AN ACCOUNT BY MORGAN'S CAPTOR, MAJOR GEORGE W. RUE. On September 21, 1910, there was celebrated on the Cru- baugh Farm, South of Lisbon, Columbiana county, near the historic spot where the event occurred, the 47th Anniversary of the Surrender of the Confederate Raider, General Morgan. |
captured on the Crubaugh farm near West Point by another equally as intrepid as himself, also a Kentuckian by birth, but arrayed on the side of the Union, Major George W. Rue. Morgan, the Confederate raider, has passed into the great beyond, but yesterday East Liverpool and Columbiana county was honored by the presence of his captor, Major George W. 368 |
Surrender of General John H.
Morgan. 369
Rue, at the celebration in commemoration
of the 47th anniver-
sary of the occasion on the Crubaugh
farm. The celebration
was held in a grove near the historic
Wrest Beaver, within sight
of the marker indicating the exact spot
of the surrender, and
erected through the efforts of the late
lamented Will L. Thomp-
son, that living epic of music and
patriotic citizen.
Hundreds of interested people; city
people in their automo-
biles and carriages, and country folk in
their carryalls and on
foot, veterans of the Civil war, the
glorious remnants of the
grandest army ever marshaled, the wives,
sisters and sometimes
their daughters, who suffered during
that epoch-making strife;
all these people stood with bared heads
while Major Rue, erect
and stalwart, with his six feet three in
heighth and magnificent
physique, even at the age of 83, related
in simple and direct
words the story of John H. Morgan's
The following is the complete address of
Major Rue:
I was born in Kentucky, south of
Lexington. The old Rue
family in Kentucky consisted of three
brothers. They were
among the earliest white pioneers of the
state, and came from
New Jersey. The Rues were French people,
originally, and in
France the name was LaRue, but when they
came to this coun-
try, for some reason the prefix was
A soldier's life always had attractions
for me. When eigh-
teen years of age I enlisted in the
Second Kentucky Infantry
and served through the Mexican war,
under General Zachary
Taylor. At the battle of Buena Vista,
two colonels of my regi-
ment were killed in action, Col. McKee
and Col. Henry Clay,
Jr., a son of Kentucky's noted
Early in the Civil war I organized a
company of cavalry
in Kentucky, and was made captain. I was
assigned to the
Ninth Kentucky cavalry, of which Col.
Jacobs was commander.
I was kept busy chasing John Morgan out
of Kentucky. Six
times I drove him out of the state, on
six different occasions,
before the raid into Ohio, when he
surrendered to me on the
Crubaugh farm, where the monument has
been erected.
A short time before Morgan started for
Indiana, my regi-
ment left me at a farm house, in
southern Kentucky. I was
Vol. XX-24
Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
sick and unable to go on with the
regiment. John Morgan had
tried to cross the Green river, and had
been driven back. Mor-
gan then crossed the river lower down
and made a run for the
Ohio river below Louisville. My regiment
followed him, and
became a part of Shackleford's command.
They followed Mor-
gan all through the raid, but were not
up to the point of capture,
when I caused Morgan to surrender. I was
anxious to join my
regiment, and as soon as possible left
the farm house and went
to the nearest railway station to take a
train for Cincinnati. The
conductor would not let me board the
train because I was in
uniform. He said he had orders
forbidding him to carry sol-
diers in uniform without a pass from a
superior officer. I then
went to the house of a friend and
exchanged my uniform for
citizen's clothes. I stepped aboard the
next train and soon re-
ported to General Burnside in
General Burnside told me he did not know
where my regi-
ment was, but said he would find me
something to do for him.
He placed me in command of Covington
Barracks, just opposite
Cincinnati. I took charge of four
hundred men and a thousand
horses. I found a detachment of about
seventy men from my
regiment, the Ninth Kentucky. They had
been sent for ammu-
nition, and were left behind by
Shackleford and Col. Jacobs.
All the rest of the men were U. S.
Infantry, regular troops.
