Ohio History Journal

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[For some two weeks in the Summer of 1910, a portion of the

Ohio National Guard encamped at Fort Ancient, and during their

evolutions enacted a sham siege of the Fort. This interesting incident

led to many comments in the newspapers concerning the modern

military movements in the fortress that doubtless witnessed scenes of

barbarian warfare centuries ago. In an article brought out by the

incident above mentioned Mr. Felix J. Koch, the distinguished maga-

zine and newspaper writer, speaks as follows concerning Fort An-

cient.-E. O. R.]


A little matter of two thousand years, more or less, is of

no concern when history takes it into her head to repeat her-

self; and so, while it was at perhaps the time that the Egyptians

were setting up the Pyramids, that here in the Western Hemis-

phere, the Mound-builders were waging bloody warfare at Ft.

Ancient, where they had their largest fortress; today the Ohio

National Guard have selected the same place as seat of their en-

campment and maneuvers.     So history is repeating herself at

Ft. Ancient; though the manner of the war of today and of that

other day is a trifle different.

A little jaunt to Ft. Ancient is one of the most delightful

outings in the world, - notably in the autumn or the early spring-

time. The quickest way is by rail to Ft. Ancient Station, from

Cincinnati; or else, if one have an eye to scenery, via Morrow,

and then drive over-land.

En route, you look up data about the fortress, -or you

may procure a little guide on the grounds. Modern Ft. Ancient

is just a sleepy river hamlet, a town of a tavern, before

which gather village-wise acres, to concern themselves rather

with the corn-crop and the pumpkin harvest and the sums made

from summer campers on the Miami, than with the discussion

of matters aboriginal. Still, there is a surfeit of literature on

Ft. Ancient. Away back in 1809, the reports go,-mention

was made of the Fort.
