 1816, with the follow- ing members: John Philips, Hannah Philips, William David, Thomas Walling, David Penry, Mary Penry, James Gallant, Elenor Lodwig, Daniel Bell, Reuben Stephens and Elizabeth Stevens. For two years they had no pastor. The earlier pastors were: 1818-1824, Elder Drake; 1827-1829, Jesse Jones; 1830- |
214 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications. 1836, Thomas Stephen; 1836-1842, Elias George. The first church edifice was of logs and stood near the graveyard. In 1833 a stone church was erected on the same site. In 1867 a brick church was erected and in 1903 the present beautiful brick church was built. This church has always been strong, and during its career has numbered close to 200, besides sending out several ministers and missionaries to other lands. At the present time it has a membership of about 150 and supports a vigorous Sunday School. Probably as early as 1808 the Methodist Church was repre- sented by an itinerant minister, who preached at the cabins of |
Henry Perry and Elijah Adams. A society of the church was effected in 1812 at the cabin of Henry Perry. It became con- nected with the Delaware circuit of the Ohio Conference. In 1838 a frame church was erected and the church organization perfected. In 1858 a brick structure was erected. The present membership is about seventy-five. In 1820 the Welsh Congregational Church was organized at the cabin of John Jones (Penlan), with the following charter members: William Penry, Mary Penry, John Jones, Mary Jones, Margaret Morgan, D. Morgans, John A. Jones and wife. The first pastor was Rev. James Davies. He was succeeded by James |
Welsh Settlements in Ohio. 215
Perregrin, 1825; Thomas Stevens, 1827;
Rees Powell, 1838;
Evan Evans, 1853; Rees Powell, 1858;
James Davies, 1863;
Thomas Jenkins, 1870; D. A. Evans, John
B. Davis, J. V. Steph-
ens, and Benjamin Harris, the present
pastor. The church was
remodeled and refurnished in 1904. The
present membership is
about 200 and includes the majority of the
descendants of the old
pioneer families.
The first Presbyterian Church organized
in Radnor Town-
ship was established in 1819
on the farm of James Dunlap, some
distance from the Village of Radnor,
near the Scioto River. How-
ever, the Presbyterian Church was
organized in the Village of
Radnor in 1848 by the withdrawal of a
number of persons from
the Congregational Church. The church
has not been very
strong and at the present time numbers
about seventy-five mem-
bers. Rev. Henry Shedd was the first
pastor and he was suc-
ceeded by M. Jones, John Thompson, H.
McVey, D. Wilson, J.
Crous and others.
The Welsh Presbyterian Church was
organized by recruits
from those of the Calvinistic and
Presbyterian faith, and in 1850
a house of worship was erected. The
pastors were Welsh-speak-
ing ministers and the language was long
employed in the services,
especially in the Sunday School. In 1877
a brick church was
A review of the commercial history of
Radnor settlement
reveals nothing but the most substantial
thrift, industry and
prosperity. Radnor township is a
beautiful farming district,
unsurpassed for fertility, and is
largely devoted to the cultiva-
tion of grain. There is evidence of
thrift and prosperity on
every hand. Radnor village is but a
small collection of homes
about the school and churches. It is
located amid a little cluster
of elevated knolls, hardly rising to the
dignity of hills, and is
surrounded by broad fields and beautiful
farms. No more cozy
and home-like place exists. The farmers
in the community have
grown wealthy upon the products of their
fertile fields and almost
all the inhabitants of the village
either own farms in the sur-
rounding country or have sold their
farms and are living in com-
fort in the village from the proceeds of
their sale.