While Morgan was passing around
Cincinnati, there were
indications of a riot, or an uprising of
sympathizers with the
rebels in some of the worst districts of
the city. General Burn-
side sent for me to bring over all the
troops I could muster with
horses. I did so, and could find no
stables in which to keep
the horses over night. General Burnside
told me to make a
stable of one of the parks, near
Fountain Square. Objection
was made, but I used the park for a
stable that night. I slept
with General Burnside, and we talked
over the situation. It
was thought Morgan might attempt to
enter the city, and lay
it in ashes. However there was no
uprising, and Morgan con-
tinued his raid on through the state. I
called Burnside's atten-
tion to the way Morgan was going where
he pleased, and told
him Morgan would never be taken with
horses and troops fol-
lowing in his rear, and gave him as my
opinion that the only
Surrender of General John H.
Morgan. 371
way to capture Morgan would be with
railway trains loaded
with troops, and thus get ahead of him.
About three days later, Burnside
summoned me to his head-
quarters, and informed me I was to go
after Morgan. He gave
me orders on the government stores for
carbines, sabers, and
ammunition. He ordered me to take all of
the very best horses
out of the thousand in the Covington
Barracks, and mount every
available man who could ride a horse. I
soon had over four
hundred well armed men, with plenty of
ammunition. Most
of them were U. S. regular troops. I
selected the very best
horses, and went with my little command
to the Little Miami
Burnside had three trains, one for the
men, one for the
horses, and one for a battery of
artillery, under Lieutenant Tarr.
We reached Columbus Friday morning.
Morgan having burned
one of the Panhandle bridges, my trains
were transferred to
the B. & O. We reached Bellaire in
the evening. Burnside
wired me orders to leave the train
there, and intercept Morgan
as he came into that town that night. I
unloaded men, horses
and artillery, but Morgan came not.
Burnside ordered me next morning to go by
trains about
fifty miles up the river, and then take
the first road out into
the country and hunt for Morgan. I did
not wait for the ar-
tillery to be reloaded at Bellaire. As
soon as men and horses
were on the trains, I ordered them
pulled out, and left instruc-
tions for the artillery to follow. I did
not leave the train at
Steubenville, but got word through
scouts, who had come in,
that Morgan was heading for Salineville.
I proceeded up the
river, to what was then known as Shaghai
station. After un-
loading my command, I took the shortest
road to Wintersville,
and got there late in the afternoon,
just a little while after the
Wintersville fight. Morgan had got away
again, and was head-
ing for some point on the C. & P. R.
R., which runs up Big
Yellow Creek. As it was nearly night, I
concluded to go into
camp, after going two or three miles
from Wintersville in the
direction Morgan was traveling.
About midnight General Shackleford came
into my camp.
He was camping about two miles away. His
scouts had in-
372 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
formed him of my presence in the neighborhood, and he came over to find out what troops were in camp. I told him I was acting under orders from Burnside. He asked me to join with him in chasing Morgan the next day. This was Saturday night. I consented on condition that I be allowed to ride to the front, and head Morgan off, while Major May, with the Seventh Mich- igan Cavalry would attack from the rear. I called attention to my fresh men and splendid horses. Shackleford was reluctant to have me do this, but finally consented. |
Michigan, under Major Way, came through Monroeville and at- tacked Morgan's rear. Morgan instructed his rear guard to hold the Michigan troops in check, and put up a stiff fight. While this was going on, Morgan led the most of his command down a steep decline, and over the hills, away to the west. Virtually, turning on his tracks, he sacrificed the forty troops of his rear guard, a number of whom were wounded, and others taken prisoners by Major Way. These prisoners were brought into Salineville just after I arrived there. I recognized a number of |
Surrender of General John H.
Morgan. 373
them personally. They were rebels from
my home county in
Kentucky. Some I had known from boyhood.
At Salineville, I learned from scouts
and telegraph oper-
ators that Morgan had crossed the C.
