[This paper was awarded the annual prize
offered to Ohioans by
the Ohio Sons of the Revolution for an
historical essay, February, 1905.
The assigned subject that year was the
Western Indians in the Revolu-
tion. The writer aimed only at a clear
and concise treatment of the
Indian War in the West, of which so far
as he is aware there is no
brief, recent account. The discussion of
Gov. Hamilton's responsibility
differs from other accounts.]
The history of American expansion begins
properly with the
treaty of 1783. In that convention the
territory between the
Alleghanies and the Mississippi was
ceded to the United States.
That cession was made possible by
American conquest and occu-
pation there during the revolutionary
war. It is with this struggle
in the west in its relations to the
Indians that we propose to deal.
We shall discuss briefly the character
of the war, the situations of
the three parties to the war, as they
concerned the Indian's choice
of side, and shall then give a short
narrative of the events of
the contest.
As early as 1773 the Boones, the Kentons
and Zanes were
advancing across the Alleghanies and
down the Ohio by river and
footpath to make their homes in the
hunting grounds of the red
man. The Indian realized that his
woodland was endangered;
he dimly foresaw the ultimate
consequences of this migration and
in a blind way he resisted. He came, he
burned, he scalped, and
stole away to repeat the work another
time. In deeds of this
sort the war began. The revolutionary
war in the west was the
struggle against the advance of the
white man. From 1773 to
1783 the deepest motive that impelled
the Indian to his awful
acts was to drive back the settler. It
was revenge for savage
outrages and defence against them that
led to nearly all the im-
portant offensive moves made by the
Americans. Lord Dun-
more's war was but the first phase, and
from the view point of
270 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
those engaged doubtless a phase little
different, of the conflict
between the pioneers and the savage.
It will be said that such a view allows
not enough credit to
the wise patriots, Washington, Henry and
Jefferson, who di-
rected from a distance the efforts to
break down the British
power in the Ohio valley. Their part
must not be discounted,
but the little armies whose levying they
authorized failed to ma-
terialize. Detroit must be captured was
the word that went west
from Virginia, but militia could be
raised and expeditions set on
foot only to revenge the raids of the
Indians and to frighten
them away. The leaders may have seen
further, but their fol-
lowers were fighting the battle of the
backwoods against the wild
man and cared very little for any larger
end.1 What could the
pioneers of the woods know or care about
taxation without rep-
resentation in Massachusetts? Their
utmost thought and energy
was demanded to make and save their
homes. The breaking out
of war along the Atlantic coast meant
much to them only when it
came to involve the subsidizing by the
English of large bodies of
Indians to take up the vicious work
which had hitherto been car-
ried on by desultory parties.
Nevertheless Lexington and Bunker Hill
signalized in the
west as in the east a new situation.
There were three parties
concerned, England, the Colonies- we
shall call them the Ameri-
cans - and the Indians. We shall briefly
outline the situation as
it presented itself to the three
parties, and the position taken by
them, and shall discuss the English
first because the first move
was made by them.
The king's pawn was played by Governor
Dunmore of Vir-
ginia, who had been already involved
with the Indians. As
early as April, 1775, he informed the
British government that he
was planning to rouse the western
Indians, and for this purpose
he sent out Dr. John Connolly. The
governor forecasted very
well the English position in his address
to Captain White-eyes of
the Delawares. "You may rest
assured," he said, "that our fool-
ish young men shall never be permitted
to have your lands, but
1An analysis of the various expeditions,
when and why undertaken,
will convince the reader of this.
The Western Indians in the
Revolution. 271
on the contrary the Great King will
protect you and preserve you
in the possession of them."2
This was indeed to be the position of
the Great King and of
his government. They wished to preserve
the western country
for Indian hunters and for their own
traders. They were to
wage war through their Indian allies as
well against the advance
of settlement as against the American
During '75 and '76, Dunmore's agent,4
and unauthorized
emissaries of the British party were
stating the English case and
winning friends among the Indians.5 The English authorities
were much more hesitant about soliciting
the assistance of the
red man. It is a fact apparently unnoticed
in the histories that
they could not at once decide on a
policy. In the spring of 1776
the Six Nations, the Delawares, the
Shawnees and other nations
assembled in a Great Council at Niagara,
but the English gov-
ernment at Quebec sent them word that it
was not yet ready to
speak and the assembly adjourned.6 Events in New England,
however, where the red man had already
been drawn into the
conflict, probably determined British
policy. Hamilton at De-
troit was instructed to "place
proper persons at the head of the
savages to conduct their parties and
restrain them from commit-
ting violence on the well affected and
inoffensive inhabitants."7
He was further instructed to report to
Carleton at Quebec all
his dealings with the Indians, that one
general and uniform policy
with respect to them might be pursued.8
It was to be the weak-
ness of the Americans that they had no
such policy.
Whatever the orders from headquarters
were, a study of the
English campaign will show that it was
in great degree managed
Time, I, 524.
II, 5.
4 Connolly's timely arrest in Nov. '75,
stopped his work.
5De Schweinitz, 441.
6Olden Time, 11, 112-113. This fact is
related by Kiashuta in a
speech at Ft. Pitt. Butterfield however,
says that Hamilton at Detroit
was engaging Indian assistance as early
as '75. This fits in with his
later self reliance in starting out
7 Haldimand
Papers. 346-7. Lord George Germaine, Whitehall, 26
Mar. '77.
Papers, 345.
272 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
from Detroit by Governor Hamilton.
Germaine, Carleton and
Haldimand could modify plans, and the
latter especially made his
influence felt, but Detroit was the
natural center of British opera-
tions in the west, and Hamilton must be
held largely responsible
for the actual methods adopted in the
use of the savages.
Charles Walker9 has presented
interesting statistics which show
vividly the great inducements offered to
the red men by the gov-
ernor at Detroit. The large shipments
called for of trinkets,
blankets, scalping knives and guns, and
the enormous consump-
tion of rum reveal the powerful
influences which the governor
brought to bear. According to credible
witnesses there were
usually gathered around Detroit about
one thousand savages,
who constantly demanded gifts and drank
down great quantities
of liquor.
