The McKinley Monument. 229
ADDRESS OF PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT. We have gathered together to-day to pay our meed of re- spect and affection to the memory of William McKinley, who |
keenest ambition; but he never lost that simple and thoughtful kindness toward every human being, great or small, lofty or humble, with whom he was brought in contact, which so en- deared him to our people. He had to grapple with more serious and complex problems than any President since Lincoln, and yet, while meeting every demand of statesmanship, he continued to live a beautiful and touching family life, a life very healthy for this nation to see in its foremost citizen; and now the woman who walked in the shadow ever after his death, the wife to whom his loss was a calamity more crushing than it could be to any other human being, lies beside him here in the same sepulchre. There is a singular appropriateness in the inscription on his monument. Mr. Cortelyou, whose relations with him were of such close intimacy, gives me the following information about it: On the President's trip to the Pacific slope in the spring of 19O1 President Wheeler, of the University of California, con- ferred the degree of LL. D. upon him in words so well chosen |
Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
that they struck the fastidious taste of
John Hay, then Secretary
of State, who wrote and asked for a copy
of them from President
Wheeler. On the receipt of this copy he
sent the following let-
ter to President McKinley, a letter
which now seems filled with
a strange and unconscious prescience:
President Wheeler sent me the enclosed
at my request.
You will have the words in more
permanent shape. They seem
to me remarkably well chosen, and
stately and dignified enough
to serve - long hence, please God - as
your epitaph.
Yours faithfully,
Office of the President. ]
"By authority vested in me by the
regents of the University
of California, I confer the degree of
Doctor of Laws upon Wil-
liam McKinley, President of the United
States, a statesman
singularly gifted to unite the
discordant forces of the Govern-
ment and mold the diverse purposes of
men toward progressive
and salutary action, a magistrate whose
poise of judgment has
been tested and vindicated in a
succession of national emergen-
cies; good citizen, brave soldier, wise
executive, helper and
leader of men, exemplar to his people
of the virtues that build
and conserve the state, society, and the
"Berkeley, May 15, 1901."
It would be hard to imagine an epitaph
which a good citizen
would be more anxious to deserve or one
which would more
happily describe the qualities of that
great and good citizen
whose life we here commemorate. He
possessed to a very ex-
traordinary degree the gift of uniting
discordant forces and
securing from them a harmonious action
which told for good
government. From purposes not merely diverse, but bitterly
conflicting, he was able to secure
healthful action for the good
of the State. In both poise and judgment
he rose level to the
several emergencies he had to meet as
leader of the nation, and
The McKinley Monument. 231
like all men with the root of time
greatness in them he grew to
steadily larger stature under the stress
of heavy responsibilities.
He was a good citizen and a brave
soldier, a Chief Executive
whose wisdom entitled him to the trust
which he received
throughout the nation. He was not only a
leader of men but pre-
eminently a helper of men; for one of
his most marked traits
was the intensely human quality of his
wide and deep sympathy.
Finally, he not merely preached, he was,
that most valuable of
all citizens in a democracy like ours, a
man who in the highest
place served as an unconscious example
to his people of the
virtues that build and conserve alike
our public life, and the
foundation of all public life, the
intimate life of the home.
Many lessons are taught us by his
career, but none more
valuable than the lesson of broad human
sympathy for and
among all of our citizens of all classes
and creeds. No other
President has ever more deserved to have
his life work charac-
terized in Lincoln's words as being
carried on "with malice to-
ward none, with charity toward
all." As a boy he worked hard
with his hands; he entered the Army as a
private soldier; he
knew poverty; he earned his own
livelihood; and by his own
exertions he finally rose to the
position of a man of moderate
means. Not merely was he in personal
touch with farmer and
town dweller, with capitalist and
wageworker, but he felt an
intimate understanding of each, and
therefore an intimate sym-
pathy with each; and his consistent
effort was to try to judge
all by the same standard and to treat
all with the same justice.
Arrogance toward the weak, and envious
hatred of those well
off, were equally abhorrent to his just
and gentle soul.
Surely this attitude of his should be
the attitude of all our
people to-day. It would be a cruel
disaster to this country to
permit ourselves to adopt an attitude of
hatred and envy toward
success worthily won, toward wealth
honestly acquired. Let us
in this respect profit by the example of
the republics of this
Western Hemisphere to the south of us.
Some of these repub-
lics have prospered greatly; but there
are certain ones that have
lagged far behind, that still continue
in a condition of material
poverty, of social and political unrest
and confusion. Without
exception the republics of the former
class are those in which
Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
honest industry has been assured of
reward and protection; those
where a cordial welcome has been
extended to the kind of enter-
prise which benefits the whole country,
while incidentally, as is
right and proper, giving substantial
rewards to those who man-
ifest it. On the other hand, the poor
and backward republics,
the republics in which the lot of the
average citizen is least de-
sirable, and the lot of the laboring man
worst of all, are pre-
cisely those republics in which industry
has been killed because
wealth exposed its owner to spoliation.
To these communities
foreign capital now rarely comes,
because it has been found that
as soon as capital is employed so as to
give substantial remu-
neration to those supplying it, it
excites ignorant envy and hos-
tility, which result in such oppressive
action, within or without
the law, as sooner or later to work a
virtual confiscation. Every
manifestation of feeling of this kind in
our civilization should be
crushed at the outset by the weight of a
sensible public opinion.
From the standpoint of our material
prosperity there is only
one other thing as important as the
discouragement of a spirit
of envy and hostility toward honest
business men, toward hon-
est men of means; this is the
discouragement of dishonest busi-
ness men.