& P. railroad and that his
column was leisurely moving down the
West Beaver road, which
ran along the north side of the creek,
some ten or twelve miles
distant from Salineville. I lost no time
and took the road lead-
ing towards the creek. When I got on the
high ground, near
a church, I met a man on horseback
riding a good horse. He
looked like an intelligent fellow, and I
inquired where he was
going and from whence he came. He said
he was looking for
Morgan. I asked him if he was acquainted
with the roads lead-
ing to West Beaver creek. He said he
was, and stated that he
was a physician, and had practiced
medicine all along the West
Beaver valley for a number of years. I
told him he was just
the fellow I was looking for, and that
if he would go with me,
and show me the shortest roads, leading
to the creek, I would
promise to find Morgan for him before
noon. He sized me up,
and looked over my men, and turning his
horse around said,
"Come on." When we got to the
high ground which overlooks
the broad valley for several miles, I
saw a cloud of dust arising
over a mile away. I asked the doctor, he
told me his name, but
I do not recall it now, if the West
Beaver creek was over where
we saw the cloud of dust. The doctor
said the dust was rising
from the West Beaver road. It follows
the creek, down the
north side for several miles, where it
leaves the creek and leads
to the Ohio river. When I first saw the
cloud of dust it was
rising slowly. Soon it began to move
faster. The doctor told
me the road over which we were traveling
crossed the creek
and intercepted the road down the creek
about two miles away.
Morgan was traveling towards the point
where these two roads
came together. I had much the greater
distance to travel. I
at once ordered my command into a brisk
About this time my command commenced to
throw some
dust. Morgan evidently soon noticed the
dust we were raising,
and his guides must have informed him
that the road over which
we were traveling led into the road
which was leading him to-
wards the goal he was so anxious to
reach, the Ohio river. Mor-
374 Ohio
Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
gan's tired horses were spurred into a
faster gait, and he beat
me to where the roads came together.
Most of his command
had passed the point before I reached
the creek. I could only
fall in his rear and give him a chase.
This I did not want to do.
I wanted to meet Morgan and his raiders
face to face, and fight
him to a finish. Here the doctor
suggested that by riding down
the creek, along which he said was a
private road, not very
good, but over which horses could travel
nicely. I found the
creek bottom was level, almost with the
road. It was not very
rocky, and was suitable for fast riding,
because there was but
little water at most places.
We rode down that creek bottom at a
gallop, probably a mile
and a half or two miles, until we found
a private road leading
from the creek up through the fields,
past a barn to the main
road. It was a fast ride, with good
horses. I remember it well.
I shall never forget it. As soon as we
reached the main road
we wheeled to the left, and rode to the
crest of the first hill, up
the creek. I found we were ahead of
Morgan. I knew then
I had him. I formed my command in line
of battle across the
road, quickly. My right rested in a bit
of timberland, with
the left of the line below the road,
down in the orchard. I had
scarcely placed my troops in position
for a fight, when over the
crest of a hill about a quarter of a
mile away, appeared the heads
of the horses of Morgan's advance
troops. As soon as they
saw me, they halted and drew back,
leaving one or two men to
watch our movements.
Soon afterwards three troopers came
riding over the crest
of the bill and down into the little
valley which lay between
the two opposing lines. One of the men
had a bit of white
muslin tied on a saber, or on a ramrod,
which he was waiving.
This I supposed was intended for a flag
of truce. I sent three
of my men forward to find out what was
wanted. My troopers
came back and reported that General
Morgan demanded my
surrender. I at once recognized that as
a John Morgan bluff.
I sent word to Morgan that he must
surrender or fight Major
Geo. W. Rue, of the Ninth Kentucky
cavalry. This must have
been a surprise to Morgan, and no doubt
was the first intima-
tion to him that I was not still in
376 Ohio Arch. and Hist.
Society Publications.
He next tried a ruse and sent back his
men with a flag
of truce, informing me that he had
already surrendered to Cap-
tain Burdick. I had never heard of
Captain Burdick until that
moment. I inquired who he was, and to
whose command he
belonged. One of Morgan's men told me
that Captain Burdick
was captain of a militia company from a
nearby town. I then
sent word back to Morgan that I
recognized no surrender, only
one to myself, and informed his men that
he must surrender or
fight at once. They then went back to
report, and in a few
moments returned with the announcement
that Morgan was
willing to surrender to me.