British policy went further than
subsidizing of the Indians.
The powers at Quebec had been shrewd
enough to gain the al-
liance of the Iroquois10 and
to use Iroquois influence in enlisting
other tribes. No one influence could be
more effective with the
western tribes. If this were not enough,
the governor at De-
troit resorted to the extreme measure of
threatening war against
neutral Indians.11
The English policy was uniform,
consistent, vigorous.
American settlement must be driven back,
the Indians must be
employed to do it. The American policy,
on the other hand, al-
though it may have been praiseworthy,
had the appearance of
weakness. The Americans were experienced
in war with the
Indians. They knew that scalping and
murder of prisoners were
its necessary concomitants. They were
able to appreciate fully
what Indian attacks upon the borders
would mean. It is not
surprising then that popular opinion
wavered as to the proper
policy. The settlers along the
Monongahela and Ohio hated the
Indian because he was an Indian, and yet
more because they
feared the terror by night and the
sudden arrow by day. Even
the most friendly Indians - those who
had been converted by
9The Revolution in the Northwest.
10 Except two tribes to be mentioned
11As against the Delawares in 1778.
The Western Indians in
the Revolution. 273
the Moravian missionaries - gave shelter
to the dreaded Wyan-
dots on their bloody incursions.12 The settlers realized never-
theless that policy demanded peace with
the savages. They
were in a country where the wildmen
outnumbered them several
times and possessed all the advantages
of attack.
The official attitude found first
expression in the stopping
of Connolly's work by his arrest.
"The arrest of Connolly," says
Winsor,13 "deferred for
two years (till '77) the active partici-
pancy of the Kentucky settlers in the
war." The thousands of
Indians who might have been roused up in
'75, were not enlisted
in the British cause until a time when
the frontiersmen could
oppose them on even terms. In the same
year14 Congress created
three Indian departments and placed in
charge of the western
one at Ft. Pitt, Richard Butler15 who
was to detach the Indians
from the British cause. In an address to
the Six Nations Con-
gress clearly defined its policy.
"This is a family quarrel be-
tween us and old England. You Indians
are not concerned.
We do not wish you to take up the
hatchet against the King's
To support this policy, commissioners
were sent to treat
with the Ohio tribes, and at two Great
Councils held at Ft. Pitt
in July and October, 1776, pledges of
neutrality were exacted
from the Iroquois, Delawares, Mohicans,
and Shawnees present.
The Ottawas, Wyandots, Chippewas and
Mingoes (Muncies)
held aloof.17
Meantime opinion was changing in regard
to what should
be the American attitude towards the
Indians. In April, '76,
Washington wrote to Congress that since
the Indians would soon
be engaged either for or against, he
would suggest that they be
engaged for the Colonies.18 On the 25th of May, Congress re-
12 See
Poole, in Winsor's Narrative and Critical Hist. VI. 735.
13 Westward
Movement. 87.
14 1775.
15 Soon succeeded by Morgan.
16 Olden
Time, II, 116.
17 Washington-Crawford Correspondence.
18 Sparks' Writings of
Washington, III, 364.
Vol. XVI- 18.
274 Ohio Arch. and Hist.
Society Publications.
solved that it was highly expedient to
engage the Indians for the
American service.19
There are but few evidences that this
resolution was ever
carried out in the west. In not more
than two or three instances,
so far as we have discovered, was Indian
assistance solicited or
made use of.20 In at least
two cases the services of the savages
when offered were refused. The
resolutions found their justifi-
cation then as a political move-at least
so far as the west was
concerned - in the fact that they
enabled the Americans to pre-
sent to the Indians as well as to the
English a bolder and more
consistent front.
It is sometimes said that the American
Revolution had the
character of a civil war. This cannot be
said of its western
phase. It is a singular fact that the
conduct of the hostile sav-
ages, more than any other one cause,
brought about a strong and
harmonious position upon the part of the
borderers. The red
man had been faithfully told by his
masters at Detroit to distin-
guish between Tory and Rebel, but he was
too busy collecting
scalps to notice fine shades of
distinction, and he was responsible
for the wiping out of that distinction.
When the loyalists along
the border found the savages engaged
against them, they joined
their neighbors in repelling invasion.21
It was a natural conse-
quence that by '77 the whole border was
strongly pro-American.
The situations which presented
themselves to the English
and to the Americans at the opening of
the war, are subordinate,
for the purposes of this paper, to that
in which the red man
found himself. It is the weakness of our
evidence as to the
Indian point of view that it has reached
us altogether through
white sources. Yet so manifest is the
Indian situation that one
could almost determine it by a line of a
priori reasoning. It is
easy to see that the tribes of the
forest had everything to fear
19 Secret
Journal of Confress, 1, 44. Winsor makes a strange slip
(p. 127) when he says, "Congress
did not formally sanction the use of
Indians till March, 1778."
20 See
The Olden Time, II, 374-5. The Olden Time, II, 309-11.
Penn. Archives, VIII, 640.
21 See
Haldimand Papers, 489.
The Western Indians in the
Revolution. 275
the advance of permanent settlement. Said Kiashuta
boldly at Ft. Pitt, "We will not
suffer either the English or
Americans to march an army through our
country."22 The Half-
King23 went farther in the
Great Council called by the English
at Detroit and declared that the Long
Knives24 had for years
interfered with the Indians' hunting and
now at last it was the
Indians' turn to threaten revenge."25
The Americans were sur-
veying out their lands,26 they
were cheating them in trading
operations, they were breaking their
promises as soon as they
were made.27 The Indians
declared that they were tired of com-
The truth was the American commercial
operations with the
Indians had been managed in a very
impolitic way. Further, the
Americans were poor. They could not
supply the savages boun-
tifully with rum and pretty presents, a
fact which the Indians
were not slow in discovering. There was
nothing to gain, there
was everything to lose, they reasoned
from alliance with the
As for the English, the situation with
respect to them was
the reverse. The English wished to
preserve to the Indians their
hunting ground and to keep it a
perpetual field for trading op-
erations. They were moreover well
supplied, as we have already
seen, with all the munitions of
persuasion. Hamilton's demands
from Quebec for more rum and more gifts
for the Indians seemed
extravagant and drew down reproaches,
but probably the situa-
tion called for just such extravagance.
