Sept. 15, 1912, the day of the
centennial of the Copus Battle
was a very gloomy day, with rain from
early morning until
evening. But despite the inclement
weather about 1,000 people
gathered in Milligan's grove, near the
Copus monument situated
near Mifflin, ten miles east of
At 11 o'clock Prof. G. F. Wright, of
Oberlin, called the meet-
ing to order and after singing America,
Rev. Eugene E. Williams
offered prayer. Prof. Wright then gave
an address regarding the
geology and early history of the country
near which the battle
was fought. Hon. W. S. Kerr, of
Mansfield, then gave an inter-
esting historical address in which he
showed the honor that
belonged to the early settlers and
especially those who fell dur-
ing the Indian massacres. Mr. P. C.
Cowen, of Perrysville,
read an historical paper recounting the
names and deeds of the
pioneers of the immediate community.
After the addresses a sumptuous basket
dinner was eaten
by those present. The rain still
persisted in a steady down-
pour, the crowd began to disperse and
the exercises of the day
came to an end. Had the weather been
favorable there would,
no doubt, have been 12 to 15 thousand
people present, because
extensive preparations had been made by
people for miles
The publicity that the Centennial gave
to matters of local
history was of great value in getting
before the people the value
of preserving these historical events
and landmarks. It also
brought the Ohio State Archaeological
and Historical Society
before the people in a favorable manner.
Prof. Wright, our
president, won interest in the society.
The local committee, Mr. A. J. Baughman
and Rev. Eugene
E. Williams, both life members of the
Society, had arranged an
excellent program and had spent
considerable time and effort in
380 Old Fort Sandoski and the De Lery Portage.
getting the centennial well planned and
advertised. They had
the co-operation of the best citizens of
the community.
In May, 1782, the ill-fated expedition
under command of
Col. Wm. Crawford, the friend of George
Washington, passed
thru Wayne, Holmes, Ashland, Richmond
and Crawford counties
on its way to the Indian settlements on
the Sandusky River. On
the banks of the Clearfork, in what is
now Ashland County, he
stopped at an Indian village called
"Helltown," a German name
meaning village by the clear stream.
"This village was the home
of Thomas Lyon, Billy Montour, Thomas
Jelloway, Billy Dowdy,
Thomas Armstrong, and other leading
Delawares; and the occa-
sional residence of the noted Captain
Pipe, who aided in the
execution of the unfortunate Col. Wm.
Crawford."1 The next
year the village was abandoned, most of
the inhabitants going to
the north bank of the Blackfork where
they founded the village of
Greentown. This village was named for
Thomas Green, a Con-
necticut Tory and renegade. It was
composed of Delaware,
Mingo, and Mohawk Indians, with Captain
Thomas Armstrong
as chief, and was situated three miles
north of Perrysville on a
farm now owned by Pierce Royer or Martin
Weirick. It con-
sisted of about four acres, and was
nearly surrounded by alder
marshes, making it almost impregnable
from an attack by the
enemy. The huts numbered about 150, with
a council-house
and a cemetery; the cemetery is supposed
to contain the remains
of Thomas Green, the founder. "From
1783 to 1795 this village
was a point on the route from Upper
Sandusky to Fort Pitt, and
many trembling captives passed thru it
on their way to Detroit or
other points in the Indian country."1
"The cabins comprising
the village stood principally upon the
rolling plateau-like summit
of the hill, each Indian selecting a
site to suit himself, with but
little regard for streets or regularity.
A sycamore tree, which
in the olden time cast its shade over
the council-house of the
tribe, still stands like a monument from
the past, grim and white,
stretching its branches like skeleton
arms, in the attitude of a
benediction. A wild-cherry tree stands
several rods northeast,
1History of Ashland County, Ohio, by G.
W. Hill, M. D., 34.
The Copus Battle Centennial. 381
around which was formerly a circular mound."2 It was the burning of this Indian village in August, 1812, that caused the Indian uprising which led to the death of Martin Ruffner, the Seymour family, and the Copus battle. |
2A. J. Baughman, in appendix to Philip Seymour, by Rev. James F. McGaw. |
382 Ohio Arch. and Hist.
Society Publications.
