Dedication of the Haycs Memorial. 469
on his generous endowment, which assures that the whole shall be properly cared for forever. It needs no prophetic vision to foresee that year after year the people of Ohio and of the Nation will come in increasing numbers, as to a shrine, to pay their tribute of reverence and affection for "the simple great one gone" and his beloved wife, who sleep side by side under yonder monument. From this shrine will constantly go forth an inspiring influence which will help towards preserving our faith in our free institutions and our love for our dear country, which makes such a career as that of Presi- dent Hayes possible. Former Governor James E. Campbell spoke as follows:
ADDRESS OF FORMER GOVERNOR CAMPBELL. My Fellow Citizens: It is with great pleasure that I render my tribute to this beautiful Memorial and to the great character whose memory it so fittingly pre- |
State's service. To him can be credited the establishment of the Soldiers' Home. He enlarged the field of the State Board of Charities. This was a subject always dear to his heart, and after his term of office was ended he served many years as a member of that body. Governor Hayes always had the welfare of the State's un- |