Introduction and
Notes by Archer Butler Hulbert, Author of "Washington
and the West,"
"Historic Highways," Etc.
It is always interesting to recall that
the earliest accurate
account of the Ohio Valley is from the pen of Washington.
This account is found in two
manuscripts, now preserved in the
Library of Congress, one of which is
entitled "Remarks &
Occurrs in October";
when November came it is noted only by
the words "November 1st"; the
other manuscript is inscribed
"Where & how-my time
is-Spent." The former document is
the elaborated journal of Washington's
tour of 1770 and the latter
is a mere outline, such as he always
kept, of each day's affairs. The
more formal journal was damaged and the
entries for about a
week have never been published, nor has
the journal been edited
in any part. The smaller diary of the
two has never been pub-
lished. The two together are here
reproduced, together with the
articles of the "Mississippi
Company," never printed before,
which are in Washington's handwriting
and are also preserved
in the Library of Congress.
The "Remarks" have been
printed in part in the Writings
of Washington by Sparks and Ford; also in the Old South
Leaflets, as well as independently, under the title of "A
Tour to
the Ohio." It will be found
possible, with the help of the daily
account in the lesser record, to fill up
quite completely the days
which were partially destroyed. As these
days included much
of the return trip up the Ohio even a
fragmentary account of
them has its value to many.
As a preface to the reading of this
little collection of Wash-
ingtonia, relating so intimately to
Ohio, it is proper to review
* In the identification of points
mentioned in Washington's journal
the editor has been largely assisted by
Edgar Chew Sweeney.
432 Ohio Arch. and Hist.
Society Publications.
Washington's relations to the West and
the causes which led to
the tour under consideration.
From any standpoint, it must be
considered a strange Provi-
dence that led Martha Washington to turn
her young son's eyes
from the sea, where the romance of his
brother's career under
Admiral Vernon had attracted them, to
those darkling forests
that stretched illimitably away to the
westward of their Virginia
home. By no other act could that mother
have so fitted her
boy to be, in a real sense never
appreciated by those who use the
expression so often and so flippantly,
the "Father of his country";
for there was never a time when
Washington was more truly the
Father of the young lad of a Republic as
in those strange, black
twenty-one years between the opening of
the old French War at
Fort Necessity in 1754, and that day in
1775 when the boy came
to man's estate and America stepped
forth to take a place among
the nations of the world.
For if you could measure in grains and
ounces the sum
total of Washington's heart-interests,
or reckon in actual minutes
the time he gave to the consideration of
the plans and hopes and
dreams that held his heart - omitting
the seven years he gave
so faithfully to the single thought of
emancipation - I believe
that next to his family and friends
would appear his extraordinary
interest in what we may term the Western
problem, to which his
mother first turned his attention in
The story of the young surveyor's
experiences we have
from his own pen; yet there is much to
read between the lines
of that boyish diary; he learned the
Indians, who were to play
so important a part in the old French
War; he saw the fertility
of the glades and river-lands, which
were slight but genuine
prophecies of the richness of the lands
farther west; he saw the
rivers themselves which were to become
the first commercial
highways to bind together distant
commonwealths with bands
strong as tempered steel in a day when
men looked upon the
Alleghenies as prohibitive barriers to
empire. Then, in rapid
order, came the appointment of
Washington as one of Virginia's
adjutants-general over the portion of
his colony he now was
beginning to know. The mission to the
French forts on the
Allegheny River in 1753-4 brought him
first into the Mississippi
Washington's " Tour to the Ohio." 433
drainage area - and how little the lad
dreamed that this was
but one of six visits into that region!
The next year he led his
little force to Fort Necessity and
precipitated the first skirmish in
the war by which England should obtain
the mastery of the con-
tinent. In the next year he came again
with the insolent, bull-
dog Braddock to the ford of the
Monongahela and the death-
trap beyond. In 1758 he came again with
the heroic, dying
Forbes to a conquest of Fort Duquesne.
As a result of these military
expeditions westward, but one
tangible tie can be discovered to bind
in any way the future fate
of the West with this name of
Washington. So slothful was Vir-
ginia to furnish men for the Virginia Regiment
which Washington
was to lead to Fort Necessity in 1754,
that Governor Dinwiddie
was compelled to offer bounties in
western land to all who would
enlist for the campaign. Such is the
vital connection between the
tour of 1770 and this
bounty-land offer made in 1754, that it is
necessary to quote it in full, as
nothing save the reading of the
Governor's actual promise can give one a
proper conception of the
feelings of those, Washington among
them, who had the temerity
to take him at his word. The
proclamation read:
"Virginia ss.
By the Hon. Robert Dinwiddie, Esq.; His
Majesty's Lieutenant-
Governor, and Commander-in-Chief of this
For Encouraging Men to enlist in
His Majesty's Service for the Defense
and Security of this Colony.
WHEREAS it is determined that a Fort be
immediately built on the
River Ohio, at the Fork of Monongahela,
to oppose any further Encroach-
ments, or hostile Attempts of the French,
and the Indians in their interest,
and for the Security and Protection of
his Majesty's Subjects in this
Colony; and as it is absolutely
necessary that a sufficient Force should
be raised to erect and support the same:
For an Encouragement to all
who shall voluntarily enter into the
said Service, I do hereby notify and
promise, by and with the Advice and
Consent of his Majesty's Council
of this Colony, that over and above
their Pay, Two Hundred Thousand
Acres of his Majesty's the King of Great
Britains Lands, on the East
Side of the River Ohio, within this
Dominion, One Hundred Thousand
Acres whereof to be contiguous to the
said Fort, and the other Hundred
Thousand Acres to be on, or near the
River (Ohio) shall be laid off and
Vol. XVII-28.
434 Ohio
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granted to such Persons, who by their
voluntary Engagement, and good
Behaviour in the said Service, shall
deserve the same. And I further
promise, that the said Lands shall be
divided amongst them immediately
after the Performance of the said
Service, in a proportion due to their
respective merit, as shall be
represented to me by their Officers, and held
and enjoyed by them without paying any
Rights, and also free from the
Payment of Quit-rents, for the Term of Fifteen Years. And I do
appoint this Proclamation to be read and
published at the Court-Houses,
Churches and Chapels in each County
within this Colony, and that the
Sheriffs take Care the same be done
Given at the Council Chamber in
Williamsburg, on the 19th
Day of February, in the 27th Year of his
Majesty's Reign, Annoque
Domini, 1754.
But it is oftentimes the intangible,
rather than the tangible,
that awakens and keeps awake interest; I
cannot believe Wash-
ington's lively interest in the West can
be explained wholly by
the sordid argument that his heart was
where his landed treasure
was. This may have been true at first;
it was probably true,
now, as he retires, seemingly, from
public view in 1759 to Mount
Vernon and marries, that his inheritance
in western bounty
forest-land was the cord that bound him
to the land where his
boyhood battles had been fought. I am
sure that it took some-
thing more than merely this claim to a
few thousand vague acres
of land to give the wide-awake man an
enthusiastic desire to
obtain a larger acreage, especially in a
day when most people
probably held those bounty claims to be
of uncertain, if not
trifling, value. It is easy to praise a
Boone or Harrod for going
romantically westward in those early
days to enjoy the fruits
of the eager chase and the glimpses of
primeval forest, where
courage and resourcefulness were needed;
it was not quite so
romantic to pay cash down for a royal
governor's vague promise
of a tract of bounty-land. Yet faith in
the West, as shown by
the purchases Washington soon began to
make, was a faith
unknown among the land hunters. This belief in the great
future of the trans-Allegheny land, now
showed itself, this early,
in the heart of Washington, and it is
vastly more interesting
*N. Y. Col. Mss. LXXVIII, 68.
Washington's "Tour to the
Ohio." 435
than any record of his possessions; for
in his case it was a mar-
velously precious inspiration that was
contagious; it meant some-
thing to have a man of his standing
desire to own land in that
country of which Thomas Jefferson is
said to have remarked
that he knew little and cared less.
How rapidly Washington began to acquire
land we cannot
know with perfect accuracy; his
attention must have been devoted
very seriously to the western problem,
however, throughout those
first two or three years of married
life, 1760-1761-1762, for, in
1763, we find him chief promotor of what
he named the "Mis-
sissippi Land Company", which
should secure a tract of land on
the Ohio or Mississippi Rivers for
speculative purposes
The Ohio Company to which Washington's
brothers be-
longed, and which had been a factor in
precipitating the French
War, was leading a feeble existence; it
had not complied with the
stipulation of its charter, namely, to
place one hundred families
on its 200,000-acre grant between the
Monongahela and Great
Kanawha Rivers. At the close of the war
in 1760 a reorganiza-
tion of the company was unsuccessfully
because of the conflicting claims of
parties seeking western lands;
the soldiers of the Virginia Regiment
had bounty claims that
conflicted with the Ohio Company grant;
in 1763 a new company
which later received what was called the
"Walpole Grant" was
being promoted; and in the face of all
this story of conflicting
claims and counter-claims, the British
ministry proposed to keep
settlers from crossing the mountains at
all, a policy that
culminated in the burlesque Proclamation
of 1763.
It was just four months before this
proclamation was pro-
mulgated that Washington's Mississippi
Company was formed;
the result must have been the work of
some months, probably
years, for it was too comprehensive in
character to have been the
outgrowth of any impromptu gathering. As
the Articles of this
Mississippi Company have never been
published, and as the doc-
ument throws an interesting light on
Washington's speculations
in land, they are here reproduced. Not
the least interesting mat-
ter touched upon is that which limits
the stockholders to residents
of Virginia and Maryland, especially to
one who recalls the bit-
ter factional fight between Washington,
on the one side, and
436 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
General Forbes, on the other, in 1758,
which led the English
general to say with some heat that
Washington's behavior "was
in no ways like a soldier."* In
fact, I do not think it would be
difficult to show that the Mississippi
Company was the crystal-
ization of the sentiment expressed on
the part of Washington
and his fellow-Virginians against the
opening of that very Penn-
sylvania Road. "By a very unguarded
letter of Col. Washing-
ton's that accidentally fell into my
hands," wrote Forbes to Col.
Bouquet, August 9, 1758, "I am now
at the bottom of their
scheme against this new road, a scheme
that I think was a shame
for any officer to be concerned in - but
more of this at our
meeting."+ It is plain on the face of this manuscript
that Penn-
sylvanians or others were to be debarred
from controlling the
Mississippi Company, which is as
interesting, in its way, as the
fact that, about a century later
Pennsylvania forbade the Balti-
more and Ohio Railway to enter the
The articles of the Mississippi Company
"We whose names are underwritten do
agree to form a Body of
Adventurers by the name of the
Mississippi Company, with a view to
explore and settle some Tracts of Land upon
the Mississippi and its
Waters; and the better to succeed in
this design have determined on the
following Rules and Regulations
First it is proposed that the Company
shall consist of Fifty Members
and no more, who are to contribute
equally towards the expence of sending
an Agent to England to obtain from the
Crown a Grant of Lands on the
Mississippi aforesaid and its Waters to
the amount and upon the terms
hereafter mentioned.
1st. Every single Adventurer to have
50,000 Acres of Land for
a share.
2 The Land to lye on the Mississippi and
its Waters.
3 The Settlement to be protected from
the Insults of the Savages,
by the assistance of His Majesty's
Forces disposed of in such
manner as the Ministry shall think
4 The Lands to be obtained if possible
clear of all Composition.
Money, Expences and Quit Rents for the
space of twelve Years
or longer upon Condition that we settle
the same in that time
if not interrupted by the Savages.
That the Subscribers begin to sollicit
the Grant without further
*See the author's Old Glade Road
(Historic Highways, V) 81-123
+ Id. 135-6.
Washington's "Tour to the
Ohio." 437
delay before the number to be admitted
is made up; and the Adventurers
who join to be liable for an equal share
of all expences incurred.
That the Lands obtained by such Grant be
now held in Jointenancy
but that every adventurer hold his
respective share to himself and his
Heirs in Fee simple, any thing in the
said Grant to the Contrary not-
That a General Meeting of the Company be
annually had on the
day of - at-
, and to consist of a Majority of the
Members residing in Virginia and
Maryland who shall have power and
Authority to determine by a Majority of
the Members so met all matters
relative to the purposes for which the
Company is instituted And to make
such Rules and Regulations as they shall
from time to time think expedient
and for the Interest of the common cause
Provided that if any Member
of the Company residing in Great Britain
or any other part of the World
shall at any General Meeting of the
Company happen to be present it
shall be lawful for such Member to Vote
at such Meeting
Whereas it will be highly necessary to
preserve Order and Decency
at the General Meetings of the said
Company; It is agreed that the
Majority of the Company shall choose a
President who is to preside for
that Meeting only and to have the
casting Vote in case of a Division And
the President so chosen shall collect
the Votes of the Members present
whose Orders and Resolutions shall be entered
in a Book to be kept for
that purpose, and shall be absolutely
conclusive on the said Company.
That it shall be in the power of the
said Company from time to
time at a general Meeting as aforesaid
to direct and appoint any Sum and
Sums of money that they shall judge
necessary for the purposes for which
this Company is instituted to be paid
into the hands of the Treasurer for
the time being by every particular
Member, which Sum and Sums of
Money the Subscribers to bind themselves
their Heirs, Executors and
Administrators to pay into the hands of
such Treasurer at the times to be
appointed for the payment of the same
Provided that if any Member or
Members shall neglect or refuse to pay
into the hands of the said
Treasurer upon demand or shall fail to
pay down to him at the next
general Meeting of the Company the full
sum with legal Interest thereon
from the time of the demand so made the
said delinquent shall forfeit all
Right Title and Interest in the said
Company and be no longer deemed a
Member thereof.
The said Company at the first general
meeting to be had shall appoint
a Treasurer out of their Number who
shall immediately on his appoint-
ment and before he is admitted to Act in
that Office enter into Bond with
two or More good and sufficient
Securities to the said Company by the
name of the Mississippi Company for the
just and faithful performance
of his Office of Treasurer and shall
also make Oath that he will execute
the same with justice and punctuality;
which said Treasurer shall also
Act to the said Company as Clerk or
Secretary and shall act in the
438 Ohio
Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
Capacity of Clerk and
Treasurer one Year and from thence to the next
meeting of the
Company and no longer And shall be allowed by the said
Company for his
Services five per Centum for all Moneys that shall pass
through his hands.