It was in the first decade of the
nineteenth century that the
first white settlements were made in
what are now Richland and
Ashland Counties. The first permanent
settler in Richland County
was Jacob Newman, who settled on the
banks of the Rockyfork
in the spring of 1807. He built
his cabin near a spring. Not long
after the erection of his cabin he began
the erection of a grist-
mill on the Rockyfork, which was
purchased and completed by
Jacob Beam, and became widely known as
Beam's Mill. In 1812,
Mr. Beam built a block-house near his
mill, and it was here that
soldiers under Captain Abraham Martin and Captain Simon
Beymer of the 3rd (Bay's) Regiment, were
In March, 1809, Rev. James Copus, a
hatter by trade, moved
with his family of nine children near
the banks of the Blackfork
where he erected a temporary cabin. This
cabin was located
about three-fourths of a mile northeast
of what is now called
Charles' mill, on what is called
Zimmer's Run. "The cabin was
constructed by planting two forks in the
ground about twenty
feet apart, and placing a ridge pole on
them, and then leaning split
timber against the pole, making a sort
of shed roof, the base being
about twelve feet wide, leaving a small
opening at the top for the
escape of smoke. The ends were closed by
setting poles in the
ground, leaving a door at one end. The
cracks were carefully
closed with moss gathered from old logs.
The floor consisted of
the smooth, well packed earth. In this
rude structure James Copus
and family resided for a period of about
eighteen months."3 In
the spring of 1810 he erected a cabin
about three-fourths of a
mile from the Blackfork. where he was
living at the time of the
battle in which he lost his life.
It was located at, or near, where
the Copus monument now stands. Mr. Copus
was born in Greene
Co., Pa., in 1775, and married in 1796.
He was of German
descent, a man of firm convictions and
upright character. He
was a member of the Methodist Episcopal
church, and frequently
preached to the Indians, by whom he was
respected as a man of
integrity. His permanent cabin was built
near an excellent spring
which gushed out of the ground, at the
foot of the hill, furnishing
water for the family and stock. A ridge
of ground about 75
3History of Ashland County, by Hill.
The Copus Battle Centennial. 383
feet high was on one side of the cabin,
and on the other side
was a valley of rich and beautiful land.
Mr. Copus had cleared
about twenty acres of the land and
enclosed it with a rail fence.
It was here that he resided when the War
of 1812 began.
Dr. G. W. Hill, in his History of
Ashland County, gives the
following account of an Indian feast
that Mr. Copus attended.
"In the fall of 1809 he attended an
Indian feast at Greentown,
where he met James Cunningham and other
new settlers........
The refreshments (?) consisted of boiled
venison and bear meat,
somewhat tainted, and not very palatable
to the white guests.
The ceremonies took place in the council
house, a building com-
posed of clap-boards and poles, some
thirty feet wide, and per-
haps fifty feet long. When the Indians
entered the council
house, the squaws seated themselves on
one side and the men
on the other. There was a small
elevation of earth in the cen-
ter, eight or ten feet in diameter,
which seemed to be a sort of
sacrifice mound. The ceremonies were
opened by a rude sort of
music, made by beating upon a small
copper kettle, and pots,
over the mouths of which dried skins had
been stretched. This
was accompanied by a sort of song,
which, as near as could be
understood, ran; 'Tiny, tiny, tiny, ho,
ha, ho, ha, ho !'-accenting
the last syllables. Then a tall chief
arose and addressed them.
During the delivery of his speech, a
profound silence prevailed.
The whole audience observed the speaker,
and seemed to 'be
deeply moved by the oration. The speaker
seemed to be about
seventy years of age. He was tall and
graceful. His eyes had
the fire of youth, and blazed with
emotion while he was speak-
ing. The audience frequently sobbed, and
seemed deeply 'af-
fected. Mr. Copus could not understand
the language of the
address, but presumed the speaker was
giving a summary 'his-
tory of the Delawares, two tribes of
which, the 'Wolf' and the
'Turtle,' were represented at the feast.
