This section of Ohio is replete with
historical events, many
of which have been chronicled, while
some have come down to
us in the guise of legends. In the early
days of the pioneers
many soul-stirring events occurred with
but few participants
who realized that the recording of the
same would be of value
and of great interest to later
One of the men very prominent in the
early history of this
section of Ohio was Major George Adams.
This short sketch
cannot claim to reveal any more than
occasional facts, "until
now hid away in the past's valley of
Avilion." Written about
eighty years after the death of the man
of whom it treats, this
review includes nothing ascertained from
the chief character
himself, and nothing is stated that was
told to the writer by any
one who knew him.
The facts related were previously
"precipitated into the
opaque sediment of history," and
have been gleaned from various
publications. Edgar's "Pioneer Life
in Dayton & Vicinity," as
well as Beers' History of Montgomery
County is authority for
the statement that George Adams was born
in Virginia, October
26, 1767; served as a drummer boy in the
War of the Revolu-
tion, and in 1790 came to Fort
Washington with dispatches to
General Harmar.
Another authority states that Adams and
another man came
down the Ohio River from Pittsburg in a
canoe with an express
to General Harmar at Ft. Washington.
Harmar's army had
marched a few days before they arrived.
Governor St. Clair,
who was there, wished Harmar to get the
express, and proposed
to furnish Adams with a good horse,
saddle and bridle, if he
would follow the army. He agreed to the
proposal and was
furnished with rifle and ammunition,
parched corn, a little flour
and a piece of pork and started to find
Harmar. On the fourth
Major George Adams. 523
day he overtook the army at the old
Indian town of Chillicothe,
near Xenia, Ohio, about fifty miles from
Ft. Washington. He
delivered the dispatches to General
Harmar, joined the Kentucky
mounted men and continued with the army.
Harmar's command consisted of three
hundred and twenty
regular troops from New Jersey and
Pennsylvania and 1133
drafted militia, (which really meant
indiscriminate volunteers,
aged men, and inexperienced boys) from Pennsylvania
According to Frazer E. Wilson (History
of Darke County)
"The militia advanced up the Mill
Creek valley on Sept. 26th,
1790, and the main army followed on the
30th. The forces were
united on the 3rd of October
and took the trace made by Geo.
R. Clark up the Little Miami valley,
passing near the present
sites of Lebanon and Xenia, Ohio;
crossing Mad river at old
Piqua town (between Dayton and
Springfield, 0.); proceeding
northwesterly and crossing the Great
Miami above the present
site of Piqua, Ohio; thence to the site
of Loramie's store (Ber-
lin, 0.), across the old Indian and
French portage to the St.
Mary's river (near St. Mary's, 0.), and
on toward the Miami
villages (Fort Wayne, Ind.).
Moorehead in his article on the Indian Tribes
of Ohio, in
Vol. VII. of said publications affirms
that Harmar advanced
northward from Cincinnati about
twenty-five miles to a position
on the great Miami, at which place Fort
Hamilton was estab-
lished the following year, and there
united with the volunteer
militia troops from Kentucky and
Pennsylvania, whereupon he
moved northeastwardly upon the chief
town of the Shawnees,
Chillicothe. On Harmar's approach he
found the smoking ruins
of a burned and abandoned village; not
an Indian was to be
seen. The had sacrificed their
"Moscow," and retired ten miles
in the direction of the confluence of
the Mad River and the
Great Miami; took up an advantageous
position and awaited
Harmar's movements who played into their
hands by sending
a small detachment under General Hardin
of but two hundred
and ten men to attack them. Moorehead's
apparent confusion
in this matter arose, probably from the
fact that the Maumee
in early days was called the Miami of
the Lake, and that Chilli-
524 Ohio Arch. and Hist.
Society Publications.
cothe is simply the Shawnee name for
town, there being one of
that name near Xenia and another on the
Maumee as well as in
other localities.
According to Major Denny's journal on
October 18th, the
men moved off with great reluctance, and
when about three
miles from camp not more than two-thirds
of his command re-
mained, the others having dropped out of
ranks and returned to
camp. Hardin proceeded and about ten
miles from camp, not
expecting to be near the enemy, he
suddenly came upon a party
supposed to be about one hundred only,
and owing to the bad
order of his men and their dastardly conduct, was
entirely de-
feated. The Indians made the first
discovery and commenced
a fire at the distance of 150 yards, and
advanced. The greatest
number of the militia fled without
firing a shot; some few with
thirty regulars that were of the
detachment, stood and were
cut to pieces. Contrary to Moorehead
this happened at the Miami
village or Maumee towns on the Maumee
River, about one
hundred and seventy miles from Fort
Washington. Two very
considerable branches meet here, the St.
