Ohio History Journal



Archaeological and Historical








University of Wisconsin.

In presenting this subject it seems best to the writer to treat

somewhat in detail the various classes of earthworks and then

to give a summary for the state as a whole with a brief discus-

sion of the archaeological area to which it belongs. With this

plan in view the various artificial earthen structures in Wis-

consin of prehistoric origin (at least the greater number are

prehistoric) may be grouped into the following rather well

defined types: enclosures, conical mounds, flat topped mounds,

effigy mounds, linear mounds, intaglio earthworks, refuse heaps,

garden beds and corn fields. Altho there are some earth re-

mains that are intermediate between various types, the above

classification serves to good advantage for discussion and com-

parison, and may well be treated in the order given.

Few enclosures exist in Wisconsin. Yet the most famed

of the earthworks within the state is an enclosure with accom-

panying earthworks which has been called the Aztalan ruins.

It would be of no special value to present here a review of the

literature pertaining to these earthworks.  Those who desire

this will find that West (I) has recently made a complete his-

torical summary together with a critical analysis of the literature

on Aztalan.

These remarkable ruins are now badly mutilated by long

Vol. XX-1.             (1)