Ohio History Journal

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164 Ohio Arch

164       Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.


C. L. McIlvaine, representing the New Philadelphia Board of


The announcement was made of the organization, under the

auspices of the Board of Trade, of the Schoen-Brunn Monument

Association, and the names of the Board of Officers were an-

nounced as printed on the program: President, Wm. A. Wag-

ner, President Board of Trade; Vice-President, Rev. Dr. Wm.

H. Rice, Gnadenhutten, O.; Financial Secretary, Professor

George C. Maurer; Treasurer, James F. Kildenbaugh; Associates,

Laurence E. Oerter, Canal Dover; Oliver Peter, Uhrichsville; M.

McDevitt, Scio; Apollo Opes and Charles L. McIlvaine, New


It is the purpose of the Schoen-Brunn Monument Association

to erect a fitting monument to the memory of David Zeisberger.

Superintendent Maurer, in a short address that was attentively

listened to, said that the money for the proposed monument would

be raised by public subscription and he was sure that the people

of Tuscarawas County and the school children would be happy to

contribute to perpetuate the memory of so good a man as David

Zeisberger, whose life was a model.

An original poem from the pen of Judge J. W. Yeagley, of

New Philadelphia, entitled: "The Grave of Zeisberger," was

read with much expression by Miss Bertha Kelly, and was well

received. A pleasing number on the program was a vocal solo

by Albert Senhauser, entitled: "The Lord is My Light."

The celebration throughout was a splendid success and re-

flected much credit upon the local committee.




DEAR FRIENDS: We are assembled in the Sharon Moravian church,

on this Friday morning, to make memorial of the death, and of the burial

one hundred years ago, of David Zeisberger.

He died in the Goshen Mission House at half past three o'clock on

the afternoon of Thursday, November the seventeenth, 1808, and his In-

dian brethren and friends with their white brethren and friends, laid

the body of their revered pastor and friend to its well-earned grave-rest

in the near Goshen Indian God's- cre on the following Sabbath morn-

ing, in loving obedience to his dying injunction, "Bury me amongst my