Joseph from the north-
west and the St. Marys from the
southwest near Fort Wayne.
On the same day the army moved from the
Miami village and
encamped at Chillicothe, two miles east.
This last statement
of Denny's does not conform to
Moorehead's article, which
states that this chief town of the
Shawnee is three miles north
of Xenia, and can be explained that Chillicothe
signified "the
town" and that there were several
of that name in the country
of the Shawnees.
On the twenty-first, quoting Denny, the
army, having burned
five villages besides the capital town,
and consumed and destroyed
twenty thousand bushels of corn in ears,
took up their line of
march back toward Fort Washington, and
encamped eight miles
from the ruined villages. At nine
o'clock at night the General
ordered four hundred choice men, militia
and regulars, under the
command of Major Wyllys, to return to
the towns intending to
surprise any parties that might be
assembled there, expecting the
Indians would collect to see how things
were left. The Major
about midnight marched in three
divisions at the distance of a
few hundred yards apart, intending to
cross the Omee (Maumee)
526 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
as day broke, and come across the
principal ruins all the same
instant, but at different quarters.
Without giving all the details of the
combat that ensued
when the whites and the Indians met on
the morning of the
22nd, it is sufficient to state that the
Federals lost forty-eight
men and two officers, and the militia
not so many. Major
Fontaine, who commanded the Cavalry and
was with the center
division, charged the enemy but was not
supported-His men
faltered; himself far in front, was
singled out and fell. Among
those who faltered not was George Adams.
One of the rare
and valuable Irwin manuscripts appears
in Vol. VIII of Hul-
bert's Historic Highways and is quoted with the spelling and
capitalization from the original
manuscript. "Major Fountain
had the Command of The Light horse and
mounted men he
Charged right in among The Enemy fired
off his pistols and
Drew his Sword Before They Could recover
The Shock George
Adams informed them that he was Near The
Major at That
Time That it appeared when The Enemy got
over Their sur-
prise Ten or Twelve Indians Discharged
Their guns at him
The Major kind of fell or hung on his
horse They then Dis-
charged Several Guns at said Adams he
received Several flesh
wounds But recovered By this Time The
Militia and regulars
Come up." It is also reported that
when the Major found that
his troops would not charge with him he
called out to Adams,
"stick to me my brave fellow."
McBride's Pioneer Biography (Vol. II,
page 182) is au-
thority for a statement that among the
wounded was George
Adams, who had killed five Indians while
out on the expedi-
tion and had himself received four
wounds. One ball entered
his thigh; one broke his arm; another
passed under his arm,
grazed his body and lodged under his under
arm and the fourth
went through part of his breast and
lodged under his shoulder
In the History of Darke County John
Wharry is authority
for the statement that Adams was five
times shot and severely
wounded, which statement is confirmed by
Edgar, above re-
ferred to.
Major George Adams.
In writing to C. E. Cist in August,
1845, Irwin recalls that
Adams received four or five flesh wounds
by a volley from the
Indians. Elsewhere I found a memorandum
to the effect that
Irwin went to see Adams in the evening
after the fight, that he
looked bad and was very weak from the
loss of blood before
his wounds were dressed. Edgar continues "The Surgeons
dressed his wounds but said he could not
live until morning, and
ordered his grave dug." Wharry
confirms this and says he was
carried on a litter between two horses
to Cincinnati, although
on the way a grave was dug for him three
evenings in suc-
cession. Beers' history is authority for
the statement that he
was about five feet, eight inches tall
and had red hair, which
he wore very long. At Fort Washington he
recovered entirely,
becoming a strong and robust man. Mr.
Adams was constantly
in the service scouting through the
Indian countries and was
with St. Clair at the disaster of Fort
Recovery, November 4,
1791, He is referred to in the testimony
of Captain Slough, at
the Court of Inquiry, requested by the
defeated General. Re-
ferring to the evening before the
battle, Slough testifies, "George
Adams, who had gone out with us as my
guide, came up by
this time, and said he thought it would
be prudent for us to
return; and, as I found the men uneasy I
ordered them to fall
into the path in Indian file and return
to camp, and, if they
were attacked, to defend themselves with
the bayonets altogether,
and not fire their pieces. Every fifteen
or twenty yards we
heard something moving in the woods, on
both sides of the path,
but could not see what it was. We pushed
on, gained the militia
camp as soon as possible. I gained my
party near Colonel
Oldham's tent and went into it and
awakened him, about, I
believe, twelve o'clock. Adams was with
me when I went out,
and returned, and heard the
conversation. I told Col. Oldham
that I was of the same opinion with him
that the camp would
be attacked in the morning, for I had
seen a number of Indians."