The Indians knew that the English could
and would sub-
sidize them. They knew too that they had
nothing to fear from
a people whose homes were across the
sea. There were other
elements that no doubt entered into the
final determination of
their attitude. We have already referred
to the weight of the
22 Olden Time, II, 112.
23 Of the Wyandots.
24 The
Indian name for the Americans.
25Force's Amer. Arch. I. Series, II,
26 Hildreth. 109.
27 Olden
Time, II, 96, 103.
276 Ohio Arch. and Hist.
Society Publications.
Iroquois influences.28 The
Pottawattamies29 and Ottawas living
near to Detroit also cast in their lot
with the English.30 Detroit
and Quebec were pivotal points in Indian
geography. By gain-
ing the support of the powerful tribes
near these places the
English were assured many other tribes. Esprit
de corps counts
among Indians as elsewhere, and there
can be no doubt that many
of the savages otherwise inclined to
neutrality were swept into
the current of war.31
One counter influence of great
importance should be noticed.
The Moravian missionaries through the
first three years of the
war proved themselves powerful forces
for Indian neutrality.
Zeisberger and Heckewelder, among the
Delawares, and Kirkland
among the Tuscaroras and Oneidas stayed
the current that was
rushing Britishward. Until 1778 the
tribes nearest Ft. Pitt re-
mained neutral and when they finally
went over to the British,
the Americans were strong enough to hold
their own.
It is rather misleading to treat the
Indian situation as a
whole, as we have done, because Indian
policy was by no means
so fixed and determinate a quantity, as
it may seem when put
down on paper. It was arrived at very
slowly and in very differ-
ent ways by various tribes. The Wyandots32 had been accus-
tomed to prey upon the white settlements
long before the war
broke out, the Pluggystown Indians began
operations early in
'75, the Shawnese33 held long
and divided councils before they
at length resolved to support the
authorities at Detroit. The
Hurons determined to remain neutral but
found themselves driven
28 Two tribes of the Iroquois must be excepted, the Oneidas and
One of the shrewdest moves in the war was DePeyster's suggestion
in August, '78, that the young Indian
Aimiable and his companion Potta-
wattamies should be persuaded to remain
at Montreal. In this way it
was hoped to maintain the good behavior
of the whole tribe.
30 Hildreth, 97.
31 See Loskiel, 107.
32 See Rondthaler's Heckewelder, De
Schweinitz's Zeisberger, and
Zeisberger's Diary for detailed
33 W. L. Stone in his Life of Brant, I,
349, says that some of the
Shawnese had been engaged in predatory
warfare since '73. Stone's
work is one of the most reliable upon
this whole subject.
The Western Indians in the
Revolution. 277
to war by other tribes.34 The
Chippewas were too lazy, declared
DePeyster, English Commandant at
Mackinac, to support either
side,35 and they continued
neutral as long as possible. It is use-
less to enumerate further details.
Different motives swayed dif-
ferent tribes,36 but the
outcome was that the great majority of red
men took up the English cause.
Having now presented the situations of
the three parties
with respect to the Indians at the opening
of the war, we shall
go on to narrate the progress of the
war, limiting ourselves to
the more important movements of the
savage war bands and of
their antagonists.37 When the year 1777 opened the
held besides Ft. Pitt, two fortified
positions in the west, Ft. Henry
at Wheeling and Ft. Randolph at Point
Pleasant.38 In neither
of these protected stockades was a large
force of troops placed,
but they were so arranged that in case
of alarm the outlying set-
tlers could rush to them and constitute
an adequate defense. The
English had two strong points
garrisoned, Detroit, with about
500 troops39 and more Indian
supporters under Hamilton, and
Mackinac with a smaller force under
On the 26th of March, '77, Lord Germaine
had authorized
Hamilton to "make a diversion and
excite alarm upon the fron-
tiers of Virginia and Pennsylvania by
parties of Indians con-
ducted by proper leaders."40 The
governor at Detroit was quick
to obey instructions, indeed to go beyond
them. He sent out to
the Indian tribes a hatchet wrapped in
red and white, beads, a
formal authorization to go upon the
warpath. That Hamilton
exceeded his orders in a way to deserve
responsibility for Indian
cruelties is a fact not noticed in the
accounts of the war. Roose-
34Loskiel, 117. Loskiel is not always
accurate but his statement
here seems to rest on good evidence.
35 Zeisberger's Diary, 1, 41.
36For a good account of Indian sentiment
in the fall of 1776, see
Wm. Wilson's account in Hildreth.
37 The writer has been impressed with
the opportunity that still
exists to untangle the relations of the
many Indian raids, but the limits
of this paper forbid such a research.
38 At
the entrance of the Big Kanawha.
39 C. T. Walker, who bases his figures
on Judge May's report.
40Haldimand Papers. 346.
278 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
velt would excuse him as one who merely
carried out the orders
of his superiors. Butterfield has shown
that while Hamilton did
not in advance offer reward for scalps,
he rewarded amply41
those who returned with the bloody
trophies. It seems to the
writer that the question of Hamilton's
responsibility rests rather
upon the evidence that he was authorized
to send out Indian
parties under English leaders and that
he forthwith proceeded
to give the Indians a general leave for
promiscuous expeditions.
Lord Germaine's plan involved the
maximum of care in the em-
ployment of savage warriors, Hamilton's
methods the minimum.
That he had been instructed to take no
step without positive or-
ders from headquarters but increases his
responsibility for the
awful cruelties inflicted upon the
border settlements.