Mr. Copus learned that
the distinguished chief who had
addressed the meeting, was 'Old
Captain Pipe,' of Mohican Johnstown, the
executioner of the
lamented Col. Crawford. At the close of
the address dancing
commenced. The Indians were neatly
clothed in deer skin and
English blankets. Deer hoofs and bear
claws were strung along
the seams of their leggins, and when the
dance commenced, the
384 Ohio Arch. and Hist.
Society Publications.
jingling of the hoofs and claws gave a
rude sort of harmony to
the wild music made upon the puts and kettles. The men
in files or lines, by themselves around
the central mound, and the
squaws, followed in a company by
themselves. In the dance
there seemed to be a proper sense of
modesty between the
sexes. In fact, the Greentown Indians
were always noted for
being extremely scrupulous and modest in
the presence of others.
After the dance, the refreshments were
handed around. Not rel-
ishing the appearance of the food, Mr.
Copus and the other
whites present, carefully concealed the
portions handed them
until they left the wigwam, and then
threw them away. No
greater insult could be offered an
Indian, than to refuse to ac-
cept the food proffered by him. So those
present had to use a
little deception to evade the censure of
the Indians."
Among other settlers at the beginning of
the War of 1812
were the following: David Hill who,
in 1809, made the first
settlement in what is now Lucas, on the
lot now owned by Silas
Rummell; Captain James Cunningham, James
Smith, John and
David Davis, Abraham Baughman, Peter
Kinney, Martin Ruff-
ner, Frederick Zimmer (Zeimer or
Seymour), Samuel Lewis,
Henry McCart, Archibald Gardner, Andrew
Craig, John Lam-
bright, John and Thomas Coulter, Allen
Oliver, Calvin and
Joseph Hill, Ebenezer Rice, Joseph
Jones, Charles and Melzer
Tannyhill, Jeremiah Conine, George Crawford,
Edward Haley,
Lewis and Solomon Hill, Moses Adzit,
Sylvester Fisher, Otho
Simmons, Simon Rowland, Richard Hughes,
and Henry Smith.
These settlers were mostly on the banks
of the Blackfork, Rocky-
fork or Clearfork rivers.
When war between England and the United
States was de-
clared, June 18, 1812, Ohio became
at once the theater of some
of the most important incidents of the
war. At almost the be-
ginning, August 16, Gen. Wm. Hull
ingloriously surrendered
Detroit to General Brock. This act of
cowardice rendered the
Ohio country almost defenseless against
the Indians. The first
engagement with the Indians is said to
have been on Marble-
head peninsula in Ottawa County.4 From
this time many battles
4Ohio Arch. & Hist. Soc. Pub., XlV.,
The Copus Battle Centennial. 385
and skirmishes between the whites and
Indians caused the
ground to be red with blood.
At the outbreak of hostilities Col.
Samuel Kratzer, of Knox
County, arrived at Mansfield and took
command of the soldiers
stationed at the various blockhouses.
One blockhouse at Mans-
field was under Captain Shaffer of
'Fairfield County, and the
other under Captain Williams of
Coshocton County. The soldiers
at Beam's blockhouse were under the
command of Captain Abra-
ham Martin and Captain Simon Beymer.
Early in September,
Col. Kratzer sent Captain Douglass to
Greentown to bring the
Indians to Mansfield for the purpose of
sending them to Piqua,
or Urbana, fearing that Tecumseh would
influence them to join
him in hostilities against the white
settlers. Greentown was
beautifully and strategically located
and they hesitated to leave
the place that had been their home for
thirty years, and where
many of their relatives were buried.
When Captain Douglass
requested the Indians to vacate their
homes and remove to a
distant place he did not meet with a
hearty response. It was a
delicate and dangerous mission he had to
perform. To insist
was to meet with resistance; to fail in
the enterprise was to be
reprimanded by his commanding officer.
In his dilemma he
found his way to the cabin of the friend
and adviser of the In-
dians-James Copus-and solicited his aid
in the undertaking.