A Committee of Ten
Members to be chosen by the Company five of
which shall be a
sufficient number to do business who shall meet twice a
year (to wit) on
the day of-- and on the-- day of--
or oftener as the
exigencies of the Company shall require upon notice
of such extraordinary
meeting being published in the Virginia and Mary-
land Gazette by one
or more of the Members of the Committee And it
shall be lawful for
any Member of the said Company that shall happen
to be present at such
Committees tho' not nominated as one of the
Committee to vote at
such Meeting Provided nevertheless
that the
Treasurer for the
time being shall have no Right to vote at ye meeting
of such Committees.
Such Committee shall
have power to put in Execution such Plans as
shall be laid down by
a General meeting of the Company and apply the
moneys raised by the
said Company for the effecting such Plans.
The Treasurer and Secretary
of the Company aforesd shall act as
Clerk or Secretary to
the Committee and shall enter all the Orders of
the said Committee in
a Book to be kept for that purpose
That no Member shall
have a Right to dispose of his share without
first acquainting the
Company at a General meeting and giving the
Company the
preference of purchasing
If any of the Members
of the said Company shall hereafter sell and
dispose of his whole
share to divers Persons he shall lose his Right of
voting in the said
Company and it shall be in the power of the said
Company to choose
which of the said Purchasers they shall most approve
to be a member of the
said Company, no more than one Vote being to be
allowed for one share
But if any member shall dispose of only part of
his share he shall
not lose his Right of Voting at any meeting of the
said Company, any
thing to the contrary of this and the foregoing cause
seeming to the
contrary thereof notwithstanding.
It shall not be
lawful for any Member of the said Company pur-
chasing the share or
shares of any other Member or Member's thereof
to have more than one
In testimony whereof
we have hereunto set our hands this 3d day
of June 1763.
" Tour to the Ohio."
Four months later the
Proclamation of 1763 was issued
(October) and seems
to have quieted temporarily everything of
an organized nature
so far as western land speculation was con-
cerned; it could not,
however, stop the rush of pioneers across
the mountains, nor
the activities of favorites who were in a posi-
tion to speculate,
like George Croghan; nor could it abrogate in
any way the
bounty-land claims held by Washington and his of-
ficers and men of the
Virginia Regiment. Nor could it
the explorations of
speculators' agents--and it was to one of
these enterprising
pioneers, who was already located in the West,
a comrade of the late
war, Captain William Crawford, settled at
what is now New
Haven, Pa., that Washington now turned to
carry out his plan of
securing more western land. Washington's
original letter to
Crawford is dated at Mount Vernon, September
21, 1767. It runs:
"From a sudden
hint of your brother's [Valentine Crawford] I
wrote you a few days
ago in a hurry. Having since had more time for
reflection, I write
now deliberately, and with greater precision, on the
subject of my last
letter. I then desired the favor of you (as I understood
rights might now be
had for the lands which have fallen within the
Pennsylvania line) to
look me out a tract of about fifteen hundred two
thousand or more
acres somewhere in your neighborhood, meaning only
by this, that it may
be as contiguous to your own settlement as such a
body of good land can
be found. It will be easy for you to conceive that
ordinary or even
middling lands would never answer my purpose or
expectation, so far
from navigation and under such a load of expenses as
these lands are
incumbered with. No; a tract to please me must be rich
(of which no person
can be a better judge than yourself), and, if possible,
level. Could such a
piece of land be found, you would do me a singular
favor in falling upon
some method of securing it immediately from the
attempts of others,
as nothing is more certain than that the lands can not
remain long
ungranted, when once it is known that rights are to be
had. The mode of
proceeding I am at a loss to point out to you: but, as
your own lands are
under the same circumstances, self-interest will
naturally lead you to
an inquiry. I am told that the land or surveyor's
office is kept at
Carlisle [Pa.]. If so, I am of opinion that Colonel
440 Ohio Arch. and Hist.
Society Publications.
[John] Armstrong, an acquaintance of
mine*, has something to do in
the direction of it, and I am pursuaded
he would readily serve me. I will
write to him by the first opportunity on
that subject, that the way may
be prepared for your application to him,
if you find it necessary. For
your trouble and expense you may depend
on being repaid. It is possible,
but I do not know that it really is the case,
that the custom in Pennsyl-
vania will not admit so large a quantity
of land as I require to be
entered together; if so, this may
perhaps be arranged by making several
entries to the same amount, if the
expense of doing it is not too heavy.
This I only drop as a hint, leaving the
whole to your discretion and good
management. If the land can only be
secured from others, it is all I
want at present. The surveying I would
choose to postpone, at least till
the spring, when, if you can give me any
satisfactory account of this
matter, and of what I am next going to
propose, I expect to pay you a
visit+ about the last of April. I
offered in my last to join you in attempt-
ing to secure some of the most valuable
lands in the King's part,++ which I
think may be accomplished after awhile,
notwithstanding the proclamation
that restrains it at present, and
prohibits the settling of them at all; for
I can never look upon that proclamation
in any other light (but this I say
between ourselves) that as a temporary
expedient to quiet the minds of
the Indians. It must fall, of course, in
a few years, especially when
those Indians consent to our occupying
the lands. Any person, therefore,
who neglects the present opportunity of
hunting out good lands, and in
some measure marking and distinguishing
them for his own, in order to
keep others from settling them, will
never regain it. If you will be at
the trouble of seeking out the lands, I
will take upon me the part of
securing them, as soon as there is a
possibility of doing it, and will, more-
over, be at all the cost and charges of
surveying and patenting the same.
You shall then have such a reasonable
proportion of the whole as we
may fix upon at our first meeting; as I
shall find it necessary, for the
better furthering of the design, to let
some of my friends be concerned
in the scheme, who must also partake of
the advantages. By this time it
may be easy for you to discover that my
plan is to secure a good deal of
land. You will consequently come in for
a very handsome quantity; and
as you will obtain it without any costs
or expenses, I hope you will be
encouraged to begin the search in time.
I would choose, if it were
practicable, to get large tracts
together; and it might be desirable to have
them as near your settlement or Fort
Pitt as they can be obtained of
good quality, but not to neglect others
at a greater distance, if fine
bodies of it lie in one place. It may be
worthy of your inquiry to find out
how the Maryland back line will run,**
and what is said about laying off
*Fellow-officer in the campaign of 1758.
+ Postponed, we shall see, until 1770.
++ Land lying outside of the limits of
the colonies.
** Western boundary.
Washington's " Tour to the
Ohio." 441
Neale's grant. I will inquire
particularly concerning the Ohio Company,
that we may know what to apprehend from
them. For my own part, I
should have no objection to a grant of
land upon the Ohio, a good way
below Pittsburgh, but would first
willingly secure some valuable tracts
nearer at hand. I recommend, that you
keep this whole matter a secret,
or trust it only to those in whom you
can confide, and who can assist
you in bringing it to bear by their
discoveries of land. This advice
proceeds from several very good reasons,
and, in the first place, because
I might be censured for the opinion I
have given in respect to the King's
proclamation, and then, if the scheme I
am now proposing to you were
known, it might give the alarm to
others, and, by putting them upon a
plan of the same nature, before we could
lay a proper foundation for
success ourselves, set the different
interests clashing, and, probably, in the
end, overturn the whole. All this may be
avoided by a silent management,
and the operation carried on by you
under the guise of hunting game,
which you may, I presume, effectually
do, at the same time you are in
pursuit of land. When this is fully
discovered, advise me of it, and if
there appears but a possibility of
succeeding at any time hence, I will
have the lands immediately surveyed, to
keep others off, and leave the
rest to time and my own assiduity. If
this letter should reach your
hands before you set out, I should be
glad to have your thoughts fully
expressed on the plan here proposed, or
as soon afterwards as convenient;
for I am desirous of knowing in due time
how you approve of the
Many questions of interest arise in
reading this character-
istic letter. The one perhaps of primary
importance is, was the
writer thinking of private investment
when he proposed this
"scheme" to Crawford or was he
keeping in mind the Missis-
sippi Company when he refers to allowing
some of his "friends
be concerned in the scheme"; or did
he have in mind securing this
land for the soldiers who held bounty
land claims? Although
four years had elapsed since the issuing
of the Proclamation of
1763 (which reconfirmed, it must be
remembered, the bounty-
lands to the heroes of the Virginia
Regiment) it is not at all
certain that Washington did not still
hope to organize a com-
pany; at least I know of no other body
of men with whom Wash-
ington suggested uniting in land
speculation save those associated
with him in the Mississippi Company. And
if he did not have in
mind the large acreage called for per
stockholder in the articles
of that Company, for whom was he
planning to acquire the
evident immense tract that he was
desiring Crawford to locate?
*C. W. Butterworth. Washington-Crawford
Letters, 1-5.
Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society
It seems evident, to a degree at least,
that now, in 1767,
Washington was still working along the
lines laid down in the
articles of his Company. While the West
was securely under
the rule of the Crown-was still
unquestionably the "King's
part"-he could hope for such a
grant as the Mississippi Com-
pany had prayed for; but the moment the
region south of Penn-
sylvania and west of Virginia and
Maryland in any wise passed
out of the Crown's hands, the
Mississippi Company could have
no hope of a grant.
And this is exactly what happened. In
the very next year,
1768, occurred the memorable Treaty of
Fort Stanwix at Rome,
N. Y. By a shrewd piece of diplomacy Dr.
Walker of Virginia
defeated the plan of Lord Hillsborough,
who was intent on fixing
a hard-and-fast western boundary line
for the colonies by extend-
ing the western line of Georgia straight
northward, and "pur-
chased" of the Six Nations - for
Virginia - all that territory
now occupied by Kentucky and West
Virginia.* This treaty
quite sounded the death knell of the
companies then lobbying at
London for grants of land by the Crown.
And, in proof, we
find that almost immediately Washington
is taking up the matter
of the bounty claims with Governors
Botetourt and Dunmore of
Virginia, instead of sending agents to
London. True, this does
not explain the strength of the Walpole
grant, for, as late as 1773,
we find Washington preparing to send
Crawford "below the
Scioto" to survey the bounty lands.
The Revolution put a final
end to all these companies, the soldiers
having bounty claims,
only, realizing anything from all these years of planning and
Washington did not visit Crawford in
1767 as he proposed.
That the visit was delayed until 1770
probably may be taken as
additional proof of the change in his
plans occasioned by the
collapse of his Mississippi bubble. But
all this did not mitigate
against Washington, who personally
profited by Crawford's ac-
tivity, as he seems to have been ready
to take over all the land
for himself that Crawford had secured
for Washington and "his
friends". This was not an excessive
amount, and Crawford soon
*See the author's Boone's Wilderness
Road (Historic Highways
VI) 20-23.
Washington's "Tour to the
Ohio." 443
found it was more difficult to keep
interlopers off the land than
to locate and "acquire"
possession of it.*
At last, in the fall of 1770, Washington
was ready to make
the long-postponed western tour. From
what has gone before,
we can believe that his Mississippi
Company had been forgotten;
that his specific interests now were (a)
to see the tracts of land
Crawford had secured for him at Great
Meadows, near Stewart's
Crossing (New Haven, Pa.), and on
Chartier's Creek; (b) to look
over the best unoccupied tracts along
the Ohio for personal pur-
chase; and (c) "make a
beginning" in actually securing the
bounty lands for the soldiers of his
Virginia Regiment. The
most light to be had on the situation at
the time of his departure
is probably to be gained from his letter
of April 15th to Governor
Botetourt which reads:
"Being fully persuaded of your
Excellency's inclination to render
every just and reasonable service to the
people you govern-and being
encouraged--to believe that your
Lordship is desirous of being fully
informed how far the grant of land
solicited by Mr. Walpole and others
will affect the interest of this country
in general, or individuals in
particular, I shall take the liberty (as
I am pretty intimately acquainted
with the situation of the frontier of
this dominion) to inform your Lord-
ship, that the bounds of that grant, if
obtained upon the extensive plan
proposed, will comprehend at least
four-fifths of the land, for the purchase
and survey of which this government has
lately voted two thousand five
hundred pounds sterling. It must,
therefore, destroy the well grounded
hopes of those, (if no reservation is
made in their favor,) who have had
the strongest assurances, that the
government could give, of enjoying a
certain portion of the lands, which have
cost this country so much blood
and treasure to secure. By the extracts,
which your Excellency did me
the honor to enclose, I perceive, that
the petitioners propose to begin
opposite to the mouth of the Scioto
River, which is at least seventy or
seventy-five miles below the Great
Kanawha, and more than three hun-
dred from Pittsburg, and to extend from
thence in a southwardly
direction through the pass of the
Ouasioto [Cumberland] Mountain,
which, by Evans's map, and the best
accounts I have been able to get from
persons who have explored that country,
will bring them near the latitude
of North Carolina. Thence they proceed
northeastwardly to the Kanawha,
at the junction of New River and Green
Briar, upon both of which waters
we have many settlers upon lands
actually patented. From that point they
*For the interesting story of
Washington's lands on Miller's Run,
and his quarrel and suit-at-law with his
Scotch-Irish squatters see the
author's Washington and the West. 144-159.
444 Ohio
Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
go up the Green Briar to the head of its
northeasterly branch, thence
easterly to the Alleghany Mountains,
thence along these mountains to
the line of Lord Fairfax, and thence
with his line, and the lines of
Maryland and Pennsylvania, till the west
boundary of the latter intersects
the Ohio, and finally down that river to
the place of beginning. These,
my Lord, are the bounds of a grant prayed
for, and which, if obtained, will
give a fatal blow, in my humble opinion,
to the interests of this country.