It was not long before the effects of
the governor's message
became apparent. The Wyandots and
Mingoes had both ac-
cepted the hatchet with alacrity. From
April to July the white
settlements in Kentucky were compelled
to fight for their exist-
ence. The savages suddenly assaulted
Harrodsburg, then made
two sharp attacks on Boonesborough and
laid siege to Logan's
Station. The movements had much the same
character. They
were made without warning, the outlying
settlers were slain and
the fort assaulted with a rush.
Boonesborough was defended by
twenty-two men and Logan Station by
fifteen. At the latter the
Indians made an attempt at a siege, but
they always wanted the
organization and persistence necessary
to make an investment
successful, and went away as suddenly as
they had come. They
had well carried out Lord Germaine's aim
-to alarm the fron-
Throughout the summer the Indians
continued to make raids
here and there in small bands, and in
October they united for a
severe attack upon Ft. Henry. From two
to four hundred sav-
ages engaged in a desperate attempt to
take this stockade but
found it impregnable and retired into
the Ohio forests for the
While the English had succeeded through
their wild allies
41 That
Hamilton showed pleasure also at the sight of scalps was
attested by John Leith in his Biography,
29. See also Zeisberger's ac-
count in De Schweinitz.
The Western Indians in the
Revolution. 279
in making life in the border settlements
insecure, the Americans
had been singularly successful in doing
the wrong thing. Three
blunders upon their side signalized the
year. General Hand had
early in the season planned an
expedition against the Pluggys-
town Indians who had been responsible
for many of the former
incursions upon the border. But he
wished to pursue a friendly
policy towards the Delawares and
Shawnese and feared to dis-
please them by such an offensive move.
The Indians interpreted
such hesitation as weakness and grew
thereupon constantly
bolder in their invasions.
The second mistake was made in July when
large numbers
of the Indians were gathering at Ft.
Pitt for a treaty with the
Long Knives. A body of Senecas was fired
upon by a party of
Americans, the savages were enraged and
peace prospects at
an end. This may have been an accidental
blunder but it was
the natural outcome of the want of
organization and of obedience
to a central authority, which was
manifested by the American
warriors in the west.
The third and most egregious blunder was
the murder of
Cornstalk, chief of the Shawnese.
Cornstalk had been consist-
ently a friend to the Americans, but had
found the majority in
his own tribe against him. He had come
to Point Pleasant to
report that he could no longer restrain
his tribe and had been
retained as a hostage. An untoward
incident at the fort offered
the occasion for killing him. Congress
sought to forestall the
consequences of this treachery for the
perpetrators but it was too
late. The Shawnese already passively
hostile, now resolved on
revenge and became the most active of
marauders on the frontier.
There were but two encouraging facts for
the backwoods-
men when the year closed, the Kentucky
forts had been held, and
new settlers were pouring over the
mountains. The tide of im-
migration was setting in and the Indians
could not scalp fast
enough to offset it.
The year 1778 opened with a vigorous but
unsuccessful at-
tack of 200 Shawnese upon Point Pleasant, to avenge the murder
of their chief.42 It was
early followed by General Hand's incon-
42 Stuart,
280 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
sequential "squaw campaign."
The remaining events of the year
are of much greater interest and may be
divided into three dis-
tinct heads, the Kentucky contest,
McIntosh's expedition and the
Illinois campaign. Operations in
Kentucky commenced in Janu-
ary with the capture of Boone and thirty
of his companions.
Boone spent several months among the
Indians and was adopted
into the chief Black Fish's family. He
was taken to Detroit and
learned that Hamilton was planning a
large expedition against
Boonesborough. In June he succeeded in
escaping to Boones-
borough where he warned the settlers and
made the fort ready
for a siege.43 When the
Indian force of 400 headed by English
and French officers and carrying English
and French banners ar-
rived, they found a garrison ready to
receive them, and after a
few days' investment vanished into the
woods. Kentucky had
been saved to the Americans largely by
her great pioneer.
At Ft. Pitt the winter had been filled
with rumors of a great
Indian expedition headed that way. The
attack on Point Pleas-
ant already referred to and a more
serious one on the Greenbrier
made the Pennsylvania frontiers very
anxious. The Continental
Congress determined to strike an
effective blow in the Ohio coun-
try, and ordered an army of 3,000
soldiers44 to be led by Gen-
eral Lachlan McIntosh against the
Indians with Detroit as goal.
The army that actually moved forward
from the forks of the
Ohio was but half the intended size but
large enough, if affairs
had been properly managed, to have been
very formidable. Ru-
mors constantly reached McIntosh of a
great force coming to
meet him.45 With extreme
caution he halted thirty miles below
Pittsburgh at Beaver to build Ft.
McIntosh. After long delay
he advanced again but halted once more
to build Ft. Laurens.
By this time it was too late in the
autumn to strike for Detroit.
The American chance to end the war in
the west was lost. Mc-
Intosh and his men marched back to Ft.
Pitt, leaving Colonel
Gibson in command at Ft. Laurens. It was
like poking a bumble
bees' nest and then running. The Indians
came swarming out
43 For
best account see Thwaites' Boone.
442,700 from east of the mountains and 300
from the west.
45 Mitchener.
The Western Indians in the
Revolution. 281
of the woods to the number of eight
hundred and fifty,46 and in-
vested the garrison for six weeks when
it was relieved by rein-
forcements. The moral effect of
McIntosh's expedition had been
less than nothing. It had exasperated
the Indians and at the
same time ended with what had all the
appearance of a retreat.
The practical gain was that the two
advanced forts proved a great
protection to the Pennsylvania frontier.
The third movement to be discussed was
upon the Missis-
sippi. This was Clark's invasion of
Illinois. We shall not travel
over Clark's route with him, nor follow
him in his sudden and
successful swoop upon Kaskaskia, nor
trace his conquest of the
surrounding country.47 These events are well known and fur-
ther have little direct bearing upon the
Indian in the revolution.
What concerns us more about Clark's
conquering career is, what
were his aims, and what were his means?
