Ohio History Journal

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A                                                              Twenty-third annual meeting of O.

Adena, 185, 189.                                                                                 A. & I. S., 132.

Description of, 191.                                                                    Washington's "Tour of the Ohio"

Distinguished visitors to, 191.                                                     and  articles of "The Mississippi

Allread, James I., Address of, 120.                                                   Company," 431.

Amos, J. O., Sketch of Loramie village                                     Atwater, Caleb, mention of, 254.

by, 9.                                                  B

Archaeology-                                                                             Bacon, David -

Collection in, 144.                                                                       Cabin site of, 289.

Mound Builders and the Lost Tribes,                                         Death of, 292.

208.                                                                                          Discomfiture of, 290.

Some Ohio Investigations in, 94.                                               Indian- Missionary. 282.

Articles -                                                                                             Sketch of, 279.

Anne Bailey, 44.                                                                         Tallmadge founded by, 279, 284.

Birthplace of John Brough, 105.                                         Bailey, Anne, Famous ride of, 46.

Cincinnati-A  Civic Ode, 80.                                                      Reinterment of, 47.

Council Rock, 307.                                                                      Sketch of, 44.

Ethical function of the historian, 352.                                Bareis, Geo. F., Address of, 133.

Fort Greenville traditions, 60.                                            Bartley, Thomas W., 312.

Gen. Mason and his letter of rail-                                      Battles -

roads, 254.                                                                              Buffington Island, 243.

Harrison's "Great Speech," 197.                                                Indian, in Ohio, 122.

Indian attack of Fort Dunlap, 64.                                               Lake Erie, 407.

John Morgan Raid in Ohio, 48.                                                   St. Clair's Defeat, 115.

John Sherman, 309.                                                                    The Thames, 408.

John Stewart, 337.                                                              Big Bottom  Park, Report on, 147.

Loramio and Pickawillany, I                                             Bird, Capt. Henry, 498.

Major Caleb Stark in Ohio, 150.                                        Bigot, Father, Sketch of, 2.

Mary Dean Vincent Mound, 30.                                       Blennerhassett Island, Washington   at,

McKinley Monument, 225.                     474.

Monument at Ft. Jefferson, 112.                                        Books-

Ohio Day at the Jamestown Exposi-                                         A         Journey from   Niagara to Picka-

tion, 173.                                                                                 willany, 12.

Old Fort Sandusky of 1745 and the                                            Archaeology of Ohio, 213.

Sandusky Country, 357.                                                             Avery's History of U. S.-Review of,

Political influence of Ohio pioneers,                                         219.

193.                                                                                         Book of Mormon based on Ohio pre-

Rivalry  between   early  Ohio  and                                         historic discoveries, 211.

Kentucky settlers, 230.                                                          David  Zeisberger  and  his  brown

Samuel Furman Hunt, 238.                                                       brethren, 357.

Tallmadge Township, 275.                                                        Geographe de Roe, 1777, 11.

The Ancestry of the Ohioan, 73.                                              Knapp's History of the Maumee Val-

The coming and going of Ohio drov-                                       ley, 4, 200.

ing, 247.                                                                                  McAfee's "History of the late war in

The Morgan Raid in Ohio, 243.                                                 the Western country," 410.

The Pioneers of Western Ohio, 21.                                          Pictorial field book of the War of

The Village of Loramie, 9.                                                       1812, 211.

The westernization of New England,                                        Williamson's  History   of  Auglaize

259.                                                                                         County, 4.