The township has no poor. All seem to be
happy and pros-
216 Ohio Arch. and Hist.
Society Publications.
perous. The Welsh language has about
disappeared, although
the Congregational Sunday-school has a
class for the old people
which is conducted in the Welsh
Before leaving Radnor, mention should be
made of the re-
markably large number of soldiers who
enlisted from this place
in the Civil War. A list carefully
compiled from the official
Roster shows that they number no less
than one hundred and
sixty-one. When it is observed that with
the present popula-
tion, which is not less, and, no doubt,
more than the township
had in 1861, is not over 1,500 and the total
number of electors
is only between three hundred and four
hundred, the fact ap-
pears still the more remarkable.
About the first of April, 1818, six
families left their home
in Kilkinin, Cardiganshire, South Wales,
bound for Paddy's
Run, Butler county, Ohio. The heads of
these families were
John Jones (Tirbach), John Evans
(Penlanlas), Evan Evans
(Tynmawr), Lewis Davis (Rhiwlas),
William Williams (Pant-
fallen), and Thomas Evans. After a
perilous voyage of seven
weeks across the great Atlantic, they
arrived in Baltimore, Md.,
on the first day of July, 1818.
Immediately after their arrival
they arranged for two covered wagons
drawn by four horses to
convey them across the mountains as far
as Pittsburg. When
they reached Pittsburg they purchased a
flat or push boat built
for moving families, and embarked for
Cincinnati. They under-
took to manage the boats themselves,
consequently their journey
was beset with more than the usual
dangers of such a voyage.
They finally went ashore at Gallipolis
to get provision and to
enjoy the hospitality of the French
settlers at that place, who,
perhaps, on account of race affinity and
sympathy, treated these
British Celts very kindly. When they
awoke in the morning they
found that their boats had broken loose
as a result of a storm
that had arisen during the night. At
this juncture the women
rebelled and flatly refused to move on
any further, and being at-
tached to the Gallians, they were
persuaded to abandon all hope
*By Rev. W. R. Evans, Gallia, Ohio.
Welsh Settlements in Ohio. 217
of reaching Paddy's Run, and effect a
settlement in a more con-
venient point. Without delay these
undaunted Welshmen went
out to where Rodney now stands, to get
work on the State road
then being built from Chillicothe to
Gallipolis. While thus em-
ployed they were told of a fertile and
healthy region a few miles
further west, and were thus led to
settle near the village of Cen-
terville, now a part of Jackson county.
The topography of the
country resembled that of their native
land, so each purchased
land at $1.25 per acre. Immediately they
began to hew out
homes for their families in the midst of
wild forests. Being un-
accustomed and unskilled in the use of
the ax, they found the
work extremely irksome. They first built
rude houses of round
logs to dwell in, then with brave hearts
they whacked away to
clear a "patch" for the spring
crop. It is impossible for their
descendants to-day to even imagine the
hardships and privations
these sturdy pioneers endured. In 1829
David Thomas arrived
from Wales, and in 1831 Lewis Hughes and
Edward Jones came
to the settlement. Thus about 15 years
passed before there was
any material addition to this colony,
save a chance visitor from
some other Welsh settlement. About 1833
Rev. Edward Jones
arrived and preached to these Welsh
pioneers in their native
tongue, which was much relished. He soon
returned to Wales
and wrote and published a pamphlet in
which he described in
glowing language the land and resources
of Gallia and Jackson
counties. As a consequence about the
year 1835, and then on for
ten years immigrants, principally from
Cardiganshire, South
Wales, came pouring into the
neighborhood. They began to lo-
cate at different points in all
directions of the compass, over an
area perhaps twenty miles in diameter,
until the whole of Jeffer-
son and Madison townships were taken up,
and extending to Rac-
coon, Perry and Greenfield townships, in
Gallia county, after-
wards into Bloomfield, Lick and Coal
townships, Jackson county.