He defined his own
aim clearly. He was, he said,
"elevated with the thoughts of the
great service we should do our country
in some measure putting
an end to Indian warfare on the
frontier." This is intensely in-
teresting because it makes it appear
that Clark failed to see the
entire significance of his undertaking
and achievement. He
sought to protect the frontier and won
the west for the United
States. It was his hope by gaining
Kaskaskia to attach the
French to the American interests, and
through their influence to
win over the numerous savage tribes
between the Mississippi and
the Lake.48 It is hardly
possible to take Clark at his word and
suppose that protection for the frontier
was his only motive in
seeking to win the Illinois tribes.
Roosevelt mentions another
feature of the expedition which should
not be overlooked. The
presence of families shows that it had
the peculiar character of
being undertaken half for conquest, half
for settlement.
The means used to make the conquest of
permanent and
wide spreading consequence are clearer
than the ends in view.
Clark won the French completely; through
them he gained Vin-
cennes; through them he gained also the
favorable consideration
46 According to Doddridge, p. 285,
who is not absolutely reliable.
47 Butterfield and William H. English
have written the authoritative
accounts of Clark's expeditions.
48 Butler's Kentucky, 50.
282 Ohio
Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
of the Indian tribes. His attitude
towards the red man was
shrewdly assumed. He put on the haughty
air and in nearly
every case let the Indian make the first
move for peace. French
influence and Clark's bold way won.
Chief after chief came to
Kaskaskia and made his peace. Tobacco's
Son, the "Grand
Door" of the Wabash, promised to
"bloody the land no more for
the English." Blackbird, a chief of the Ottawas, came at
invitation. "Some mystery," he
declared, "hung over the war,"
which he wished removed. He was
convinced that "the English
must be afraid because they gave the
Indians so many goods to
fight for them."49 Delightful logic! The red man had been
thinking in his own way about the war.
In such conversations
Clark won individual chiefs. It was in a
Great Council held at
Cahokia that with utmost diplomacy he
forced the first move
upon the savages of the Illinois country
and granted with appar-
ent reluctance their demands for peace.
The news from Illinois was gall and
wormwood to Hamilton
at Detroit. The English authorities
resolved upon two counter
moves. DePeyster from Mackinac sent a
belt to the Illinois In-
dians urging them to drive out the
enemies of His Majesty, the
Great King.50 A month later he
despatched Captain Langlade
to rouse the Indians around Lake
Michigan and assemble them
at St. Josephs to join Hamilton.51 Meanwhile Hamilton with
175 regulars, some Canadians and 350
Indians,52 started down the
Maumee, crossed over the Wabash and
struck for Vincennes.
Helm, whom Clark had left in charge at
Vincennes, was deserted
by his supporters and compelled to
So closed the year 1778. We must pause
for the moment
to notice certain other features of the
year. On the American
side the escape of the suspected McKee,
Elliott, and Girty from
Ft. Pitt meant great evil to the
settlers. The three plotters, on
their way to Detroit stopped among the
Indian tribes to tell them
that the Americans in the east had been
utterly defeated and that
now the Americans in the west were
resolved to kill every Indian
49 Butler, 75.
50 Haldimand
Papers, 370.
51 Walker,
52 Winsor, 131. Brice (Hist. Ft. Wayne)
gives different figures.
The Western Indians in the
Revolution. 283
of every sort. At this word, Indians who
had hitherto been peace-
able put on the war paint. Few incidents
are more thrilling than
Heckewelder's53 arrival in
the nick of time at Cooshocking to tell
the Delawares that they had been
deceived. But the missiona-
ries could not follow the three
renegades and undo their mis-
chief. The three had done their work
thoroughly and during
the rest of the war were to be a thorn
in the side of the settle-
Upon the British side the Great Council
in June at Detroit
was significant. Here were assembled
Ottawas, Chippewas, Hu-
rons, Wyandots, Pottawattamies,
Delawares, Shawnese, Miamis,
Mingoes, Mohawks and others to the
number of 1,642.54 Such
a gathering meant that the great body of
western Indians was
now definitely arrayed upon the side of
the English. It marked
the culmination of English influence
among the savage tribes.
What was accomplished by the meeting is
not altogether clear.
A few war songs were sung, a few threats
made against those
who remained neutral and an inspiration
given to further war-
fare.55 It seems likely that
the Ohio Indians were promised as
a new inducement the lands of which they
should on their own
account dispossess the settlers.56 It is probable, too, that the
impetus was given to the expedition
against Boonesborough.
And it is just possible that the Council
had some connection with
a plan Hamilton had communicated to
Haldimand for an attack
upon Ft. Pitt. On the 6th of August the
latter wrote from
Quebec that he deemed the plan not
feasible. It would be diffi-
cult, he declared, to maintain the fort
if taken, and no essential
point would be gained by its capture.
When the year '79 opened Hamilton had
sent home his In-
dians and was holding Vincennes with a
small English garrison.
He planned in the spring to proceed
against Kaskaskia, to start
the Shawnese against Ft. Laurens and to
rouse up the Cherokees
and Creeks against the Kentucky settlements.
Then after taking
Kaskaskia he proposed to sweep the
Kentucky country and win
53 Rondthaler's Heckewelder, 71.
54Haldimand Papers, 442. Butterfield,
The Girtys, 63.
55 Haldimand Papers, 442-52.
56 Probable conclusion based upon a
comparison of certain dates.
284 Ohio Arch. and Hist.
Society Publications.
the entire west to the British.57 It was a well conceived plan
and ought to have succeeded. Clark would
have had but a
small force with which to resist.
Probably Clark realized his own
danger and was so prompted to take the
offensive. With less
than a hundred men he marched the two
hundred and forty miles
through woods and flooded plains to
Vincennes and captured the
"hair-buyer" Hamilton and his
garrison. This blow gave the
Americans a hold upon Illinois, which
was to prove permanent.
