Ohio History Journal

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[The following article from  The Daily Oklahoman, published at

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, of the date Sunday, May 3, 1908, was for-

warded to us with the inquiry whether the statements therein contained

concerning the "Holy Stones of Newark" or Jackstown were authentic.

To this we reply that the statements as to the finding of such alleged

relics are correct, but as to the genuineness of the relics, we are com-

pelled to say that the evidence is overwhelming against it.-EDITOR.]


It is not improbable that information in the hands of an Oklahoma

City man may throw light upon a problem that has for ages puzzled

historians and ethnologists alike--the fate of the "Lost Tribes of Is-


In II Kings, xiv, 29, the Bible relates: "In the days of Pekah, king

of Israel, came Tiglath-Pileser, king of Assyria, and took Ijon and Adel-

beth-Maacah, and Janoah, and Kedesh and Hazor, and Gilead and Gali-

lee, of the land of Naphtali, and carried them captive to Syria."

No further record of these tribes is given in history save in un-

confirmed traditional report to the effect that they were released from

captivity and journeyed toward the northeast of Asia. Neither history

nor tradition has satisfactorily explained their disappearance, and the

mystery has appeared as unsolvable as the location of the Garden of


Recently, however, ethnologists of repute have presented a theory

no less interesting than that of Lemuria, the immersed continent of the

Indian ocean, suggested as the location of the Garden of Eden and point

of origin of the Aryan races.

Though in seeming contradiction of every principle of ethnography,

these latter-day philosophers assert that the tribes which disappeared

at that time were the earliest inhabitants of America. Their wanderings

toward the northeast were, if the supposition is given credence, contrary

to the general direction of the movements of mankind from orient to


According to the new hypothesis, the tribes reached the western

hemisphere by way of an isthmus believed to have existed where the