About this time, decade between 1840 and 1850, times
were very
hard. Because of the lack of knowledge
of the use of the im-
plements of husbandry, and because the
soil was not very fertile,
their crops were necessarily poor, and
the market even poorer
than the crops. Wages were extremely low
-16 cents per
day - and farm produce scarcely worth
hauling to market. Oats
218 Ohio Arch. and Hist.
Society Publications.
were worth but 8 cents per bushel and
corn 25 cents. About
1843 the father of the writer hauled
shelled corn from near Cen-
terville to Buckhorn furnace, a distance
of 15 miles, and received
for the same 25 cents per bushel in
trade. How they managed
to support their families is
inexplicable to us now. Hogs
brought at one time only one and a half
cents per pound, after
being driven about 20 miles to
Gallipolis. But by undaunted per-
sistency and frugality-every member of
the family, from a 6-
year-old child to the octogenarian-at
work, they managed to
drive the wolf away, and despite all
obstacles, soon owned farms
and stocks, and laid money away for the
rainy day. And as the
county is rich in limestone and iron
ore, they began to invest
their money in blast furnaces for the
manufacture of pig iron,
Jefferson and Cambrian furnaces being
exclusively owned by
Welshmen. The owners of Jefferson never
allowed the furnace
to be operated on the Sabbath day, and
it was and is the most
prosperous furnace in Southern Ohio. Its
principal stockholders
became the wealthiest citizens of
Jackson county. The Welsh
community in general was thrifty and
well-to-do. Rarely do
we find one of these immigrants and
their immediate descendants
in prison or the poor house. These early
pioneers also appre-
ciated the value of education, strived
to obtain it, and urged their
children to seek it. Evan Evans, one of
the first settlers, had
four sons, all of whom taught school in
the winter season for
quite a number of years. At one time -
about forty years ago -
twenty-one of the young men of Horeb
Church were school
teachers. At an early day the school
houses were few and far
between, and children had to wend their
way often two or three
miles, through thick forests, over
rugged steeps and dashing
streams, to these halls of learning. The
school houses were of a
rude, primitive style, built of round
logs about 16x18 feet, with
stick and mud chimney built outside, and
a fireplace for burning
logs six or seven feet long. The door
had wooden latch and
hinges, and sometimes it was made of
clapboards. At the end
was a row of window glass, or, oftener,
oiled paper, to admit the
light. It contained a puncheon floor,
made of sapplings hewed
upon the upper side. The benches were
made of slabs or split
logs, and, generally, too high for the
feet of the little urchins to
Welsh Settlements in Ohio. 219
reach the floor, and nothing to lean the
back against. The writer
has a distinct recollection of these
barbarous seats. Here in
these small, dusty, prison-like rooms
the school master (they were
not called teachers then) stood, and
with rod in hand, savage
looks, and gruff voice, crammed the
three R's into our hollow
Historians are generally agreed that one
of the peculiar na-
tional characteristics of the Welsh as a
people is religiosity. Even
the ancient Druids possessed strong
religious instincts, and were
fond of poetry and music. These were the
marked characteris-
tics of the early Welsh settlers of
Gallia and Jackson counties.
The major portion of them came from near
Aberystwyth, and
had witnessed wonderful religious
awakenings in their native land.
They were mostly members of the
Presbyterian, or, as it was
called, Calvinistic Methodist church.
Upon their arrival in this
country they immediately erected a house
of worship. If no
minister could be procured they
conducted prayer meetings and
Sabbath schools in the chapel. In nearly
every family there was
an altar, and the parents as a rule
spared no time nor pains in
training their children in the way they
should go, and in instill-
ing into their minds the doctrinal
tenets of the Presbyterian creed.
They did this chiefly by the use of two
catechism, viz., the
"Mother Gift" (for juveniles)
and the Instructor (Hyfforddwr).
The last, written by the eminent
Christian scholar and founder of
the British Bible Society-the Rev.
Thomas Charles, D. D.,
Bala, Wales. The first chapel that was
built in the settlement
was Moriah in the year 1836. It is
situated about midway be-
tween Oak Hill and Centerville, and
about the center of the Welsh
settlement. The church is in a
flourishing condition to-day, and
the Welsh language almost exclusively
used. As the emigrants
were pouring in from Wales, and
spreading in all directions, new
church buildings went up on all sides.