In this he acted wisely, for Captain
Armstrong, the chief, had
about eighty warriors and could maintain
his position with great
loss to the whites. So Captain Douglass
went to the man whom
he thought could render him assistance
and thus avert blood-
shed. But James Copus was not a man to
do a thing he thought
to be wrong. He had lived neighbor to
these Indians for three
years and had found them peaceable. He
had preached to them
the principles of Christianity and
did'not want to do anything
that would belie his teaching. He,
therefore, refused to do as
Captain Douglas desired. He endeavored
to show that the In-
dians had certain rights which must be
respected; that it was
wrong to take them from their homes; and
that if they should
be removed he would be blamed as being
responsible for it. But
all'of this was of no avail. The Captain
not only urged, but
Vol. XXI -25.
386 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications. commanded him to do as requested. Mr. Copus, fearing that Douglass would expel the Indians by force, finally consented to accompany him on condition that the property of the Indians should not be molested. He was given this assurance by Captain Douglass, who, doubtless, intended to keep his word. Mr. Copus took with him his three sons, Henry, James and Wesley, |
and accompanied Douglass to Greentown, about three miles dis- tant. Upon arriving at the village they found the Indians greatly excited at the prospect of being driven from their homes. Cap- tain Thomas Armstrong, the chief, was a small, dignified man about sixty-five years old. His Indian name was Pamoxet. He was not a full-blooded Indian, but had lived so long with them that he had become one of them. He and Mr. Copus were very |
The Copus Battle Centennial. 387
good friends. He had often visited the
Copus cabin, and one
season'had made sugar there. They had
often enjoyed the back-
woods sports together. No wonder,
therefore, that Mr. Copus
did not want to ask the Indians to
leave. When Douglass ap-
proached the chief the second time he
found him trembling with
emotion and excitement. He asked Mr.
Copus if the property
of the Indians would be protected, and
upon being told that
Captain Douglass had promised that not
only the Indians them-
selves should be protected, but that
their property also should
remain intact, the chief reluctantly
consented to accompany the
soldiers to the blockhouse at Mansfield.
With feelings of re-
gret and sorrow the Indians prepared to
leave their homes. It
was a sad sight to see them start on the
journey. Many of
them kept looking back to get the last
glimpse of the place that
had been their camping-ground for thirty
years. Finally some
one detected what looked like smoke
arising from their late
homes, and before they had proceeded
much further their fears
were confirmed. A few straggling
soldiers had tarried behind
and had wantonly applied the torch to
the Indian village and
Greentown was disappearing in smoke.
This was done, they
claimed, in revenge for their relatives
who had been slain by In-
dians. Some of the Indians swore
vengence, and subsequent
events proved that they found it. Mr.
Copus was chagrined
at finding that the pledges given to the
Indians had not been
kept, and feared that he might be in
danger from their desire for
revenge, since he had advised them to
leave their homes under
promise of protection. But he soon found
composure and went
on his usual rounds of'back-woods
duties. Before leaving the
village an inventory of their property
was taken by Captain
James Cunningham and Peter Kinney. The
Indians were taken
across the Blackfork to the new State
road, on thru Lucas, and
finally encamped in the ravine southwest
of what is now the pub-
lic square in Mansfield. After being
joined by Indians from
Jeromeville, they were taken by Col.
Kratzer to Piqua.
In the spring of 1812, Martin Ruffner, a
native of Shenan-
doah County, Va., settled on Staman's
Run, half a mile northwest
of what is now Mifflin, in Ashland
County, Ohio. Here he built
a cabin on the brow of a hill not far
from the Blackfork. He,
388 Ohio Arch. and Hist.
Society Publications.
and a boy named Levi Berkinhizer
(Bargahiser), lived at the
cabin and proceeded to clear some land
preparatory to the arival
of his family. Near his cabin was the
cabin of his brother-in-law,
Richard Hughes, with whom Mr. Ruffner's
mother and nineteen
year old brother, Michael, lived. Mr.
Ruffner's wife and child
arrived later in the summer, but upon
hearing of the surrender of
Hull at Detroit he had sent them to
Licking County. Several of
his relatives had been killed by the
Indians and he had conse-
quently become the unconquerable foe of
the Red-man.