In the testimony of Col. Semple it
appears that "just after
the taps of the drums, on the morning of
the fourth, I heard
Major Butler interrogating Adams, about
the success of the
enterprise of Captain Slough, the
preceding night; Adams re-
plied that they had seen a number of
Indians; that he (Adams)
528 Ohio
Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
had shot at, and he believed that he had
killed one, and wished
a party to go out with him and endeavor
to find the Indian.
Major Butler seemed displeased that they
had taken no prisoners;
about this time the firing began, the
attack having been made
on the militia."
This defeat has been fully treated in
the two Volumes of
the St. Clair papers, in the various
addresses delivered at Fort
Recovery, and in Wilson's, "Peace
and Mad Anthony." Adams
assisted in the retreat, as appears in
the Irwin manuscript (see
Ohio Archaeological and Historical
Society Publication, Vol. X,
page 379) as follows:-
"George Adams, who afterwards lived
and died in Darke County,
and was on that campaign I think as a
spie. St. Clair placed great con-
fidence in him for former services. He
was with the gen'l. A short time
before the army retreated he came to
that part of the line, near where
the trace was, give three sharp yells
and said-'Boys let us make for
the trace.'-He took the lead, a charge
was made. I was within five or
six feet of him. The Indians give way, a
few guns was shot from both
sides. When we had got perhaps about
thirty rood Adams ordered them
to halt and form a line. They were then
on the trace and could not be
stopped. The race continued perhaps four
or five miles when they slack-
ened their pace and arrived at Fort
Jefferson a short time after sun set."
Edgar is authority for the further
statement that Adams
was made Captain of the Scout of Wayne's
army and on one
of his trips a comrade pointed out his
two graves, neither of
them occupied.
It appears that Adams was with Wayne in
1794 after the
army left the garrison at Greenville,
and on the way to the site
of the Battle of Fallen Timbers. Wharry
says that "On the
third night after leaving Greenville
Wayne's forces were en-
camped in the southeastern part of what
is now Patterson
Township, Darke County, and the main
body of the Indians were
not more than two miles distant from him
on the bank of Black
Swamp Creek, in the same township. On that night, at a
Council held in the Indian camp, at
which Major Adams was
present, disguised in full Indian rig
and paint, Little Turtle, one
of the Indian Chiefs, strongly urged
that the onslaught be made
before morning."
Major George Adams. 529
Adams was probably with Wayne at the
victory on the
Maumee and at Fort Greenville in 1795
during the negotiation
which resulted in peace.
For services as drummer boy in the
Revolutionary War
Adams received a warrant from the
Government for one hundred
acres of land, which he located south of
Hamilton, Ohio, and
upon which he lived for a short time.
Knowing thoroughly of
the rich lands of the Miami toward Mad
River, the profusion of
luxuriant verdure and native vegetation
to be found in its rich,
splendid bottoms and over the rolling
timber lands, Adams ven-
tured further into the forest with his
little family when it was
found that the Indians would respect the
His services in the Indian war entitled
him to a large tract
of Government land. He entered four
hundred acres of first
rate land in sections 21, 27 and 28,
range 6, Township 1, East
bank of the Miami and built his cabin in
the bend of the river,
below, near to Silver Creek (Hole's).
With his family he
brought their scanty cabin furniture and
supplies, his rifle, axe
and one horse critter; beginning life in
the back woods by cul-
tivating (that year, 1797) a little
garden and corn patch at the
edge of the prairie on his land.
In the river were fish in abundance, and
in the woods game
and wild honey, so that even in that
first year there was but
little privation for his family. With
each year his farm was
improved and the furniture and the cabin
were made more
comfortable. In the fields were cattle
and hogs, and the fertile
soil yielded abundant crops. The farmer
and his family had
bread and butter, milk, meat and
vegetables in plenty for them-
selves and gave freely of it to hungry
travelers and wandering
At the Indian alarm of 1799 Adams
organized with settlers
of the neighborhood a garrison for the
defense of a blockhouse
on Zechariah Hole's land and the cabins
around. There were
no Whites west of the river and it was
feared that the Indians
might come down the Bear Creek trail to
destroy the feeble
settlements along the river. For some
time, possibly a month,
scouts were kept out and the families
repaired to the blockhouse
Vol. XXII.- 34.
530 Ohio Arch. and Hist.
Society Publications.
each night, but the danger passed
without the settlement being
That part of his farm near the mouth of
the creek was
known as Adams prairie, where in after
years militia camps
were located and camp meetings were
often held.
For medical services rendered by Dr.
John Hole, who had
settled not far from where Adams had
located there was issued,
because money was scarce, the following
due bill:-
"November 1, 1801: I agree to
deliver to Dr. J. Hole a winter's
smoking of tobacco, or five venison
Several uneventful years elapsed during
which his cabin
was headquarters for various meetings.