The dates of the organi-
zation of these churches are as follows:
Horeb 1838, Centerville
1840, Zoar 1841, Bethel 1841, Sardis
1843, Bethania 1846, Oak
Hill 1850, Peniel 1874, Jackson 1880. Dates
of organization and
dissolution of extinct churches: Tabor 1848-1866, Bethesda
1856-1880, Salem 1862-1879, Coalton
Several Congregational churches also
were organized at an
220 Ohio Arch. and Hist.
Society Publications.
early date of which we have no record.
We think Oak Hill was
the first, about 1840, Tyn Rhos 1841,
then Nebo, Carmel, Saloam,
Centerville, and recently Mount
Pleasant. The Baptists erected
four chapels - Oak Hill, Centerville,
Bethlehem and Ebenezer.
In the year 1836 Rev. Robert Williams
arrived in the settle-
ment and located near Moriah. He was a
man of rare talent
and strong personality. For fifty years
he labored with assiduity
and exercised the function of a prophet,
priest and king to the
cluster of the Calvinistic churches of
the settlement. He was
a counsellor and guide, and his word was
almost regarded as
law. He doubtless exerted more influence
than anyone else to-
ward the intellectual, moral and
spiritual elevation of his coun-
trymen in the community in which he
resided. The two other
preachers that deserve special notice,
on account of their abilities
and long, faithful services, were Revs.
J. W. Evans, Oak Hill,
and E. S. Jones, Centerville. Each
served the churches of the
settlement for about half of a century.
Other able and faithful
ministers served the churches for
shorter periods of time than
those above mentioned.
As to Congregational preachers, priority
belongs to Rev.
John A. Davis, on account of ability,
influence and long service.
Rev. Evan Davis, Tyn Rhos, stands next
on the roll.
We think that we can confidently affirm
without fear of con-
tradiction that no other settlement of
Welsh or any other nation-
ality have contributed so largely to the
ministry, according to
population, as the Welsh settlement of
Gallia and Jackson. Here
is the list: Daniel Evans, Richard
Davis, J. W. Evans, J. T. Wil-
liams, E. S. Jones, David Harris, D. D.,
John Rogers, R. H.
Evans, J. P. Morgan, John M. Jones, W.
Reese, D. J. Jenkins,
David Thomas, M. A., John Lloyd, D.
Jewitt Davis, M. A., W. R.
Evans, Isaac Edwards, B. F. Thomas,
Rowland Jones, D. Luther
Edwards, S. Handel Jones, R. H. Evans,
Jr., Alban Alban, Thos.
D. Hughes, M. A., D. D., W. T. Lewis, D.
D., John Davis, M. A.,
D. Ellis Evans, John L. Jones, Thomas
Thomas, Evan Lloyd,
Daniel Lloyd, Daniel Jones, Richard
Davis, Thomas Davis, M A.,
Edward I. Jones, Dan I. Jones, John L.
Davis, M. A. Columbus,
O., Evan Rees, M. A., W. O. Jones, M.
A., W. Isaac, Dr. Griffiths
and others perhaps. Allow us here to
give the names of a few
Welsh Settlements in Ohio. 221
of the physicians reared in the
settlement: Dr. Jenkins, Dr.
Jenkens of Lima, Dr. Griffiths, Dr. E.
J. Jones, Dr. Gomer Jones,
Dr. Moses Jones, Dr. Dan Jones (Dec.),
Dr. Lewis, Cincinnati;
Dr. Morgan, Coalton; Dr. Morgan,
Jackson; Dr. Williams Jack-
son, Dr. Davis, Venedocia; Dr. Alban,
Columbus; Dr. Austin
Edards, Dr. Evans (Dec.), Dr. E. Hughes
(Dec.), Dr. J. W.
Jones (Dec.).