About two and one-half miles southeast
of the Ruffner cabin
Frederick Zimmer (Zeimer or Seymour), a
native of Germany,
but who had resided in Pickaway County,
erected a cabin for his
family consisting of his wife, daughter
Catherine, and son Philip,
aged nineteen. Mr. Zimmer was a man of
some means and had
purchased land in Pickaway County, where
he had left some of
his married sons. He at once began to
improve his recently
acquired home in Richland (now Ashland)
County. Being an
old man and unable to work but little,
he hired Michael Ruffner
to assist in preparing about fifteen
acres for corn.
On the afternoon of September 10th,
1812, this young man,
Michael Ruffner, was on his way along
the trail leading to the
cabin of his brother, when he met two
(perhaps more) Indians
carrying guns, knives and tomahawks, and
who seemed very
friendly. They inquired if the Zimmers were
at home, and upon
being informed that they were the
Indians passed on into the
forest and disappeared. Michael hastened
to tell his brother
Martin what he had seen and heard.
Martin at once became
suspicious and mounting a fleet horse
hastened down the trail
to warn the Zimmers of the suspected
danger. Arriving before
the Indians had put in an appearance,
the pioneers soon decided
to sent Philip Zimmer to warn the other
settlers of the impending
danger. He first went to the cabin of
James Copus, who lived
about two miles further down the trail.
From there he went to
John Lambright's who had erected a cabin
two miles further
south on the Blackfork. Lambright, Copus
and Philip Zimmer
hastened to the Zimmer cabin arriving
there early in the evening.
Everything was as silent as midnight and
finding no light in the
cabin grave fears were entertained that
the occupants had met
The Copus Battle Centennial. 389
a terrible fate. Mr. Copus went
cautiously to the window and
listened, but no sound greeted his ears.
He then went to the
door, which he found ajar, but upon
pressing against it he found
that it did not move. He then felt on
the floor, when, to his
horror, his hand was wet with blood.
There was no longer any
uncertainty as to the fate of the
inmates of the cabin. Hastening
to where Philip and Lambright were
stationed he told them what
he had found. Young Zimmer became
frantic at the thought of the
death of his aged parents and sister. He
rushed to the cabin to
see for himself, but was restrained from
entering for fear that
the Indians were secreted there awaiting
his arrival, and that he
would share the same fate. Fearing to
remain longer at the
Zimmer cabin, Copus and Lambright
persuaded Philip Zimmer to
accompany them to the home of Mr. Copus
who took his family
to the home of Mr. Lambright where they
were joined by the
Lambright family. From there they went
to the home of
Frederick Zimmer, Jr., whose family also
joined the frightened
pioneers in their flight. They all
hastened along the trail to the
cabin of David Hill, where Lucas now
stands, and there were
lodged over night. When morning arrived
they, together with
the Hill family, went to the blockhouse
at Beam's Mill, where they
remained a few days.
The same day of their arrival at the
blockhouse Philip and
Frederick Zimmer, with Copus, Hill and
Lambright, accompanied
by an escort of soldiers, went to the
cabin of Martin Ruffner and
Richard Hughes, but found nothing
molested. Here they were
joined by the lad, Levi Berkinhizer
(Bargahiser), also Michael
Ruffner and Richard Hughes. They all
proceeded to the Zimmer
cabin where a horrible sight awaited
them. There upon the
floor they found the dead and mangled
bodies of Mr. and Mrs.
Zimmer, and their daughter Catherine.
Mr. Zimmer had been
scalped. Tradition says that an Indian,
Philip Kanotchy, after-
ward gave the details of the murder,
stating that the beautiful
Catherine was the last to be killed. At
the time of her death she
was engaged to be married to Jedediah
Smith. He afterwards
married and reared a family, the
descendants of which still reside
in Washington township, Richland County.
Thus ended the
career of beautiful, beloved Kate
Zimmer. In the yard the recon-
390 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
noitering party found the body of heroic
Martin Ruffner. From
every evidence he had made a desperate
struggle for his life.