About this time he be-
came religious and joined the New Light
Church, although the
family Bible states that in the year
1806, George and Elizabeth
Adams joined the Baptist Church, called
the Union Church,
near Dayton on the Great Miami.
The War of 1812 breaking out, President
Madison issued
orders in April calling out a force of
1200 Ohio Militia for one
year's service. On April 11th The
Ohio Centinal, published
at Dayton, Ohio, announced that,
"Governor Meigs is expected
in Dayton on the 20th to inspect the
Company of Rangers that
was being raised in that
neighborhood." Later it states
"Orders were read at a Battalion
Muster and also the Volunteer
Bill passed by Congress February
20." It was expected that a
sufficient number would volunteer to
obviate the necessity of a
draft, but only twenty stepped forth at
the call of their country,
thus confirming as Upton states in his
most valuable book,
"The Military Policy of the United
States," that the great
lessons of the Revolution, as well as
those taught by the In-
dian expeditions were wasted upon the
Government. The cry
of "On to Canada" resounded
from one end of the land to the
other. Instant invasion was loudly
advocated by the orators of
the day, and many of our statesmen
profoundly ignorant of the
preparations needed for meeting a
disciplined foe, did not hesi-
tate to insist that a small body of
volunteers and militia would
amply suffice for the end in view.
Major George Adams. 531
In consequence of the lack of
volunteers, the battalion was
ordered to assemble on April 16th at
Adams' Quarry near the
mouth of Hole's Creek, five miles from
Dayton. George Adams
was one of those who promptly came to
the front and was or-
dered to report with his battalion at
that place "to have a draft
if necessary." The coats of the soldiers in the army of
were blue, with scarlet collar and
cuffs, and they wore cocked
hats, decorated with a cockade and white
feather. April 29th
a man was killed and scalped near
Greenville and three murdered
men were found in the woods near Fort
Defiance. The Governor
had appointed April 30th as a
day of fasting and prayer, re-
ligious services were held at the Dayton
Court House. The
order, making Dayton the rendezvous of
the militia, had been
issued by Governor Meigs early in April,
but when on May 1st
the first companies arrived no
preparation for their accommo-
dation had been made. They bivouacked on
the Common, now
Cooper Library Park, without tents or
other camp equipage
till the middle of the month. Many of
them were even with-
out blankets. There were 2000 Indians in
Ohio in 1812, most
of them in the northwest corner of the
State. It became neces-
sary on account of the hostile attitude
of the Indians to build
several block houses in Montgomery
County as rallying places
for the settlers of Preble, Darke and
Miami Counties.
At noon on Saturday, August 22nd, the
news of the sur-
render of Hull's army reached Dayton.
The people of this
neighborhood and on the frontier were
much alarmed by this
terrible disaster. General Hull who was
a tried hero of the
Revolution and a favorite of Washington,
in his appeal to the
public, after he had passed the age of
three score and ten, refers
to the lack of discipline of his troops,
and that a mutinous
spirit prevailed, one hundred and eighty
of the Ohio militia re-
fusing to cross the river at Detroit
"alleging as a reason that
they were not obliged to serve outside
of the United States."
Again quoting Upton, "The value set
upon the militia by
our opponents was shown by the fact that
they permitted them
to return to their homes, while the
regulars were sent as prisoners
to Montreal." The need of prompt
action became apparent. As
soon as the news of Hull's surrender had
reached Governor
532 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society
Meigs he ordered $40,000 worth of the
public property to be re-
moved from Piqua to Dayton. It is
impossible for the present
generation to realize the horrors and
sufferings of the first year
of the war. In King's History of Ohio it
is stated that "An eye
witness described the country as
depopulated of men, and the
farmer women weak and sickly, as they
often were, and sur-
rounded by helpless little children,
were obliged, for want of
bread, to till their field until
frequently they fell exhausted and
dying under the toil to which they were
That our Nation's natal day was as
usually celebrated, not-
withstanding adverse conditions is shown
by a news item to the
effect that the Fourth of July was
celebrated at Greenville by a
a volunteer company under command of
Capt. VanCleve, all meet-
ing at Mrs. Armstrong's for dinner and
I found in the Centinal of August
26th (which paper has
since been destroyed in the Dayton
Library by the flood) that
"In the course of the morning of
that date six companies con-
sisting of upwards of four hundred men
were organized into a
battalion and chose Maj. George Adams
their commandant. In
the afternoon Major Adams marched from
town with three
hundred and forty-one men completely
Shortly after this time two regiments of
County militia were stationed at Piqua;
Major Adams' battalion
was ordered to St. Marys, and Col.