But these are my sentiments as a member
of the community at large. I
now beg leave to offer myself to your
Excellency's notice, in a more
interested point of view, as an
individual, and as a person, who considers
himself in some degree the
representative of the officers and soldiers, who
claim a right to two hundred thousand
acres of this very land, under a
solemn act of government, adopted at a
period very important and critical
to his Majesty's affairs in this part of
the world. I shall, therefore, rely
on your Lordship's accustomed goodness
and candor, whilst I add a few
words in support of the equity of our
pretensions, although, in truth, I
have very little to say on this subject
now, which I have not heretofore
taken the liberty of observing to your
Excellency. The first letter I ever
did myself the honor of writing to you,
on the subject of this land, and
to which I beg leave to refer, contained
a kind of historical account of
our claim; but as there requires nothing
more to elucidate a right, than to
offer a candid exhibition of the case,
supported by facts, I shall beg leave
to refer your Lordship to an order of
Council, of the 18th of February,
1754, and to Governor Dinwiddie's
proclamation, which issued in conse-
quence of that order, both of which are
enclosed. I will next add, that
these troops not only enlisted agreeably
to the proclamation, but behaved
so much to the satisfaction of the
country, as to be honored with the
most public acknowledgments of it by the
Assembly. Would it not be
hard, then, my Lord, to deprive men
under these circumstances, or their
representatives, of the just reward of their toils?
Was not this act of
the Governor and Council offered to the
soldiers, and accepted by them,
as an absolute compact? And though the
exigency of affairs, or the
policy of government, made it necessary
to continue these lands in a
dormant state for some time, ought not
their claim to be considered, in
preference to all others? When the
causes cease, we fain would hope so.
We flatter ourselves, that it will also
appear to your Lordship in this
point of view, and that, by your kind
interposition, and favorable repre-
sentation of the case, his Majesty will
be graciously pleased to confirm
this land to us, agreeably to a petition
presented to your Excellency in
Council on the 15th of last December;
with this difference only, that,
instead of Sandy Creek (one of the place
allotted for the location of our
grant, and which we now certainly know
will not be comprehended within
the ministerial line, as it is called).
We may be allowed to lay a part of
our grant between the west boundary of
Pennsylvania and the river Ohio,
which will be expressly agreeable to the
words of Governor Dinwiddie's
Washington's " Tour to the
Ohio." 445
proclamation, inasmuch as it is
contiguous to the Fork of the
An interesting query arises
sponstaneously in reading this
letter, taken in connection with certain
others written about this
time, especially that to George Mason,
April 5, 1769, as to
whether the long delay on the part of
the British ministry to
requite the just claims of the officers
and soldiers of the Virginia
Regiment did not exert a powerful
influence on the heart of this
keen-eyed, just man in favor of the need
of emancipation of the
Colonies from the mother-country. Is
there not a double mean-
ing to his words (if one has in mind
Washington's endless suc-
cession of appeals for justice in this
cause), when he writes:
"At a time, when our lordly masters
in Great Britain will be
satisfied with nothing less than the
deprivation of American free-
dom, it seems highly necessary that
something should be done to
avert the stroke, and maintain the
liberty, which we have derived
our ancestors. . .
. We have already, it is said,
proved the inefficacy of addresses to
the throne, and remon-
strances to Parliament. How far, then,
their attention to our
rights and privileges to be awakened or
alarmed, by starving
their trade and manufactures, remains to
be tried.
The more I consider a scheme of this
sort, the more ardently I
wish success to it." In his own
peculiar way this man, who was
to lead the Colonies in their great
conflict, was now coming face
to face with the spirit of those
"lordly masters in Great Britain"
-to a degree that was true of few other
Americans. Never had
men a fairer, clearer title to
ministerial consideration than these
Virginia bounty-land claimants, and for
almost ten years now,
even with the commander of Fort
Necessity and heroic aide to
Braddock as their patient, diplomatic
spokesman, they had not
been able to get satisfaction--while
prime favorites and satel-
lites close to the King's ear were able,
seemingly, to secure vast
tracts of land. However the outcome, is
it possible that this
vexatious experience of the
unwillingness of the ministry to keep
a notoriously worthy promise of a
colonial governor made no
firm impression on Washington's mind?
Such was the situation, then, in the
summer of 1770. The
446 Ohio Arch. and Hist.
Society Publications.
veterans of the Virginia Regiment were
fully organized in the
attempt to secure their rights. On the
15th of December, 1769,
the petition, mentioned above, was
presented to Governor
Botetourt, praying for definite action.
What satisfaction, if any,
Washington had been able to secure
before leaving Mount Ver-
non for the West, October 5th, we do not
know. He probably
had no new assurance, either from London
or Winchester.
In view of the fact, noted before, that
the more formal
Journal of this tour was mutilated and is partly illegible, the
other briefer record has an added
importance. It has not been
published heretofore and is accordingly
included here. Points
mentioned in the Ohio Valley can be
identified by the foot-notes
in the formal Journal:
Octr. 1. Rid to my Mill and the Ditchers
with Mr Warn Washing-
ton. -Colo Fairfax dined here--the Doctr
(Rumney still here)--Mr
Carr came in ye Eveng-
2. At home all day-John Savage formerly
a Lieut.t in the Virga
Service & one Wm Carnes came here to
enter their claim to a share in ye
200,000 Acres of Land Mr Washington
& Doctr Rumney here--
3. At home all day-- Mr Washington--Mr Carr- Savage &
Carnes went away after Breakfast - the
Doctr still here
4. In the Afternoon Doctr Rumney went
away & Doctr Craik
came. -
5. Set out in Company with Doctr Craik
for the Settlement on
Redstone &c.a dind at Mr Bryan
Fairfax's & lodged at Leesburg--
6. Bated at old Codeys - Dind and lodgd
at my Brother Sam's -
7. Dind at Rinkers and lodged at Saml
Pritchards. -
8. Vale Crawford joined us, & he and
I went to Colo Cresaps leaving
the Doctr at Pritchards with my boy
Billy who was taken sick
9. Went from Colo Cresaps to Rumney
where in the Afternoon the
Doctr my Servant & Baggage arrivd
10. Bought two Horses & sent one of
my Servants (Giles) home
with those I rid up-proceeded on our
journey and lodged at one Wise
(now Turners) Mill-
11. Set out about 11 Oclock and arrived
at one Gillams on George
Creek 101/2 Miles d from the
North Branch & same diste from F C
12. Octr. - Started from Gillams between
Sun rising & Day Break
and arrivd at the Great crossing of
Yaugh.a about Sun set or before-
13. left this place early in the Morning
and arrivd at Captn Craw-
fords (known by the name of Stewarts
crossing) abt 1/2 after four
Oclock. -
Washington's " Tour to the
Ohio." 447
14. at Captn Crawfords all day
15. Rid to see the Land he got for me
& my Brother's
16. At Captn Crawfords till the
Evening--then went to Mr John
17. Arrivd at Fort--dining at one Widow
Miers at Turtle Creek
18. Dined in the Fort at the Officers
19. Dined at Colo Croghans abt 4 Miles
from Pittsburg & Returnd
20. Set out for the Big Kanhawa with Dr
Craik Captn Crawford &
others - Incampd abt 14 Miles off
21. Got abt 32 Miles further and Incampd
abt 3 Miles below Little
Bever Ck
22. Reachd the Mingo Town abt 29 Miles
by my Computation
23 Stayd at this place till one Clock in
the Afternoon & padled abt
12 Miles down the River & Incamped
24. We reachd the Mouth of a Creek calld
Fox Grape vine Creek
(10 Miles up which is a Town of
Delawares calld Franks Town) abt 3
Oclock in the Afternoon - distant from
our last Camp abt 26 Miles
25. Incampd in the long reach abt 30
Miles from our last lodge
according to my Computation
26. Incampd at the Mouth of a Creek
about 4 Miles above the
Mouth of Muskingum distant abt 32 Miles
27. Incamped at the Mouth of great
Hockhocking distant from
our last Incampment abt 32 Miles
28. Meeting with Kiashuta & other
Indian Hunters we proceeded
only 10 Miles to day, & Incamped
below the Mouth of a Ck on the West
the name of wch I know not
29 Went round what is calld the Great
Bent & Campd two Miles
below it distant from our last
Incampment abt 29 Miles
30. Incampd Early Just by the old
Shawnee Town distant from our
last no more than 15 Miles
31. Went out a Hunting & met the
Canoe at the Mouth of the big
Kanhawa distant only 5 Miles makg ye
whole distance from Fort Pitt
accords to my Acct 266 Miles
[Nov.r] 1. Went up the Great Kanhawa abt
10 Miles with the
People that were with me-
2 Hunting the most part of the day the
Canoe went up abtt 5 Miles
3 Returned down the River again and
Incampd at the Mouth
4. Proceeded up the Ohio on our return
to Fort Pitt Incampd abt
9 Miles below the rapid at the Grt Bent
5. Walk'd across a Neck of Land to the
Rapid and Incampd
about Miles above it
6 In about 5 Miles we came to Kiashutas
Camp & there Halted
7 Reached the Mouth of Hockhocking-
distant abt 20 Miles
8 Came within a Mile of the Mouth of
Muskingum 27 Miles
448 Ohio
Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
9. Got to the 3 Islands in the 2d long
reach about 17 Miles
10 Arrivd at the lower end of the long
reach abt 12 Miles--not
setting of till 12 Oclock
11. Came about 18 Miles after hard
working the greatest part of
the day
12. Only got about 5 Miles the Currt
being very strong against us
Novr 13th Reachd the uppermost broken
Timber Creek distant about
7 Miles-contending with a violent Currt
the whole day-
14 Came to the Captening or Fox Grape
Vine Creek distant about
10 Miles
15 Reachd Wheeling (on the West) where
there had been an Indian
Town & where some of the Shawnes are
going to settle in the Spring
distant from our last Incampment 12
16 Got within 13 Miles of the lower
cross Creeks-13 Miles
17 Reached the Mingo Town about 13 Miles
more --
18 At this place all day waiting for
Horses which did not arrive
19 At the same place, & in the same
Situation as yesterday
20 Our Horses arriving about One Oclock
at 2 we set out for Fort
Pitt and got about 10 Miles
21 Reachd Fort Pitt in the Afternoon
& lodgd at Samples
22 Invited the Officers of the Fort and
other Gentlemen to dine
with me at Samples
23 Left Fort Pitt and reachd Mr John
24 Got to Captn. Crawfords-the Rivr
Yaughyaughgane being very
25 Reachd Hoglands at the great crossing
Novr 26 Came to Killams on Georges
27 Got to the Old Town-to Colo Cresaps
distant from Killams
about 25 Miles
28 Reached Jasper Rinkers about 38 Miles
from Cresaps & 30 from
Cox's - not long ones
29 Came to my Brothers (distant about 25
Miles) to Dinner-
30 Reachd Charles Wests 35 Miles from my
Reaching home at the close of November,*
it is probable
that the patient man went at once to
work circulating the infor-
*As a specimen of Washington's tireless
attention to details note
his further record, made on this western
trip, of the weather. It is
entitled "Acct of the Weather-in
"Octr 1st Wind Southwardly and Warm
with flying Clouds.-
2. Raining, Hailing, or Snowing the
whole day-with the Wind
Northerly Cold & exceeding
3. Clear but cold-Wind being very high
from the Northwest-
4. Clear and pleasant-Wind being
fresh.-and very fresh.-
Washington's "Tour to the
Ohio." 449
mation he had secured first-hand from
the land in question. But
it is clear that there was no measurable
progress, and in June
of the next year we find the Governor of
Virginia proposing to
5. Clear, Warm, & remarkably
pleasant with very little or no Wind
6 Again clear pleasant and still
7 As pleasant as the two preceeding days
Pleasant forenoon-but the Wind Rising about Noon it clouded
& threatned hard for Rain-towards
Night it raind a little & ceased but
contd Cloudy
9. Exceeding Cloudy & heavy in the
forenoon & constant Rain
in the Afternoon
10 Cloudy with Rain & sunshine
11 Wet Morning with flying Cloud
afterwards-towards the
Evening the Wind sprung out at No West-
12. Rain in the Night with flying Cloud
accompanied with a little
Rain nw and then all day -cold & Raw
13 Clear and pleasant Wind tolerably
fresh from the Westward
all day
14 Very pleasant but Wind fresh in the
15 Exceeding Cloudy & sometimes droppg.
Rain but afterwds clear
16 Frosty Morning-but clear and pleasant
17 Exceeding warm & very pleasant
till the Evening then lowering
18. Misty & Cloudy in the Evening
the Forepart of the day being
very warm
19 Misty & cloudy all day
20 Misty-but the Evening clear tho
somewhat Cool -
21. Cloudy & very raw & cold in
the forenoon - about Mid-night it
began to Snow & contd to do so -more
or less all the remaing part of
the Night & next day
22 Very raw & cold - Cloudy &
sometimes Snowing. & some-
times Raining
23. Exceeding Cloudy & like for
Snow--& sometimes really doing
so -
24 Clear & pleasant Morning but
Cloudy & Cold afterwards
25. Rain in the Night but clear &
warm till abt Noon -then Windy
& Cloudy
26. Clear and pleasant all day
27. A little Gloomy in the Morning but
clear, still, & pleast after-
28. Much such a day as the preceeding
29th Pleasant forenoon & clear but
Cloudy and Wet afternoon. -
30. Raining in the Night-Raw cold &
cloudy forenoon but clear
& pleasant afternoon-
31 Remarkably clear & pleasant with
but little wind "
Vol. XVII-29.