It dispirited the hostile Indians, it
alarmed the British at Detroit
and it gave a new impetus to immigration
into and settlement in
the west. Hundreds of families began to
pour over the Alle-
Meanwhile the Kentucky men had not been
idle. All
through the spring the settlements had
been alarmed by Indian
incursions. A meeting was held at
Harrodsburg and an expedi-
tion under Captain John Bowman crossed
the Ohio and pro-
ceeded against the Shawnese town of
Chillicothe. The Indians
were able to defend their seat and the
Kentuckians retreated
dispirited. But the movement had really
been of much import-
ance. The news of it had dispersed in a
panic the two hundred
red men under Captain Bird who were starting
out from Detroit
for a raid. So it was all through the
Ohio country. The Chanes,
the Delawares, who were now fighting for
the British, and the
Sandusky Indians were thoroughly
frightened and indisposed to
further activity.59
Along the Pennsylvania border the year
might be called a
draw. Sullivan's plundering campaign in
upper New York
alarmed and embittered the Indians
throughout the north. Brod-
head60 in imitation of
Sullivan ravaged the country to the north
of Ft. Pitt. In the Ohio country Ft.
Laurens was besieged for
a month by a large body of red men, but
was relieved. A few
months later the fort was given up and
the American lines drawn
in. Throughout the year Brodhead at
Pittsburg and Clark in
57 Roosevelt, II. 66.
58 It has been estimated that the
immigration was from five to ten
thousand a year.
59 Haldimand Papers, 417.
60 Who succeeded McIntosh in April,
The Western Indians in the
Revolution. 285
the west were planning an attack on
Detroit. Brodhead lacked
the initiative and daring for such a
stroke, and Clark never re-
ceived the needful troops.
On the whole it may be said that the
American situation was
improving. From Ft. Pitt to the
Mississippi the Indians were
becoming more favorable to the cause of
the Long Knives. They
had now all learned that the Great
French Father was fighting
on the side of the Americans and this
meant a great deal to them.
The Wyandots, the Macquichecs and part
of the Delawares sent
representatives to Brodhead asking
On the other hand the British were
having more trouble
with their Indian allies. The
Pottawattamies had deserted
them,61 the Chippewas were
demanding more rum and less fight-
ing. The daily consumption of liquor was
becoming enormous
and rendering the maintenance of the
Indian allies a great burden
to the government. The Ohio Indians were
complaining because
they had not been protected against the
expeditions of Bowman
and Brodhead. The English, they
declared, were not keeping
their promises. Throughout the Indian
country the murmurs of
dissatisfaction could not be quieted.
With the new year DePeyster, who had now
taken Hamil-
ton's place at Detroit, began sending
out small parties against
the border, and by May had despatched in
different directions
2,000 warriors.62 The
campaign was waged in four directions.
Sinclair was sent with a large body of
red men to take the Span-
ish seat, St. Louis. Captain Langlade
with a band of savage
warriors proceeded to the Chicago
portage on his way to attack
Kaskaskia. Both expeditions were
thwarted by American prepa-
rations. In the meantime Colonel Bird
was to "amuse" the
Americans by attacking Clark at the
Falls of the Ohio,63 and a
delegation of Hurons were sent to make a
demonstration towards
Ft. Pitt.64 The latter came
to nothing so that only Bird's expedi-
tion need be noticed. It seems to have
originated in the urgent
requests of the Mingoes, Shawnese and
the Delawares to destroy
61 Haldimand Papers, 396.
62 Roosevelt, II. 102.
63 Now Louisville.
64 DePeyster's Miscellanies, XXV.
286 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
some forts of which they complained.65 It was further intended
besides amusing the settlers to make a
reprisal for Bowman's ex-
pedition of the previous year and to
interrupt settlement.66 The
army started out to strike at Clark on
the Falls of the Ohio, but
when this proved not feasible,67 advanced
six hundred to a thou-
sand strong up the Licking and captured
Ruddle's and Martin's
Stations. The Indians for once wished to
follow up the success
and were eager to take Bryant's Station
and Lexington, but Bird,
whether for lack of provisions or
because he could no longer
control his red men, headed the warriors
back to Detroit. The
history of the war is largely a story of
reprisals, and so it was
in this case. Clark hurriedly gathered a
party of 970 men at
the mouth of the Licking68 and
marched against Chillicothe.
When he found the Indians gone and the
village in flames, he
proceeded quickly to Piqua,69
where in a desultory battle he de-
feated the Indians and took the town.
His purpose was thor-
oughly to frighten the Ohio tribes and
with this effected he re-
tired to Kentucky.
The rest of the year was comparatively
quiet on both sides.
There was little change in the general
situation. That Clark was
still holding on to the Illinois country
was perhaps the most sig-
nificant fact because it meant that the
Americans were in final
possession and gave American diplomats
the leverage in the nego-
tiations as to the west in 1782-3. Some
changes in allegiance by
the Indian tribes should be noticed. The
Sacs and Foxes in the
country between the Lakes and the Great
River had espoused the
American cause while almost all the
Delawares had gone over
to the English. The story of Delaware
hesitation would be a
long one70 but we must note a
few points in passing. We have
already seen how in '78, Girty and
Elliott had alarmed the tribe
and how Heckewelder's timely appearance
staved off their war-
like intentions. The British governor at
Detroit kept up a con-
65 DePeyster's Miscellanies, XXIII.
Haldimand Papers, 580.
66 Thwaite's
Boone, 176.
Clark was too strongly entrenched.
68Opposite Cincinnati.
69 Near
the present Springfield.
70 A capital chance exists for
some one to write a good history
of the Delaware tribe.