Jerome Holt and his regi-
ment to Greenville, where they were
directed to build a block
house and stockade. Later, as the
Indians were threatening
Fort Wayne, it became necessary to
obtain reinforcement for
Major Adams' battalion, who were about
to march from St.
Marys to the relief of that post. On
September 2nd, 1812,
Governor Meigs issued an address
appealing to the valor and
patriotism of the citizens, and General
William H. Harrison
asked for "any number of
volunteers, mounted and prepared for
active service, to continue for
twenty-five or thirty days" adding
that "those brave men who may give
their country their serv-
ices on this occasion, may be assured
that an opportunity of dis-
tinguishing themselves will be
offered." Several days later
Harrison published another address,
"I have now a more press-
ing call for your services! The British
and Indians have in-
Major George Adams. 533
vaded our country and are now besieging,
(perhaps have taken)
Fort Wayne."
From the Centinal of September 9th we glean the informa-
tion that "The Ohio Volunteers
under Col. Adams, who marched
from Piqua for the relief of Fort Wayne,
proceeded as far as
St. Marys where they found it prudent
from the report of their
spies to wait for reinforcements. On
Sunday last the Kentucky
Volunteers proceeded from Piqua to
reinforce them; on Monday
General Harrison left Piqua to take
command of the whole in
person." The army thus collected at
St. Marys is said to have
numbered four thousand and with General
Harrison marched
for Fort Wayne on September 9th.
The distance was fifty-
five miles and he arrived on the
twelfth. The army destroyed
the Indian villages and then returned to
St. Marys.
From a roster examined by me in the
Adjutant General's
office at Columbus I find that Adams was
Major and Lieutenant
Col. for one month from August 23rd,
1812. The Centinal of
September 23rd confirms the
record by stating "Colonel Adams'
regiment of Ohio Volunteers was
discharged at Fort Wayne.
They returned home where their prompt
patriotism shown in
volunteering for the defense of the
frontier, without an in-
stant's delay, was highly
In September General Harrison was
commissioned Major-
General in the United States army and
Commander-in-Chief of
the troops in the northwest territory,
and ordered to take De-
troit. His troops were neither drilled
nor supplied with suf-
ficient ammunition, provisions and other
necessaries. From his
headquarters at St. Marys September
29th, 1812 he sent an ap-
peal "presenting his compliments to
the ladies of Dayton and
soliciting their assistance in making
shirts for their brave de-
fenders, who composed his army, many of
whom are almost
destitute of that article, so necessary
to their health and comfort."
The Ohio Centinal of October 7th
contains a notice that,
"Colonel George Adams wishes to
raise a company of mounted
riflemen, to join General Harrison as
soon as possible. All
those brave men who are disposed to aid
the cause of their
country in her present struggle are
invited to meet at Dayton
on Saturday next for the purpose of
organizing themselves into
534 Ohio Arch. and Hist.
Society Publications.
a company to march immediately to Fort
Defiance." Steele in
his History of Dayton is authority for
the statement that "Early
in October Major Adams raised a company
of mounted rifle-
men, who expected to proceed at once to
Fort Defiance, but as
the Indians from the Mississinewa region
were becoming very
troublesome to the inhabitants of Preble
and Greene Counties
the new Dayton company was ordered to
Fort Greenville. The
Indians murdered any of the people of
those countries whom
they found outside of the block houses
and stole many horses
and cattle. Two little girls were killed
on the second of October
within half a mile of Greenville."
It will not be inappropriate at this
place to insert an ac-
count of the murder of the Wilson
children, which George W.
Wolfe in his outline of History of Darke
County states occurred
in July 1812. The last named issue of the Centinal,
which was
published on a Wednesday, refers to the
murder as having been
committed "on Saturday last,"
which would make the date
October 3, 1812, and would not be much
of a variance from
Steele's account above quoted. Combining
the account in the
Centinal with Wolfe's article it would appear that Patsy and
Anna Wilson, daughters of "Old
Billy Wilson" and aged re-
spectively fourteen and eight years (Centinal
says eleven) ac-
companied by their brother, older
than they, left the
stockade in the afternoon to gather berries,
probably crossing
Greenville Creek where Locust street
intersects the creek, near
N. Kuntz's saw mill. The Centinal states
that the girls were out
gathering grapes with their brother, a
boy of about seventeen,
not more than two hundred yards from Mr.
Terry's stockade,
where they were discovered by three
lurking Delaware Indians.
The Indians had two guns, both of which
they discharged at
them but without effect. The girls were
too much terrified to
be able to make their escape; they both
fell victims to the savage
tomahawk. Wolfe says that the brother
had left his gun nearby
and the three were some distance apart
at the time of the sur-
prise. Not being able to secure his gun,
the brother escaped by
swimming the stream. The account in the Centinal
is to the
effect that the boy had a shotgun with
him, loaded with small
pigeon shot, and that he was pursued by
one of the Indians
Major George Adams. 535
armed with a tomahawk and scalping
knife, as far as Mr.
