Ohio History Journal

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Editorialana.                       487


archaeological interest, including the two serpent effigies of southern

Ohio.  Mr. Mills extended the society an invitation to attend the

second annual conference of the Society of American Indians, held in




The historic Indian of Ohio, in the days of his contest against

the invasion of the Whites, often dreamed of organization for the pro-

tection of his race and confederations were formed by Pontiac, Corn-

stalk, Little Turtle, and the last and greatest by Tecumseh, the famous

Ohio Shawnee chief. It was just a century ago that he gave up his

life in the battle of the Thames fighting for the rights of his race.

To-day the Indian population of this country, numbering some three

hundred thousand, is mostly confined to the governmental reservations

of the West. They are the wards of the nation, treated more like

children than citizens and deprived of the right of voice in the govern-

ment. Their wrongs are many, and again they are attempting to form

a tribal alliance, through which organization they can influence the

government at Washington to bestow upon them greater advantages

and protect them in many wrongs.

The condition of the American Indian particularly attracted the

attention and aroused the sympathy of Professor F. A. McKenzie, of

the Ohio State University, and some two years ago he began a cor-

respondence with a number of representatives of American Indians.

The result of that preliminary correspondence was the gathering at

Columbus, in the first week of April, 1911, of six distinguished Indians,

viz.: Dr. Charles A. Eastman, Dr. Carlos Montezuma, Thomas L. Sloan,

Hon. Charles E. Dagenett, Miss Laura M. Cornelius, and Standing Bear

As the result of this first camp fire, an invitation was issued to the vari-

ous western tribes, inviting their representatives to meet in Columbus,

October 12th to 17th, 1911. The signers of that invitation were: W. O.

Thompson, President, O. S. U.; George S. Marshall, Mayor of Colum-

bus; Charles J. Pretzman, President Chamber of Commerce; Joseph

Taylor Britan, President Columbus Ministerial Ass'n; H. M. Blair,

Secretary Y. M. C. A.; E. O. Randall, Secretary State Archaeological

and Historical Society; and J. M. Henderson, President Columbus

Federation of Labor. The conference was duly held, and was a grati-

fying success in every way. The second Annual Conference of the

Society of American Indians will be held in Columbus, October 2d

to 7th, 1912, a report of which will appear in one of the subsequent

numbers of the Society's Quarterly.

Concerning this movement and its conception, we reprint from

the Kit-Kat Club Magazine, for September, 1912, the following article,

written by Professor F. A. McKenzie.

Two leaders of the Indian race, Dr. Charles Eastman and the Rev.