Ohio History Journal

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[Mr. Hart is professor of American History at Harvard University;

the author of many standard and popular works on United States History.

In 1902 he was chosen editor-in-chief of the co-operative history of the

United States projected under the auspices of the American Historical

Association. The article herewith published was the address deliverd by

him at Marietta on the occasion of the erection of a tablet on the Mari-

etta College Campus, October 18, 1906, commemorating the Ohio Com-

pany of Associates.-EDITOR.]


"Macbeth shall never vanquish'd be until

Great Birnam wood to high Dunsinane hill

Shall come against him."

So spake the dread prophetess to Macbeth; so might have

spoken the seers of New   England, when, a century ago, they

saw the beginnings of rival commonwealths across the moun-

tains. For the New England of 1806 was still a close and sep-

arate community, proud of its history, exulting in its vigor,

abounding in wealth above its neighbors, strong in traditional

public spirit, imbued with a sense of its superiority to the rest

of the Union, and rejoicing in the colonies which it had planted

in the wilderness, to be centers of New England influence in

the West. Such occasions as this today give an opportunity to

review the influence of the East upon the West; to follow the

New Englanders all the way across New York and Pennsyl-

vania, and plant them on the banks of the Ohio, or of Lake

Erie. A few years ago, on an historical occasion of moment in

Wisconsin, a very eminent New Englander, the descendant of

two presidents, informed the audience before him that he was

probably the only person present who was aware that the site

of Madison had once been claimed as a part of the territory of

Massachusetts. If I were to suggest today that the Ohio Com-

pany, organized in Massachusetts, founded, named, built and