Terry's mill pond, which lay between
them and the stockade. He
there wheeled and aimed at the Indian
who instantly retreated;
this enabled the boy to swim the pond
and reach the stockade
in safety. His cries and the screams of
the girls attracted the
attention of Abraham Scribner and
William Devor, who im-
mediately ran to the spot, but the
Indians had fled after killing
the girls by blows on the head with the
poll, or back of their
tomahawks. The Centinal states that the alarm was so soon
given that the savages succeeded in
scalping only one of the girls,
the eldest, they cut across the head of
the other but did not get
the scalp off. The dead bodies were
carried into the fort, where
three companies were stationed under
command of Major Lanier.
The sisters were buried under the tree
near where they were
murdered and this was the last tragedy
of its kind in those
perilous times. About the first of July,
1871, the remains of
those two sisters were taken up and in
the Greenville Journal
of June 8th, 1871, appears the lengthy
program of the pioneer
basket meeting to be held July 4th at
the grove of N. Hart,
half mile north of Greenville, at which
appropriate orations and
ceremonies were to be held. A committee
of young girls carried
the remains to the new Greenville
cemetery where they were
deposited, a large assembly of people
being in attendance to show
their respect for the dead. On the same
day a large granite
bowlder, weighing perhaps four tons
swung under a wagon,
drawn by six horses, was driven into the
cemetery and placed
over their graves. Here let them rest in
peace, and may their
monument be a constant reminder to us of
the trials and dangers
through which the early settlers passed
and may it admonish
us of the importance of properly
appreciating the privileges and
blessings we enjoy.
Reverting now to Major Adams, who as we
stated raised a
company of mounted riflemen, and
proceeded to Fort Greenville,
we find the following notice in the Centinal
of December 16th,
Sometime in November was taken up at the
hedge of Still Water
by a scouting party from Fort Greenville,
a sorrel MARE, with a blazed
536 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
face, two near feet white, fourteen and
a half hands high, supposed to
be six years old next spring. She is
supposed to have strayed or been
stolen from the army. The owner can have
his property by applying to
the subscriber, commanding at Fort
The savages did not make their way to
Dayton but ap-
proached near enough to alarm the
people. On the first of De-
cember a detachment of regulars arrived
in Dayton where, as
they were only partly mounted, they
remained until the 11th to
procure horses. On the 11th, leaving
their heavy baggage at
Dayton, they proceeded northwesterly on
an expedition against
the Indians in the Miami villages near
Muncie town on the
Mississinewa, a branch of the Wabash.
Thirty Indians were
killed during this expedition, fully
sixty wounded and forty-
three taken prisoners. While on their
return to Dayton the
men exhausted their supply of provisions
and forage; snow and
ice rendered the roads almost
impassable; the wounded were
suffering from cold and exposure and
from lack of surgical at-
tention and nursing, and the hands, feet
and ears of nearly every
man in the force were frosted. On the
22nd of December Major
Adams arrived from Greenville with
ninety-five men, and im-
mediately supplied the almost starving
soldiers with a half ration
each. The next day Colonel Holt also
came to their assistance
with provisions so that they were able to march to Greenville,
which they reached on the 24th. While in
camp twelve miles
south of Greenville a resolution of
thanks to Colonel Holt and
Major Adams and their men for the prompt
and efficient re-
lief they had afforded them, was voted
by Colonel Campbell's
command. They arrived at Dayton on
Sunday the 27th where
they rested for several days before
proceeding to their head-
quarters at Franklinton, (Columbus,
Ohio). The Centinal says
that "Their solemn procession into
town with the wounded ex-
tended on litters, excited emotions
which the philanthropic bosom
may easily conceive but it is not in our
power to describe them."
The following is a copy of a letter from
Major George
Adams to Major Reid, dated Fort
Greenville, December 27,
Major George Adams. 537
"The Indians taken in the late battle,
forty-one in number, were
left at this place, and yesterday were
sent to Piqua guarded by twenty-
tive of my men. On yesterday evening the
Indians, sent by Col. Camp-
bell to the Delaware towns arrived at
Greenville. They state that all
the Delaware Indians will be here within
six days, and that a number of
them may be expected this evening."
More than two years later came the
glorious news that peace
had been concluded between the United
States and Great Britain,
but in the meantime there had been a
treaty of peace between
the Indians and the Whites under General
Harrison, all differ-
ences being reconciled at the second
Treaty of Greenville, July
22nd, 1814. Edgar states that Adams was
in command at Fort
Greenville when peace was declared, but
was not released from
duty until the Indians were quieted, but
this statement is open
to question.