Several of his fingers had been severed
by blows from a tomahawk,
and his gun was bent nearly double,
showing that he had used it
in clubbing the savages. He was also
shot twice thru the body
and then scalped. From the appearance of
the table in the cabin,
refreshments had been prepared, but not
eaten. The bodies of
the dead were carefully placed in a
single grave on the knoll a
short distance from the cabin, where a
monument now marks the
spot. The farm was sold by Philip Zimmer
to Michael Culler,
and is now owned by the heirs of the
late Boston Culler.
After burying the bodies of Martin
Ruffner and the Zimmer
family, the party retraced their steps
to the blockhouse at Beam's
Mill. But Mr. Copus was not accustomed
to sit around and
idle away his time. Besides that he had
confidence in the friend-
ship which had previously existed
between himself and the neigh-
boring Indians. He therefore, decided to return to his cabin
near the Blackfork. To this desire
Captain Martin objected.
He urged that the unsettled condition of
the Indians made it
dangerous to be away from the
blockhouse. But Mr. Copus
was determined to go, and could not be
dissuaded. On the af-
ternoon of September 14, 1812, he set
out with his family of
nine children for his cabin, accompanied
by nine soldiers as a
protection. Upon arriving at the cabin
they found it and the
stock as they had left it. When the
evening shades began to
gather Mr. Copus invited the soldiers to
share the hospitality of
his cabin, but since the night was warm,
and the soldiers de-
sired to indulge in sports, they
declined his invitation and de-
cided to sleep in the barn, about four
rods north of the cabin.
Mr. Copus cautioned the soldiers to be
on 'their guard against
surprise by the Indians who might be
lurking about. During the
afternoon Sarah Copus, aged twelve, saw
some Indians in the
cornfield south of the cabin, but had
said nothing to her father
about it. During the night the dogs kept
up an almost incessant
barking, and Mr. Copus slept but little.
A short time before
daybreak he invited the soldiers into
the cabin and informed
them of his fears. He then lay down to
rest and the soldiers
went to the spring, near the cabin to
wash. He again warned
The Copus Battle Centennial. 391
them to take their guns with them, since
he was certain that In-
dians were lurking near the cabin
because of the constant bark-
ing of his dogs, and the peculiar
premonitions he had received
during the night. The soldiers started
with their guns, but in-
stead of keeping them by their side,
leaned them against the
side of the cabin. The Indians had been
watching for just such
an opportunity as the carelessness of
the soldiers offered. While
the soldiers had been showing such
indifference to the warnings
they had received, the Red-man of the
forest had stealthily, yet
swiftly, stolen upon them, as a tiger
springs upon its prey. The
soldiers had scarcely reached the spring
and begun their ablu-
tions when the terrible war-whoop of the
savages was heard.
Instantly the distance between the
spring and where their guns
had been left leaning against the cabin
was filled with yelling In-
dians, shooting and tomahawking the
soldiers. Of the soldiers
at the spring three fell from the blows
of the savages and were
instantly scalped. Three more fled into
the woods; these were
George Shipley, John Tedrick, and Mr.
Warnock. Shipley and
Tedrick were soon overtaken by the
Indians, tomahawked and
scalped. But Warnock was swifter of foot
and outran the
savages, who finally shot him in the
bowels; he stuffed his
handkerchief into the wound and ran
behind a tree, where his
dead body was found some time after. A
soldier named George
Dye, of Captain Simon Beymer's company,
finding that his ap-
proach to the cabin was cut off decided
upon a heroic and
strategic method. He rushed to the door
of the cabin and
paused long enough for the savages to
take aim, and then by a
mighty leap sprang for the door,
entering it with a broken hip
caused by a bullet from the gun of a
warrior. It is stated
that several pints of bullets struck the
spot where he had stopped
just before springing into the cabin.
This now made three
soldiers in the cabin, for two of them
had not gone to the spring
with the other seven. One by the name of
George Launtz
proved himself worthy of his profession.
