Ohio History Journal

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Old Fort Sandoski of 1745 and The Sandusky Forts

Old Fort Sandoski of 1745 and The Sandusky Forts. 375


hoga River is a mere assertion without any foundation in fact.

Neither Colonel Whittlesey, Mr. A. T. Goodman nor Judge Bald-

win, long officers of the Western Reserve Historical Society at

Cleveland, on the Cuyahoga River, and all extremely anxious to

prove the importance of their own locality, ever thought of

claiming the Cuyahoga River for the White River.

From the foregoing, it appears that Mr. Hanna's criticism

betrays such carelessness in the use of data which were plainly

before his eyes that no confidence can be placed in his general

statements when unsupported by definite references and that,

when definite references are made, it is not likely that he has

considered them carefully enough to give them proper interpre-


The experiences of Secretary Randall in his "History of

Ohio," in dealing with the sophistries of Mr. Hanna in trying

to prove that LaSalle did not discover the Ohio, brings out Mr.

Hanna's defects of historical judgment. Reviewing Hanna's

argument in the case of LaSalle, Randall says, "they are mainly

negative and leave LaSalle's claim still unrefuted with the pre-

ponderance of evidence decidedly in his favor, and the judgment

of Parkman still unreversed that LaSalle discovered the Ohio."

A critic who can in a nonchalant manner dismiss the con-

clusions of Parkman, discredit the conversations published by

Margry, doubt the correctness of LaSalle's "Memorial to Fron-

tenac," think that Joliet's map was a species of forgery, and

that the opinion of Whittlesey, Goodman and Baldwin of the

Western Reserve Historical Society, are of no value in the

history of the regions to which they each give their close atten-

tion, is not one whose opinions are to be taken without investiga-






The Editor is responsible for the publication, without cor-

rection, or comment, in the last QUARTERLY of the article

by Charles A. Hanna making severe reflection on the Presi-

dent and Trustees of the Ohio State Archaeological and His-