450 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
postpone the matter further.* By the
fall of 1771 appreciable
progress had been made, for Washington
was able to write
George Mercer on November 7th, that
while affairs were not in
"that forwardness, which I could
wish, owing, I believe I may say,
to other causes as well as to a
lukewarmness in those from whom
we seek redress", yet "the
claims are now all given in, and the
*Washington's reply, dated 15 June 1771
reads: "The very obliging
offer your Lordship was pleased to make,
the day I left Williamsburg, in
behalf of the officers and soldiers,
who, under the faith of government,
lay claim to two hundred thousand acres
of land, on the waters of the
Ohio, promised them by proclamation in
1754, I did not embrace, because
it is evident to me, who am in some
degree acquainted with the situation
of that country, and the rapid progress
now making in the settlement of it,
that delay at this time would amount to
the loss of the land, inasmuch
as emigrants are daily and hourly
settling on the choice spots, and waiting
a favorable opportunity to solicit legal
titles, on the ground of pre-
occupancy, when the [land] office shall
be opened. I therefore hoped,
and the officers and soldiers, who have
suffered in the cause of their
country, still hope, that, although your
Lordship was of opinion you
could not at that time vest them with an
absolute and bona fide grant of
the land, yet that you will permit them
to take such steps, at their own
expense and risk, as others do, to
secure their lands agreeably to proclama-
tion, especially as their claim is prior
to any other, and better founded,
they having a solemn act of government
and the general voice of the
country in their favor. This is the
light, my Lord, in which the matter
appeared to me, and in this light it is
also considered by the officers with
whom I have lately had a meeting. The
report gains ground, that a large
tract of country on the Ohio, including
every foot of land to the west-
ward of the Alleghany Mountains is
granted to a company of gentlemen
in England, to be formed into a separate
government. If this report is
really well founded, there can be no
doubt of your Lordship's having the
earliest and most authentic accounts of
it, since it so essentially interferes
with the interests and expectations of
this country. To request the favor
of your Lordship to inform me whether
this report be true, and, if true,
whether any attention has been or
probably will be paid to the order of
Council and proclamation of 1754, may be
presumptuous; but, as the
officers and soldiers confide in me to
transact this business for me, and as
it would be a real advantage to them to
know the truth of this report, and
how largely it is likely to affect them,
there needs no other apology for
my taking the liberty of addressing you
this request, in the hope that
your Lordship will condescend to do me
the honor of writing a line on the
subject by the next post to Alexandria,
which will be acknowledged as a
peculiar obligation conferred on, my
Lord, by your Lordship's most
obedient servant."
Washington's " Tour to the
Ohio." 451
Governor and Council have determined,
that each officer shall
share according to the rank in which he
entered the service, and
that the land shall be distributed in
the following manner, namely,
to each field-officer fifteen thousand
acres, to each captain nine
thousand, to each subaltern six
thousand, to the cadets two thous-
and five hundred each, six hundred to a
sergeant, five hundred
to a corporal, and four hundred to each
private soldier." The
basis of Washington's expectation is
undoubtedly explained in
the letter of December 6th to William
Crawford, in which he
says: "I believe, from what I have
lately heard, that there is
no doubt now of the charter [Virginia]
government taking place
on the Ohio; but upon what terms, or how
the lands will be
granted to the people, I have not been
able to learn."
The Revolution temporarily put an end to
all land specula-
tion in western lands. Washington was
able to secure in all
about thirty thousand acres, which
proved, according to his own
melancholy words, more a source of
anxiety than profit.
Octr 5th. Began a
journey to the Ohio in Company with
Doctr Craik his Servant & two of
mine with a lead Horse with
Baggage -Dind at Towlston and lodgd at
Leesburg distant
from Mount Vernon abt 45 Miles -here my
Portmanteau horse
faild in his Stomach--
6. Fed our Horses on the Top of the
Ridge at one Cod-
ieys & arrivd at my Brother
Sam"s on Worthingtons Marsh a
little after they had dind, the distance
being about 30 Miles
from hence I dispatchd a Messenger to
Col° Stephen ap-
prising him of my arrival and Intended
7. My Portmanteau Horse being unable to
proceed, I left
him at my Brothers, & got one of his
& proceedd by Jolliffs &
Jasper Rinkers to Sam1 Pritchards on
Cacapehon; distant ac-
cording to Acct 39 Miles; but by my
Computation 42 thus
reckond 15 to Jolliffs, 14 to Rinkers;
& 13 to Pritchards -At
Rinkers which appears to be a cleanly
House my boy was taken
Sick but continued on to
Pritchards-.Pritchards is also a
pretty good House, their being fine
Pasturage. good fences, &
Beds tolerably clean-
Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
8. My Servant being unable to Travel, I
left him at
Pritchards with Doctr Craik &
proceedd my self with Vale
Crawford to Colo Cresaps in
ordr to learn from him (being just
arrivd from England) the particulars of
the Grant said to be
lately sold to Walpole & others, for
a certain Tract of Country
on the Ohio- The distance from
Pritchards to Cresaps ac-
cording to Computation is 26 Miles, thus
reckond; to the Fort
at Henry Enoch's 8 Miles (road exceeds
bad) 12 to Cox's at
the Mouth of little Cacapehon - and 6
9. Went up to Rumney in order to buy
Work Horses, &
meet Doctr Craik and my Baggage-arrivd
there abt 12 dis-
tance 16 Miles.-in the Afternoon Doctr
Craik and my Servt
(much amended) and the Baggage, arrivd
from Pritchards;
said to be 28 Miles
10. Having purchased two Horses, and
recoverd another
which had been gone from me near 3
Years, I dispatched my
boy Giles with my two Riding Horses home
& proceeded on
my journey; arriving at one Wises (now
Turners) Mill about
22 Miles
it being Reckond Seven to the place where Cox's
Fort formerly stood; 10 to one Parkers;
& five Afterwards
the Road from the South Branch to
Pattersons Ck is
Hilly--down the Ck on which is good
Land, sloppy to Parkers
-& from Parkers to Turners Hilly
1 1.
The Morning being wet & heavy we did not set of
till 11 Oclock & arrivd that Night
at one Killams on a branch
of George Ck, distant 10 1/2 Measured
Miles from the North
Branch of Potomack where we crossd at
the lower end of my
Decd Brother Augs Bottom, known by the
name of Pender-
grasses -this Crossing is two Miles from
the aforesaid Mill &
the Road bad as it likewise is to
Killams, the Country being
very Hilly & Stony.-
From Killams to Fort Cumberland is the
same distance that
it is to the Crossing above mentioned
& the Road from thence
to Jolliffs by the old Town much better.
We left Killams early in the
at the little Meadows 10 Miles of, and
lodgd at the great Cross-
ings 20 Miles further, which we found a
tolerable good days
work. -
Washington's " Tour to the
Ohio." 453
The Country we traveld over to day was
very Mountainous
& Stony, with but very little good
Land, & that lying in Spots-
13. Set out about Sunrise, breakfasted
at the Great Mead-
ows 13 Miles of, & reachd Captn
Crawfords about 5 Oclock-
The Lands we travelld over to day till
we had crossd the
Laurel Hill (except in small spots) was
very Mountainous &
indifferent-but when we came down the
Hill to the Plantation
of Mr Thos Gist the Ld
appeared charming; that which lay
level being as rich & black as any
thing coud possibly be-the
more Hilly kind, tho of a different
complexion must be good,
as well from the Crops it produces, as
from the beautiful white
Oaks that grow thereon--tho white Oak in
gener1 indicates
poor Land, yet this does not appear to
be of that cold kind-
The Land from Gists to Crawfords is very
broken tho not
Mountainous - in Spots exceeding Rich,
& in general free from
Stone Crawfords is very fine Land, lying on Yaughyaugh-
gane at a place commonly calld Stewarts
Sunday 14th. At
Captn Crawfords all day - Went to
see a Coal Mine not far from his house
on the Banks of the
River--The Coal seemd to be of the very
best kind, burning
freely & abundance of it-
Monday 15th. Went to view
some Land which Captn
Crawford had taken up for me near the
Yaughyaughgane dis-
tant about 12 Miles- this Tract which
contains about 1600
Acres Includes some as fine Land as ever
I saw - a great deal
of Rich Meadow - and in general is
leveller than the Country
about it--this Tract is well Waterd, and
has a valuable Mill
Seat (except that the Stream is rather
too slight, and it is said
not constant more than 7 or 8 Months in
the Year; but on Acct
of the Fall, & other conveniences,
no place can exceed it)-
-In going to this Land I passed through
two other Tracts
which Captn Crawford had
taken up for my Brothers Saml.
and John that belonging to the former was not so rich
as some I had seen; but very valuable on
Acct of its levelness
and little Stone, the Soil & Timber
being good-that of the
latter, had some Bottom Land up on sm1
runs that was very
good( tho narrow) the Hills very rich,
but the Land in genl
broken-I intended to have visited the
Land which Crawford
454 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
had procured for Lund Washington this
day also, but time fall-
ing short I was obligd to Postpone it
Making it in the Night
before I got back to Crawfords where I
found Colo Stephen
The Lands which I passd over to day were
generally Hilly,
and the growth chiefly White Oak, but
very good notwithstand-
ing; & what is extraordinary, &
contrary to the property of all
other Lands I ever saw before, the Hills
are the richest Land;
the Soil upon the Sides and Summits of
them, being as black as
a Coal, & the Growth Walnut, Cherry,
Spice Bushes &ca the
flats are not so rich; & a good deal
more mixd with Stone
Tuesday 16. At Captn
Crawfords till the Evening, when
I went to Mr. John Stephenson (on my way to Pittsburg) &
lodgd-this day was visited by one Mr.
Ennis who had traveld
down the little Kanhawa (almost) from
the head to the Mouth,
on which he says the Lands are broken,
the bottoms neither
very wide nor rich, but covd with
Beach-at the Mouth the
Lands are good, & continue so up the
River; & about Weeling
& Fishing Ck, is according to his
Acct. a body of fine Land-
I also saw a Son of Captn
John Hardens who said he had been
from the Mouth of little Kanhawa to the
big, but his description
of the Lands seemed to be so vague and
indeterminate, that it
was much doubted whether he ever was
there or not-He says
however that at the Mouth of the Big
Kanhawa there may be
abt 20 or 25,000 Acres of Land had in a Body that is good-
that you are not above five or 6 Miles
to the Hills, & that the
Falls of the Kanhawa are not above 10
Miles up it-
Wednesday 17. Doctr Craik & myself
with Captn Craw-
ford and others arrivd at Fort Pitt,
distant from the Crossing
431/2 Meas'urd Miles-In Riding this
distance we passd over a
great deal of exceeding fine Land
(chiefly White Oak) espe-
cially from Sweigley Creek to Turtle
Creek but the whole
broken; resembling (as I think as all
the Lands in the Country
does) the Loudoun Lands for Hills.
We lodgd in what is calld the
Town-distant abt 300 yards
from the Fort at one Mr.
Semples who keeps a very good House
of Publick Entertainment-these Houses
which are built of
Logs, & rangd into Streets are on
the Monongahela, & I suppose
may be abt 20 in Number-and inhabited by
Indian Traders &ca.
Washington's "Tour to the
Ohio." 455
The Fort is built in the point between
the Rivers Alligany
& Monongahela, but not so near the
pitch of it as Fort Duquesne
stood-it is 5 Sided & Regular, two
of which (next the Land)
are of Brick; the others Stockade-a Mote
incompasses it.
The Garrison consists of two Companies
of Royal Irish Com-
manded by one Captn Edmonson.
Thursday 18th Dind in the
Fort with Colo Croghan &
the Officers of the Garrison-Supped
there also, meeting with
great Civility from the Gentlemen, &
engaged to dine with Colo
Croghan the next day at his Seat abt 4
Miles up the Alligany.
Friday 19th Recd a Message from Colo Croghan, that the
White Mingo & other Chiefs of the 6
Nations had something
to say to me, & desiring that I woud
be at his House abt 11
(where they were to meet) I went up and
receivd a Speech
with a String of Wampum from the White
Mingo to the fol-
lowing effect
That as I was a Person who some of them
remember to
have seen when I was sent on an Embassy
to the French, and
most of them had heard of; they were
come to bid me welcome
to this Country, and to desir that the
People of Virginia would
consider them as friends & Brothers
linked together in one
chain-that I wd inform the Governor,
that it was their wish
to live in peace and harmy with the
white People & that tho
their had been some unhappy differences
between them and the
People upon our Frontiers, it was all
made up, and they hopd
forgotten; and concluded with saying,
that, their Brothers of
Virginia did not come among them and
Trade as the Inhabi-
tants of the other Provences did, from
whence they were affraid
that we did not look upon them with so
friendly an Eye as they
coud wish
To this I answerd (after thanking them
for their friendly
welcome) that all the Injuries &
Affronts that had passed on
either side was now totally forgotten,
and that I was sure noth-
ing was more wishd and desird by the
People of Virginia than to
liv in the strictest friendship with
them-that the Virginians
were a People not so much engagd in
Trade as the Pennsyl-
vanians, &ca; WCh was the Reason
of their not being so fre-
456 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
quently among them; but that it was
possible they might for the
time to come have stricter connections
with them, and that I
woud acquaint the Govr with their
After dining at Colo Croghans
we returnd to Pittsburg-
Colo Croghan with us, who
intended to accompany us part of
the way down the River, having engagd an
Indian calld the
Pheasant & one Joseph Nicholson an
Interpreter to attend us the
whole Voyage.-also a young Indn Warrior
Saturday 20th. We Imbarkd in a
large Canoe with suffi-
cient store of Provision &
Necessaries, & the following Persons
(besides Doctr Craik & myself) to
wit-Captn Crawford Josh
Nicholson Robt Bell-William
Harrison-Chs Morgan & Danl
Reardon a boy of Captn Crawfords,
& the Indians who were in
a Canoe by themselves.
From Fort Pitt we sent our Horses &
boys back to Captn
Crawfords w' orders to meet us there
again the 14th day of
Colo Croghan, Lieutt Hamilton and one Mr
Magee set out
with us -at two we dind
at Mr Magees1, & Incampd 10 Miles
below, & 4 above the Logs Town2--we
passd several large
Islands3 which appeared to be
very good, as the bottoms also did
on each side of the River, alternately;
the Hills on one side be-
ing opposite to the bottoms on the other
which seem generally to
be abt 3 and 4 hundred yards wide, &
so vice versa
Sunday 21. Left our Incampment abt
6 Oclock & break-
fasted at the Logs Town,4 where
we parted with Colo Croghan
&Ca abt 9 Oclock - at
11 we came to the Mouth of Big Bever
Creek,5 opposite to which is
a good Situation for a House &
above it on the same side (that is the
West) there appears to be
a body of fine Land. - About 5 Miles lower down on the
East side comes in Racoon Ck6 At
the Mouth of which, & up
it, appears to be a body of good Land
also--All the Land be-
Dead Man's Island.