The most prominent among the educators
are Prof. S. Mor-
gan, W. T. Morgan, David Evans,
instructor in Athens univer-
sity, and Prof. J. H. Phillips,
superintendent of schools, Birming-
ham, Ala. He, no doubt, is one of the
leading educators of the
South. In the list of lawyers we may
name David Alban (Dec.),
John L. Jones (Dec.), R. H. Jones, Judge
D. Davis, Cincinnati;
Lot Davis, Ironton; Daniel Phillips
(Dec.), Evan Davis, Gallipo-
lis; John A. Thomas, Judge Benner Jones,
John A. Jones, Cir-
cuit Judge; Judge Everett Evans,
Virginia, and Daniel Williams,
editor of the Standard Journal and our
consul to Cardiff, Wales.
The Welsh also have figured quite
prominent in the political
arena. The following is the list of
Representatives: Capt.
Evans, Dr. Williams, T. Lloyd Hughes,
Robert Jones, Samuel
Llewellyn, Lot Davis and Evans. Hon.
Stephen Morgan was
elected to Congress for three
consecutive terms. Gallia county
sent J. H. Evans to the State Senate.
In both counties the Welsh
have had their full share of county
offices. The Welsh also by
their vim, enterprising spirit and
executive abilities, have been
potent factors in the material
development of Jackson county.
In managing iron furnaces, coal mines
and brick plants they have
achieved great success. Quite a number
that are now dead left
quite a fortune, viz., Thomas Jones
(agent), J. C. Jones and
John Davis, and among the wealthiest men
of the county to-day
are David Davis and J. J. Thomas of Oak
Hill, and Moses Mor-
gan, Ed. Jones, Eben Jones and Ezekiel
Jones of Jackson, and
T. J. Morgan of Wellston. Thus we see
that the few hundred
Welshmen who came to the poor, hilly
counties of Gallia and
Jackson, needy and penniless, and
strangers to the language, cus-
toms and institutions of the country,
have accomplished great
work, and have contributed marvelously
to the material, intellect-
ual, moral and civic development of the
above named counties.
222 Ohio Arch. and Hist.
Society Publications.
Thousands of the descendants of these
brave pioneers have scat-
tered abroad into ever state in the
Union, among them many
teachers, doctors and lawyers and a
score of preachers, and their
influence is beyond human calculation.
The first settlers of Gomer were the
families of Thomas
Watkins, James Nicholas and David
Roberts, fourteen in all, who
traveled in the fall of the year 1833 in
wagons a distance of one
hundred and forty miles from Paddy's
Run, Butler County, Ohio,
and settled near where the village of
Gomer now stands. At that
time there was no road but the trails of
the Indian run-
ning zig-zag through the woods. Delphos
was not in exist-
ence and there were but a few small
houses in Lima. A few
American families had settled at Gomer
previously, but these were
the pioneers of the Welsh
settlement. It was eighty miles to
the nearest market, Sandusky. It took
six days to go and return.
A load of corn could be traded for a
barrel of salt and a few
groceries. In the year 1834 and the
following year, came John
Watkins, Evan Jones, John R. Jones and
their families, and
Joseph Griffiths, Thomas G. Jones, John
D. Jones, David Evans,
Rowland Jones, David Morgans, John Evans
and John Stephens
and their families soon followed. David
Roberts and family left
for Iowa soon after settling at Gomer.22
21 This article is taken very largely from the manuscript "History
of the Welsh Church and
Settlement," by Josiah Jones, (Brynmair) sup-
plemented by his son, Thomas H. Jones,
(Ordnant) of Lima.
22 Thomas Watkins, who is entitled to be
called the Father of the
Gomer settlement, was born at Dalan
Llanerfy1, North Wales, March 5,
1804, and immigrated to America in 1826.
He located at Ebensburg, Penn-
sylvania for a short time and then went
to Paddy's Run where he married
Jane Evans in 1831. In 1833 he removed
to Allen County. He purchased
160 acres of land at one dollar and a
quarter per acre and very good
land it was. At the time of his death he and his children owned 1,100
acres of land in the Gomer settlement.
