Annual Meeting Ohio Valley Historical
Association. 399
we need most in this great work of
rescue and preservation, Mr. Presi-
dent, Ladies and Gentlemen, are more
Lyman C. Drapers,-men who,
with knapsack on their backs, are not
only willing, but anxious to go
on foot, if need be, many miles to the
left and to the right to secure
a journal, a diary, a memorandum, an
autograph letter, that shall be pre-
served and become a priceless document
to those who are to come after
It is not my province to suggest a plan
of work as to rescue, classi-
fication, or cataloguing the written but
unprinted sources of the history
of the distant past, and more recent
history of the Ohio Valley. But
may we not hope that ere long, some plan
for systematic action may be
devised and adopted-one which will
result in rescuing from oblivion,
all which yet remains of the Manuscript
history of a Valley filled with
the most progressive people of the
world. Within a period of five years
this should be done, and those Documents
in the possession of persons
who will not part with them, should be
catalogued or listed by title,
with names of owner's location, and
brief description, but sufficiently
elaborate to indicate to the student the
value and character of the Manu-
I close, as I began, by saying, that I
rejoice that The Ohio Valley
Historical Association has been
organized, and that its greatest work,
in the immediate future, is the
collection and preservation of the Manu-
script sources of the history of the
region included in its field of work.
Mr. Lewis was followed by Prof. Frank T.
Cole of the
Old Northwest Genealogical Society, who
presented an address.
Old Northwest Genealogical Society.
Probably each one of us could name
instances where the papers
and correspondence of the grandfather,
preserved with care by him and
his children have gone to the waste
basket at the hands of the third
and fourth generation, and thus, through
carelessness or ignorance there
has passed from sight much accumulated
material for state and local
This meeting does well to consider the
question, how many we
discover, preserve and render available
to the student such collections.
Some years ago, by the efforts of Mr.
William Henry Smith, a
beginning was made of such a collection
in the State Library, and the
papers and correspondence of Governor
Thomas Worthington, Governor
Ethan Allen Brown and some others were
secured and deposited there.