3 Irvin's,
Hog etc.
4Economy, Pa.
5Beaver River.
6 Same.
Washington's "Tour to the
Ohio." 457
tween this Creek & the Monongahela
& for 15 Miles back, is
claimed by Colo Croghan under a purchase
from the Indians
(and which Sale he says, is confirmed by
his Majesty)7---
On this Creek where the Branches thereof
interlock with the
Waters of Shirtees Creek there is,
according to Colo Croghans
Acct a body of fine Rich
level Land this Tract he wants
to sell, & offers it at £5 Sterg pr hundd with an
exemption of
Quit rents for 20 years; after which, to be subject to the pay-
ment of 4/2 Sterg pr Hundd, provided he can sell it in 10,000
Acre Lots- Note the unsettled state of
this Country renders
any purchase dangerous
From Racoon Creek to little Bever Creek
appears to me
to be little short of 10 Miles,8 &
about 3 Miles below this we
Incampd; after hiding a Barrel of
Bisquet in an Island9 (in
Sight) to lighten our Canoe
Monday 22d - As it began to Snow about Midnight,
& continued pretty steadily at it,
it was about 1/2 after Seven
before we left our Incampment--- at the distance of about
8 Miles we came to the Mouth of Yellow
Creek10 (to the West)
opposite to, or rather below which,
appears to be a long bottom
of very good Land, and the Assent to the
Hills apparently grad-
there is another pretty large bottom of very good
Land about two or 3 Miles above this
- About 11 or 12
Miles from this, & just above what
is calld the long Island11
(which tho so distinguished is not very
remarkable for length
breadth or goodness) comes in on the
East side the River, a
small Creek or Run12 the name
of which I coud not learn; and a
Mile or two below the Island, on the
West Side, comes in big
Stony Creek13 (not larger in
appearance than the other) on
neither of which does there seem to be
any large bottoms or
body's of good Land - About 7 Miles from the last Men-
tioned Creek, 28 from our last
Incampment, and about 75 from
7See A. B. Hulbert, Washington and
the West, 146-7.
814 miles.
9Baker's Island?
10 Same.
11Brown's Island?
12 Crockton's Run.
Will's Creek?
458 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
Pittsburg, we came to the Mingo Town14
Situate on the West
Side the River a little above the Cross
This place contains ab Twenty Cabbins,
& 70 Inhabitants of
the Six Nations
Had we set of early, & kept pritty
constantly at it, we might
have reachd lower than this place to
day; as the Water in many
places run pretty swift, in general more
so than yesterday.-
The River from Fort Pitt to the Logs
Town has some ugly
Rifts & Shoals, which we found
somewhat difficult to pass,
whether from our inexperience of the
Channel, or not, I can-
not undertake to say--from the Logs Town
to the Mouth of
little Bever Creek is much the same kind
of Water; that is,
rapid in some places - gliding gently
along in others, and quite
still in many - The water from little
Bever Creek to the Mingo
Town, in general is swifter than we
found it the preceeding day,
& without any Shallows; there being
some one part or other
always deep, which is a natural
consequence as the River in all
the distance from Fort Pitt to this Town
has not widened
any at all. nor both the bottoms appear
to be any larger
The Hills which come close to the River
opposite to each
bottom are Steep; & on the side in
view, in many places, Rocky
& cragged; but said to abound in
good land on the Tops
These are not a range of Hills; but
broken, & cut
in two as if there were frequent water
courses running through
(which however we did not perceive to be
the case, consequently
they must be small if any) - The River along down abounds
in Wild Geese, and severl kinds
of Ducks but in no great quan-
tity ---- We killd five wild Turkeys to
Upon our arrival at the Mingo Town we
receivd the dis-
agreeable News of two Traders being
killd at a Town calld the
Grape Vine Town, 38. Miles below this;
which causd us to hesi-
tate whether we shoud proceed or not,
& wait for further in-
Tuesday 23 Several imperfect Accts
coming in, agreeing
that only one Person was killd, &
the Indians not supposing it
to be done by their People, we resolved
to pursue our passage,
till we coud get some more distinct Acct
of this Transaction-
14Two miles below Steubenville, O.
Washington's " Tour to the
Ohio." 459
Accordingly abt 2 Oclock we set
out with the two Indians which
was to accompany us, in our Canoe, and
in about 4 Miles came
to the Mouth of a Creek calld Sculp
Creek,15 on the East side;
at the Mouth of which is a bottom of
very good Land, as I am
told there like wise is up it.
The Cross Creeks16 (as they
are calld) are not large, that
on the West Side however is biggest --
At the Mingo Town
we found, and left, 60 odd Warriors of
the Six Nations going to
the Cherokee Country to proceed to War
against the Cuttawba's
About 10 Miles below the Town we came to
two other
cross Creeks17 that on the
West side largest, but not big; &
calld by Nicholson French Creek - About 3 Miles or a little
better below this, at the lower point of
some Islands which stand
contiguous to each otherl8 we
were told by the Indians with us
that three Men 19 from Virginia
(by Virginians they mean all
the People settled upon Red Stone
&ca) had markd the Land
from hence all the way to Red stone--
that there was a body
of exceeding fine Land lying about this
place and up opposite
to the Mingo Town-as also down to the
Mouth of Fishing
Creek-at this place we Incampd
Wednesday 24th We left our Incampment before Sun
rise, and abt Six Miles below it, we
came to the Mouth of a
pretty smart Creek comg in to the
Eastward calld by the Indians
Split Island Creek, from its running in
against an Island20-
On this Ck there is the appearance of
good land a distance up it
---Six Miles below this again, we came
to another Creek on
the West side, calld by Nicholson
Weeling21-and abt a Mile
lower down appears to be another small
Water22 coming in on
the East side; which I remark, because
of the Scarcity of them;
& to shew how badly furnishd this
Country is with Mill Seats-
15 Not identified.
16Indian and Virginian Cross Creeks.
17Indian Short Creek (West) Virginia
Short Creek (East).
18 Pike Island?
19 The Zanes? They were at Wheeling in
1769, the year previous.
20Glenn's Run and Twin Islands?
21 Wheeling Creek.
22 Little Grave Creek.
460 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
two or three Miles below this again, is
another Run on the West
Side23; up which is a near
way by Land to the Mingo
Town24; and about 4 Miles
lower comes in another on ye East
at which place is a path leading to the
Settlement at Red Stone
Abt a Mile & half below this again,
comes in the Pipe
Creek25 so calld by the
Indians from a Stone which is found
here out of which they make
Pipes-opposite to this (that is on
the East side), is a bottom of exceeding
Rich Land; but as it
seems to lye low, I am apprehensive that
it is subject to be
overflowd--- this Bottom ends where the effects of a hurri-
cane appears by the destruction &
havock among the Trees-
Two or three Miles below the Pipe Creek
is a pretty large
Creek on the West side called by
Nicholson Fox Grape Vine
by others Captewa Creek on which, 8
Miles up it, is the Town
calld the Grape Vine Town; & at the
Mouth of it, is the place
where it was said the Traders livd,
& the one was killed----
to this place we came abt 3 Oclock in
the Afternoon, & findg no
body there, we agreed to Camp; that
Nicholson and one of the
Indians might go up to the Town, &
enquire into the truth of
the report concerning the Murder26-
Thursday 25th About Seven
Oclock Nicholson & the
Indian returnd; they found no body at
the Town but two old
Indian Women (the Men being a Hunting)
from these they
learnt that the Trader was not killd,
but drownd in attempting
to Ford the Ohio; and that only one boy,
belonging to the
Traders was in these parts; the Trader
(fathr to him) being
gone for Horses to take home their
About half an hour after 7 we set out
from our Incampment
around which, and up the Creek is a body
of fine Land-In our
Passage down to this, we see innumerable
quantities of Turkeys,
& many Deer watering, & browsing
on the Shore side, some of
which we killd--- Neither yesterday nor the day before did
we pass any Rift or very rapid Water-the
River gliding gently
along-nor did we perceive any alteration
in the general face
23Big Grave Creek.
24 Early path from present
Moundsville to Mingo Bottom.
25 Same?
26 Mouth of Captina Creek.
Washington's " Tour to the
Ohio." 461
of the Country, except that the bottoms
seemd to be getting a
little longer & wider, as the Bends
of the River grew larger.
About 5 Miles from the Vine Creek comes
in a very large
Creek to the Eastward calld by the
Indians Cut Creek27, from
a Town, or Tribe of Indians which they
say was cut of entirely
in a very bloody Battle between them and
the Six Nations-this
Creek empties Just at the lower end of
an Island,28 and is 70 or
80 yards wide-And I fancy is the Creek
commonly calld by the
People of Red stone &ca Weeling---It
extends according
to the Indians acct a great
way, & Interlocks with the Branches
of Split Island Creek; abounding in very
fine bottoms, and ex-
ceeding good Land Just below this, on the West side,
comes in a sm1 Run29; &
about 5 Miles below it on the West
side also another midling large Creek30
emptys, calld by the
Indians broken Timber Creek; so named
from the Timber that
is destroyed on it by a Hurricane; on
the head of this was a
Town of the Delawares, which is now
left two Miles
lower down, on the same side, is another
Creek smaller than
the last & bearing (according to the
Indians) the same name-
opposite to these two Creeks (on the
East side) appears to be
a large bottom of good Land - About 2
Miles below the last
mentioned Creek, on the East side, &
at the end of ye bottom
aforementioned, comes in a sm1
Creek or large Run-
Seven Miles from this comes in Muddy Creek
on the East Side
the River-a pretty large Creek and heads
up against, & with
some of the Waters of Monongahela
(according to the Indians
Acct) & contains some bottoms of
very good Land; but in gen-
eral the Hills are steep, & Country
broken about it-At the
Mouth of this Creek is the largest Flat
I have seen upon the
River; the Bottom extending 2 or 3 Miles up
the River above it,
& a Mile below; tho it does not seem
to be of the Richest kind
-and yet is exceeding good upon the
whole, if it be not too low
& Subject to Freshet
27 Fish Creek.
28 Wood Island.
29 ?
30 Fishing Creek.
462 Ohio Arch. and Hist.
Society Publications.
About half way in the long reach3l
we Incampd, opposite
to the beginning of a bottom on the East
side of the River-
At this place we throug out some Lines
at Night & found a Cat
fish of the size of our largest River
Cats hookd to it in the
Morning, tho it was of the smallest kind
here We found
no Rifts in this days passage, but
pretty swift Water in some
places, & still in others We found the bottom increased
in size, both as to length & breadth
& the River more Chokd up
with Fallen Trees, & the bottom of
the River next the Shores
rather more Muddy but in general stony
as it has been all the
way down
Friday 26th/ Left our
Incampment at half an hour after
6 Oclock & passd a small run32 on
the West side about 4 Miles
lower -At the lower end of the long
reach & for some distance
up it, on the East side, is a large
bottom, but low, & coverd
with beach next the River shore, which
is no Indication of good
Land - The long reach is a strait course of the River for
abt 18
or 20 Miles which
appears the more extraordinary as the
Ohio in general, is remarkably
crooked -- there are several
Islands33 in this reach, some containing
an 100 or more Acres
of Land; but all I apprehend liable to
be overflowed.
At the end of this reach we found one
Martin & Lindsay
two Traders; & from them learnt that
the Person drownd was
one Philips attempting in Compa with
Rogers another Indn
Trader, to Swim the River with their Horses
at an improper
place; Rogers himself narrowly
escaping-five Miles lower
down, comes in a large Creek from the
Eastward,34 right against
an Island of good land, at least a Mile
or two in length
at the Mouth of this Creek (the name of
wch) coud
not learn
except that it was calld by some Bulls
Creek from one Bull that
hunted on it, is a bottom of good Land,
tho rather too much
mixd with Beach opposite to this Island the Indians
showd us a Buffalo Path, the Tracks of
which we see
Five or Six Miles below the last
mentioned Creek we came
31 Long Reach.
32 Opposite Wilson's Island.
33 Five Islands.
34 This creek cannot be identified.
Washington's "Tour to the
Ohio." 463
to the three Island35 (before wch) we
observd a small Run on
each side coming in below these Islands is a large body of
flat land, with a water course running
through it on the East
Side, and the Hills back, neither so
high; nor steep in appear-
ance as they are up the River On the other hand, the
bottoms do not appear so rich, tho much
longer & wider-the
bottom last mentioned is upon a strait
reach of the River, I sup-
pose 6 or 8 Miles in length; at the
lower end of which, on the
East side comes in a pretty large Run36
from the size of the
Mouth - About this, above-below-& back, there seems
to be a very large Body of flat Land
with some little risings
on it.
About 12 Miles below the three Islands we Incampd just
above the Mouth of a Creek37 which
appears pretty large at the
Mouth and just above an Island38-All
the Lands from a lit-
tle below the Creek which I have
distinguished by the name of
Bull Creek, appears to be level, with
some small Hillocks in-
termixd, as far as we coud see into the
Country We met
with no Rifts to day, but some pretty
strong Water upon
the whole tolerable gentle the sides of the River was a
good deal incommoded with old Trees, wCh
impeded our pass-
age a little.
This day provd clear & pleasant, the
only day since the 18th
that it did not Rain or Snow-or threaten
the one or other
very hard
Saturday 27/
Left our Incampment a Quarter before
and after passing the Creek near wch we
lay & another much
the same size & on the same side
(West) ;39 also an Island40 abt
2 Miles in length (but not wide) we came
to the Mouth of
Muskingham,41 distant from
our Incampment abt 4 Miles-
This River is abt 150 yards wide at
the Mouth; a gentle currant
35 Three Brothers.
36 Bull Creek.
37 Little Muskingum.
38Not identified.
39 Duck Creek.
40 Kerr's
Muskingum River.
Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society
& clear stream
runs out of it; & is navigable a great way into
the Country for
From Muskingham to
the little Kanhawa is about 13 Miles
-this is about as
wide at the Mouth as the Muskingham, but
the water much
deeper- it runs up towards the Inhabitants of
Monongahela, and
according to the Indians Acct Forks about
40 or 50 Miles up it,
and the Ridge between the two Prongs
leads directly to the
Settlement - to
this Fork, & above,
the Water is navigable
for Canoes - On the
upper side of
this River there
appears to be a bottom of exceeding rich Land
and the Country from
hence quite up to the 3 Islands level &
in appearance
fine-the River (Ohio) running round it in the
nature of a horse
shoe, forms a Neck of flat Land wch added to
that rung up the 2d long reach
(aforementioned) cannot con-
tain less than 50,000
Acres in view
About 6 or 7 Miles
below the Mouth of the Canhawa we
came to a small Creek
on the West Side, which the Indns calld
little Hockhocking;42
but before we did this, we passed another
sm1 Creek
on the same side near the Mouth of the River & a
cluster of Islands43
afterwards the lands for two or
Miles below the Mouth
of the Canhawa on both sides the Ohio,
appear broken &
indifferent; but opposite to the little hockhock-
ing there is a bottom
of exceeding good Land, through wch
there runs a small
water course. I suppose there may be of
this bottom &
flat Land together, two or three thousand Acres
- the lower end of
this bottom is opposite to a small Island wch
I dare say little of
it is to be seen when the River is high44
About 8 Miles below
little Hockhocking we Incampd opposite
to the Mouth of the
great Hockhocking, which tho so calld is
not a large Water;
tho the Indians say Canoes can go up it 40
or 50 Miles
Since we left the
little Kanhawa the Lands neither appear
so level nor good
-the Bends of the River & Bottoms are
longer indeed but not so rich, as in the upper part of the
Little Hockhocking.
It is noticeable that Washington does not
"Blennerhassetts Island."
43 Below
Blennerhassett's Island.
44 As today.
Washington's " Tour to the Ohio." 465
Sunday 28th/
Left our Incampment about 7 Oclock-two
Miles below, a sm1 run45 comes
in on the East side, thro a piece
of Land that has a very good appearance,
the Bottom beginning
above our Incampment, & continuing
in appearance wide for 4
Miles down, to a place where there comes
in a smal Run46 & to
the Hills - and to where we
found Kiashuta and his Hunt-
ing Party Incampd. -
Here we were under a necessity of paying
our Compli-
ments, As this person was one of the Six
Nation Chiefs, & the
head of them upon this River -
In the Person of Kiashuta
I found an old acquaintance--He being
one of the Indians,
that went with me to the French in 1753 -He
expressd a sat-
isfaction in seeing me and treated us
with great kindness; giv-
ing us a Quarter of very fine
Buffalo He insisted upon
our spending that Night with him, and in
order to retard us as
little as possible movd his Camp down
the River about 6 Miles
just below the Mouth of a Creek47 the
name of which I coud
not learn (it not being large) at this
place we all Incampd-
After much Councelling the overnight
they all came to my fire
the next Morning, with great formality;
when Kiashuta rehears-
ing what had passd between me & the
Sachems at Colo Croghan's
thankd me for saying that Peace &
friendship was the wish of
the People of Virginia (with them) &
for recommending it to
the Traders to deal with them upon a
fair & equitable footing;
and then again expressd their desire of
having a Trade opend
with Virginia, & that the Governor
thereof might not only be
made acquainted therewith, but of their
friendly disposition to-
wards the white People - this I promisd to do-
Monday 29th/
The tedious ceremony which the Indians
observe in their Counselling's &
speeches, detaind us till 9
Oclock - Opposite to the Creek just below wch we Incampd,
is a pretty long bottom, & I believe
tolerable wide; but abt 8 or
9 Miles below the aforemend Creek, &
just below a pavement of
45 Lee's Creek.
46 Pond Creek.
47Shade River?
Vol. XVII-30.
466 Ohio
Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
Rocks48 on
the West side, comes in a Creek49 with fallen Tim-
ber at the Mouth, on
which the Indians say there is wide bot-
tom's, & good
Land. -- the River bottom's above
some distance is very
good, & continue for near half a Mile
below the Creek the pavement of Rocks50
are only to be
seen at low Water-- abt a Mile, or a little better
below the
Mouth of the creek
there is another pavement of Rocks51 on the
East side in a kind
of Sedgey Ground On this Creek many
Buffaloes use
according to the Indians Acct--- Six
below this comes in a
small Creek52 on ye west side at the end
of a small naked
Island, and just above another pavement of
Rocks-this creek
comes thro a Bottom of fine Land, & oppo-
site to it (on the
East side the River) appears to be a large bot-
tom of very fine Land
also - at this place begins what they
call the great
Bent 5 Miles below this again, on
the East
side comes in (abt 200 y'ds above a little
stream or Gut) another
which is just below an Island,54 on the upper point of
which are some dead
standing trees, & a parcel of white bodied
Sycamores-In the
Mouth of this Creek lyes a Sycamore blown
down by the Wind-from
hence an East line may be run 3 or 4
Miles; thence a North
Line till it strikes the River, which I ap-
prehend would Include
about 3 or 4000 Acres of exceeding valu-
able Land-at the
Mouth of this Ck which is 3 or 4 Miles above
two Islands55 (at
the lower end of the last is a Rapid, & the
Point of the Bend) is
the Warriors Path to the Cherokee
Country-for two miles
& an half below this the River Runs
a No Et
Course & finishes what they call the Great Bent-two
Miles & an half
below this again we Incampd-
Tuesday 30th/
We set out at 50
Minutes passed Seven-the
48See Cramer's Navigator (1811), 93 for mention of
these rocks.
49Buffalo Creek?
50See 48.
51 See 48.
52 Oldtown Creek.
53 Big Mill Creek?
54 George's Island?
55Letarts Falls,
Islands 44 and 45.
Washington's "Tour to the
Ohio." 467
Weather being Windy & Cloudy (after
a Night of Rain)-
In about 2 Miles we came to the head of a
bottom (in the shape
of a horse Shoe) which I judge to be
about 6 Miles rd; the
beginning of the bottom appeard to be
very good Land, but the
lower part (from the Growth) did not
seem so friendly-
An East course from the lower end woud
strike the River again
above, about the Beging of the bottom
The upper part of the bottom we Incampd
in was an ex-
ceeding good one, but the lower part
rather thin Land & coverd
with Beach in it is some clear Meadow Land and a Pond
or Lake this bottom begins just below the Rapid at the
point of the Great Bent, from whence a N
NWt Course woud
answer to run a parrallel to the next
turn of the River
The River from this place narrows very
considerably & for
5 or 6 Miles or more is scarcely more
than 150 or 200 yards
over56 - The Water yesterday, except the Rapid at
Great Bent, & some swift places
about the Islands was quite
Dead, & as easily passed one way as
the other; the Land in
general appeared level & good About 10 Miles below our
Incampment & a little lower down
than the bottom described
to lye in the shape of a horse Shoe
comes in a small Creek on
the West side, and opposite to this on
the East begins a body of
flat Land which the Indians tells us
runs quite across the Fork
to the Falls in the Kanhawa,57 and
must at least be 3 days walk
across-if so the Flat Land containd
therein must be very con-
siderable.- A Mile or two below this we Landed, and after
getting a little distance from the River
we came (without any
rising) to a pretty lively kind of Land
grown up with Hicky &
Oaks of different kinds, intermixd with
Walnut &ca here &
there We also found many shallow Ponds, the sides of
which abounding in grass, invited
innumerable quantities of
wild fowl among which I saw a Couple of
Birds in size between
a Swan & Goose; & in colour some
what between the two; being
darker than the young Swan and of a more
sutty Colour-the
56 The Ohio begins to narrow as far up
as Big Sandy Creek and
Amberson's Island.
57 Above
Charleston, W. Va. about seventy-five miles up the river.
Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
cry of these was as unusual as the Bird
itself, as I never heard
any noise resembling it before-Abt 5
Miles below this we In-
campd in a bottom of Good Land which
holds tolerably flat
& rich for some distance out-
Wednesday 31st
I sent the Canoe along down to the Junc-
tion of the two Rivers abt 5 Miles that
is the Kanhawa wth the
Ohio-and set out upon a hunting Party to
view the Land
We steerd nearly East for about 8 or 9
Miles then bore South-
wardly, & Westwardly, till we came
to our Camp at the con-
fluence of the Rivers58---
the Land from the Rivers appeard
but indifferent, & very broken;
whether these ridges might not
be those that divide the Waters of the
Ohio from the Kanhawa
is not certain, but I believe they are -
if so the Lands may
yet be good-if not, that Which lyes of
the River bottoms is
good for little
November 1st
A Little before eight Oclock we set of
with our Canoe up
the River, to discover what kind of
Lands lay upon the Kan-
hawa - The Land on both sides this River just at the
Mouth is very fine; but on the East
side, when you get towards
the Hills (which I judge to be about 6
or 700 yards from the
River) it appears to be wet, &
better adapted for Meadow than
tillage this bottom continues up the East side for about 2
Miles, & by going up the Ohio a good
Tract might be got of
bottom Land Including the old Shawna59
Town, which is about
3 Miles up the Ohio just above ye Mouth
of a Ck -- where
the aforementioned bottom ends on the
East side the Kanhawa
which extends up it at least 50 Miles by
ye Indn Act and of
great width ( to be ascertained as we
come down) in many
places very rich; in others somewhat wet
& pondy; fit for
Meadow; but upon the whole exceeding
valuable, as the Land
after you get out of the Rich bottom is
very good for Grain
tho not rich. - We judgd we went up this River about 10
58 Point Pleasant, W. Va.
59The Shawanese occupied the portion of
Ohio lying opposite the
Ohio River here.
Washington's " Tour to the Ohio." 469
Miles to day - On the East side appear to be some good
bottoms but small-neither long nor wide,
& the Hills back of
them rather steep & poor-
Novr 2d/
We proceeded up the River with the Canoe
4 Miles more, & then incampd &
went a Hunting; killd 5 Buf-
faloes & wounded some others--three
deer &ca-- this
Country abounds in Buffalo & Wild
game of all kinds; as also
in all kinds of wild fowl, ther being in
the Bottoms a great many
small grassy Ponds or Lakes which are
full of Swans, Geese,
& Ducks of different kinds. -
Some of our People went up the River 4
or 5 Miles higher
& found the same kind of bottom on
the West side, & we were
told by the Indians that it continued to
the Falls which they
judgd to be 50 or 60 Miles higher up
-- this Bottom next
the Water (in most places) is very
rich-as you approach to
the Hills you come (in many) to a thin
white Oak Land, &
poor - the Hills as far as we coud judge were from half
a Mile to a Mile from the River; poor
& steep in the parts we
see; with Pine growing on them - whether
they are generally
so, or not, we cannot tell but I fear
they are
Saturday 3d/ We set of down the River on our
homewards, and Incampd at the Mouth; at
the Beginning of the
Bottom above the junction of the Rivers,
and at the Mouth of a
branch on the East side,60 I
markd two Maples, an Elm, & Hoop
wood Tree as A Cornr of the Soldiers Ld
(if we can get it) in-
tending to take all the bottom from
hence to the Rapids in the
Great Bent into one Survey - I also Markd at the Mouth
of another Gut lower down on the West
side (at the lower end
of the long bottom) an Ash and hoopwood
for the Beginning of
another of the Soldiers Survey to extend
up so as to Include
all the Bottom (in a body) on the West
In coming from our last Incampment up
the Kanhawa I
endeavourd to take the courses &
distances of the River by a
Pocket Compass, & guessing (which I
make thus.-- (N by
W. 2 Mile- N NW 1 1/2 DO N
W 1/2 Do to ye Mouth
of a pretty smart Creek to the Eastward
-NoW. 2 Do to
60 See 73.
470 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society
Creek of the same size on the same side --
West 1/2
Mile W NW 1/2 a Mile-NWt/ DO W NW 2 Do W by
2 Do - NW 1 1/2 Do W NW
1/2 Do to the Mouth
Ohio from the Mouth of the Kanhawa runs
- North 2 Miles - 1 1/4 -to the Mouth of a
Creek old
Town NbW 1 1/2 Miles - N
Et 1 Do - N E by Et
1 1/2 N NEt 4 Do - E NE 3/4 of a Mile
to ye Mouth of a
on the West side, & to the Hills, wCh the Indians say is al-
a fire to which the Bottom from the Mouth of the Kanhawa
& then ends after passing
these Hills (which
run on the River near a Mile) there appears to be another
good Bottom on the East side-- At
this place we
a Canoe going to the Illinoies with Sheep--and at this
also, that is at the end of the Bottom from the Kanhawa,
as we came to the Hills, we met with a Sycamore abt 60
from the River of a most extraordinary size it measur-
(3 feet from the gd) 45 feet round,
lacking two Inches &
50 yards from it was another 31.4 round (3 feet from the
Gd also)
2d Bottom hinted at the other side (that is the one
above the Bottom that reaches from the Kanhawa) is
taken notice of the 30th Ulto to lye in the shape of a Horse
& must from its situation, & quantity of level Ground be
valuable, if the Land is but tolerably good. -
passing this bottom & abt a Mile of Hills we enterd
the 3d Bottom and Incampd - This bottom reaches within
half a Mile of the Rapid at the point of the Great Bent. -
set of the Canoe with our Baggage & Walkd a
the Neck62 on foot with Captn Crawford distance accord-
to our Walking about 8 Miles as we kept a strait course un-
the Foot of the Hills which ran about So Et & was two hours
an half walking of it
is a good Neck of Land the Soil being generally good;
in places very rich -their is a large proportion of Meadow
61Campaign Creek?
Big Bent."