While the soldiers on
the outside of the cabin were meeting
their death, those on the
inside were having an interesting
experience. Launtz had
climbed up to the loft and while
removing the clay and chink-
ing had his arm broken by a ball from a
rifle of an enemy. But
392 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
he was undaunted. He soon saw the head
of an Indian pro-
truding from behind a scrub oak standing
on the hill overlooking
the cabin; he took aim, fired, and the
Red-skin bounded into the
air and tumbled down the hill into the
trail that wended its way
past the cabin. The most important
person engaged in the con-
flict was the owner of the premises,
James Copus, the friend of
the Indian. Upon hearing the war-whoop
of the Indians Mr.
Copus sprang from his bed, seized his
trusty gun and rushed to
the door just as Dye was about to enter.
He at once saw an
Indian pointing his gun at him ready to
fire when Mr. Copus
leveled his rifle and fired simultaneous
with the Indian; both
were mortally wounded. Mr. Copus was
carried to a bed, where
he expired in about an hour; he died
encouraging the soldiers to
protect his family. The ball that caused
his death passed thru
the leather strap which supported his
powder-horn.5 On the
hill just opposite the cabin was a
growth of dwarfed timber
which afforded protection for the
Indians, who poured an al-
most incessant storm of bullets against
the cabin. The door of
the cabin was soon riddled with bullets,
but the puncheon floor
was torn up and stood against it to
afford protection against the
enemy. The logs of the cabin were
literally filled with the
missiles from the savage denizens of the
forest. The Indians
climbed upon the hill and fired down
upon the roof of the cabin,
but all to no avail. The only inmate of
the cabin, except Mr.
Launtz, to be wounded was ten-year-old
Nancy Copus, who was
wounded in the knee. During the
engagement a wounded savage
was seen crawling upon the ground
endeavoring to reach the
trail. At times he would look toward the
cabin and attempt to
raise his gun and shoot, but his efforts
were soon stopped by a
ball from the rifle of one of the
soldiers, who shot him thru the
The engagement lasted until about ten
o'clock, when the
Indians finding that they could neither
kill nor dislodge the
occupants of the cabin, retreated,
taking most of their wounded
5This powder-horn is now in the
possession of Mr. H. H. Becker,
who married Miss Minnie Copus, daughter
of Madison Copus, son of
Wesley, who was the son of James Copus.
The Copus Battle Centennial. 393
and killed with them. But before leaving
they sent a farewell
volley of bullets into the flock of
sheep which had been the
silent and sad spectators of the events
of the morning. The sheep
tumbled down the hill into a heap in the
trail. These were the
same sheep that were seen early in the
morning looking down
upon some interesting object in the corn
field below. With a
savage yell the Indians were gone, to
the great delight of the
almost exhausted defenders of the cabin.
How many Indians
were killed is uncertain. The number
engaged in the battle is
supposed to have been forty-five,
because there were found forty-
five holes in the ground, where
forty-five ears of corn had been
roasted. No sooner had the enemy
disappeared than a soldier
lifted some of the clapboards off the
roof making a hole thru
which he escaped, and ran in haste to
the blockhouse at Beam's
Mill notifying the soldiers of what had
taken place, and asking
assistance. But Captain Martin was not
at the Blockhouse. The
day before, when the Copus family and
the nine soldiers left the
blockhouse, the Captain promised that he
would be at the cabin
that evening and see if there was any
danger that would require
their presence. But having scouted all
day without finding any
signs of Indians decided to camp for the
night. In the morning
they started leisurely for the Copus
cabin. Several times they
heard the shooting, but thought it was
the soldiers at target
practice. On approaching the cabin they
skulked along as if they
were Indians, but soon discovered that
there was something wrong
and a practical joke was out of place.
Captain Martin and his sol-
diers6 were horrified to find
their dead comrades at the spring
and the dead body of Mr. Copus in the
cabin. It was especially
horrifying to Captain Martin, since he
might have averted the
battle had he kept his agreement and
arrived the day before. The
trail of the Indians was at once
followed, but they had dis-
appeared around the southern bluff of
the hill and were lost among
the weeds in the ravine, and were soon
out of reach. The dead
soldiers and Mr. Copus were buried
together in a large grave
at the foot of an apple tree, near the
south side of the cabin. Cap-
6One of the soldiers of the rescuing party
was Nehemiah Williams,
grandfather of the writer of this sketch.
