In undertaking to edit the following
expresses and com-
munications I have made no attempt to
form any connection
between them or, to draw any conclusions
from the import of
the letters taken separately. The nature
of the communications
prohibits such a procedure. My part has
been merely to preface
several of the documents with a few
remarks relative to the
state of affairs at the time they were
In regard to the original documents, I
wish to say that
they have been in my possession for
several years. To the best
of my knowledge they have never been
exhibited or printed dur-
ing, or previous to, the time I have had
them. Although the
documents are for the most part in good
condition and easily
legible, which has obviated any trouble
in reading them, the
proper place for them is not obscurity
in my own hands but con-
tributed to the Ohio State
Archaeological and Historical Society
as Documental History.
The first express is relative to the
condition of affairs at
Urbana about the time of the first siege
of Fort Meigs. It is
addressed to Col. John Daugherty,
Springfield. (Express.)
The letters from Fort Finly referred to in this express
probably left that place during, or
shortly after that place was
itself attacked. From the date of this
express it appears likely
that the men mentioned as headed by
Governor Meigs had set
out under his command, soon after he had
received a communica-
tion from Major William Oliver, dated
April 29, 1813, describ-
ing the predicament of Fort Finly at
that time. Oliver's letter,
which is given in full in H. S. Knapp's
History of the Maumee
Valley (p. 159, 1877 Ed.), states that
on April 28th the Indian
allies of the British had attacked the
fort from the opposite
shore, the British themselves remaining
below. The force of
Some Documentary History of
Ohio. 397
the enemy was at this time estimated at 3,000 with an additional
and unknown number of Indians in the
Oliver on the date of his letter to
Governor Meigs was in
pursuit of General Clay. Having reached
General Clay, Oliver
returned to General Harrison then at
Fort Meigs, arriving at
that place on the night of May 4th.
During the three days pre-
ceding Oliver's arrival, Harrison had
been subjected to the fire
of Indians who had climbed trees near
the fort and, the British
batteries on the left of the river. In
this position General Har-
rison had been asked, by General Proctor
who commanded the
Birtish troops, to surrender the
garrison. Harrison refused to
surrender and was soon reinforced by
Clay as related above.
Even after General Clay's timely arrival
it was not until May
9th that General Proctor finding himself
unable to take the fort,
and, seeing his Indians fast leaving him
raised the siege and
retired to Malden. It was therefore only
reasonable that the
citizens of Urbana should feel the alarm
expressed in the fol-
lowing communication:
URBANA, 8th May, 1813.
SIR: From letters received this day from
Fort Finly we
learn that Camp Meigs, the headquarters
of the North Western
Army is now closely besieged by the
British and Indians and a
constant cannonading kept up for several
days. It is also stated
that the firing of cannon has been heard
at Fort Defiance. We
learn that several hundred men have already
marched from the
Second Division headed by Governor Meigs
who is to proceed
on by Sandusky to Fort Finly and the
Rapids. A number of
citizens of this place and its vicinity
have met to consult for the
safety of the frontier and our
companions in arms are of opinion
that the only alternative that remains
is to reinforce Genl. Har-
rison and reduce the enemy in the
Wilderness, or shortly find
him within our settlement. There being a
considerable number
of public arms at this place, and some
ammunition, it is purposed
by this meeting that all who can
possibly leave their homes should
at this all important juncture volunteer
for a few days for the
purpose of joining Gov. Meigs at Fort
Finly and then determine
whether to reinforce Genl. Harrison or
guard our frontier until
a regular draft can be made.
398 Ohio Arch. and Hist.
Society Publications.
It is proposed that the persons who on
this important occa-
sion volunteer their service, do meet at
this place, mounted and
provided with at least eight days
provisions, on Monday next,
and proceed immediately on under the
command of such persons
as they may appoint. Those who cannot
conveniently furnish
themselves with provisions can be
supplied along the different
parts of the road. All expenses sent on
to different Commts.
will be regularly paid by application to
Capt. Joseph Vance of
this town.
The second communication includes a copy
of a hand bill
that was forwarded to Urbana relative to
the second siege of
Fort Meigs. It is followed by
correspondence from William
Ward to G. Whiteman. Ward in the
communication to White-
man states the condition of affairs at
Urbana and, adds a note
concerning a rumored killing by the
Indians between McArthurs
and Menarys which he says cannot be
confirmed. The only ad-
dress this communication bears is, G.