Washington's "Tour to the
Ohio." 471
Ground, and the Land as high, dry &
Level as one coud wish-
the growth in most places is beach
intermixd with Walnut &ca
but more especially with Poplar (of
which there are numbers
very large) -- the Land towards the upper end is black
Oak, & very good -upon
the whole a valuable Tract might be
had here, & I judge the quantity to
be about 4000 Acres
After passing this Bottom & the
Rapid, as also some Hills
wch jut
pretty close to the River, we came to that Bottom before
remarkd the 29th Ulto; which
being well describd, there needs
no further remark except that the Bottom
within view appears
to be exceeding rich; but as I was not
out upon it, I cannot tell
how it is back from the River -
a little above this Bottom,
we Incampd -the Afternoon being Rainy
& night wet-
Tuesday 6th
We left our Incampment a little after
light, & in about 5 Miles we came to
Kiashute Hunting Camp
which was now removd to the Mouth of
that Creek noted Octo
29 for having fallen Timber at the Mouth
of it, in a bottom of
good land - between the Bottom last describd, & this bot-
tom, there is nothing but Hills on the
East side; except a little
flat of a 100 Acres or so, between -this
Bottom thro which the
Creek comes may be about 4 or 5 Miles in
length & tolerably
- grown up pretty much with
Beach tho the Soil is
By the kindness, and Idle ceremony of
the Indians, I was
detained at Kiashutas Camp all the
remaing part of this day;
and having a good deal of conversation
with him on the Subject
of Land, He informd me that, it was
further from the Mouth of
the Great Kanhawa to the Fall of that
River than it was between
the two Kanhawas -that the Bottom on the
West side (which
begins near the Mouth of the Kanhawa)
continues all the way
to the Falls without the Interposition
of Hills, and widens as it
goes, especially from a pretty large
Creek that comes in abt 10
or 15 Miles higher up than where we were --- that in the
Fork there is a body of good Land-- and at some pretty
considera[ble] distance above this, the
River forks again at an
Island, & there begin the Reed or
Cain to grow - that the Bot-
toms on the East side of the River are
also very good, but
472 Ohio Arch. and Hist.
Society Publications.
broken with Hills, and that the River is
easily passd with Canoes
to the Falls wch cannot be less
than 100 Mil but further it is not
possible to go with them and that there
is but one ridge fr thence
to the Settlements upon the [New] River
above, that it is pos-
sible for a Man to travel; the Country
betw[een] being so much
broken with steep Hills & precipices
Unfortunately, the picture is now marred
because of some
kind of an accident which happened to
the original manuscript;
very likely it fell into the muddy
flood-tide which its author
described, and as a result the portions
of the record from No-
vember 6th to November 17th are missing
in every reprint ex-
The foot-note in Sparks's Writings of
Washington relative
to the hiatus reads: "For the
succeeding ten days, the manu-
script journal has been so much injured
by accident that it is
impossible to transcribe it. The route,
however, continued up
the Ohio River, which was very much
swollen by the rains."68
The facts of the case are that the
margin of the pages con-
taining the entries for the dates
mentioned are slightly mutilated.
The meaning of the writer is quite
evident in most instances.
The record runs:
He further informd (which
seemd to be corroborated by all [of
with whom I conversd) that the [land]
Back of the short broken Hills th [in
and level]
but down upon the Rivers are
uneven, & not rich, except the
upon Creeks, till you come toward
heads of the Creeks; then the La
grows leveller, and the Soil rich
Wednesday 7th/ We set out
1/2 an hour after Seven and a
ing the Bottom through which
Creek with the Fallen Timber at
the Mouth Runs-& which I believe
is calld Buffalo Creek, we came to a
63Id. 11, 529.
Washington's "Tour to the
Ohio." 473
range of Hills for a Mile or more in
length upon the River (East side) then
comes in the Bottom opposite to wch
the Creek below wch we lodgd at
with the Indians the 28th
Ulto, empties
this also appears to be a bottom
f 4 or 5 Miles in length, and
le good from the River- when we
[p]ass this Bottom the Hills (rather
[T]aller & flatter than usual) comes
[clo]se to the River (East side for 4 or
miles) then begins another Bottom
above, or opposite to a small
[isla]nd; but before we came to this
mile or two, we passd a good smart
on the East side-this Bottom
opposite to Great Hockhocking
above which, & opposite to
Hunting Party, we Incampd
[Wedn]sday 8th/
We left our Incamp
as soon as we coud clearly dis
ish the Rocks; and after pas
Bottom which neither ap
to be long, wide nor very
came to a Second Bottom
noticd the 27th Ulto opposite
to a
Creek on the West side calld by the
Indians little hockhocking, but may
easily be distinguished by having a larg
Stone64 just at its Mouth
(the upper side
this bottom is about 7 in length
and appears to be very wide, and go
and must be very valuable if it
not liable to be overflowd, some pa
of it appearing low the lower
64 Still standing today.
474 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
part of this bottom (as was obser
the 27th Ulto) is opposite to
a smal
barren Island with only a few bu[shes]
on it - the upper part of it begi[ning]
at much such another place a
side (and part of a pretty long [isl]
and65 at a drain or small run
comes out of the Hills---this is
in a Mile or two of the Mouth
Kanawha, & the next Bottom
except a little narrow slipe
at the foot of the Hills below the
At the Mouth of the Kan[awha]
Captn Crawford, one of the
and myself, left the Canoe, in[ten]-
ding to meet it again at the [mouth]
of the Muskingum about 13 M
above, but the Indian by
brought us to the River
Miles below it - In this
excursion we passd over various kinds
of Land some tolerable good white
oak Ground level, & meadowey-some
ery Hilly, & broken with stone; and
ome black Oak, thinly timbered but
good for Farming - And others abt
Mile before we came to the River
which was at a place where there
[wa]s no bottom)66 exceeding
good, full
el enough & well timbered with
& black Oak; but in all the Gd
passd over to day, & I suppose
coud not have walkd less than
miles there was no Water-this
part of the Land where I thought
65 Blennerhassett's Island?
66A mile below Williamstown, W. Va.
Washington's "Tour to the
Ohio 475
Octr 2767 30,000 Acres might [be had]
; but it does not answer my
[expe]ctations: how ever by falling
the River too low, I apprehend
the worst of it; as we were [on]
the Ridges that divide the Wa[ters]
[of] Ohio from the Kenhawa; &
up, towards the 3 Islands, has
[Ju]st below the Mouth of Mus[kingum]
Friday 9th
The Nigh prooving very
Rainy & Morning wet we did
set out till 1/2 after 10 Oclock, &
Incampd by the 3 Islands--- 69
Seeing a Bear upon the shore
we landed, and followed it about
half a Mile from the River w[hich]
gave us an opportunity of s[eeing]
a little of the Land, which was
hilly but rich
Saturday 10th
After a Nig[ht]
of incessant Thunder & Light-
ning, attended with heavy
stant Rain till 11 Oclock t
day, we set of about Twelve
(the Rain then ceasing) and [proceeded]
to the lower end of the long [reach]
distant about 12 miles-- [every]
little stream, imperceptable [to]
the view in our passage do
now pouring in her Mite,
67 p. ___
68 Opposite the suburbs of Marietta, O.
69 See 35.
Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
River raising very fast
grown so muddy as to ren[der]
Water irksome to drink
[Su]nday 11th
The last Night proved
Night of incessant Rain attended
ith thunder and lightning - the
[ri]ver by this Morning had raised abt
feet perpendicular and was
falling fast The Rain seeming
abate a little and the wind spring[ing]
up in our favour we were
[te]mpted to set of; but were deceived
both; for the Wind soon ceasd, &
Rain continued without inter[mis-]
sion till about 4 Oclock, when
moderated However tho we
[did] not sit of till Eleven we got
head of the long reach abt
[mi]les the River continuing to
fast, & much choakd with
[Mon]nday 12th/
There fell a little
[rain] in the Night tho nothing to
of - abt Sun rise we left our
[encam]pment to encounter a very [swift]
[st]ream which by this time had [risen]
2 [ ?] feet perpendicular & running [with]
grea]t velocity After contending
whole day we were
not able to get more than about [5]
Miles-The Water still rising, a[nd]
the Currt if possible running w[ith]
more violence, we came to a res[olu]
tion of ordering our Horses (which
Washington's " Tour to the
Ohio." 477
by appointment were to be at [Pitts]70
burg the 14th Inst.) to meet us a
Mingo Town - accordingly
Tuesday 13th/
We dispatch
young Indian express to Val[entine]
Crawford who had the charge of
them to proceed on
that place, where we purp[osed]
if possible to get the Canoe
being about 50 Miles below
In pursuance of this resolu[tion]
we Imbarkd again, and with [diffi]
culty got about 5 Miles furth
to the Mouth of the Upp[er] m
broken timber Creek In[stead of falling]
of[f] last night the River raisd
perpendicular, and in the n[ight]
with what it rose in the day [it]
must be now 4 or 5 & twenty feet
its usual height, & not a grreat
below its banks - in low pl[aces over]
this day about 3 In the After
[noo]n we met two Battoes & a large
[ca]noe going (at a very fast rate) to
Illinois with Provisions for the
[ga]rrison at Fort Chartres
Wednesday 14th/
The River began [to
[be] at a stand between Sunset &
t night, & continud for some
rs so; falling only 2 feet by Sun
[rise] -- about an hour by Sun we [left]
our Incampment and reachd a
70 p.
478 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
above the Captenings86 (or Fox grape
Creek) about 11 Miles; not finding
water quite so strong as yesterday,
[trav]eling with a little assistant from
wind About 2 or 3 Miles below
[Capte]ning I got out (on the West side)
[wa]kd through a Neck of as good [land]
as ever I saw, between that &
[?]k; the Land on the Hill sides
as rich as the bottoms; than
nothing can exceed- the bottom [at]
the Mouth of Captening appears
[of] equal goodness with the one below
[Thu]rsday 15th/
The Canoe set of [f] at
[su]n rise, as I did to view that
opposite to the Mouth
of Pipe Cree ---In p[a]ssing
Neck I foun[d] the lower par
not very ri[ch] [u]po[n] the Ri
ver towards the Hills, with
well Timberd; and not
only in places-the mid
back of the Rich bottom is
black & white Oak Land [good for
[far]ming, or any purpose w
& intermixd with Meadow
the upper end is as rich
quite to the Hills (which a
as I ever saw, but subject
to freshes----of this Bottom,
Timbered Land adjoining, I
may be 12 or 1500 Acres got
in this manner-Beginn[ing]
the Hills juts down to the
1/2 a Mile above Pipe Creek
West) & a Mile or more
71 See 26.
Washington's " Tour to the
Ohio." 479
of another Ck on the East,
Bottom above the Capten[ing]
East side the River, & ju[st where
destruction of Timber oc[curred by a]
Hurricane of Wind-- from
this bottom there is a run
abt a Mile then comes in
mentiond (which I coud g
on which & up the River
there appears to be a
rich at
e is a run [?]
-the bottom
is pretty long but narrow[?]
Creek (on the West side (calld
Nicholson the 24th Ulto
the River having fallen at
Directing the Canoe
& me at the Mouth of the
by the Indians split Island
which I have since found
s one distinguished by the
of Redstone &ca by the
eling; I set out with Capt
n foot, to take a view
a little distance from the
doing this we ascended Hills
to be almost impassable,
the River with stone &
Timber-back of these
[fou]und is very uneven, &ca
[sma]ll spots, not very good;
ly well Timberd - as far
see into the Country the
his kind - Coming on
[s]plit Island Creek) some
480 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
on the Mouth, we had
nity of observing from
which are very high
Saturday 17th. By this Morning the River
had fallen (in
the whole) 2 or 3 & twenty
feet, & was still lowering -- Abt
8 Oclock we set out, & passing the
lower cross Creeks we came
to a pretty long, & tolerable wide
& good bottom on the East
side the River; then comes in the Hills,
just above which, is
Buffalo Creek (a Creek I neither see nor
remarkd in going down)
upon which, and above it, between yt
& the cross Creeks near the
Mingo Town (distant 3 or 4 Miles) is a
Bottom of exceeding
fine Land, but not very large, unless it
extends up the Creek
About 3 Oclock we came to the Town
without seeing our
Horses the Indian (which was sent
express for them) having
passd through only the morning before
(being detaind by the
Creeks which were too high to ford;
without going high up
them) - here we resolvd to wait there arrival which was ex-
pected to morrow & here then will
end our water Voyage along
a River the general course of which from
Bever Creek to the
Kanhawa is about S Wt (as near as I coud
determine); but in
its winding thro a narrow Vale,
extreamely serpentine; forming
on both sides the River alternately,
Necks of very good (some
exceeding fine) Bottoms; lying for the
most part in the shape of
a half Moon, & of various sizes -
there is very little difference in
the gen1 width of the River
from Fort Pitt to the Kanhawa; but
in the depth I believe the odds is
considerably in favour of the
lower parts; as we found no shallows
below the Mingo Town,
except in one or two places where the
River was broad; & there,
I do not know but there might have been
a deep Channel in some
part of it - every here and there
are Islands, some larger, &
some smaller, which operating in the
nature of Locks, or steps,
occasion pretty still water above but
for the most part strong
& rapid water along side of
them--however there is none of
these so swift but that a Vessel may be
Rowed or set up with
Poles - When the River is in its Natural State, large canoes
that will carry 5 or 6000 weight &
more, may be workd against
stream by 4 hands 20 & 25 Miles a day;
& down, a good deal
Washington's " Tour to the
Ohio" 481
The Indians who are very dexterous (even there wo-
men) in the management of Canoes have
there Hunting Camp's
& Cabins all along the River for the
convenience of transporting
their Skins by water to Market In the Fall, so soon as the
Hunting Season comes on, they set out
with their Familys for
this purpose; & In Hunting will move
there Camps from place
to place till by the Spring they get 2 or 300 or more
Miles from
there Town's; Then Bever catch it in
there way up which fre-
quently brings them into the Month of
May, when the Women-
are employd in Plantg - the Men at Market & in Idleness,
till the Fall again; when they pursue
the same course again -----
during the Summer Months they live a
poor & perishing life
The Indians who live upon the Ohio (the
upper parts of it
at least) are composed of Shawnas,
Delawares, & some of the
Mingos, who getting but little part of
the consideration that was
given for the Lands Eastward of the
Ohio, view the settlement of
the People upon this River with an
uneasy & jealous Eye; & do
not scruple to say that they must be
compensated for their Right
if the People settle thereon,
notwithstanding the Cession of the
Six Nations thereto On the other hand, the People from
Virginia & elsewhere, are exploring
and Marking all the Lands
that are valuable not only on Redstone
& other Waters of Monon-
gehela but along down the Ohio as low as
the little Kanhawa;
& by next Summer I suppose will get
to the great Kanhawa, at
least; how difficult it may be to
contend with these People after-
wards is easy to be judgd of from every
days experience of
Lands actually settled, supposing these
to be made; than which
nothing is more probable if the Indians
permit them, from the
disposition of the People at
present. A few Settlements
in the midst of some of the large
Bottoms, woud render it im-
practicable to get any large qty of Land
Together; as the Hills
all the way down the River (as low as I
went) come pretty
close and are steep & broken
incapable of settlements tho some
of them are rich and only fit to support
the Bottoms with Timber
and Wood
The Land back of the Bottoms, as far as
I have been able
to judge, either from my own observations or from information,
is nearly the same, that is exceeding
uneven & Hilly; & I do
Vol. XVII-31
482 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
presume that there is no body's of Flat
rich Land to be found
one gets far enough from the River to
head the little runs &
drains that comes through the Hills;
& to the Sources (or near
it) of the Creeks & there Branches
- this it seems is the
case of the Lands upon Monongahela and
Yaugha & I fancy
holds good upon this River till you get
into the Flat Lands (or
near them) below the Falls
The Bottom Land differs a good deal in
quality - that
highest up the River in general is
richest; tho the Bottoms are
neither so wide or long, as those below
- Walnut, H[ickory]
Cherry, & some other Woods that grow
snarly, & neither Tall
nor large, but coverd with Grape Vines
(with the Fruit of
which this Country at this Instant
abounds) are the growth of
the richest Bottoms, but on the other
hand these Bottoms appear
to me to be the lowest and most subject
to Floods. Sugar Tree
and Ash, mixd with Walnut &ca
compose the growth of the next
richest low grounds - and Beach Poplar
Oaks &ca the last--
the Soil of this is also good but
inferior to either of the other
kinds & beach Bottoms are excepted
against on acct of the dif-
ficulty of clearing them there Root's
spreading over a large sur-
face of ground & being hard to kill.
