Ohio History Journal

Dedicatory Exercises May 30, 1914

Dedicatory Exercises May 30, 1914.       357




Chairman Building Committee.

Mr. President, and Members of the Society: In June, 1912,

the contract for the erection of this beautiful building was let,

at which time the plans and specifications prepared for its

erection were placed in the hands of your building committee

with instructions to carry out the designs to a successful com-

pletion. How well this duty has been performed, the building

speaks for itself. The work was carried on as rapidly as pos-

sible. There were some unavoidable delays for Want of necessary

material, but the building was finally completed almost on time,

as required by the terms of the contract. The building was ac-

cepted from the contractors and settlement made on January

9th, 1914. A detailed account of the various transactions re-

quired in the construction of this building will be given by Prof.

Mills, Secretary of the Building Committee.

This magnificent building is to be devoted to the material

interests of the people of this enlightened, cultured and highly

favored state. The generations yet to come will gaze with pride

upon this noble pile, and under its shelter, prosecute the work

appropriate to its several apartments. The enterprise, liberality

and wisdom of the men of today will not be forgotten. Future

generations will pay due homage to your memory for this inval-

uable inheritance, and it will stand as a glorious monument of

the estimate put by you upon the value of education, in promoting

a knowledge of Archaeology and History in this fair State, and

may the Great Architect of the Universe shape their minds to a

still higher appreciation of your valuable services.

And now, Mr. President, as Chairman of the Building Com-

mittee, I take great pleasure in returning to you the plans and

specifications intrusted to our hands at the beginning of this

undertaking, and formally turn over this beautiful building, com-

plete in all its parts, to your care and keeping.