Whiteman or Col. Daugh-
erty. No town or camp is given.
Western Star Extra.
Extract of a letter from J. C. Bartlett
to G. McArthur dated
July 22nd at Upper Sandusky, 1O o'clock
p. m., Oliver has
this moment arrived from Fort Meigs with
a verbal message
from G. Clay to W. H. Harrison,
informing him, that the British
had again besieged that place. They were
discovered on the
opposite side of the river yesterday.
The Indians had crossed
Some Documentary History of
Ohio. 399
over in the night and had succeeded in
killing and taking off
seven of the picket guards. The force
landed in view of the
fort from their gunboats. They were
estimated at 1,500 British
troops, besides those who had taken
their positions in the night.
Early last night the enemy took
possession of the point on this
side of the river, 200 yards below the fort where they were
erecting batteries; our batteries opened
yesterday morning. We
have heard several guns this evening; 10
or 12 gun-boats,
(4 of
them rigged) were in view when W. Oliver
left the fort. I left
G. Harrison this morning at lower
Sandusky. The Commandant
of the militia has at the request of the
D. G. Master General,
ordered out mounted men and companies if
volunteers cannot
be had to the relief of Fort Meigs.
Scioto Gazette Extra.-Col. Dankorn left Chillicothe last
evening at 5 o'clock; an hour after Col.
Bartlette's letter was
received-he was overtaken by an express
bringing a letter from
G. McArthur stating that he had received
orders from G. Har-
rison to turn out with all possible
expedition all the force he
possibly could. In consequence of which
the whole of the Second
Division has been ordered out. July 25,
DEAR SIR: The above is a copy of a hand
bill that came
forward to Urbana which puts it out all
doubt of the fort hav-
ing been attacked. There is a few guns
at Urbana, perhaps 200
to 250, some which was not fit for
service when the others were
carried away which has since been
repaired and the balance was
deposited by Col. Johnston's mounted men
on their return home.
There has been a report in circulation
that the Indians had
killed some men between McArthurs and
Menarys which may
have reached you, but it can't be true
as the source can't be
traced. I am yours,
Another communication to Col. Daugherty
relates the failure
of several men to report at Urbana on
August 27th. This com-
munication is addressed to Col. J.
Daugherty, Comdt. 2nd R.,
4th B. 1st D., O., Militia. It reads as
400 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
SIR: The following persons who were
drafted and ordered
to rendezvous at Urbana on the 27th of
August failed to appear.
Captain Coxes Company-John Hutchinson.
Ensign Clevengers Company-John Enoch,
John Alburn,
John Strawbridge. HENRY VAN METER,
Adgt. 2nd Regt. 4th Brigade,
1st Division, Ohio Militia.
The Fourth communication is from Duncan
McArthur at
Chillicothe and is addressed to Col.
William Ward, or, Capt.
Joseph Vance, Urbana, Ohio. The
postscript is given as ap-
pended to the original document.
CHILLICOTHE, July 2, 1813.
GENTLEMEN: It appears from information just received
from Sandusky that our outposts are
again attacked. Every exer-
tion is making here to raise volunteers.
I purpose setting out
immediately for the head of Paine,
Lebanon, Xenia, and Urbana
for the purpose of raising a few mounted
volunteers, and trust
that if the news should reach you before
I do, that you will pro-
ceed with your usual exertions and
success. I hope to be with
you before you can possibly be ready to
march. The Governor
is here and will proceed up the Scioto
and do all he can to raise
volunteers. Expresses have been sent to
Lancaster and Zanes-
ville. There is a regiment of regulars
on their march from Ken-
tucky by this place. Do what you can;
all are busy here. Gen-
eral Harrison we expect is at Fort
Meigs. In haste yours,
and all friends in the neighborhood of
A Brigade Order of later date and
addressed to Col. John
Dougherty, or in his absence, Major
Thomas Moore, Comt. 2nd
Regt. 1st B. 5th Division Ohio Militia,
reads as follows:
Some Documentary History of Ohio. 401
DECEMBER 26th, 1814.