The Western Indians in the
Revolution. 287
stant correspondence with them and more
than once threatened
war upon them if they remained neutral.71
White-eyes and Pipe
were the two chiefs representative of
the American and English
positions and when White-eyes died the
English faction became
the stronger. Further the American
commissioners of Congress
blundered by secretly offering the
Delawares the hatchet against
the English. Pipe's party prevailed and
the tribe in the main
took up the war (in 1780) against the
Americans.72 This it was
that made operations from Ft. Pitt so
precarious and that was at
least in part responsible for keeping
Brodhead on the defensive
through the year '80. It was unfortunate
for the authorities at
Ft. Pitt that they could not support and
make use of the minority
body in the Delawares who offered their
services.73 In this in-
stance as in so many others the long
purse of the English was
their best weapon.74
Before the year '81 opened Governor
Jefferson of Virginia
had drawn up instructions to Clark
charging him to take Detroit
and secure control of Lake Erie, and had
promised him an army
of 2,000 men. But events along the coast and want of harmony
in the west interfered with the great
plans. Clark moved down
the Ohio with but 400 of the promised 2,000 men and
gave up the expedition against Detroit.
Meantime Brodhead
had resolved to punish the recreant
Delawares75 and had ad-
vanced in April from Ft. Pitt with 300
men.76 He took Coo-
shocking and plundered it and then
returned with the spoil to
Ft. Pitt.77 Any further movement from the base of supplies
71 De Schweinitz, 467.
72 De Schweinitz, 467. Loskiel, 134. DePeyster's Miscellanies,
73 Olden Times, II, 374.
74 DePeyster's
Miscellanies. App. IX., DePeyster to the Delawares,
June 7th, 1781. "You must not make
so great a merit of a real act of
necessity. I am sensible, could the
Americans have supplied your wants
. . you would
to this day
have listened to
75 See
Brodhead's Correspondence for March, 1781, in Olden Time.
76 Butterfield.
The Girtys. 127.
77 About thirty prisoners were taken. De
Hass, 179, says they were
all killed.
288 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
would have been dangerous for the
Indians were now very active
and were swarming against the
Pennsylvania and Virginia fron-
tiers. Early in the year the tribes had
held a council at Detroit
and once more had demanded the
assistance of the British in an
attack upon all the American settlements
along the Moonogahela
and Ohio rivers.78 DePeyster sent out 100 English rangers
der Captain Thompson and 300 Indians
under McKee. While
this body was advancing against Kentucky
another force under
the famous Joseph Brant lay in wait
along the Ohio for Clark,
and succeeded in capturing Lochry's body
of a hundred West-
morelanders who were hurrying to join
Clark.79 The victors
attached themselves to Thompson and
McKee's party with a view
to proceed in force against Clark, but
the Indians were satisfied,
as so frequently, with one success and
rapidly dispersed.
But one other military movement of the
year deserves men-
tion. About 250 warriors of the
Wyandots, Delawares, Muncies
and Shawnese80 under Matthew
Elliott marched from Sandusky
against Ft. Henry. The garrison had been
apprised by the
Christian Delawares and was ready to
meet the sudden onslaught.
It was during this short siege that Zane
with three other men
defended an outlying cabin against the
combined Indian attack,
and that either Betty Zane or Molly
Scott ran the Indian fire
to carry powder from the fort. Against
such heroes the Indians
could not prevail. They gave up the
attack but continued
throughout the season to make severe
assaults upon the settle-
The Moravian Delawares had warned Ft.
Henry and for
this they paid dearly. The governor at
Detroit sent word to the
Iroquois in meeting at Niagara to
proceed against the Christian
Indians. The Iroquois turned the
Delaware converts over to
the Chippewas "to make broth
of," and at their refusal, to the
the attack was demanded by the Indians is not stated in
the histories so far as examined. But
see Haldimand Papers, 489-90,
and Brodhead's letter to Jefferson,
January 17, 1781. Olden Time, II, 380.
79 Isaac Anderson's Journal in McBride's
Pioneer Biography, 1, 277.
Anderson became a prisoner and left an
interesting account. DePeyster's
Miscellanies, XXXVIII.
80 Butterfield. The Girtys. 132.
The Western Indians in the
Revolution. 289
Wyandots who accepted the office with
eagerness. With British
leaders and under the British flag they
removed the peaceful na-
tives of Cooshocking from their villages
to Sandusky and took
the chief men on to Detroit.81
Want of provisions soon induced the
English to allow 150
of the exiled Moravians to return to the
banks of the Tuscara-
was. It was an impolitic step for the
Moravians. They were
between two fires. Bands of hostile
Indians had started against
the settlements early and had committed
several outrages on the
Pennsylvania border.82 The
Christian Indians were blamed with
complicity. A party of Americans under
Williamson fell upon
at Gnadenhutten and killed them
unresisting.83 This
atrocious deed stirred all the
neighboring tribes to revenge.
Their chance was not far off. On the
28th of May, 480 men
under General Crawford set out from
Mingo Bottoms for San-
dusky but were ignominiously defeated
and sent scurrying back.
Crawford himself was captured and
suffered death tortures too
terrible to describe.
English rangers had been called out to
assist in the defeat
of Crawford's party, and at the request
of the red men84 were
now detained to accompany an expedition
against the borders.
It is interesting to observe that the
Indians were now moving
less at haphazard than formerly. They
had decided that desul-
tory attacks were of little value and
had determined to unite in
larger bodies for excursions against the
Americans.85 Hence it
happened that 1,100 members of various
tribes under the leader-
ship of McKee followed Caldwell's
rangers in an invasion of
Kentucky. This number constantly
diminished until, when the
force attacked Bryant's Station, few
more than 200 savages re-
mained to fight. The fort was
successfully defended and the In-
81 See
DeSchweinitz, 489. John Holmes, 174-5. Loskiel, 150. De-
Peyster's Misc. CXXIII Note.
82 American Pioneer, 11, 428.
DeHaas, 183.
were slain. For two very different presentations of this affair
see W. D. Howells in Atlantic Mo., and
Butterfield in The Girtys.
Roosevelt has treated the subject very
Butterfield's Washington-Irvine's Correspondence, 368-70.
DePeyster's Misc. XXXI., Flint, 87.
Vol. XVI -19.