Although a liberal supporter of
the church from the first, he did not
become a member until 1868. He
died December 6, 1891, at the age of
Jane Evans Watkins, the wife of Thomas
Watkins, was born at
Paddy's Run in 1812. She became a member
of the Congregational
Welsh Settlements in Ohio. 223
In the year 1835 the first public
religious services in the
Welsh language were held in the
neighborhood before an audi-
ence of seven. In this meeting it was
resolved to meet and hold
prayer meetings on Sunday mornings at
Thomas Watkins' log
house and Sunday School Sunday
afternoons at Rowland Jones
log house. Meetings were held regularly
in this manner for four
years. Beginning in the year 1839, John
W. Thomas, of Lima,
formerly of Llanidloes, North Wales,
would occasionally preach
at Gomer.
The first log church was built in the
year 1839. Joseph
Griffiths, his wife, his son Thomas, his
two daughters--Mrs.
Thomas G. Jones and Mrs. John Watkins -
and Mrs. Thomas
Watkins and Mrs. John Stephens were
among the earliest mem-
In the year 1839, services were held by
the two brothers,
Revs. John and Rees Powell, and also
Rev. Morris M. Jones, of
Radnor. In the year 1841 a log church
was built in Gomer upon
land given by James Nicholas, and the
old pioneers worked faith-
fully to complete the log church which,
for the times, was con-
sidered a well furnished building.
Membership was increased by
arrivals from Cincinnati, Pittsburg and
Wales, so that at this
time there were 15 members in the church
and about 30 in
the Sunday School.
In the year 1844 Rev. D. W. Jones was
installed as minister
of the church. His ministry was
successful and the membership
increased in 1845 to 51. In the year
1848, William Jones and
his family came from Tawelfan, North
Wales, and Richard
Breese and his family from North Wales,
and in the following
year Robert Griffiths came to the
neighborhood. Before this time
the Sunday School classes studied the
English Bible, but after
these families came the children studied
the Word of God in the
Welsh language.
About the middle of the year 1850, Rev.
D. W. Jones gave
up charge of the church and it was
without a pastor for two
Church at that place April 14, 1834, and
was married the same year.
She was one of the fourteen constituent
members of the Congregational
Church at Gomer. She was the mother of
thirteen children and died
August 15, 1884.
224 Ohio Arch. and Hist.
Society Publications.
years. In October, 1850, Josiah Jones
(Brynmair), father
of Thomas Henry Jones (the present
Treasurer of Allen Coun-
ty), and Llewellyn and Martha Jones, of
Gomer, came into the
neighborhood from North Wales. Mr. Jones
was a man of
many talents and a good Welsh scholar,
of considerable literary
ability and an able poet. Many of his
poems and hymns are
found in the Welsh hymn books and are
sung in the Welsh
churches throughout the land. He was
secretary of the church for
many years and his careful records of
the church have preserved
its full history. He was the author of a
complete "History of the
Welsh Church and Settlement"
(written in the Welsh language)
from the first settlers down to the time
of his death in the year
1887, and it is from this history that
the facts and dates con-
tained in this sketch have been taken.
During the years 1850 and 1851 the
church increased rapidly
so that at the end of the latter year
there were 150 members. In
the year 1852 Rev. James Davies, of
Cincinnati, was called, and
he began his ministry in June, 1852.
During his ministry, which
continued for eight years, a new brick
church was built and
50 new members were added. In this year
(1852) a Sunday
School was started in Leatherwood, about
three and a half miles
west of Gomer, a branch of the Gomer
In the year 1860, Rev. James Davies
surrendered the church
and in 1861 a call was extended to Rev.
