Ohio History Journal

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[A brief synopsis of this address was delivered by Mr. Douglas at

the annual meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical So-

ciety, Page Hall, O. S. U., March 22, 1907. -EDITOR.]

At the centennial celebration of Ohio statehood, held at

Chillicothe in May, 1903, I had the pleasure of offering the fol-

lowing preamble and resolution:

"Recognizing that the people of Ohio have for one hun-

dred years done injustice to the name and fame of Major Gen-

eral Arthur St. Clair, valiant soldier of the Revolution, beloved

friend of Washington, president of the Continental Congress,

and for fourteen arduous, formative years the devoted governor

of the Northwest Territory:

"Believing that, whatever his mistakes or faults, his work

and his accomplishments in that critical period of our history

deserve our gratitude, and should receive formal acknowledg-

ment from the men of our time; and,

"Encouraged by the just and eloquent utterances from this

platform of our present governor, George K. Nash; therefore,

"Be it Resolved, By us, citizens of Ohio, assembled at this

centennial celebration of our statehood, that the Ohio State

Archaeological and Historical Society, and the governor of

Ohio, be and they are hereby most earnestly requested to urge

upon the General Assembly of Ohio, at its next session, the pro-

priety of erecting, in the State House grounds at Columbus, a

bronze statue of General Arthur St. Clair in recognition of his

great services to this commonwealth, whose firm foundation he

helped to lay."

These suggestions were endorsed and adopted with enthu-

siasm; and I presume that I am indebted to this incident for

the compliment of being asked by your Society to prepare an

address for this occasion, with St. Clair as a subject. I have