290 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
dians retired in a leisurely way towards
the Ohio. They were
pursued by 180 settlers who had hurried
together and were over-
taken at Blue Licks. Here the
Kentuckians suffered a most dis-
astrous defeat. Seventy of their number
were left on the field.86
It was to avenge this defeat and to
discourage the inspirited
savages that Clark brought together at
the mouth of the Licking
over 1,000 men who marched northward and
plundered the Indian
towns along the Miami. This straitened
the Indians for supplies
and effectually dampened their high
In the meantime Captain Bradt with 40 English rangers and
over 200 savage allies had attacked Ft.
Henry. For the third
time the fort stood firm and the
assailants retired into the Ohio
forests. This was the last important
military event of the war.
Already the Detroit commander had sent
out orders for defensive
operations only and peace was soon to be
The history of the western Indians in
the Revolution cannot
be told in a brief narrative of
campaigns. It is a story of far
tramps through the woods, of plunges
across the cold streams,
of long days in swamps and nights under
the bitter sky. It is a
story of scalps and scalping knives, of
screaming women and lost
children, of the slow fire and the death
agony. But it is as well
a tale of adventure and daring, a
chronicle of high romance fit
to be told by another Froissart. History
would claim it for her
own, but it belongs more nearly to
realms of story and song.
The historian may tell its facts but the
poet only can ever tell
its truth.
American Pioneer, I, II. Cincinnati,
Brice, Wallace A., History of Fort
Wayne. Fort Wayne, 1868.
Butterfield, C. W., History of the
Girtys. Cincinnati, 1890.
Butterfield, C. W., History of George
Rogers Clarke's Conquest of the
Illinois and Wabash Towns. Columbus,
Butler, Mann, History of the
Commonwealth of Kentucky. Louisville,
DeHaas, Wills, History of Early
Settlements and Indian Wars of West-
ern Virginia. Wheeling, 1851.
DePeyster, A. S., Miscellanies with
Notes by J. Watts DePeyster. New
York, 1888.
86 Flint, 94.
The Western Indians in the
Revolution. 291
Doddridge, Joseph, Notes on the
Settlement and Indian Wars of the
western part of Virginia and
Pennsylvania. Albany, 1776.
English, William H., Conquest of the
Country northwest of the River
Ohio and Life of George Rogers Clarke.
Indianapolis, 1896.
Flint, Timothy, Indian Wars of the West.
Cincinnati, 1833.
Force, Peter, American Archives I.
Series, II. Washington, 1837-53.
Haldimand Papers, In Mich. Pioneer
Colls. IX. Lansing, 1886.
Hildreth, S. P., Pioneer History.
Cincinnati, 1849.
Holmes, John, Historical Sketches of the
Missions of the United Breth-
ren. London, 1827.
Howells, W. D., Gnaddenhutten in Atl.
Mo., XXIII, 95.
Leith, John, Leith's Narrative. Reprint
by C. W. Butterfield. Cincinnati,
Loskiel, G. H., History of the Mission
of the United Brethren among
the Indians of the N. A. London, 1794.
McBride, James, Pioneer Biography I.
Cincinnati, 1869-71.
Mitchener, C., Ohio Annals. Dayton,
Olden Time I, II. Cincinnati, 1876.
Penn. Archives, VIII. Philadelphia,
Rondthaler, Edward, Life of John
Heckewelder. Philadelphia, 1847.
Roosevelt, Theodore, Winning of the
West. New York, 1889.
Schweinitz, E. A. de., Life and Times of
David Zeisberger. Philadel-
phia, 1870.
Secret Journals of Congress, 4 vols.
Boston, 1821.
Stone, W. L., 2 vols., Life of Joseph
Brant. New York, 1838.
Stuart, John, Memoirs of Indian Wars.
Richmond, 1833.
Thwaites, R. G., Daniel Boone. New York,
Walker, C. I., The Northwest during the
Revolution. Madison, 1871.
Washington-Crawford Correspondence,
Edited by C. W. Butterfield.
Cincinnati, 1877.
Washington-Irvine Correspondence, Edited
by C. W. Butterfield. Madi-
son, 1882.
Washington, Writings of, Sparks Edition
III. Boston, 1834.
Winsor, Justin, Narrative and Critical
History of America Boston,
Winsor, Justin, The Westward Movement.
Boston, 1897.
Zeisberger, David, 2 vols., Diary of
Cincinnati, 1885.
The above is a bibliography only of
works referred to.
[This paper was awarded the annual prize
offered to Ohioans by
the Ohio Sons of the Revolution for an
historical essay, February, 1905.
The assigned subject that year was the
Western Indians in the Revolu-
tion. The writer aimed only at a clear
and concise treatment of the
Indian War in the West, of which so far
as he is aware there is no
brief, recent account. The discussion of
Gov. Hamilton's responsibility
differs from other accounts.]
The history of American expansion begins
properly with the
treaty of 1783. In that convention the
territory between the
Alleghanies and the Mississippi was
ceded to the United States.
That cession was made possible by
American conquest and occu-
pation there during the revolutionary
war. It is with this struggle
in the west in its relations to the
Indians that we propose to deal.
We shall discuss briefly the character
of the war, the situations of
the three parties to the war, as they
concerned the Indian's choice
of side, and shall then give a short
narrative of the events of
the contest.
As early as 1773 the Boones, the Kentons
and Zanes were
advancing across the Alleghanies and
down the Ohio by river and
footpath to make their homes in the
hunting grounds of the red
man. The Indian realized that his
woodland was endangered;
he dimly foresaw the ultimate
consequences of this migration and
in a blind way he resisted. He came, he
burned, he scalped, and
stole away to repeat the work another
time. In deeds of this
sort the war began. The revolutionary
war in the west was the
struggle against the advance of the
white man. From 1773 to
1783 the deepest motive that impelled
the Indian to his awful
acts was to drive back the settler. It
was revenge for savage
outrages and defence against them that
led to nearly all the im-
portant offensive moves made by the
Americans. Lord Dun-
more's war was but the first phase, and
from the view point of