McIntosh's History of Darke County is
authority for the
statement "Soon after Harrison's
Treaty, Major Adams, an old
soldier of Wayne's army, erected a kind
of chopping mill, five
miles below Greenville upon the later
site of the mill of Oliver
& Co.," but Edgar says that
"while located at the Fort, Adams
entered land on Greenville Creek, where
he built a cabin and
moved his family and later built a corn
cracker and saw mill."
Under the History of Adams Township,
Darke County, occurs
the statement that "very soon after
the cessation of hostilities,
Major George Adams came to the township
and, studying the
needs of the pioneers and his own
interest as well, erected a
flouring mill on Section 33, where
now stands the mill of
Stoltz and Coppess. This was the pioneer
mill of the county,
and became known far and wide and there
are many pioneers
now living (1880) who have a pleasing
recollection of the gal-
lant Major and his old time mill."
Similarly it is stated that while out
scouting in the vicinity
of Greenville he became acquainted with
the fine mill site that
he afterward occupied. Adams' mill turned out very coarse
meal and very little of that. Wheat was
also ground, but cus--
tomers were obliged to bolt their flour
by hand, and it would
have satisfied any Grahamite to have
used the product of the
mill. Still, the mill was a popular
resort, all the more so after
538 Ohio Arch. and Hist.
Society Publications.
a little grocery had been established
where whisky and tobacco
were retailed. Here was a place at which
shooting matches,
quoit throwing and an occasional fist
fight were common. Adams
was a genial, fun-loving man, widely
known and deservedly
popular; a crowd of congenial spirits
gathered about him, and
the little settlement took the name of
"Adams' Mill," and when
the township was finally organized, (1819) it was named in
his honor. A more recent structure at
the old site is now known
as "Baer's Mill."
Adams is also referred to in Charlotte
Reeve Conover's
volume "Concerning the
Forefathers," Mrs. Catherine Patter-
son Brown stating in her Memoirs
"Colonel Hawkins, Major
Adams, Dr. Hole, with father and
possibly others whom I may
have forgotten, made up a circle of
Revolutionary soldiers, re-
spected in the community and honored on
all public occasions
during their lives." This volume confirms the activities of
Major Adams, adding "Major George
Adams, Colonel Patter-
son and his sons-in-law Captain Nisbet
and Henry Brown, were
closely associated in frontier affairs
from the opening to the
close of the War of 1812."
On January 20th, 1819, the first bridge
to cross the Miami
at Dayton was open for travel and Ashley
Brown writes, "It
was shortly after the opening of this
bridge that Captain and
Mrs. Nisbet visited the Rubicon, and
returning to Twin Creek
took Colonel and Mrs. Patterson with
them, the intention of the
two men being to ride over to Greenville
creek to call upon Major
George Adams; but this project they
abandoned in order to en-
joy several days' hunting, as deer had
been plentiful."
I find no further reference to Major
Adams in any volumes
at my disposal, but it is known that the
two Houses of the Ohio
Legislature in joint session on the 15th
of December, 1826, and
the 22nd of January, 1827, elected an
Auditor of State, a keeper
of the Penitentiary, a State Librarian
and other officers, George
Adams being appointed Associate Judge
for Darke County. Ed-
gar states that, "Adams held this
office until his death, No-
vember 29th, 1832," but we find
only the one appointment in the
Official Records.
540 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications. Upon inquiry at the Pension Department we find that it does not appear on the records of that Bureau that Major George Adams ever made application for a pension for services in any |
of the Indian Wars and the War of 1812, but upon inquiry at the War Department we are in- formed "no record has been found of the ser- vice of George Adams, in the Indian Disturb- ances referred to." The name George Adams, however, appears as that of Lieut. Colonel in the Caption of the Company Rolls of a regiment of Ohio Militia covering the period of August and September, 1812, and as that of Major in the Captions of the Company rolls of a Bat- talion of Ohio Militia for the period from Sep- tember, 1812, to May, 1813. Major George Adams was married Jan- uary 26th, 1792, prob- ably at Limestone, Ky., to Elizabeth Ellis, who was born March 1st, 1773, in northwest Vir- |
ginia and who died February 22nd, 1847. It is to be deplored that no additional facts-are at hand concerning this worthy pioneer woman. As years pass on, the gatherings of facts like the foregoing becomes more and more difficult because |
Major George Adams. 541
original sources become obliterated or
destroyed, but the ben-
eficent influence of the pioneer woman
must ever be ac-
knowledged. Patriotic mothers nursed the infancy of free-
dom. Their counsels and their prayers
mingled with the de-
liberations that resulted in a Nation's
assertion of its Inde-
pendence. They animated the courage, and
confirmed the self-
devotion of those who ventured all in
the common cause.