John Parry, of Big Rock,
Illinois. In this year a new frame
church was built at Leather-
wood. Mr. Parry was very successful in
his two years' ministry
and the church was increased in numbers
by the addition of 67
members. After the death of Rev. John
Parry in 1862 the
church had supplies for about two years
and in 1865 gave a call
to Rev. John M. Thomas, of Paddy's Run,
Ohio. Two new
Sunday Schools were organized during the
first year of his min-
istry - one in the eastern part of the
settlement and one north of
Gomer-and ninety members were added to
the church. The
church had 300 members in 1868.
Other ministers of the church were: Rev.
John Jones, of
Shrewsbury, England; Rev. David Jones,
D. D.; Rev. Mawddwy
Jones, from North Wales; Rev. William
Meirion Davies, of
Caermarthen, South Wales; Rev. R. Lloyd
Roberts, D. D.
Welsh Settlements in Ohio. 225
The present minister is Rev. William
Surdival, who is an
excellent preacher and a fine scholar.
The services Sunday
mornings are in the Welsh language; for
the sake of the young
people of the church the services on
Sunday evenings are in Eng-
lish. The younger generations seem to
cling faithfully to the
teachings of their parents and are very
devoted to the church.
From all appearances, when the old Welsh
pioneers are gone to
their rest, the services of the church
will be all in English.
"In one way it is a sorrowful
thought that the pure Welsh
language, has to die in this country. It
is a fine, original, poetic
language, as old as Gomer of the Old
Testament; every word has
its own meaning and there is no need of
hunting lexicons for
words as one has to do with the English
language and I am glad
that the colleges and universities of
Wales are studying the old,
pure, sweet language. Far be the day
when the old Welsh lan-
guage will be forgotten !"23
Other permanent members of the Welsh
Church and of recognized standing in the
community were Cad-
walder Jones, William J. Jones, Richard
W. Jones, Richard
Price, Edward Peate, Sr., Joseph
Watkins, Edward Jones, Rich-
ard J. Morgans, John P. Morgans, Evan
Williams, Zachariah
Evans, Daniel Evans, Evan J. Davis,
William J. Williams, Hum-
phrey Tudor, John Bebb, Rowland
Whittington, Thomas R.
Jones, John E. Jones, Evan W. Jones,
Israel Jones.
In 19O1, the Methodist church called
"Hedding" was moved
to Gomer and remodeled. Preaching is
held at this church every
other Sunday. In 1902, the Presbyterians bought a lot and built
a neat modern frame church at a cost of
about $5,000. Rev. John
Roberts (Welsh), an energetic man, is
their pastor.
The village is well supplied with places
of worship and the
residences are all comparatively new and
well finished in modern
style. The people are nearly all members
of the church, the
majority still clinging to the first
church established in the neigh-
borhood. Here as in all Welsh
communities they have grand
church singing and the community
supplies the neighboring cities
with their leading singers and
The Welsh people are located in all parts
of Allen County,
23Joseph Jones (Brynmair.)
Vol. XVI.-15.
226 Ohio Arch. and Hist.
Society Publications.
and wherever found they are good
citizens and prosperous, what-
ever be their business or calling. They
own their own land, their
farms ranging from fifty to one hundred
and sixty acres. They
are more fortunate than some of their
fellow-countrymen, for
their seed fell among fertile soil and
the lands which they occu-
pied in pioneer days have proved to be
the most fertile and valu-
able in the neighboring country. Gomer
and its neighboring
settlement, Venedocia, are probably the
wealthiest and most pros-
perous Welsh settlements in Ohio. Gomer
is a beautiful little
village and is considered one of the
neatest and cleanest in the
State. It has three churches, two
stores, a fine modern school
building, township house, a blacksmith
shop and many fine homes.
Many retired farmers have erected
beautiful and substantial
homes in the village in order to be near
the church.
A number of prominent men have gone from
the settlement,
including the following: Hon. R. Edward
Jones, Mayor of
Shrewsbury, England; Rev. Thos. A.
