Ohio History Journal

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550 Ohio Arch

550         Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.


Thomas J. Brown, a life member of this Society, died at his home

in Waynesville, Warren county, Ohio, early on Wednesday morning,

April 2nd, 1913. He was born near the

village of Bellbrook, Greene county, Ohio,

August 16th, 1833, thus at the time of his

death, being but a few months under eighty

years of age. Mr. Brown's entire life was

spent in the immediate vicinity of the place

of his birth and the home of his boyhood.

Thomas J. Brown was the youngest son

of David W. and Lydia Rowser Brown,

who came here from Bedford county,

Pennsylvania, and settled in Greene county

at a very early period and reared a large

family of children. Of the ten children

comprising the family, only one, Mrs. S.

P. Kindle, of Waynesville, Ohio, a sister,

survives Mr. Brown, although all grew to

adult age.

At the age of fourteen Mr. Brown suf-

fered the loss of his hearing, but with the fortitude which characterized

his entire life, he bore his affliction without a murmur. In fact, the loss

of this faculty seemed to sharpen those remaining, and with stimulated

desourcefulness he sought his life work and pleasure along lines in which

his affliction would not interpose too great a handicap. In Science and

Journalism principally, he found an adequate vehicle for carrying his

aspirations to a gratifying achievement.

Mr. Brown received his education at Wittenberg college, where

he developed a deep interest in the study of scientific works and litera-

ture. This led him into the field of Geology, in which he became a

recognized scholar. He was closely associated with the late Professor

Edward Orton, of Ohio State University, for a number of years, and

took an active part in the Geological survey of Warren and Greene


At an early age Mr. Brown became interested in the study of

Archaeology, finding much material for research in his section of the

state. Residing within a few miles of Fort Ancient, Warren county, that

great earthwork became a source of never failing interest to him, and

for a period of more than half a century it was the objective point of

numerous pilgrimages.  He became a life member of the Ohio State

Archaeological and Historical Society in 1889, and always took a deep

interest in its welfare and proceedings, and was a valued contributor to

the quarterly publications. He was likewise a member of the Maryland