Ohio History Journal

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286 Ohio Arch

286      Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.

The program began at 2 o'clock. Hon. E. O. Randall pre-

sided, and after a very brief preliminary address introduced

Mrs. Jones, who read the following paper:


One hundred and thirty-eight years ago this October, mo-

mentous events were happening in this beautiful valley of the

Scioto and history was being made in this fertile Pickaway


East of us about seven miles, at Camp Charlotte, were about

fifteen hundred men under the command of Lord Dunmore, the

English governor of Virginia; while near where we stand was

the victorious but angered army, of about equal number, of Gen-

eral Andrew Lewis.

General Lewis' army represented the southern division of

Lord Dunmore's recruits, which he had organized to exterminate