Wait a moment; I don't want you to
applaud this part un-
less you are willing to applaud also the
part I read first, to which
you listened in silence. I want you to
understand that I will
stand just as straight for the rights of
the honest man who
wins his fortune by honest methods as I
will stand against the
dishonest man who wins a fortune by
dishonest methods. And
I challenge the right to your support in
one attitude just as much
as in the other. I am glad you applauded
when you did, but I
want you to go back now and applaud the
other statement. I
will read a little of it over again.
"Every manifestation of
ignorant envy and hostility toward
honest men who acquire
wealth by honest means should be crushed
at the outset by the
weight of a sensible public
opinion." Thank you. Now I'll
go on.
From the standpoint of our material
prosperity there is only
one other thing as important as the
discouragement of a spirit
of envy and hostility toward honest
business men, toward hon-
The McKinley Monument. 233
est men of means, and that is the
discouragement of dishonest
business men, the war upon chicanery and
wrongdoing which are
peculiarly repulsive, peculiarly noxious
when exhibited by men
who have no excuse of want, of poverty,
of ignorance for their
crimes. My friends, I will wage war
against those dishonest
men to the utmost extent of my ability,
and I will stand no less
stoutly in defense of honest men, rich
or poor. Men of means
and, above all, men of great wealth can
exist in safety under the
peaceful protection of the state only in
orderly societies, where
liberty manifests itself through and
under the law. That is
what you fought for, you veterans. You
fought for the suprem-
acy of the national law in every corner
of this Republic. It is
these men, the men of wealth, who more
than any others, should
in the interest of the class to which
they belong, in the interest
of their children and their children's
children, seek in every way,
but especially in the conduct of their
lives, to insist upon and to
build up respect for the law. It is an
extraordinary thing, a
very extraordinary thing, that it should
be necessary for me to
utter as simple a truth as that; yet it
is necessary. It may not
be true from the standpoint of some
particular individual of
this class of very wealthy men, but in
the long run it is pre-
eminently true from the standpoint of
the class as a whole, no
less than of the country as a whole,
that it is a veritable calamity
to achieve a temporary triumph by
violation or evasion of the
law, and we are the best friends of the
man of property, we
show ourselves the staunchest upholders
of the rights of property
when we set our faces like flint against
those offenders who do
wrong in order to acquire great wealth,
or who use this wealth
as a help to wrongdoing.
I sometimes feel that I have trenched a
little on your prov-
ince, Brother Bristol, and on that of
your brethren, by preaching.
But whenever I speak of the wrongdoing of
a man of wealth
or of a man of poverty, poor man or rich
man, I always want
to try to couple together the fact that
wrongdoing is wrong just
as much in one case as in the other,
with the fact that right is
just as much right in one case as in the
other. I want the plain
people of this country, I want all of us
who do not have great
wealth, to remember that in our own
interest, and because it is
Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
right, we must be just as scrupulous in
doing justice to the
man of great wealth as in exacting
justice from him.
Wrongdoing is confined to no class. Good
and evil are to
be found among both rich and poor, and
in drawing the line
among our fellows we must draw it on
conduct and not on
worldly possessions. Woe to this country
if we ever get to
judging men by anything save their worth
as men, without re-
gard to their fortune in life. In other
words, my plea is that
you draw the line on conduct and not on
worldly possessions.
In the abstract most of us will admit
this. It is a rather more
difficult proposition in the concrete.
We can act upon such doc-
trines only if we really have knowledge
of, and sympathy with,
one another. If both the wage-worker and
the capitalist are
able to enter each into the other's
life, to meet him so as to get
into genuine sympathy with him, most of
the misunderstand
between them will disappear and its
place will be taken by a judg-
ment broader, juster, more kindly, and
more generous; for each
will find in the other the same
essential human attributes that
exist in himself. It was President
McKinley's peculiar glory
that in actual practice he realized this
as it is given to but few
men to realize it; that his broad and
deep sympathies made him
feel a genuine sense of oneness with all
his fellow-Americans,
whatever their station or work in life,
so that to his soul they
were all joined with him in a great
brotherly democracy of the
spirit. It is not given to many of us in
our lives actually to
realize this attitude to the extent that
he did; but we can at least
have it before us as the goal of our
endeavor, and by so doing
we shall pay honor better than in any
other way to the memory
of the dead President whose services in
life we this day com-
I thank you, Mr. Justice Day, and your
associates of the
McKinley National Memorial Association
for the very great
honor that you have conferred on me in
inviting me to preside
over the exercises of this memorable
dedication. It is indeed an
honor to present at any time to any
audience the President of
the United States. But on this occasion
when we are assembled
The McKinley Monument. 229
ADDRESS OF PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT. We have gathered together to-day to pay our meed of re- spect and affection to the memory of William McKinley, who |
keenest ambition; but he never lost that simple and thoughtful kindness toward every human being, great or small, lofty or humble, with whom he was brought in contact, which so en- deared him to our people. He had to grapple with more serious and complex problems than any President since Lincoln, and yet, while meeting every demand of statesmanship, he continued to live a beautiful and touching family life, a life very healthy for this nation to see in its foremost citizen; and now the woman who walked in the shadow ever after his death, the wife to whom his loss was a calamity more crushing than it could be to any other human being, lies beside him here in the same sepulchre. There is a singular appropriateness in the inscription on his monument. Mr. Cortelyou, whose relations with him were of such close intimacy, gives me the following information about it: On the President's trip to the Pacific slope in the spring of 19O1 President Wheeler, of the University of California, con- ferred the degree of LL. D. upon him in words so well chosen |