476 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
"The Functions of Museums and the
Question of Special Exhibi-
tions", by Frederic A. Lucas,
American Museum of Natural History.
"The Museum Point of View in
Botany", by E. L. Morris, Brooklyn
Institute Museum.
"A Celestial Sphere-An Appartus
Installed to Promote Interest in
Astronomy", by Dr. W. W. Atwood,
Chicago Academy of Sciences.
"The Educational Work of a Natural
History Museum", by W. W.
Atwood, Chicago Academy of Sciences.
"The Deutaches Museum at
Munich", by Mr. Charles R. Toothaker,
Philadelphia Museum.
"Legislation in the Interest of the
Ohio State Museum", by William
C. Mills, Ohio State Archaeological and
Historical Society, Columbus, 0.
The Association adjourned at 1:00 P. M.
to Memorial Hall, Fairmont
Park for luncheon. After luncheon the
members inspected the Museum
and were given an automobile ride
through Fairmont Park visiting the
Zoological Gardens and ending the ride
at the Wagner Free Institute of
The centennial celebration of Perry's
Victory has practically occupied
the summer on the Great Lakes. The
recovery of Perry's second flagship,
the Niagara, from the depths of
Little Bay, and its rejuvenation has been
the chief sensational event and formed
the central attraction. From Erie
to Chicago it has been the central
figure in the naval procession of triumph.
The culmination of all these
celebrations will be on September 10, the
centennial anniversary of the battle of
Lake Erie.
Governor James M. Cox will go to
Put-in-Bay to preside at the
exercises in celebration of the
anniversary of Perry's victory.
President Woodrow Wilson will speak for
the United States and a
distinguished Canadian for the Dominion
of Canada. The oration of the
will be delivered by former President Taft, and addresses will also
be delivered by Lieutenant Governor R.
B. Burchard of Rhode Island, and
Rev. J. A. Carey of Chicago.
After these exercises the invited guests
will go to Cedar Point, where
a banquet, given by the interstate
board, will be held.
On the morning of September 11 the
guests will return to Put-in-
Bay. On this day will take place the
impressive ceremony of the removal
from their present graves of the bones
of the American and British officers
killed in the battle of Lake Erie, to
the crypt in the Perry memorial,
where they will be reinterred with
international honors.
Delegations consisting of the governors
and their staffs, state officials,
members of the United States senate and
house of representatives, and
other distinguished citizens from the
states participating in this centennial
will be present.