Ohio History Journal




VOL. XVIII. No. 2.                               APRIL, 1909.



It will be noted in the report of the Annual Meeting of the Society,

held March 2, 1909, that two life members of the Society were newly

elected trustees for the ensuing three years. They were Messrs. Caleb

Hathaway Gallup and Walter Charles Metz.       Below  we give brief

sketches of the lives of the gentlemen in question. Mr. Metz has been

a member of the Society for some years and has been a student in

archaeological lines. Mr. Gallup is known throughout the country for

his historical scholarship and for the active and extensive work he has

clone in connection with the Firelands Historical Society, of which he

has been an influential and official member for a number of years.



John  (1) Gallup, the ancestor of most of the families of that

name, came to America from the Parish of Mosterne, County Dorset,

England in 1630. He became the owner and gave

his name to Gallup's Island off Boston Harbor by

grant from Governor Winthrop whose wife was a

sister of Gallup's wife. A skillful mariner, he be-

came memorable as commander of the first naval

action off Block Island, fought in North American

waters, to avenge the murder of his friend Captain

John Oldham, by Indians in the "famous Pequot

War" of 1637. His son John (2) participated in the

naval engagement off Block Island and in "King

Philip's War" as a captain, led a company of soldiers

into the "fearful swamp of fight" at Narragansett,

December 19, 1675, (within the limits of the present

town of South Kingston, R. I.) where he was killed.

Shortly before this war, a friendly Indian presented

him with a belt supposed to be a notice or warning of impending war.

That belt or sash has descended in the family from generation to genera-

tion until now it is in the possession of the Firelands Historical Society

for safekeeping in its museum. Benadum was of the third generation;

Benadam, his son, of the fourth; William  of the fifth generation was

living at Kingston, Pennsylvania, with seven children in 1778 at the

time of the "Wyoming massacre."    His son, Hallet (22 years old)

escaped death by floating down the Susquehanna River, patrolled by

hostile Indians, his body under water and face between two rails grasped