Ohio History Journal

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[Mr. Isaac Smucker was born in the Shenandoah Valley, Virginia,

in 1807 and became a citizen of Newark, Ohio, in 1825, as he relates in

the article herewith published. He early became an influential and dis-

tinguished personage in his community. In 1837-8 he was a member of

the Ohio Legislature and might have held other offices of greater prom-

inence but he preferred the less conspicuous life and the opportunity it

gave to indulge in his literary and historical tastes. He wrote much in

the lines just mentioned and his writings were accepted by the leading

magazines of the country. He was especially interested in the archaeology

and history of Ohio and for many years was a member of the Ohio State

Archaeological & Historical Society. In 1867 he was the main factor in

the organization of the Licking County Pioneer, Historical and Antiqua-

rian Society, before the meetings of which he read many papers and de-

livered many addresses of great interest and value. The paper here-

with published for the first time was read by him before that Society in

the year 1868. Mr. Smucker died January 31, 1894.-EDITOR.]

In 1825, which was forty-three years ago, the writer arrived

at Newark, after a journey across the Alleghanies, of four

hundred miles, performed on foot, which, at that time, was the

usual mode of travel with men of very limited funds. Those of

more means travelled on horseback, while those most liberally

supplied with cash took to the family carriage, or to the public


The then very small village of Newark was reached at about

nine o'clock at night. It was a very pleasant starlight or moon-

light night,-just light enough to indicate to a weary traveller

who had safely crossed the ricketty old bridge across the North

Fork and reached the western termination of East Main Street,

and there taken his position just between the "Cully and Green

House" tavern, deliberately viewing the situation from this point

of observation, that the "Public Square" was too extensively

dotted with ponds of large and small proportions, to render it

altogether a safe operation to venture forward without a guide.