They willingly shared inevitable dangers
and privations, re-
linquished without regret prospects of
advantage to themselves,
and parted with those they loved better
than life, not knowing
when they were to meet again. We have no
means of showing
the important part women bore in
maintaining the struggle, and
in laying the foundations on which so
mighty and majestic a
structure has arisen. History cannot do
them justice; for his-
tory deals with the workings of the
head, rather than the heart.
Family tradition has it that Miss Ellis'
mother was Marraby
Ellis, probably the wife of General
Ellis of Marietta, Ohio. The
family Bible gives a record of twelve
children. The first, John,
born 1792, died five years later; the
second son, George Adams,
was born in 1794. The first daughter,
Elizabeth, was born in
1796, at which time it is probable that
Adams was still living
near Cincinnati, which had ceased to be
known as Fort Wash-
ington in January, 1790, upon the
arrival of Governor St. Clair.
The Illustrated News of Cincinnati under date of September 11,
1886, has an item to the effect that
Elizabeth Adams was born
in Fort Washington, and that she was the
first white female
child born in Cincinnati. Inasmuch as
the same writer reveals
his historical inaccuracy by stating
that George Adams was a
cousin of Daniel Boone, and was a Major
in the regular army
at Fort Washington, and was badly
wounded in Harmar's de-
feat in 1812, not much reliance can be placed
upon the informa-
tion he endeavors to convey. It is a
fact, however, that Elizabeth
Adams at about the age of twenty married
Caleb Worley, and in
1823 removed to Covington, Miami County,
where she resided
until she was past ninety years of age.
Another son, Thomas, was born in 1798,
and died at the age
of thirty-three; Isabella Adams was born
in 1800 and died at
the age of fourteen; Mary, born in 1802, lived but two
542 Ohio Arch. and Hist.
Society Publications.
and Nancy, born in 1803, lived until
near the close of the Civil
War. Another son, William Adams, was
born in 1806, but the
date of his death is to me unknown,
while Margaret, born in
April, 1808, died in the same month;
Caleb, born in 1809, died
in 1842, and Cynthia was born in 1811.
The last child, Martha
Adams, born in 1816, married Robert L.
Harper, died in 1894,
and the family Bible was last known to
be in the possession of
her daughter, Martha Brubaker, a
grand-daughter of George
Adams. A grand-daughter of Elizabeth
Adams, who married
Caleb Worley, resides in Greenville, and
her oldest son, Oscar
Kerlin, Jr., was one of the two boys who
unveiled the Treaty
Tablet, in Greenville on August 3rd,
Without a doubt other facts concerning
Major George
Adams are obtainable from records and
from descendants of
him who has fallen into the deep
tranquility of endless sleep.
Major Adams lies buried in the Martin
cemetery near Green-
ville, and in his grave are doubtless a
number of the bullets which
the surgical skill of early days could
not remove.
The purpose of this article has been to
do justice to the
memory of one whose military and civil
life was so closely in-
terwoven with the early history of
Western Ohio and of Darke
County in particular.
"A braver, bolder, gentler man,
Ne'er served his native land."
This section of Ohio is replete with
historical events, many
of which have been chronicled, while
some have come down to
us in the guise of legends. In the early
days of the pioneers
many soul-stirring events occurred with
but few participants
who realized that the recording of the
same would be of value
and of great interest to later
One of the men very prominent in the
early history of this
section of Ohio was Major George Adams.
This short sketch
cannot claim to reveal any more than
occasional facts, "until
now hid away in the past's valley of
Avilion." Written about
eighty years after the death of the man
of whom it treats, this
review includes nothing ascertained from
the chief character
himself, and nothing is stated that was
told to the writer by any
one who knew him.
The facts related were previously
"precipitated into the
opaque sediment of history," and
have been gleaned from various
publications. Edgar's "Pioneer Life
in Dayton & Vicinity," as
well as Beers' History of Montgomery
County is authority for
the statement that George Adams was born
in Virginia, October
26, 1767; served as a drummer boy in the
War of the Revolu-
tion, and in 1790 came to Fort
Washington with dispatches to
General Harmar.
Another authority states that Adams and
another man came
down the Ohio River from Pittsburg in a
canoe with an express
to General Harmar at Ft. Washington.
Harmar's army had
marched a few days before they arrived.
Governor St. Clair,
who was there, wished Harmar to get the
express, and proposed
to furnish Adams with a good horse,
saddle and bridle, if he
would follow the army. He agreed to the
proposal and was
furnished with rifle and ammunition,
parched corn, a little flour
and a piece of pork and started to find
Harmar. On the fourth