I at once, with an escort, rode over
into Morgan's camp.
His men were lying on both sides of the
road and nearly every
one of them asleep. It was a hot July
day and they were the
tiredest lot of fellows I ever saw in my
life. I rode quite a
little distance through his men before I
reached Morgan. When
I met him he was on a fine Kentucky,
thoroughbred sorrel mare,
one that Morgan said was the only horse
that came through
from Kentucky, and which had withstood
the strain of travel
for twenty-seven consecutive days.
Morgan was very loth to
part with that sorrel mare. He gave the
mare to me, supposing
probably that I would take her back to
Kentucky where he might
some day have a chance to steal her
John Morgan was the prince of horse
thieves. He stole
more horses than any other man who ever
lived on earth. Some
of the farmers of Columbiana county knew
something about
Morgan's way of trading horses. He kept
the Southern Con-
federacy supplied with the very best of
Kentucky horses. For
this reason Morgan was dearly loved by
all the generals in the
rebel army. They all loved a good horse,
and John Morgan
was a good source of supply. Well, I
never got that sorrel mare.
She was sent to Cincinnati, I learned,
and by some means, I
never could learn why, she was turned
over to Shackleford.
General Shackleford was very tired when
I left him at Sa-
lineville between nine and ten o'clock
that last Sunday morning.
With my splendid horses I soon left him
far behind. I had
to send two messengers after Morgan had
surrendered, before
he came up to Morgan's camp. He was
about five miles back,
Surrender of General John H.
Morgan. 377
and had stopped at a farm house, where
he was eating dinner.
Neither Shackleford nor any of his
troops took any part in the
capture. The two of us escorted Morgan
and his men to Sa-
lineville, and later to Wellsville,
where General Brooks had
arrived and made his headquarters.
When I first rode into Morgan's camp, I
told him I was
glad to see him, but I don't think he
was glad to see me. I was
operating an independent command under
direct orders from
General Burnside. I was even detached
from duty with my
regiment, which was with Shackleford,
under Col. Jacobs. I
had the authority to take Morgan and all
my prisoners to Wells-
ville, and could have either turned them
over to General Brooks,
or have ordered up my special trains,
and have placed Morgan
on them and taken them back and
delivered the whole command
to General Burnside at Cincinnati.
However, I turned Morgan over to
Shackleford, and he
was sent from Wellsville to Cincinnati.
Governor Tod tele-
graphed me to come to Columbus. He
thanked me very much
and complimented me on the quick capture
of Morgan after I
got after him. The governor went with me
to see Gen. Burn-
side at Cincinnati. I told them both
that John Morgan should
be put in a safe place, where he could
not steal any more
horses, because he was supplying the
rebel army with all the
fresh thoroughbred horses they needed.
They replied they had
a safe place for him. Probably they thought
they had. How-
ever, John Morgan was as wily as a fox,
and as slippery as an
eel. He stayed in the penitentiary only
about three months.
Some folks say that Morgan dug a tunnel
and crawled out,
but others think a rebel woman from
Covington, Kentucky, took
thirty thousand dollars from Kentucky
rebels, who loved John
Morgan, and went to Columbus, where she
had no difficulty in
fixing fellows in charge of the
penitentiary, or on duty there,
so that Morgan and his comrades gained
their freedom.
AN ACCOUNT BY MORGAN'S CAPTOR, MAJOR GEORGE W. RUE. On September 21, 1910, there was celebrated on the Cru- baugh Farm, South of Lisbon, Columbiana county, near the historic spot where the event occurred, the 47th Anniversary of the Surrender of the Confederate Raider, General Morgan. |
captured on the Crubaugh farm near West Point by another equally as intrepid as himself, also a Kentuckian by birth, but arrayed on the side of the Union, Major George W. Rue. Morgan, the Confederate raider, has passed into the great beyond, but yesterday East Liverpool and Columbiana county was honored by the presence of his captor, Major George W. 368 |