Humphreys, B. A.,
Scranton, Pa.; Rev. B. A. Williams,
Cleveland, Ohio; Judge
Ed. H. Jones, Hamilton, O.; Hon. J. C.
Jones, Ottawa, O.
This settlement has furnished a
Representative to the Gen-
eral Assembly, Hon. R. E. Jones, M. D.,
who is also one of the
leading physicians of the county, and
has served as President of
the large Pioneer Association from its
first organization; also
the following county officers, all of
whom served or are serving
two terms: A County Auditor, John W.
Thomas; two Com-
missioners, Joseph Griffiths and W. W.
Williams; County Sur-
veyor, D. D. Nicholas; County Clerk,
Thos. J. Edwards; County
Treasurer, Thos. H. Jones, who was also
member and President
of the Board of Education, Lima, 0., for
several years.
This sketch would not be complete
without some mention of
the noted singers of this settlement who
have helped to make their
village famous for its song. We name the
following: Ebenezer
Davies and his two sons, Dr. John Davies
and E. F. Davies;
Wm. L. Jones and his musical family;
Robert Peate and his mu-
sical family; Miss Bessie Tudor, Miss
Anna Bussert, Miss Leah
Arthur, John F. Jones, Evan A. Evans,
John G. Roberts, Miss
Annie Roberts, Edith Jones, Wm. R.
Jones, Thos. W. Jones, and
a host of others.
Welsh Settlements in Ohio. 227
In addition to the foregoing, Welsh settlements were made at Newburg, Cuyahoga County, Youngstown, Niles, Shawnee, Marietta and Venedocia, Van Wert County. The settlement at the latter place, was made shortly after that at Gomer and is next in importance to the settlement at Gomer. It has become prom- inent because of the refinement and musical attainments of its population and has preserved from the first the Welsh language and its traditions. In addition to the settlements mentioned, the Welsh people have contributed very largely to the population of different cities, such as Columbus, Cincinnati, Toledo and Cleveland. Several of the Welsh settlements, so called, have bordered upon and have merged into differnt villages. For illus- tration, the settlement of Welsh Hills has become identified with the Welsh population in Granville, where the Welsh people still maintain churches in which the Welsh language is used ex- clusively. COLUMBUS, OHIO. |
This article is not sufficiently broad
in its scope to include
the history of every settlement in Ohio
wherein the Welsh people
may have largely resided and must,
therefore, be confined to
those communities which were originally
settled by Welsh peo-
ple. Classified in this manner the
leading Welsh settlements in
Ohio are Paddy's Run, Butler County;
Radnor, Delaware Coun-
ty; Welsh Hills, Licking County; of
Gallia and Jackson Coun-
ties, and Gomer, Allen County. Other
communities in Ohio
were settled by the Welsh people, but
these were probably the
earliest in the history of the State,
and derived their pioneer
population from sources almost
altogether outside of Ohio.
Clannishness is a marked characteristic
of the Welsh people.
It is to be observed in their many
attempts at establishing colo-
nies or settlements for their people,
not necessarily to the ex-
clusion of other races, but for the
accommodation of those who
spoke the Welsh language. The Welsh
colonies under Penn
near Philadelphia, in New England,
Georgia, North Carolina,
Virginia, New York and other places bear
A second characteristic of the Welsh
people which has con-
siderable bearing upon their history as
American citizens was
their love of liberty, particularly
religious liberty, freedom of
conscience, the right to think. About
the close of the Revolu-
tionary War a very perceptible wave of
religious dissension and
reform spread throughout Europe, a
movement which afterwards
disclosed its most terrible aspect in
the French Revolution. At
that time the freethinkers of Wales came
athwart the wishes of
the government of Great Britain and were
compelled to leave
the country. America was the Land of
Promise and, consequent-
ly, between 1790 and 1820 many Welsh people
immigrated to
"I endeavored to prove, before I
left Britain, that all who dissented
from the established religion in that
country, were persecuted by the