DEAR SIR: In conformity to a call of
Genl. McArthur com-
mandant of the Eighth Military District,
the commander-in-chief
of the militia of this State having
called for one entire company
from the fifth Division, the Major Genl.
having called on this
Brigade for one captain, together with
his non-commissioned
officers and musicians, and twenty-eight
men, to be in readiness
to march at a minute's warning-you are
therefore requested, to
have detailed by draft or otherwise, one
captain, one drummer,
one fifer, two sergeants, two corporals
and eleven privates, to
be held in readiness to march at the
shortest notice; it is expected
this order will be put into execution
with the least possible delay,
and when the men may be ordered to
rendezvous you will report
to me the captain's name, who may be
ordered out.
Yours respectfully,
LAYTON, Brigr. Genl.,
Of the 1st Brigade 5th Div., Ohio
N. B.
Sir, it appears from the rank rolls, that you have
two of the oldest captains in the
Brigade who have not served a
tour of duty, and lest you should be
difficulted suspecting the
dates of their commissions I give them
to you, John N. Simon,
June 2nd, 1811, and John M. Cord, Dec
...., 181... J. L.
A second Brigade order of still later
date is addressed to
Col. John Daughity, Champaign County,
near Springfield, Ohio.
JULY 12th, 1816.
Sir you are hereby required to peraid at
the town of Urban-
ner on the 29th and 30th days of August
next with all the com-
missioned officers and regimental staff
officers under your com-
mand for the purpose of being trained as
the law directs where
you will meet the officers of the Third
Comd. of the first Brigade, 1st
Vol. XXI- 26. Ohio
402 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
The foregoing expresses, communications, and brigade or- ders have dealt for the most part with military maneuvers; an- other document in which Col. Daugherty's name appears is of a different type. The following document is a receipt for special bail of Simon Kenton, bail being furnished by John Daugherty and Robert Renick. So far, I have been unable to locate the incident involved in this transaction.
* * * * * Received of John Daugherty and Robert Renick special bail for Simon Kenton in a case where Samuel Need and Abraham Need assignees of John Need who was assignee of Abraham Stipp are plaintiffs and said Simon Kenton is defendant in the court of common pleas for Champaign County the body of said defendant who has this day been surrendered by said special bail before Samuel Hill, Esquire, one of the associate judges of our said court of common pleas in persuance of the statuo in such case made and proceeded. 5th Sept. 1823. F. AMBROSE, Shff. of Champaign County. Receipt for the body of Simon Kenton from Shff. Champaign.
While the preceding communication may not be of any direct historical value, still they at least give us side lights upon the life of Col. John Daugherty, a very worthy man about whom but little is recorded, and, again recall the name of Simon Kenton. |
In undertaking to edit the following
expresses and com-
munications I have made no attempt to
form any connection
between them or, to draw any conclusions
from the import of
the letters taken separately. The nature
of the communications
prohibits such a procedure. My part has
been merely to preface
several of the documents with a few
remarks relative to the
state of affairs at the time they were
In regard to the original documents, I
wish to say that
they have been in my possession for
several years. To the best
of my knowledge they have never been
exhibited or printed dur-
ing, or previous to, the time I have had
them. Although the
documents are for the most part in good
condition and easily
legible, which has obviated any trouble
in reading them, the
proper place for them is not obscurity
in my own hands but con-
tributed to the Ohio State
Archaeological and Historical Society
as Documental History.
The first express is relative to the
condition of affairs at
Urbana about the time of the first siege
of Fort Meigs. It is
addressed to Col. John Daugherty,
Springfield. (Express.)
The letters from Fort Finly referred to in this express
probably left that place during, or
shortly after that place was
itself attacked. From the date of this
express it appears likely
that the men mentioned as headed by
Governor Meigs had set
out under his command, soon after he had
received a communica-
tion from Major William Oliver, dated
April 29, 1813, describ-
ing the predicament of Fort Finly at
that time. Oliver's letter,
which is given in full in H. S. Knapp's
History of the Maumee
Valley (p. 159, 1877 Ed.), states that
on April 28th the Indian
allies of the British had attacked the
fort from the opposite
shore, the British themselves remaining
below. The force of