Ohio History Journal

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N. B. C. LOVE, D.D.

The Methodist Episcopal Church from its organization in

1773 was missionary in its spirit. It made continuous efforts

towards the conversion of the w hites and

blacks, but the red men of the forest were

passed by. The minutes of the annual con-

ferences, at the beginning of the last century,

reported in separate columns the numbers of

whites and blacks in each society, but no fig-

ures for the Indians.

The Methodist Episcopal Church was ag-

gressive in the older States and passed into

the Northwest Territory and the greater West

and South. In the providence of God John

Stewart was the apostle to the heathen Wyan-

dots, and the founder of the first Methodist Episcopal Mission

among the heathen.

Before the advent of Stewart the most cruel and bloody

practices obtained among the Wyandots. In this respect they

were not different from the other Indian tribes of the North-

west. The burning of Col. Crawford, when a prisoner, is evi-

dence of this. Even the women and children participated in

torturing him. We need not repeat the story here. The Wyan-

dots were the leaders in this savage deed. Between-the-Logs, it

is claimed, was a participant, and such were the people to whom

Stewart carried the gospel of love and peace

The Wyandots for a long period stood politically at the

head of an Indian Federation of tribes and so were recognized by

the United States Government in the treaties made with the

Indians of the old Northwest Territory.

The names of chiefs of the Wyandot nation appear first

prominently on the treaty made at Greenville in 1795 between

Vol. XVII-22.          (337)