394 Ohio
Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
tain James Cunningham assisted in
burying the dead.7 The dead
included Mr. James Copus, George
Shipley, John Tedrick, and the
three unnamed soldiers who fell at the
spring. Captain Martin
and his soldiers then took the Copus
family and the wounded
soldiers and proceeded up the valley
about half a mile where
they encamped for the night, after
placing guards around the
camp to prevent surprise by the Indians
who might still be lurking
in the vicinity. There were about one
hundred in the camp that
night. It is quite likely that there was
very little sleep. The
next morning the little band continued
on the trail passing near
the deserted cabin of Martin Ruffner,
reaching the block-house
at Beam's Mill that evening.
About six weeks after the battle Henry
Copus and a half
dozen soldiers returned to the Copus
cabin. They found the
dead body of Mr. Warnock leaning against
a tree. A grave was
dug near by and his body buried. They
also found the bodies of
the two Indians which had been left when
their comrades had
retreated from the field of conflict.
One Indian was in the front
yard; this doubtless was the one who was
shot by Mr. Copus.
The other was in the trail near the foot
of the oak tree, where he
had been shot by Mr. Launtz. The bodies
of the Indians were
left where they fell, and were, no
doubt, devoured by wolves
which were numerous at that time.
For about two months Mrs. Copus and her
children remained
at the block-house at Beam's Mill. They
were taken by Joseph
Archer and George Carroll to near
Claysville, Guernsey County.
The journey required many days over a
rough road thru the
unbroken wilderness. Part of the way
they had to walk, and at
best the trip was one of great hardship.
Almost any moment
they might expect to see an Indian
spring from behind a tree
and send his tomahawk into the brain of
some of the company.
Mrs. Copus and her children remained in
Guernsey County
until the spring of 1815 when they
returned to their neighborhood
near the banks of the Blackfork. Mrs.
Copus afterwards married
John Vail, by whom she had one daughter
who became the wife
of Peter S. VanGilder.
7Captain Cunningham was the grandfather
of Mr. A. J. Baughman,
the historian, who is trustee of The
Ohio State Arch. & His. Society.
The Copus Battle Centennial. 395 Mrs. (Copus) Vail lived fifty years after the battle in which her first husband was killed. She saw a great transformation take place in the wilderness along the banks of the Blackfork, near which they had built their first cabin in 1809. She died December 8, 1862, aged eighty-seven years, three months, and seven days. Her body now rests in a cemetery near the place where the battle occurred. |
Sept. 15, 1912, the day of the
centennial of the Copus Battle
was a very gloomy day, with rain from
early morning until
evening. But despite the inclement
weather about 1,000 people
gathered in Milligan's grove, near the
Copus monument situated
near Mifflin, ten miles east of
At 11 o'clock Prof. G. F. Wright, of
Oberlin, called the meet-
ing to order and after singing America,
Rev. Eugene E. Williams
offered prayer. Prof. Wright then gave
an address regarding the
geology and early history of the country
near which the battle
was fought. Hon. W. S. Kerr, of
Mansfield, then gave an inter-
esting historical address in which he
showed the honor that
belonged to the early settlers and
especially those who fell dur-
ing the Indian massacres. Mr. P. C.
Cowen, of Perrysville,
read an historical paper recounting the
names and deeds of the
pioneers of the immediate community.
After the addresses a sumptuous basket
dinner was eaten
by those present. The rain still
persisted in a steady down-
pour, the crowd began to disperse and
the exercises of the day
came to an end. Had the weather been
favorable there would,
no doubt, have been 12 to 15 thousand
people present, because
extensive preparations had been made by
people for miles
The publicity that the Centennial gave
to matters of local
history was of great value in getting
before the people the value
of preserving these historical events
and landmarks. It also
brought the Ohio State Archaeological
and Historical Society
before the people in a favorable manner.
Prof. Wright, our
president, won interest in the society.
The local committee, Mr. A. J. Baughman
and Rev. Eugene
E. Williams, both life members of the
Society, had arranged an
excellent program and had spent
considerable time and effort in