Sunday, 18th. Agreed with two Delaware
Indians to carry
up our Canoe to Fort Pitt for the doing
of which I was to pay
6 Dollars & give them a Quart Tinn
Monday 19th The Delawares set of with the Canoe-and
our Horses not arriving, the day appeard
exceeding long &
tedious. Upon conversing with Nicholson,
I found he had been
two or three times to Fort Chartres at
the Illinois, and got from
him the following Acct of the Lands
between this & that; &
upon the Shawna River;72 on which he had
been a Hunting.
The Lands down the Ohio grow more and
more level as
you approach the Falls and about 150
Miles below them, the
Country appears quite Flat, &
exceeding rich, - On the
Shawna River (which comes into the Ohio
400 Miles below the
Falls & about 1100 from Pittsburg)
up which he had hunted
300 & more Miles the Lands are
exceeding Level, rich, & fine,
but a good deal intermixed with Cain or
Reed, which might
72 Cumberland
" Tour to the Ohio."
them difficult to clear; that game of all kinds was to be
here in the greatest abundance, especially Buffalo
from Fort Chartres to Pittsburg by Land, is computed 800
& in travelling thro the Country from that place he found
soil very rich- the Ground exceeding
level to OPost73
French Settlement & from Opost to the Lower Shawna Town
Scioto equally flat that he passd
through large Planes
miles in length without a Tree except little Islands of Wood
in these Planes thousands & 10,000 of Buffalo may be
feeding - That the distance
from Fort Chartres to
is about 240 Miles & the Country not very well waterd-
Opost to the lower Shawna Town about 300 more abound-
in good Springs & Rivulets
that the remainder of the
to Fort Pitt is Hilly; and the Hills larger as you approach
Fort tho the Ld in general is also good.
Fort Pitt I got the distances from place to place down the
as taken by one Mr Hutchins & which are as follows--
wh some corrections of mine
Fort Pitt to Miles
Town W 181/2
Bever Creek W 291/4
Creek GW E 34
Bever Creek W 44
Creek W 52
Stony Creek GW W 66
Town W 73
Creeks 74
Creek or Sculp Ck GW E 78
Cross Creeks GW 84
or Split Island Ck GW E 94
Creek GW W 100
to Redstone GW E 108
Creek GW W 110
Captening GW W 113
Creek GW E 118
Timber Creek GW W 123
Broken Timber Ck GW W 125
Creek GW E 134
of ye long reach 137
of Ditto 155
Vincennes, Ind.
484 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society
GW E 160
A Pretty large
Ck on ye West 178
Muskingham W 182
Little Kanhawa E 195
Hockhocking W 202
Hockhocking W 210
Creek with
fallen Timber
at the
E 230
A smal Creek
on the West
& beging
of ye Great Bent
W 236
Another sml
Ck on the East
just above a
E 241
Rapid at the
point of ye
Great Bent 245
Kanhawa E 272
The distance
by Hutchings is 2661/4
Big Guyendot E 308
Big Sandy
Creek E 321
Scioto River W 366
Big Buffalo
Lick-A Mile
Eastward of
the River
W 390
Large Island
divided by
a gravelly
Creek 4101/2
Mineamie River River W 4921/4
Licking Creek E 5001/4
Great Mineamie
River W 5271/2
Where the
Bones were
found E 5601/4
Kentucke River E 6041/2
The Falls 682
To where the
low Country begins 8373/4
Beging of the
5 Islands 8751/4
Large River on
East side
Verry large
Islands in the
middle of the River 9601/4
Ouabache River 9991/2
Big Rock,
& Cave on the
West side 10421/4
Shawano River74 1094
Cherokee River75 1107
74 The
Cumberland River.
75 Tennessee
Washington's " Tour to the Ohio." 485
Fort Massiac 11183/4
Mouth of Ohio 1164
in all 1164
The Distances from
Fort Pitt to the Mouth of the Great
Kanhawa as set down agreeable to my own Computation,
from thence to the Mouth of River Ohio are strictly
according to
Hutchingss Acct which Acct I take to be
erroneous inasmuch as
it appears that the Miles in the upper parts of the
River are
very long, & those towards the Canhawa short, which
I attribute
to his setting off in a falling fresh & running
slower as they pro-
ceeded on.76
The letters E and W signifie wch side of the
River the re-
spective Waters come in on, that is, whether on the
East or West
Novr 20th. About One Oclock our
Horses arrivd, having
been prevented getting to Fort Pitt by the freshes -
at Two
we set out & got about 10 Miles. The Indians
travelling along
with us.
Tuesday 21st Reach'd Fort Pitt in the Afternoon, distant
from our last Incampment about 25 Miles & as near
as I can
guess 35 from
the Mingo Town-
The Land between the Mingo Town & Pittsburg is of
ferent kinds for 4 or 5 Miles after leaving the first
76It will be interesting to compare this table of
distances with a
later table; the one we chose is from The Western
Pilot of 1829:
Big Beaver Creek.................................... 281/2
R accoon C r. ........................................ 32
Little Beaver Cr .............. ................. ..... 43
W heeling ............................................ 92
C aptina C
r. ..............
........................... 1121/2
B ull C r. ............................................. 165
M uskingum ...............
.......................... 174
Great Kanawha ...................................... 2611/2
Big Guyandot .....
.. ............... ............... 300
Scioto ............................................
Great M iami ............. ........................... 477 1/2
Cumberland ...............
.......................... 900
M outh of the Ohio
.................................. 959
486 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society
place we passd over
Steep Hilly ground, hurt with stone; cov-
erd with White Oak;
& a thin shallow Soil. This was suc-
ceeded by a lively
White Oak Land, less broken; & this again by
rich Land the growth
of which was chiefly white & red Oak,
mixd; which lasted
with some Intervals of indifferent ridges all
the way to Pittsburg.
It was very observable
that as we left the River, the Land
grew better, which is
a confirmation of the Accts I had before
received, that the
good Bodies of Land lay upon the heads of
the Runs & Creeks
but in all my Travels through this Country,
I have seen no large
body of Level Land. On the Branches of
Racoon Creek there
appears to be good Meadow Ground and on
Shirtees Creek76 (over
both which we passed) the Land Looks
well. The Country
between the Mingo Town and Fort Pitt
appears to be well
supplied with Springs.
Tuesday 22.
Stayd at Pittsburg all
day -
Invited the
Officers & some
other Gentlemen to dinner with me at Samples -
among which was one
Doctr Connelly (nephew to Colo Croghan)
a very sensible
Intelligent Man who had travelled over a good
deal of this Western
Country both by Land & Water & confirms
Nicholsons Acct of the
good Land on the Shawana River up
which he had been near
400 Miles
This Country (I mean
on the Shawana River) according to
Doctr Connellys Acct
must be exceeding desirable on many Accts
- the Climate is exceeding fine -
the Soil remarkably
good. the Lands well waterd with good streams
& full level
enough for any kind of
Cultivation-- Besides these Ad-
vantages from Nature,
it has others not less Important to a new
particularly Game which is so plenty as not only to
render the
transportation of Provisions there (bread only ex-
cepted) altogether
unnecessary but to enrich the Adventurers
with the Peltry for
which there is a constant & good Market.77
Doctr Connelly is so
much delighted with the Lands, &
Climate on this River;
that he seems to wish for nothing more
76 Chartiers Creek,
77For Dr. Connelly's
operations in Kentucky see Filson Club Pub-
lications No. 7, 31 seq., and No. 8, 26 seq.
Washington's "Tour to the
Ohio." 487
than to induce 100 families to go there
to live that he might be
among them. A New & most desirable Government might
be establishd here to be bounded
(according to his Acct) by
the Ohio Northward & Westward -
The Ridge that divides
the Waters of the Tenesee or Cherokee
River Southward &
Westward & a Line to be Run from the
Falls of Ohio, or above
so as to cross the Shawana River above
the Fork of it.
Doctor Connelly gives much the same Acct
of the Land
between Fort Chartres in the Illinois
Country, and Post St. Vin-
cent (OPost) that Nicholson does, except
in the Article of Water,
wch the Doctr says is bad & in the
Summer Scarce, there being
little else than stagnant Water to be
met with.
Friday 23d
After settling with the Indians &
that attended me down the River &
defray the sundry Expences
accruing at Pittsburg, I set of on my
return home and after
dining at the Widow Miers' on Turtle
Creek reachd Mr John
Stephenson) two or three hours in the
Saturday 24th.
When we came to Stewards Crossing at
Crawfords, the River was too high to
Ford and his Canoe gone
a Drift - however after waiting there 2 or three hours a
Canoe was got in which we passd and Swam
our Horses.--
the remainder of this day I spent at
Captn Crawfords it either
Raining or Snowing hard all day.
Sunday 25th.
I set out early in order to see Lund Wash-
ington's Land, but the Ground &
Trees being coverd with Snow,
I was able to form but an indistinct
opinion of it - tho upon
the whole it appeard to be a good Tract
of Land and as Level as
common indeed more so from this I went to Thos Gists
and Dind, & then proceeded on to the
Great crossing at Hoglands
where I arrivd about Eight Oclock-
Munday 26th Reachd Killams
on George's Creek where we
met several Families going over the
Mountains to live
some witht having any places provided.
The Snow upon the Alligany Mountains was
near knee deep.
Tuesday 27th. We got to Colo
Cresaps at the Old Town
488 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications. after calling at Fort Cumberland & breakfasting with one Mr Innis at the New store opposite. -- 25 Miles. Wednesday 28th. The Old Town Gut was so high as to Wet us in crossing it, and when we came to Cox' the River was Impassable; we were obligd therefore to cross in a Canoe & swim our Horses - At Henry Enochs at the Forks of Cacapehon we dind, & lodgd at Rinkers the distances thus Computed- from the Old Town to Coxs 8 Miles from thence to Caca- pehron 12 - and 18 afterwards in all 38 Miles - the last 18 I do not think long ones. Thursday 29th. Set out early & reachd my Brothers by one Oclock (about 22 or 3 Miles).-- Doctr Craik having busi- ness by Winchester went that way to meet at Snickers to morrow by 10 Oclock Friday 30th. According to Appointment the Doctr and I met & after Breakfasting at Snickers proceeded on to Wests where we arrivd at or about Sun set. December Saturday 1st. Reachd home being absent from it Nine weeks and one day. |
Introduction and
Notes by Archer Butler Hulbert, Author of "Washington
and the West,"
"Historic Highways," Etc.
It is always interesting to recall that
the earliest accurate
account of the Ohio Valley is from the pen of Washington.
This account is found in two
manuscripts, now preserved in the
Library of Congress, one of which is
entitled "Remarks &
Occurrs in October";
when November came it is noted only by
the words "November 1st"; the
other manuscript is inscribed
"Where & how-my time
is-Spent." The former document is
the elaborated journal of Washington's
tour of 1770 and the latter
is a mere outline, such as he always
kept, of each day's affairs. The
more formal journal was damaged and the
entries for about a
week have never been published, nor has
the journal been edited
in any part. The smaller diary of the
two has never been pub-
lished. The two together are here
reproduced, together with the
articles of the "Mississippi
Company," never printed before,
which are in Washington's handwriting
and are also preserved
in the Library of Congress.
The "Remarks" have been
printed in part in the Writings
of Washington by Sparks and Ford; also in the Old South
Leaflets, as well as independently, under the title of "A
Tour to
the Ohio." It will be found
possible, with the help of the daily
account in the lesser record, to fill up
quite completely the days
which were partially destroyed. As these
days included much
of the return trip up the Ohio even a
fragmentary account of
them has its value to many.
As a preface to the reading of this
little collection of Wash-
ingtonia, relating so intimately to
Ohio, it is proper to review
* In the identification of points
mentioned in Washington's journal
the editor has been largely assisted by
Edgar Chew Sweeney.