Ohio History Journal

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404 Ohio Arch

404        Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.


respondence with local authorities, compilers of family histories, con-

tributors to historical magazines, and members of historical and patri-

otic societies. If this somewhat lengthy list be exhausted without re-

sult, we may at last resort obtain some information from present day

officials of the locality, especially those connected with the County Clerk's

or Recorder's offices. The latter, at least, will be able to suggest some

clue that may lead to the discovery of those sought for. Correspondence

with these will frequently reveal new names and unexpected collections.

The correspondence will frequently show removal on the part of de-

scendants to other states. This will naturally lead to a correspondence

with historical societies of those states and will thus emphasize the

spirit of co-operation.

Having thus determined who are the historical personages, and

whether or not they left manuscripts, we may suggest a possible organ-

ization for facilitating the acquisition of information of this sort. The

plan that seems to suggest itself more readily, is that of a general com-

mittee composed of one representative from  each state in the Ohio

Valley. This general committee should divide up the work along state

lines, each individual being responsible for his own particular state. The

state representatives in turn should endeavor to secure as many corres-

ponding members of this committee as possible. It seems hardly neces-

sary to have a separate correspondent in every county, and in some

counties it may be advisable to have more than one, so I would suggest

no definite unit for sub-dividing the state, but would emphasize the

necessity of using all who may be in the least serviceable.







Member of the Filson Club of Kentucky.

Mr. Mackoy prefixed his remarks by stating that three

classes of persons should be interested in the work of an or-

ganization such as ours; makers of history, writers of history,

and preservers of history. While comparatively few could hope

to belong to the first two classes, there was opportunity for many

to participate in the work of the third class and it was the hope

of those who were in charge of the Ohio Valley Historical As-

sociation to secure the active co-operation of such persons and

thus give them an opportunity to enroll themselves among the

"preservers of history."   He read extracts showing the interest