Ohio History Journal

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160 Ohio Arch

160      Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.






THE life and services of all public men, holding high official

stations in the government of the country, are a species of public

property, and it is right and proper that the body of the people,

who are subject to be called upon to act directly upon the merits

and fitness of candidates for popular favor, should be made ac-

quainted with their history, that they may know how to estimate

their value.

I do not design to write a full biography of Gen. LUCAS.- It

is not required - the space allotted me in a weekly newspaper,

forbids it -my purpose will be fully answered by merely glanc-

ing at some of the most prominent incidents of his life, and by

giving the basis of those services and claims which have elevated

him to the first honors of Ohio.

ROBERT LUCAS was among the early settlers of this state.

He emigrated from Virginia with his father and family, and set-

tled on the Scioto river, near its mouth, in 1802, being then only

21 years of age. His grand father was among the border settlers

of the State of Virginia, and shared largely in the Indian depre-

dations of those early times. His father had experienced much

hardship and suffering in the early Indian Wars of Pennsylvania

and Virginia.-He was one of a party of Volunteers under Col.

Boquet, in the famous battle of the "Bloody Run" in Pennsyl-

vania, previous to the revolutionary war;- and was subsequent-

ly in several engagements in Virginia, until the flight of Lord

Dunmore from that colony.

He was one of a party of volunteers, who, in the year 1764

marched from Virginia to Pittsburgh, and from thence, under the

command of Col. Boquet to the Indian towns on the Muskingum

river in Ohio. He was of a family of nine brothers, FOUR of

whom, after sharing in all the dangers and privations incident to

Indian warfare upon our border settlements, were brutally butch-

ered by the savage monsters who then preyed upon the depend-

ent, unprotected families of that ill-fated country.