Ohio History Journal

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180 Ohio Arch

180       Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.


dience, wherein were many of our martyred President's intimate

friends, the full significance of the rendition of his loved hymn.

The orator of the day was the Hon. Judson Harmon of

Cincinnati, whose address is herewith given:



There are no States at whose celebrations Ohio is not a fitting

guest. From those older than herself came the men and women who

opened her soil to the sunshine and re-

placed the shifting wigwams of the sav-

ages with the fixed habitations of civili-

zation from which sprang the Common-

wealth which sends us here.

To the younger States Ohio has given

her sons and daughters to do the like for

them. So that, besides the bonds of race

and political fellowship, she is joined for-

ever to the other members of the Ameri-

can Union by closer ties of kinship.

Wherever she goes it is either to the

abodes of her forbears or to those of

her offspring, and in both she is equally

at home because she has proved worthy

of her descent and is proud of her de-


The various peoples of the earth, as

they now exist, had their origin in migrations. These were sometimes

in masses, sometimes as individuals; sometimes as conquerors expelling

or absorbing existing inhabitants, sometimes as settlers of untenanted

regions; to some places they came as a blessing, to others as a blight.

But never in the hitory of the world, not even in that of our country,

was there such a migration, or one with such a result, as that which

in a little more than a century has founded and perfected the state

which honors me today as one of her representatives.

Secured as part of the new Republic at the close of the Revolution

by sagacity and statesmanship of the highest order, the region bounded by

the Ohio, the Lakes and the Mississippi lay a wilderness awaiting a des-

tiny which Washington and Jay almost alone foresaw. The then three

greatest nations of the earth had partly explored it and had battled and

treated about it, but only as an incident to things they all thought more


The few settlements made here and there along its chief waters

were merely posts for traffic with the Indians. It was too distant for

thought of general occupation by civilized men. King George had for-